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Alcohol use occurs in the context of multiple goals that college students develop, pursue, and modify in their transition to adulthood. Consequently, the assessment of goal constructs provides a valuable tool for understanding the developmental context of college drinking. Conceptualizing student alcohol misuse in terms of its effects on valued goals has a number of advantages for understanding personality risk and protective factors, clarifying the contributions of social and environmental influences, and developing motivation-based interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Interventions designed to reduce heavy drinking among college students often contain suggestions for drinking control strategies. However, little is known about the relationship between the use of these strategies and alcohol consumption. The authors developed a measure of drinking control strategies and investigated its psychometric properties in a sample of 250 college drinkers. Strategies clustered into three factors: selective avoidance of heavy drinking activities and situations, strategies used while drinking, and alternatives to drinking. These three types of strategies were independently associated with alcohol use; however, the first and last types were negatively associated with alcohol consumption, whereas the second type was positively associated with alcohol use. The findings from this study suggest that the type of strategy recommended may be important when the goal is alcohol reduction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Encouraging but limited research indicates that brief motivational interventions may be an effective way to reduce heavy episodic drinking in college students. At 2 campuses, students (83% male) mandated to a substance use prevention program were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 individually administered conditions: (a) a brief motivational interview (BMI; n = 34) or (b) an alcohol education session (AE; n = 30). Students in the BMI condition reported fewer alcohol-related problems than the AE students at 3-and 6-month assessments. Trends toward reductions in number of binge drinking episodes and typical blood alcohol levels were seen in both groups. Process measures confirmed the integrity of both interventions. The findings demonstrate that mandated BMIs can reduce alcohol problems in students referred for alcohol violations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The use of the term binge drinking and the 5/4 measure have helped to advance the understanding of college alcohol use over the past 10 years. The present article discusses the importance, relevance, and utility of this measure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relationship between alcohol-related problems and 3 indexes of risky drinking in college student drinkers: number of drinks consumed per week, frequency of binge drinking, and estimated blood alcohol levels (BALs). Use of 2 independent samples (N??=?204, N??=?181) allowed a cross-validation of obtained associations. Results indicated that neither binge drinking frequency nor BAL were more highly related to alcohol-related problems than was weekly drinking. Furthermore, BAL did not provide unique explanatory power in accounting for alcohol-related problems; mixed results were obtained regarding the relationship of binge drinking estimates with problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research examined alcohol-induced motivation to drink as a factor that contributes to preoccupation with drinking. Forty undergraduates rated their degree of preoccupation with drinking. The author determined the relationship between the undergraduates' preoccupation and the degree to which alcohol primed their motivation to drink by having them rate their desire for alcohol after they consumed a dose of alcohol or a placebo. Results showed that individual differences in preoccupation were predicted by the priming effects displayed after alcohol was consumed. More preoccupied individuals reported greater priming effects. Priming effects following placebo were minimal and were not related to preoccupation. The research shows that reinforcing effects of alcohol may contribute to cognitive preoccupation with drinking and promote patterns of alcohol abuse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Students' perceived norms and personal concern about alcohol use were examined in 4 (N=971) experiments. Men reported that same-sex peers were less concerned about campus alcohol practices than themselves or female students; women believed that they were more concerned about campus alcohol practices than both same- and opposite-sex peers (Experiments 1 and 2). Additional evidence suggested that students were not merely engaging in impression management. Men reported more social pressure to drink and greater embarrassment about expressing drinking-related concerns; women expected more severe consequences if they drank excessively (Experiment 3). A male student (vs female student) expressing concerns about alcohol was believed to experience greater difficulties fitting in (Experiment 4). Implications for peer influence and drug use intervention are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study explored cognitive processes in judgments of drunkenness relative to legally allowable blood alcohol levels for driving. Judgments were based on the manipulation of three cues in hypothetical scenarios in a 3?×?4?×?3 factorial design (Type of Drink?×?Number of Drinks?