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The parallel ß-barrel is a recurrent structural motiffound in a large variety of different enzymes belonging to thefamily of /ß-proteins. It has been shown previouslythat the hyperboloid can be considered as a scaffold describingthe parallel ß-barrel structure. To assess restraintson ß-strand twist imposed by a given scaffold geometry,the notion of scaffold twist, Ts, is introduced. From Ts, theß-strand twist (Twß) expected for a givenscaffold geometry can be derived and it is verified that thiscomputed twist can be used to identify ß-barrels characterizedby good hydrogen bonding. It is noted that Twß isonly slightly affected for ß-barrels differing inthe number (N) of ß-strands, suggesting that restraintson main-chain conformation of ß-strands are not likelyto account for the N = 8 invariability observed in natural parallelß-barrels thereby strengthening previous work rationalizingthis constancy.  相似文献   

The GRAFTER suite of programs provides geometric search andevaluation functions that simplify and automate the processof identifying the best scaffolds for a particular structuralmotif. Three applications of the GRAFTER suite are presented.Potential grafts between repressor and 434 repressor were identifiedthat should change the DNA binding specificity of these repressors.These results are compared with site-directed mutagenesis experimentsthat have been shown to alter repressor-DNA binding specificity.Next, 26 loops from antibody structures were grouped into familiesof similar structure. Grafts of antibody loops onto a pre-existingscaffold are an essential component of antibody humanization.Finally, interleukin (lL)-4 was searched as a scaffold thatmight accept the graft of a five residue epitope from humangrowth hormone (hGH). The existence of a crystal structure ofthe hGH-hGH receptor complex, extensive mutagenesis studiesof the hGH residues that contribute to the energetics of ligand-receptorinteractions and the gross structural homology between hGH andIL-4 make this an appealing computational target. The approachpresented here could aid the development of novel enzymes andbinding proteins  相似文献   

Protein design aims to understand the fundamentals of protein structure by creating novel proteins with pre-specified folds. An equally important goal is to understand protein function by creating novel proteins with pre-specified activities. Here we describe the design and characterization of a tetratricopeptide (TPR) protein, which binds to the C-terminal peptide of the eukaryotic chaperone Hsp90. The design emphasizes the importance of both direct, short-range protein-peptide interactions and of long-range electrostatic optimization. We demonstrate that the designed protein binds specifically to the desired peptide and discriminates between it and the similar C-terminal peptide of Hsp70.  相似文献   

The net energetic contribution of interhelical electrostaticattractions to coiled-coil stability has been quantitated usingde novo designed synthetic coiled-coils. The synthesized modelcoiled-coil (EK), denoted by amino acid res-idues in positionse and g, which contains only interhelical ionic interactionswithout any possible (i, i + 3) and (i, i + 4) intrahelicalionic interaction, consists of two identical 35 residue polypeptidechains with a heptad repeat KgLaG-bAcLdEeKf. Three mutant coiled-coilswere prepared where five Glu residues at e positions in EK weremutated to Gin residues (QK); five Lys residues at g positionswere altered to Gin residues (EQ) or these mutations were effectedat both positions e and g (QQ). The stabilities of the fourcoiled-coils were determined by measuring the ellipticitiesat 220 nm as a function of urea concentration at 20C. By usinga double-mutant cycle analysis it was possible to isolate theenergetic contribution of interhelical ionic attractions tocoiled-coil stability from the other contributions such as helicalpreference and hydro-phobicity. The 0.37 0.01 kcal/mol ofenergetic contribution of one interhelical ion pair to the coiled-coilstability was obtained from three independent comparisons. Thisfinding suggests that a large number of weak interhelical electrostaticinteractions on the surface of a protein can make a substantialcontribution to protein stability. In addition, the energeticcontributions of a single mutation E Q, K+Q, Q E andE Ewere also determined (G = 0.22, 0.26, 0.46 and 0.65kcal/mol for the single mutations, respectively). The greatercontribution of a protonated Glu residue to coiled-coil stabilitycompared with an ionized Glu residue (0.65 kcal/mol) can outweighthe relatively smaller contribution of an interhelical ion pair(0.37 kcal/mol), which clearly explains why most coiled-coilsare more stable at acidic pH compared with neutral pH even wheninterhelical salt bridges contribute to the coiled-coil stabilityat neutral pH.  相似文献   

