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Predicted and Measured Response of an Integral Abutment Bridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This project examined several uncertainties of integral abutment bridge design and analysis through field-monitoring of an integral abutment bridge and three levels of numerical modeling. Field monitoring data from a Pennsylvania bridge site was used to refine the numerical models that were then used to predict the integral abutment bridge behavior of other Pennsylvania bridges of similar construction. The instrumented bridge was monitored with 64 gages; monitoring pile strains, soil pressure behind abutments, abutment displacement, abutment rotation, girder rotation, and girder strains during construction and continuously thereafter. Three levels of numerical analysis were performed in order to evaluate prediction methods of bridge behavior. The analysis levels included laterally loaded pile models using commercially available software, two-dimensional (2D) single bent models, and 3D finite element models. In addition, a weather station was constructed within the immediate vicinity of the monitored bridge to capture environmental information including ambient air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, humidity, rainfall, and barometric pressure. Laterally loaded pile models confirmed that inclusion of multilinear soil springs created from p-y curves is a valid approach for modeling soil–pile interaction within a finite element program. The 2D and 3D numerical models verified the field data indicating that primary accommodation of superstructure expansion and contraction is through rotation of the abutment about its base rather than longitudinal translation, as assumed in the original design of this bridge. Girder axial forces were suspected to be influenced by creep and shrinkage effects in the bridge superstructure. Pile strains were found to be well below strains corresponding to pile plastic moment. Overall, the 2D numerical model and the 3D numerical model predicted very similar behavior.  相似文献   

Integral abutment bridges are often a preferred bridge type for moderate spans throughout the United States. However, design methods and construction details vary from state to state. Variations between states are noted in the methods employed to accommodate deformations in the piles. The significance of these differences was evaluated through a finite-element study. The effects of backfill properties and soil restraint on piles were evaluated with regard to bridge distortions and maximum moment realized in the piles. Results show that bridge expansion is predominantly affected by backfill conditions, whereas contraction is influenced by pile restraint conditions. Pile moments are minimized when denser backfill and lower pile restraint are provided. The influence of abutment soil-structure spring modeling assumptions is addressed. Models were calibrated to the reference bridge at Orange-Wendell, Mass, which has been instrumented and data collected for 4 years.  相似文献   

In this study, live load distribution formulas for the girders of single-span integral abutment bridges (IABs) are developed. For this purpose, two and three dimensional finite-element models (FEMs) of several IABs are built and analyzed. In the analyses, the effects of various superstructure properties such as span length, number of design lanes, prestressed concrete girder size, and spacing as well as slab thickness are considered. The results from the analyses of two and three dimensional FEMs are then used to calculate the live load distribution factors (LLDFs) for the girders of IABs as a function of the above mentioned parameters. The LLDFs for the girders are also calculated using the AASHTO formulas developed for simply supported bridges (SSBs). The comparison of the analyses results revealed that LLDFs for girder moments and exterior girder shear of IABs are generally smaller than those calculated for SSBs using AASHTO formulas especially for short spans. However, AASHTO LLDFs for interior girder shear are found to be in good agreement with those obtained for IABs. Consequently, direct live load distribution formulas and correction factors to the current AASHTO live load distribution equations are developed to estimate the girder live load moments and exterior girder live load shear for IABs with prestressed concrete girders. It is observed that the developed formulas yield a reasonably good estimate of live load effects in prestressed concrete IAB girders.  相似文献   

A parametric study was conducted to extend the results of an experimental program on a concrete integral abutment (IA) bridge in Rochester, MN to other integral abutment bridges with different design variables including pile type, size, orientation, depth of fixity, and type of surrounding soil, fixity of the connection between the abutment pile cap and abutment diaphragm, bridge span and length, and size and orientation of the wingwalls. The numerical results indicated that bridge length and soil types surrounding the piles had a significant impact on the behavior of IA bridges. To select pile type and orientation, there is a need to balance the stresses in the piles with the stresses in the superstructure for long IA bridges or IA bridges in stiff soils. Plastic hinge formation is possible at the pile section near the pile head for combined critical variables, such as long span, compliant piles in weak axis bending, deep girders, and stiff soils. Because large pile curvatures or stresses may be caused due to the rotation of the pile cap during temperature increases, hinged connections between the abutment pile cap and diaphragm are not recommended for the practice of IA bridges. Cast-in-place piles are recommended only for short-span IA bridges because their relatively large bending stiffness can cause large superstructure concrete stresses during temperature changes.  相似文献   

