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对Falsh的发展前景做了个简单介绍,并着重介绍了一下ActionScript在目前动画编程上的应用.以案例的方式讲解交互动画编辑的实现,通过编写ActionScript代码来实现通过鼠标操作与动画界面实现操作和控制.  相似文献   

The concepts of synchronous manufacturing look deceptively simple on paper. It appears obvious on the surface that when manufacturing operations are dependent upon one another, then the slowest operation will determine the pace of the combined operations.

Theory is one thing. Learning to really get a complex manufacturing and assembly system to work smoothly takes real patience.

One of the teaching tools was computer simulation with animation to demonstrate the concepts of synchronous manufacturing.

This paper focuses on 3 models developed using this simulation/animation tool.  相似文献   

Flash作为现在最为流行的二维矢量动画软件,从简单的动画到复杂的编程语言特效动画无所不能。音乐相册的制作是Flash动画中简单动画和编程语言综合使用的典型实例。分4个部分简单地讲述利用Flash的编程语言制作精美的动画相册。  相似文献   

American automotive companies are moving toward increased use of JIT (i.e., Just-In-Time), SPD (i.e., Sequenced Parts Delivery), and ILVS (i.e., In-line Vehicle Sequencing) in order to produce quality vehicles at reduced cost.

Maintaining vehicles in the proper sequence leads to calculations which are functions of plant conditions (e.g., job rate, out-of--sequence conditions, etc.).

The recent advances of color animation tools to supplement the analytical simulation languages have made the understanding of these operations easier to grasp. This paper addresses the use of animation for presentation of ILVS alternatives.

The paper is separated into four sections. The first section presents ILVS concepts. This is followed by a discussion of how vehicles get out of sequence and of re-sequencing procedures. Then methods for sizing re-sequencers are described. The final section focuses on the use of animation for presenting ILVS.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,在许多二维动画片中不再采用单一的二维动画技术,而是采用了二维和三维结合应用的动画技术,通过各自的长处和优势大大提高动画片的视觉效果和艺术表现力。结合当前主流动画风格以及技术来分析二维动画和三维动画的发展,阐述二维动画在表现形式和视觉效果上的局限性。通过分析三维动画技术的优势,重点探讨二维动画技术和三维动画技术在相互融合过程的实现方法,提出未来二维动画发展的见解与思路。  相似文献   

This paper describes how it is possible to use today's existing stateless PDPs such as the XACML PDP, to provide coordinated access control decision making throughout a distributed application. This is achieved by utilising an external database service to store the retained ADI that is needed by the PDPs. In this way the decision making can be coordinated and controlled throughout time and space. The retained ADI is modelled as coordination attributes of a coordination object, and coordination PIPs linked to each PDP access the coordination database service to retrieve the current values of the coordination attributes prior to the access control decision being made. Obligations in the access control policy define how the coordination attributes should be updated when the user is granted access to a resource. Three different modes of enforcing obligations are defined by a Chronicle directive, namely Chronicle = Before, Chronicle = After and Chronicle = With. The paper describes how the coordinated decision making has been implemented in Globus Toolkit v4, by developing a Coordinated PDP that incorporates a coordination PIP, an Obligations Service that implements the Chronicle = Before mode of operation, and a stateless PDP that makes the access control decisions; and an external coordination database grid service that has its own security controls to ensure that only Coordinated PDPs can access it. The paper concludes by discussing the implementation and indicating how the Chronicle = After and Chronicle = With modes of operation might also be supported in GT4.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of two animation tools, namely CINEMA and PROOF, for simulation for the purpose of teaching synchronous manufacturing concepts.

This paper does not address the question of execution speed or comparison of results. The authors were really only concerned with the comparison of concurrent and post-processed animators.  相似文献   

目前,国产动漫发展现状可以概括为:没有形成完整产业链,各个产业之间断层。国产动画创作题材狭隘,目标普遍"低幼化";精品动画数量少;生产制作水平低。本文以如何打造中国原创动漫品牌为研究对象,对国产原创动漫艺术及其发展现状进行了概述,并结合实践从中国动漫产品中的故事剧本创作、生产制作加工、造型艺术设计、市场营销、版权贸易等七个方面对当前如何加快中国原创动漫产业链的形成做了简要分析。  相似文献   

This paper describes a visually interactive 3D computer animation system. Animation is controlled by lists of events stored in tracks. Tracks are interpolated by functions that have an arbitrary degree of knowledge about how to control display parameters. The system provides real time wireframe playback so the animator can see what the animation looks like and is both input and output device independent.  相似文献   

The use of computers in actual system applications is increasing with the availability of intelligent terminals on the shop floor. These terminals can be used by management as tools in the decision making process of planning shop floor operation. This paper discusses a pilot simulation study in the use of conventional Fortran-based simulation programs by shop floor management to:

1. 1. Participate in the evaluation of proposed FMS systems,

2. 2. Assess the impact of FMS acquisition on existing facilities,

3. 3. Assist in the identification of operational alternatives in “bottle neck” situations.