A computational combinatorial approach is proposed for the designof a peptide inhibitor of Ras protein. The procedure involvesthree steps. First, a `Multiple Copy Simultaneous Search' identifiesthe location of specific functional groups on the Ras surface.This search method allowed us to identify an important bindingsurface consisting of two ß strands (residues 5–8and 52–56), in addition to the well known Ras effectorloop and switch II region. The two ß strands had not previouslybeen reported to be involved in Ras–Raf interaction. Second,after constructing the peptide inhibitor chain based on thelocation of N-methylacetamide (NMA) minima, functional groupsare selected and connected to the main chain C atom. This stepgenerates a number of possible peptides with different sequenceson the Ras surface. Third, potential inhibitors are designedbased on a sequence alignment of the peptides generated in thesecond step. This computational approach reproduces the conservedpattern of hydrophobic, hydrophilic and charged amino acidsidentified from the Ras effectors. The advantages and limitationsof this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the techniques of genetic engineering and the principlesof protein de novo design, we have developed a unique affinitymatrix protein tag system as a rapid, convenient and sensitivemethod to detect, purify and characterize newly expressed recombinantpeptides or proteins from cell extracts. The method utilizestwo de novo-designed linear peptide sequences that can selectivelydimerize to form the stable protein motif, the two-stranded-helical coiled-coil. In this method, a recombinant bacterialexpression vector pRLDE has been engineered so that one of thedimerization strands (E-coil) is expressed as a C-terminal fusiontag on newly expressed peptides or proteins, while the other(K-coil) is either biotin-labeled for detection in a Westernblot-type format or immobilized on an insoluble silica supportfor selective dimerization affinity chromatography. Recombinantlyexpressed peptides from Escherichia coli containing the dimerizationtag have been produced, detected and purified using this method.The recombinant peptides were easily and clearly identifiedusing the biotin-labeled coil, while the single-step affinitypurification results indicated the purity of the affinity purifiedexpressed peptides to be >95%, as assessed by reversed-phasechromatography. The stability of the dimerization domain alsoallows for the purified peptide to be left attached to the matrix,thus creating a new peptide-bound column that can be used tostudy peptide–protein or peptide–ligand interactions.Therefore this system offers a new alternative to existing peptideor protein fusion tags and demonstrates the utility of a denovo-designed system.  相似文献   

A computer program, which runs on MS-DOS personal computers,is described that assists in the design of synthetic genes codingfor proteins. The goal of the program is the design of a genewhich (0 contains as many unique restriction sites as possibleand (ii) uses a specific codon usage. The gene designed accordingto the criteria above is (i) suitable for ‘modular mutagenesis’experiments and (ii) optimized for expression. The program 'reverse-translates'protein sequences into degenerated DNA sequences, generatesa map of potential restriction sites and locates sequence positionswhere unique restriction sites can be accommodated. The nucleicacid sequence is then ‘refined’ according to a specificcodon usage to remove any degeneration. Unique restriction sites,if potentially present, can be ‘forced’ into thedegenerated nucleic acid sequence by using 'priority codes'assigned to different restriction sequences.  相似文献   

A novel approach to the creation of artificial and modifiedproteins has been elaborated. The approach includes a sequencedesign based on the molecular theory of protein secondary structureand folding patterns, gene expression in a cell-free systemand testing of structural properties of the synthesized polypeptidesat a nanogram level using radiolabelled chains. The approachhas been applied to a new synthetic protein albebetin whichhas been designed to form a 3-D fold which does not contradictany structural rule but has been never observed up to now innatural proteins. Using size-exclusion chromatography, urea-gradientelectrophoresis and limited proteolysis of a radiolabelled chain,it has been shown that the artificial protein is nearly as compactas natural proteins, cooperatively unfolds at high urea concentrationsand has some structural features of a definite structure consistentwith the designed one. As albebetin has been designed as consistingof two structural repeats, a ‘halfalbebetin’ (oneof these repeats) has also been synthesized and studied. Itwas shown that ‘half-albebetin’ is also compact  相似文献   