The Val-Alain Bridge, located in the Municipality of Val-Alain on Highway 20 East, crosses over Henri River in Québec, Canada. The bridge is a slab-on-girder type with a skew angle of 20° over a single span of 49.89?m and a total width of 12.57?m. The bridge has four simply supported steel girders spaced at 3,145?mm. The deck slab is a 225-mm-thick concrete slab, with semi-integral abutments, continuous over the steel girders with an overhang of 1,570?mm on each side. The concrete deck slab and the bridge barriers were reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcing bars utilizing high-performance concrete. The Val-Alain Bridge is the Canada’s first concrete bridge deck totally reinforced with GFRP reinforcing bars. Using such nonmetallic reinforcement in combination with high-performance concrete leads to an expected service life of more than 75?years. The bridge is well instrumented with electrical resistance strain gauges and fiber-optic sensors at critical locations to record internal strain data. Also, the bridge was tested for service performance using calibrated truckloads. Design concepts, construction details, and results of the first series of live load field tests are presented.  相似文献   

The abutments of integral bridges are traditionally supported on a single row of steel-H-piles that are flexible and that are able to accommodate lateral deflections well. In Hawaii, steel-H-piles have to be imported, corrosion tends to be severe in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and the low buckling capacity of steel-H-piles in scour-susceptible soils has led to a preference for the use of drilled shaft foundations. A drilled shaft-supported integral abutment bridge was monitored from foundation installation to in-service behavior. Strain gauge data indicate that drilled shaft foundations worked well for this integral bridge. After 45 months, the drilled shafts appear to remain uncracked. However, inclinometer readings provide a conflicting viewpoint. Full passive earth pressures never developed behind the abutments as a result of temperature loading because thermal movements were small and the long term movements were dominated by concrete creep and shrinkage of the superstructure that pulled the abutments towards the stream. In the stream, hydrodynamic loading during the wet season had a greater effect on the abutment movements than seasonal temperature cycling. After becoming integral, the upright members of the longitudinal bridge frame were not vertical because the excavation and backfilling process caused deep seated movements of the underlying clay resulting in the drilled shafts bellying out towards the stream. This indicates the importance and need for staged construction analysis in design of integral bridges in highly plastic clays. Also, the drilled shaft axial loads from strain gauges are larger than expected.  相似文献   

Precast-concrete, skewed bridges with integral abutment walls are, typically, designed as simplified plane rigid portal frames, neglecting the degrading effects of the skew angle, the influence of haunches between the abutment walls and the deck, and laterally unsymmetrical vertical loading. This practice produces underdesigned bridges for certain aspect ratios. It is well known that the higher shear and torsional moments near the obtuse corners cause cracking and local deterioration. To evaluate the limitations of this practice, an experimental and analytical study was carried out for the live load response at the linear service level. It has been observed that for certain bridge configurations, both the positive and negative moment stresses are higher than the stresses given by plane frame analysis. The presented qualitative results enable comparison of performance characteristics.  相似文献   

The importance of long-term behavior in integral abutment (IA) bridges has long been recognized. This paper presents an analytical, long-term, response prediction methodology using finite-element (FE) models and compares results to measured response. Three instrumented Pennsylvania IA bridges have been continuously monitored since November 2002, November 2003, and September 2004 to capture bridge response. An evaluation of measured responses indicates that bridge movement progresses year to year with long-term response being significant with respect to static predictions. Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional FE models were developed using ANSYS to determine an efficient and accurate analysis level. Seasonal cyclic ambient temperature and equivalent temperature derived from time-dependent strains using the age adjusted effective modulus method were employed as major loads in all FE models. The elastoplastic p-y curve method, classical earth pressure theory, and moment-rotation relationships with parallel unloading paths were used to model hysteretic behavior of soil-pile interaction, soil-abutment interaction, and abutment-to-backwall connection. Predicted soil pressures obtained from all FE models are similar to the measured response. Predicted abutment displacements and corresponding design forces and moments at the end of the analytically simulated 100-year period indicate the significance of long-term behavior that should be considered in IA bridge design.  相似文献   

The majority of integral abutment bridges (IABs) in the United States are supported on steel H-piles to provide the flexibility necessary to minimize the attraction of large lateral loads to the foundation and abutment. In Hawaii, steel H-piles have to be imported, corrosion tends to be severe in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and the low buckling capacity of steel H-piles in scour-susceptible soils has led to a preference for the use of concrete deep foundations. A drilled shaft-supported IAB was instrumented to study its behavior during and after construction over a 45-month period. This same IAB was studied using the finite-element method (FEM) in both two- (2D) and three dimensional (3D). The 3D FEM yields larger overall pile curvature and moments than 2D because in 3D, the high plasticity soil is able to displace in between the drilled shafts thereby “dragging” the shafts to a more highly curved profile while soil flow is restricted by plane strain beam elements in 2D. Measured drilled shaft axial loads were higher than the FEM values mainly due to differences between the assumed and actual axial stiffness and to a lesser extent on concrete creep in the drilled shafts and uneven distribution of loads among drilled shafts. Numerical simulations of thermal and stream loadings were also performed on this IAB.  相似文献   