×?Time to Consume). In addition, personality and behavioral characteristics influencing the accuracy of judgments of drunkenness relative to true blood alcohol levels were examined. Results indicated the presence of several misperceptions and inappropriate response tendencies that potentially can be modified with educational efforts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Misperceptions of peer drinking norms have been found to be strongly associated with individual drinking behavior, especially for proximal reference groups such as same-sex friends. Less studied are the effects of perceived preferences from the opposite sex on alcohol use; that is, the behaviors an individual believes the opposite sex prefers from them. Research suggests that these perceived “reflective” normative preferences may be particularly salient among college women, who may drink in pursuit of intimate relationships and positive attention from male peers. Heterosexual undergraduate students from two universities participated in this project. Females answered questions regarding the amount of alcohol they believe a typical male would like his female friends, dates, or romantic partners to drink. Males answered the same questions, stating their actual preferences. Results showed that females overestimate the amount of alcohol males want their female friends, dating partners, and sexual partners to drink, and that this misperception was associated with their drinking behavior, even after controlling for perceived same-sex norms. These results suggest that reflective normative feedback may offer a powerful new tool for female-targeted interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Driving after use of marijuana is almost as common as driving after use of alcohol in youth (P. M. O'Malley & L. D. Johnston, 2003). The authors compared college students' attitudes, normative beliefs and perceived negative consequences of driving after use of either alcohol or marijuana and tested these cognitive factors as risk factors for substance-related driving. Results indicated that youth perceived driving after marijuana use as more acceptable to peers and the negative consequences as less likely than driving after alcohol use, even after controlling for substance use. Results of zero-inflated Poisson regression analyses indicated that lower perceived dangerousness and greater perceived peer acceptance were associated with increased engagement in, and frequency of, driving after use of either substance. Lower perceived likelihood of negative consequences was associated with increased frequency for those who engage in substance-related driving. These results provide a basis for comparing how youth perceive driving after use of alcohol and marijuana, as well as similarities in the risk factors for driving after use of these substances. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alcohol expectancy-challenge programs are effective in changing expectancies and reducing drinking in college men (J. Darker & M. S. Goldman. 1993. 1998); however, recent evidence suggests this protocol might not be effective for women (M. E. Dunn, C. Lau, & I. Y. Cruz, 2000). This study was designed to reevaluate the effectiveness of a social/sexual expectancy-challenge intervention in college women reporting moderate to heavy alcohol use. Forty-six undergraduate women were randomly assigned to the prevention or control condition. Participants reported alcohol expectancies at pre- and posttest and monitored their drinking patterns daily for 6 weeks. The program was effective in changing some expectancies but did not reduce drinking. This further confirms differences in the mechanisms by which expectancy-challenge programs function for men and women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling style that has been shown to reduce heavy drinking among college students. To date, all studies of MI among college students have used a format that includes a feedback profile delivered in an MI style. This study was a dismantling trial of MI and feedback among heavy-drinking college students. After an initial screen, 279 heavy-drinking students were randomized to (a) Web feedback only, (b) a single MI session without feedback, (c) a single MI session with feedback, or (d) assessment only. At 6 months, MI with feedback significantly reduced drinking, as compared with assessment only (effect size = .54), MI without feedback (effect size = .63), and feedback alone (effect size = .48). Neither MI alone nor feedback alone differed from assessment only. Neither sex, race or ethnicity, nor baseline severity of drinking moderated the effect of the intervention. Norm perceptions mediated the effect of the intervention on drinking. MI with feedback appears to be a robust intervention for reducing drinking and may be mediated by changes in normative perceptions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Epidemiological data indicate a robust association between smoking and alcohol use. However, a critical question that is less resolved is the extent to which the smoking event takes place during the time of alcohol consumption. The present study used data from an 8-week prospective web-based study of college student smokers to examine daily associations between smoking and alcohol use, using measures of both likelihood and level of use. Findings indicated that consumption of alcohol and smoking covaried on a daily basis per person. In addition, consistent with the idea of smoking as a social activity for college students, light smokers were more likely than heavier smokers to smoke while drinking and to smoke more cigarettes while drinking. Smoking behavior among light smokers may be influenced by external social contextual cues, in contrast to heavier smokers who may be more affected by internal cues. Implications of findings for prevention work suggest the importance of targeting social situations in which smoking and drinking co-occur. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

More than [3/4] of U.S. college students report a heavy drinking episode (HDE; 5 (for men) and 4 (for women) drinks during an occasion) in the previous 90 days. This pattern of drinking is associated with various risks and social problems for both the heavy drinkers and the larger college community. According to behavioral economics, college student drinking is a contextually bound phenomenon that is impacted by contingencies such as price and competing alternative reinforcers, including next-day responsibilities such as college classes. This study systematically examines the role of these variables by using hypothetical alcohol purchase tasks to analyze alcohol consumption and expenditures among college students who reported recent heavy drinking (N = 207, 53.1% women). The impact of gender and the personality risk factor sensation seeking (SS) were also assessed. Students were asked how many drinks they would purchase and consume across 17 drink prices and 3 next-day responsibility scenarios. Mean levels of hypothetical consumption were highly sensitive to both drink price and next-day