Degenerate codon libraries are frequently used in protein engineering and evolution studies but are often limited to targeting a small number of positions to adequately limit the search space. To mitigate this, codon degeneracy can be limited using heuristics or previous knowledge of the targeted positions. To automate design of libraries given a set of amino acid sequences, an algorithm (LibDesign) was developed that generates a set of possible degenerate codon libraries, their resulting size, and their score relative to a user-defined scoring function. A gene library of a specified size can then be constructed that is representative of the given amino acid distribution or that includes specific sequences or combinations thereof. LibDesign provides a new tool for automated design of high-quality protein libraries that more effectively harness existing sequence-structure information derived from multiple sequence alignment or computational protein design data.  相似文献   

The crystallization of TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE) has been useful in understanding the structure-activity relationships of new chemical entities. However, the propensity of TACE to undergo autoproteolysis has made enzyme handling difficult and impeded the identification of inhibitor soakable crystal forms. The autoproteolysis of TACE was found to be specific (Y352-V353) and occurred within a flexible loop that is in close proximity to the P-side of the active site. The rate of autoproteolysis was found to be proportional to the concentration of TACE, suggesting a bimolecular reaction mechanism. A limited specificity study of the S(1)' subsite was conducted using surrogate peptides and suggested substitutions that would stabilize the proteolysis of the loop at positions Y352-V353. Two mutant proteases (V353G and V353S) were generated and proved to be highly resistant to autoproteolysis. The kinetics of the more resistant mutant (V353G) and wild-type TACE were compared and demonstrated virtually identical IC(50) values for a panel of competitive inhibitors. However, the k(cat)/K(m) of the mutant for a larger substrate (P6 - P(6)') was approximately 5-fold lower than that for the wild-type enzyme. Comparison of the complexed wild-type and mutant structures indicated a subtle shift in a peripheral P-side loop (comprising the mutation site) that may be involved in substrate binding/turnover and might explain the mild kinetic difference. The characterization of this stabilized form of TACE has yielded an enzyme with similar native kinetic properties and identified a novel crystal form that is suitable for inhibitor soaking and structure determination.  相似文献   

The results of a protein design project are used to comparedifferent predictive strategies with respect to proteinproteininteractions. We have been able to generate variants of humanpancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (hPSTI) optimized withrespect to the affinity and specificity for human leukocyteelastase relative to trypsin and chymotrypsin, and in particularchymotrypsin. The extremely strong and specific human leukocyteelastase inhibitors were thus developed in three rounds of mutagenesisand two rounds of 3-D modelling; only 24 variants in total weresynthesized, although variations at seven different amino acidpositions were involved (i.e. from 207 possible variants). Anexcellent elastase inhibitor could be designed with the minimumof two amino acid exchanges. The value of structural modellingand actual structure determination is discussed in the lightof the experimental results of the designed protein variantsand the results of tertiary structure determinations of thefree variant and the inhibitorprotease complex. Particular referenceis given to the strategy to be followed in protein design projectsin general and to the development of protease inhibitors inparticular.  相似文献   

A novel strategy for the highly selective purification of recombinant fusion proteins using negatively charged protein domains, which were constructed by protein design, is described. A triple alpha-helical domain of 58 amino acids was used as scaffold. Far-ultraviolet circular dichroism measurements showed that the designed domains had very low alpha-helicity in a low-conductivity environment in contrast to the scaffold. The secondary structure could be induced by adding salt, giving a structure comparable to the parental molecule. Further studies showed that the new domains were able to bind to an anion exchanger even at pH values down to 5 and 6. Gene fusions between one of the designed domains and different target proteins, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP), maltose binding protein (MBP) and firefly luciferase, were also constructed. These gene products could be efficiently purified from whole cell lysates at pH 6 using anion-exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

A lack of knowledge about the construction of tight packingis now the main obstacle for a successful design of artificialproteins. In this paper we examine a way of close packing antiparallelß-sandwihes. We show that there are some ‘weakpoints’ at the surfaces of ß-sheets, which cannotbe filled by the surrounding aliphatic side chains that arethe most abundant. Theoretically, these ‘weak points‘can be filled either by aromatic side chains of the same sheetor by the residues of the other parts of the protein molecule.The analysis of protein structures shows that both possibilitiesare used by nature and that there are many cases when these‘weak points’ are not filled by any atom. They remainfree and form a majority of the defects of close packing inprotein globules.  相似文献   