The way in which a new road bridge made from Super Cor steel plates was tested is described and the test results for three static load schemes in which one ballasting vehicle (a Scania truck) was used as the load are presented. The tested bridge has a box structure and it is located on the Gim?n River in Gim?n, Sweden on the Br?cke-Holm road. The bridge has an effective span of 12.315?m and a clear height of 3.555?m. The span’s steel shell is founded on two reinforced concrete continuous footings. The average measured displacements and strains (normal stresses) in selected points and elements of the steel shell structure were found to be much smaller than the ones calculated for the same load. The conclusions drawn from this research can be useful for assessing the performance of such steel shells and their interaction with the surrounding backfill. Since such steel–soil designs are used more and more often for small and medium-sized bridges on road and railway lines in Poland and in the world, the conclusions from the static load tests can be generalized to a whole class of similar bridge designs.  相似文献   

The way in which a new road bridge made of steel corrugated plates Super Cor type was tested during the three stages of its construction is described and the test results are presented. Backfill in construction Stage I and two ballasting vehicles in Stages II and III constituted the loads. The box bridge spans the Bystrzyca Dusznicka River in Polanica Zdroj, Poland. The span’s effective length is 12.27?m and its vertical inside diameter is 3.85?m. The steel span is founded on two reinforced concrete strip foundations. The average values of the displacements and strains (normal stresses) measured in selected points and on selected elements of the steel shell structure were much smaller than the ones computed for the same load. The conclusions drawn from this research can be helpful in determining the interaction between the steel shell and the backfill. Since this type of steel–soil structure is increasingly used in Poland and in the world, the conclusions can be generalized to a whole class of similar bridge designs.  相似文献   

Redecking operations executed on urban bridges that experience large traffic volumes frequently require carefully orchestrated construction sequences carried out during times of nonpeak traffic. In such a construction environment, only bridge deck options that exhibit a high degree of modularity in conjunction with ease of installation are considered as viable options for a given redecking operation. As a further requirement, the deck installation must also be expected to perform essentially trouble free, with minimal maintenance, for very long periods of time in extremely harsh environments. The present research investigates the behavior of two new deck splice details for use in bridge applications involving precast concrete-filled steel grid deck panels. The research is primarily experimental in nature and is carried out using full-scale deck panel specimens. However, in an effort to better understand the experimental results, 3D finite-element models of the deck specimens are also constructed and studied. This paper summarizes the results from this experimental and analytical program of study.  相似文献   

Recent earthquakes exposed the vulnerabilities of steel plate girder bridges when subjected to ground shaking. This paper discusses the behavior of steel plate girder bridges during recent earthquakes such as Petrolia, Northridge, and Kobe. The paper also discusses the recent experimental and analytical investigations that were conducted on steel plate girder bridges and their components. Results of these investigations showed the importance of shear connectors in distributing and transferring the lateral forces to the end and intermediate cross frames. Also, these investigations showed the potential of using end cross frames as ductile elements that can be used to dissipate the earthquake input energy. The paper also gives an update on specifications and guidelines for the seismic design of steel plate girder bridges in the United States.  相似文献   

Field tests conducted on a noncomposite steel girder bridge are described. Two separate 36.6 m (120 ft) units, each three-span continuous, were subjected to increasing static loads by means of a trailer and concrete barriers. Results show that the girders acted as partially composite sections in the positive moment region up to the onset of yield. Due to curb participation and the transverse location of the applied load, exterior girders exhibited a higher degree of partially composite action. In the negative moment region, partially composite action was evident only in the exterior girders. As a result of partially composite action and curb participation, the yield load was about 7% higher than predicted. Bearing restraint is shown not to have a significant impact on the behavior of the tested bridges. In addition, the stiffness of the interior girders, as measured under the constant weight of a dump truck, are shown to be virtually unaffected by the heavy trailer loads. More significant changes in girder stiffness were observed between different transverse load positions of the dump truck.  相似文献   

