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在对某些同步运行的软件进行网络测试时,搭建软件真实的运行环境通常会遇到各方面的困难。而虚拟机测试系统可以通过多种方便、灵活的方式进行通信,形成复杂和多变的测试环境,继而完成各种复杂的网络测试。本文首先阐述了使用虚拟机搭建测试环境的原因,再通过使用虚拟机对大屏幕导航系统进行网络测试作为示例,介绍了虚拟机测试环境的创建、配置过程。  相似文献   

分析了基于框架的软件产品线测试方法、当前的状况以及相关的自动化测试工具,为确保软件产品线的可靠性以及促使软件生产在时间、成本和质量方面获得显著的改善提供了有力支持。  相似文献   

实时嵌入式软件测试研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
实时嵌入式软件的应用与开发是当今计算机软件发展领域的一个热点 ,要保证实时嵌入式软件的质量是非常重要的。本文首先分析了实时嵌入式软件的特点 ,接着分析了实时嵌入式软件测试的总体结构和宿主机及目标机的体系结构 ,探讨了脚本语言及其解释器 ,最后介绍测试结果分析工具和测试报告生成  相似文献   

郑久寿  夏德天  何小亚 《硅谷》2012,(22):94-95
为提高嵌入式系统软件的通用性和重用性,缩短同类软件的开发周期,从嵌入式系统的特点出发,提出一种基于可重用组件的嵌入式软件开发方法。首先介绍组件的基本概念,然后着重阐述嵌入式系统组件划分方法及设计具体组件接口的一般原则。最后通过对比传统嵌入式系统和基于组件的嵌入式系统软件开发方法的异同,提炼出基于组件的嵌入式软件开发方法的特点。具体项目实践证明该方法的可行性,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统是一种为执行实时计算而设计的专用计算系统,一般安装在其他物理设备系统中,主要用于控制、监视或辅助某个设备、机器或装置。嵌入式系统对功能、时间、安全性、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗等方面都有严格的要求,广泛应用于工业控制、消费电子、通信产业、制造系统、家用电器、医疗设备、电力电网、汽车制造、交通、航空航天等众多民用及军事领域,对国民经济  相似文献   

基于并行工程的航空嵌入式软件测试过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航空嵌入式软件的不断推出对航空嵌入式软件测试提出了新的挑战,商业化的第三方软件测试面临着质量、进度、成本等问题,而良好的软件过程与持续的过程改进是解决这些问题的-个途径,从对并行工程的研究入手,将并行工程的方法运用到航空嵌入式软件测试实践中,寻求基于并行工程的航空嵌入式软件测试过程,可以解决以上问题.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,嵌入式系统在人们的工作和生活中起到了越来越重要的作用,手机作为嵌入式系统的代表已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的物品。目前,嵌入式系统中软件系统的比重越来越大,也越来越复杂,嵌入式软件的可靠性正面临严峻的挑战。本文主要工作包括从嵌入式系统的介绍着手,分析了嵌入式系统的硬件及软件构成。分析了软件测试的基本方法和软件测试的过程,重点分析了嵌入式软件测试的特点、测试技术及测试工具。  相似文献   

杨胜利 《硅谷》2011,(13):18+27
首先阐述嵌入式软件、软件复用、软件跨平台技术的概念,接下来介绍软件跨平台复用技术的研究和发展现状和此技术的运用领域和运用前景。  相似文献   

本文提出了一个快速的嵌入式软件模拟器:RTOS软件模拟器。在RTOS软件模拟器验证方法中,利用RTOS模块化、层次化设计特点快速实现嵌入式软件在不同目标机器间的代码移植,通过扩展RTOSAPI功能,建立硬件模拟驱动,实现软件模拟器和硬件模拟器同音连接和协同模拟器同步控制。本文通过介绍如何使用RTOS模拟器去验证嵌入式系统的设计方法,阐述RTOS模拟器的构造以及其实现的方法。  相似文献   

如今,嵌入式软件在越来越多的场合应用,嵌入式软件测试工作是保证软件质量必不可少的重要一环,也必将会得到更多的重视。本文介绍了嵌入式软件的特点和测试方法,并针对不同的测试方法讨论了流行的测试工具。  相似文献   

电子式电能表嵌入式软件测试依赖目标机和外部交互设备,运行环境与测试环境相适应问题是嵌入式软件仿真测试的技术难题.在研究了嵌入式软件仿真技术的基础上,提出了一种电子式电能表嵌入式软件半仿真测试的方法,构建了仿真测试环境,以实现对被测系统中嵌入式软件的动态测试.同时,还对其中的计算机仿真系统模拟外部交互设备、仿真测试环境工作模型进行了分析说明,通过对电子式电能表测试,验证该方法能较好地满足电子式电能表嵌入式软件测试.  相似文献   

基于可靠性试验的飞机振动数据归纳方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用疲劳累积损伤等效理论,提出一种新的基于可靠性试验的飞机振动环境数据归纳方法,较好地满足了基于可靠性试验的飞机振动数据归纳要求,经某型飞机实测振动数据检验,此归纳方法具有可操作性和工程实用价值。  相似文献   