A new method for predicting binding affinity in computer-aided drug design   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A new semi–empirical method for calculating free energiesof binding from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is presented.It is based on standard thermodynamic cycles and on a linearapproximation of polar and non–polar free energy contributionsfrom the corresponding MD averages. The method is tested ona set of endothiapepsin inhibitors and found to give accurateresults both for absolute as well as relative free energies.  相似文献   

The type-1 insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-1R) is the cognate tyrosine kinase receptor for the insulin-like growth factor IGF-I and is expressed widely in many foetal and postnatal tissue cells. IGF-1R is overexpressed in a number of human tumour types and is a valid target for anti-cancer therapeutic efforts. Designing antagonists for IGF-1R would be greatly facilitated by the availability of structural information on the complex between IGF-I and IGF-1R. In the present work we model the three-dimensional structure of the complex between IGF-I and the first three domains of IGF-1R using a macromolecular docking method guided by selected experimental data. Interface metrics indicative of the binding affinity and reliability of the model are computed and compared with other biomolecular complexes. This model is consistent with experimental chimerical and mutagenesis data, provides a structural basis for understanding the primary interaction of IGF-I with its receptor and facilitates design of antagonist ligands.  相似文献   

A successful approach to the development of a safe and effectivesynthetic vaccine requires that different B and T cell epitopesof the infectious agent be included in the vaccine construction.In this paper we suggest a new approach to vaccine design inthe form of an artificial protein with a predetermined tertiarystructure (PTS vaccines). Based on B and T cell epitope properties,we substantiate the possible use for vaccine construction ofone well-known protein spatial motifthe four-a-helix bundle.Antigenk determinants of cellular immunity (amphipathic a-helkes)and humoral immunity (flexible hydrophilk loop regions) areused as blocks for vaccine design. General principles of PTSvaccine construction have been applied to anti-HTV-1 vaccinedesign.  相似文献   

We describe an algorithm to design the primary structures forpeptides which must have the strongest binding to a given molecularsurface. This problem cannot be solved by a direct combinatorialsorting, because of an enormous number of possible primary andspatial structures. The approach to solve this problem is todescribe a state of each residue by two variables: (i) aminoacid type and (ii) 3-D coordinate, and to minimize binding energyover all these variables simultaneously. For short chains whichhave no long-range interactions within themselves, this minimizationcan be done easily and efficiently by dynamic programming. Wealso discuss the problem of how to estimate specificity of bindingand how to deduce a sequence with maximal specificity for agiven surface. We show that this sequence can be deduced bythe same algorithm after some modification of energetic parameters.  相似文献   

A simple electrostatic model has been used to investigate theextent to which the structure of protein molecules is organizedto optimize the internal electrostatic interactions. We findthat the model provides a favorable total intra-protein electrostaticenergy for almost all polar and charged groups of atoms, suggestinga high degree of structural optimization. By contrast, a significantfraction of individual group–group interactions are foundto be unfavorable. An analysis as a function of the range ofinteractions included shows the electrostatic organization isgenerally relatively short range (up to 6 or 7 Å betweengroup centers). Although the model is very simple, it is usefulfor assessing the overall quality of protein experimental structures,for pin-pointing some types of errors and as a guide to improvingprotein design.  相似文献   

The pyrrolidine ring of the amino acid proline reduces the conformational freedom of the protein backbone in its unfolded form and thus enhances protein stability. The strategy of inserting proline into regions of the protein where it does not perturb the structure has been utilized to stabilize many different proteins including enzymes. However, most of these efforts have been based on trial and error, rather than rational design. Here, we try to understand proline's effect on protein stability by introducing proline mutations into various regions of the B1 domain of Streptococcal protein G. We also applied the Optimization of Rotamers By Iterative Techniques computational protein design program, using two different solvation models, to determine the extent to which it could predict the stabilizing and destabilizing effects of prolines. Use of a surface area dependent solvation model resulted in a modest correlation between the experimental free energy of folding and computed energies; on the other hand, use of a Gaussian solvent exclusion model led to significant positive correlation. Including a backbone conformational entropy term to the computational energies increases the statistical significance of the correlation between the experimental stabilities and both solvation models.  相似文献   

Computational protein design methods were used to predict five variants of monofunctional Escherichia coli chorismate mutase expected to maintain catalytic activity. The variants were tested experimentally and three active site mutants exhibited catalytic activity similar to or greater than the wild-type enzyme. One mutant, Ala32Ser, showed increased catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

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