Fiber optic sensing technologies are emerging as valid alternatives for the health monitoring of civil structures. Distributed sensors based on Brillouin scattering add the unique capability of measuring strain and temperature profiles along optical fibers. Measurement is performed by establishing the correlation between fiber strain and temperature, and the frequency shift of the Brillouin backscattered light induced by a monochromatic light pulse. The technology holds potential for use on large structures and integrated transportation infrastructure. Its effectiveness has been assessed through scaled laboratory experiments, whereas field validation is limited to very few demonstration projects conducted to date. This paper presents a pilot application of Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry to measure strain profiles along the steel girders of a continuous slab-on-girder bridge subjected to diagnostic load testing. One of the exterior continuous girders required heat-straightening after falling during construction due to wind. The significance of applying a distributed measurement technique lies in the potential to assess the global girder response, which would be impractical and uneconomical using discrete measurement techniques. A 1.16?km long sensing circuit was installed onto the web of four girders. The circuit comprises bare optical fiber sensors, and a novel adhesively bonded fiberglass tape with embedded sensing fibers for strain measurement and thermal compensation. The strain profiles were first converted into deflection profiles and validated against discrete deflection measurements performed with a high-precision total station system. Structural assessment based on comparison of the strain profiles with the results of three-dimensional finite-element analysis of the bridge superstructure, and with specification mandated criteria, indicated that the response of the girder under investigation was within the design limits, and did not pose serviceability concerns. Factors that may affect measurement accuracy are finally discussed on the basis of the experimental and numerical results.  相似文献   

A series of studies on an experimental, full-scale curved steel bridge structure during erection are discussed. The work was part of the Federal Highway Administration’s curved steel bridge research project (CSBRP). The CSBRP is intended to improve the understanding of curved bridge behavior and to develop more rational design guidelines. The main purpose of the studies reported herein was to assess the capability of analytical tools for predicting response during erection. Nine erection studies, examining six different framing plans, are presented. The framing plans are not necessarily representative of curved bridge subassemblies as they would be erected in the field; however, they represent a variety of conditions that would test the robustness of analysis tools and assess the importance of erection sequence on initial stresses in a curved girder bridge. The simply supported, three I-girder system used for the tests is described and methods for reducing and examining the data are discussed. Comparisons between experimental and analytical results demonstrate that analysis tools can predict loads and deformations during construction. Comparison to the V-load method indicates that it predicts stresses in exterior girders well, but can underpredict them for interior girders.  相似文献   

The erection of horizontally curved steel I-girder bridges tends to be more complex than the erection of straight steel I-girder bridges. The erection of a curved steel I-girder bridge can be further complicated when the cross-frame members and girders are detailed inconsistently in an effort to force bridge components into some desirable geometric condition. Inconsistent detailing involves the intentional specification of cross-frame members that are either too long or too short to align with girder connector plates properly so as to force the girders into a given position, resulting in connection misalignments that must be resolved by applying external forces to the bridge components. The current research investigates the erection of a recently constructed horizontally curved steel I-girder bridge and highlights the fact that practice of inconsistent detailing can lead to very formidable and costly fit-up problems in the field; especially when girder sizes are large.  相似文献   

Current bridge design and rating techniques are based at the component level and thus cannot predict the ultimate capacity of bridges, which is a function of system-level interactions. While advances in computer technology have made it possible to conduct accurate system-level analyses, which can be used to design more efficient bridges and produce more accurate ratings of existing structures, the knowledge base surrounding system-level bridge behavior is still too small for these methods to be widely considered reliable. Thus, to advance system-level design and rating, a 1/5-scale slab-on-steel girder bridge was tested to ultimate capacity and then analytically modeled. The test demonstrated the significant reserve capacity of the steel girders, and the response of the specimen was governed by the degradation of the reinforced-concrete deck. To accurately capture the response of the specimen in an analytical model, the degradation of the deck and other key features of the specimen were modeled by using a dynamic analysis algorithm in a commercially available finite-element analysis program ABAQUS.  相似文献   

Lateral pile cap tests were performed on a pile cap with three backfills to evaluate the static and dynamic behavior. One backfill consisted of loose silty sand while the other two consisted of 0.91- and 1.82-m-wide dense gravel zones between the pile cap and the loose silty sand. The 0.91- and 1.82-m-wide dense gravel zones increased the lateral resistance by 75 to 150% and 150 to 225%, respectively, relative to the loose silty sand backfill. Despite being thin relative to the overall shear length, the 0.92- and 1.82-m-wide gravel zones increase lateral resistance to approximately 54 and 78%, respectively, of the resistance that would be provided by a backfill entirely composed of dense gravel. The dynamic stiffness for the pile cap with the gravel zones decreased about 10% after 15 cycles of loading, while the damping ratio remained relatively constant with cycling. Dynamic stiffness increased by about 10 to 40% at higher deflections, while the damping ratio decreased from an initial value of about 0.30 to around 0.26 at higher deflections.  相似文献   

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