responsibility, with the lowest drinking levels associated with high drink prices and a next-day test. Men and participants with greater levels of SS reported more demand overall (greater consumption and expenditures) than women and students with low SS personality. Contrary to our hypotheses women appeared to be less sensitive to increases in price than men. The results suggest that increasing drink prices and morning academic requirements may be useful in preventing heavy drinking among college students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study aimed to resolve the direction of the relation between Greek affiliation and substance use by taking advantage of the quasi-experimental nature of change in college fraternity/sorority affiliation. Precollege individual differences and college substance use were examined as a function of time-varying Greek status to characterize self-selection (by which heavy substance users opt into Greek systems) and socialization (by which Greek systems foster heavy substance use). Prospective data on continuously enrolled college students (N=2,376), assessed at precollege and in the first 6 semesters of college, were used. Latent class analysis indicated 4 discrete groups of status: constant Greek members (30%), constant nonmembers (64%), late joiners (2%), and droppers (4%). Random coefficient models demonstrated disaffiliation with Greek systems is associated with decreases in risky drinking and alcohol-conducive environmental factors (peer norms and alcohol availability), whereas affiliation is associated with increases, indicating Greek socialization via sociocognitive and physical environments. Future Greeks differed from nonmembers in diverse individual characteristics and heavier substance use at precollege, suggesting multiple selection paths into Greek systems. Findings suggest a reciprocal relation between Greek environment and individuals in determining the trajectories of college drinking and heterogeneity in drinking as functions of changes in Greek affiliation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How can practicing psychologists help reduce excessive alcohol consumption among college students? Over 80% of college students consume alcohol, and a significant percentage drinks excessively with myriad problems. Brief interventions based on motivational interviewing (MI) have been identified for use with college populations. The authors randomly assigned 91 freshman students to a brief, classroom-based MI intervention or an assessment control condition. At the end of the semester, MI group participants reported fewer drinks per occasion and fewer episodes of intoxication compared to controls. A classroom-based, MI-style intervention might be an efficient, sustainable, and effective means of reducing heavy drinking among college students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The construct of relative reinforcing efficacy (RRE) is central to many laboratory and theoretical models of drug abuse, but it has not been widely measured in applied clinical research contexts. The authors used a simulated alcohol purchase task to measure RRE in a sample of 267 college student drinkers. Participants reported their alcohol consumption across a range of prices, and their responses were well-described by a regression equation that has been used to construct demand curves in drug self-administration studies. Several measures of relative reinforcing efficacy were generated, including breakpoint, intensity of demand, elasticity, Pmax (price at which response output is maximized), and Omax (maximum alcohol expenditures). Demand for alcohol was inelastic across the initial range of prices but became elastic as price increased. Students who reported recent heavy drinking reported significantly greater intensity of demand, Omax, and breakpoint. These results provide initial support for the validity of the RRE indices generated with the alcohol purchase task. These results also provide empirical support for programs that attempt to reduce alcohol abuse by eliminating low-cost access to alcohol. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article reports the development and validation of the College Life Alcohol Salience Scale (CLASS), which assesses college students’ beliefs about the centrality of alcohol to the college experience. Developed using procedures designed to increase its ecological validity, the CLASS was administered to three samples of college students (total N = 571). Its unidimensional factor structure was first established via exploratory factor analysis and parallel analysis on one sample and then verified via confirmatory factor analysis on a separate sample. Scores on the CLASS were predictably related to a nomological network of drinking and personality variables and it provided incremental validity in accounting for drinking frequency and amount, when added to drinking motive scores. The importance of assessing and developing interventions to target the types of beliefs measured by the CLASS is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the authors developed and evaluated a single-session experiential expectancy challenge (EC) intervention, seeking to reduce alcohol use by changing key positive expectancies among moderate to heavy drinking male and female college students. Participants (N=217) were randomly assigned to attend a 90- to 120-min EC session, CD-ROM alcohol education, or assessment only. Participants were assessed at pretest, posttest, and 1-month follow-up. Exposure to the EC intervention led to significant decreases in alcohol expectancies and subsequent alcohol consumption in both genders at follow-up. No significant changes were evident in either control condition. This study is the first to effectively decrease expectancies and drinking in college students with a single-session EC intervention. Further, although several studies have demonstrated the utility of the intervention with men, it is the first to do so with women. This study represents a critical step in the process of translating an innovative, theory-based intervention into a more practical format that makes it more accessible to those who seek effective drinking-reduction strategies for college campuses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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