Software reliability growth models (SRGMs) are very important for software reliability estimation and prediction and have been successfully applied in the critical airborne software. However, there is no general model which can perform well for different cases. Thus, some researchers proposed to obtain more accurate estimation and prediction than one single model by combining various individual SRGMs together. AdaBoosting is a commonly used machine learning algorithm for combining several weak predictors into a single strong predictor to significantly improve the estimating and forecasting accuracy, which may be very suitable for the combination of SRGMs. Hence, two novel AdaBoosting‐based combination approaches for improving the parametric SRGMs are presented in this paper. The first one selects several variations of one original SRGM for obtaining the self‐combination model (ASCM). The second selects several various candidate SRGMs for obtaining the multi‐combinational model (AMCM). Finally, two case studies are presented and the results show that: (1) the ASCM is fairly effective and applicable for improving the estimation and prediction performance of its corresponding original SRGM without adding any other factors and assumptions; (2) the AMCM is notably effective and applicable for combining SRGMs because it has well applicability and provides a significantly better reliability estimation and prediction power than the traditional SRGMs and also yields a better estimation and prediction power than the neural‐network‐based combinational model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了极值统计分析的方法.对于失效数据极值分布函数的拟合检验,采用了相关系数法;对于母体分布的参数估计,则分别采用了最小二乘估计(LSE)和极大似然估计(MLE);最后通过一个实例说明了统计过程,并用模拟的方法证明了最小二乘估计较好。  相似文献   

Two problems which are of great interest in relation to software reliability are the prediction of future times to failure and the calculation of the optimal release time. An important assumption in software reliability analysis is that the reliability grows whenever bugs are found and removed. In this paper we present a model for software reliability analysis using the Bayesian statistical approach in order to incorporate in the analysis prior assumptions such as the (decreasing) ordering in the assumed constant failure rates of prescribed intervals. We use as prior model the product of gamma functions for each pair of subsequent interval constant failure rates, considering as the location parameter of the first interval the failure rate of the following interval. In this way we include the failure rate ordering information. Using this approach sequentially, we predict the time to failure for the next failure using the previous information obtained. Using also the relevant predictive distributions obtained, we calculate the optimal release time for two different requirements of interest: (a) the probability of an in‐service failure in a prescribed time t; (b) the cost associated with a single or more failures in a prescribed time t. Finally a numerical example is presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a Bayesian hierarchical model to assess the reliability of a family of vehicles, based on the development of the joint light tactical vehicle (JLTV). The proposed model effectively combines information across three phases of testing and across common vehicle components. The analysis yields estimates of failure rates for specific failure modes and vehicles as well as an overall estimate of the failure rate for the family of vehicles. We are also able to obtain estimates of how well vehicle modifications between test phases improve failure rates. In addition to using all data to improve on current assessments of reliability and reliability growth, we illustrate how to leverage the information learned from the three phases to determine appropriate specifications for subsequent testing that will demonstrate if the reliability meets a given reliability threshold.  相似文献   

针对JJF 1182-2007关于计量器具软件测评管理的要求,提出了一种开展计量器具软件测试的组织管理模式;研制了计量器具软件测试管理平台.该平台运用有限状态机(FSM)描述被测器具功能系统,生成功能测试用例;应用源代码静态分析的方法,进行计量器具软件的结构分析、数据流分析和软件度量,并实现了对法制相关程序的分离与监控.平台的研制促进了计量器具的全面功能测试,保证软件升级后法制相关程序与原备案程序的一致性.  相似文献   

随着新装备软件的发展,软件测试需要多轮迭代,带来测试工作量巨大、周期变长、费用超支和软件延迟交付等一系列问题;而人工测试受时间、费用等条件的限制,特别是受到软件频繁升级的影响,需要不断进行回归测试,效率很低.本文给出了一种基于数据驱动的装备软件自动化测试的解决方案,通过开发自动测试环境和测试脚本,自动进行激励获取、激励输入、测试结果获取判定和数据记录,后续回归测试仅需要修改少量测试脚本,能快速进行回归测试,大大减少测试工作量,是针对软件频繁升级的有效解决途径.将该自动化测试方法应用于具体的项目实践中,取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

Software reliability assessment models in use today treat software as a monolithic block. An aversion towards ‘atomic' models seems to exist. These models appear to add complexity to the modeling, to the data collection and seem intrinsically difficult to generalize. In 1997, we introduced an architecturally based software reliability model called FASRE. The model is based on an architecture derived from the requirements which captures both functional and nonfunctional requirements and on a generic classification of functions, attributes and failure modes. The model focuses on evaluation of failure mode probabilities and uses a Bayesian quantification framework. Failure mode probabilities of functions and attributes are propagated to the system level using fault trees. It can incorporate any type of prior information such as results of developers' testing, historical information on a specific functionality and its attributes, and, is ideally suited for reusable software. By building an architecture and deriving its potential failure modes, the model forces early appraisal and understanding of the weaknesses of the software, allows reliability analysis of the structure of the system, provides assessments at a functional level as well as at a systems' level. In order to quantify the probability of failure (or the probability of success) of a specific element of our architecture, data are needed. The term element of the architecture is used here in its broadest sense to mean a single failure mode or a higher level of abstraction such as a function. The paper surveys the potential sources of software reliability data available during software development. Next the mechanisms for incorporating these sources of relevant data to the FASRE model are identified.  相似文献   

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