The pilot study employs a batch-oriented MRP system to provide daily updates of outstanding production center loadings on a monthly planning horizon. Two intelligent terminals are used to access a mini computer facility that executes the simulation models. The terminals have AT-compatible capabilities and are also used as data acquisition devices that support the numerically controlled operations within each work center.

The simulation models represent the 13 work centers of the firm and provide information about the average utilization of each work center, the number of parts in each queue and the average delay of parts in the queues. Future extensions of the models are planned to utilize the terminals' graphic animation capabilities to display the flow of production orders through the manufacturing facility.  相似文献   

本文就动画片剧本主题的发展历史和现状,结合国内外相关领域的成功案例,分析我国动漫产业如何发掘出更多的动画故事,使得我国动画剧本的取材更加多样化,制作出更多的优秀动画作品,从取材致胜,加快我国动画产业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new system for controlling the animation of gases, liquids, and volume density functions. This system is extremely powerful and flexible. It allows for the control of animation effects ranging from physically based motion of gases to the choreographed motion of gases. These techniques make extensive use of three-dimensional tables, including both flow vectors and motion functions for controlling gas animation. This new system uses aninverse particle system, where each point in three-dimensional screen space (image space discretized to pixel locations) is moved through a gas space to determine which portion of the gas occupies the current location in screen space.  相似文献   

Vectorfields have traditionally been used in computer graphics as a means of visualizing models over time. This paper presents a system which extends the use of vector fields as an interactive tool for physically based three dimensional particle systems and soft objects. The techniques implemented in the system provide the user with new flexibility in animation, modeling and simulation. This paper describes bounded interactive vectorfields and how they can be used to manipulate particle systems and a class of soft objects. Applications to animation, modeling and simulation are also presented.  相似文献   

在自主开发GIS系统工作中,最主要的内容就是如何实现和管理地理图层。本文介绍了如何在VC 下实现地理信息图层及其应用,揭示了自主开发GIS系统的基本方法。同时也给出了在地理信息系统中如何实现图像动画、投影变换等功能的方法。  相似文献   

电信业务系统难以集成、数据共享困难是目前电信企业信息化建设面临的主要问题 ,本文介绍了如何架构基于B/S模式的融办公、管理和决策为一体的电信企业管理信息系统。还介绍了采用JSP技术实现MIS的主体部分 ,并结合Notes的Web开发技术实现基于浏览器的办公自动化系统。本文还提出了采用中间件技术来解决电信MIS建设中数据异构的问题 ,结果发现基于XML的中间件技术很好地实现了数据的共享和集成。同时基于B/S模式的电信MIS对实现电信企业管理水平与运行模式的发展具有重大意义  相似文献   

Marketing decision making tasks require the acquisition of efficient decision rules from noisy questionnaire data. Unlike popular learning-from-example methods, in such tasks, we must interpret the characteristics of the data without clear features of the data nor pre-determined evaluation criteria. The problem is how domain experts get simple, easy-to-understand, and accurate knowledge from noisy data.

This paper describes a novel method to acquire efficient decision rules from questionnaire data using both simulated breeding and inductive learning techniques. The basic ideas of the method are that simulated breeding is used to get the effective features from the questionnaire data and that inductive learning is used to acquire simple decision rules from the data. The simulated breeding is one of the Genetic Algorithm based techniques to subjectively or interactively evaluate the qualities of offspring generated by genetic operations.

The proposed method has been qualitatively and quantitatively validated by a case study on consumer product questionnaire data: the acquired rules are simpler than the results from the direct application of inductive learning; a domain expert admits that they are easy to understand; and they are at the same level on the accuracy compared with the other methods.

Furthermore, we address three variations of the basic interactive version of the method: (i) with semiautomated GA phases, (ii) with the relatively evaluation phase via AHP, and (iii) with an automated multiagent learning method.  相似文献   

手机3D动画自动生成系统实现了在计算机辅助的条件下短信动画的全自动生成.本文为手机3D动画自动生成系统设计并实现一个学习系统,该学习系统利用随机森林算法生成一个以用户评价为分类结果的学习模型去指导手机3D动画自动生成系统生成更让用户满意的动画,同时学习系统能够随着手机3D动画自动生成系统的运转不断更新学习模型,最终实现“不断学习”的学习能力.  相似文献   

One of the ways in which computer animation can be generated is to use interactive graphics systems. In this paper we describe Controller, an animation system of this type. We concentrate on the operation of Controller and detail how an animator can plan and choreograph the motion of objects and cameras. We have intended to provide a system that gives the animator as much control as possible subject to keeping die interface simple to operate.  相似文献   

Research problems in clothing simulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clothing simulation and animation are of great importance in computer animation. If cloth simulations could be improved to the point that they could generate realistic cloth motion in real-time, they would find uses in many aspects of daily life such as in fashion design and manufacturing. The area of cloth simulation and animation is full of technical challenges: creating more realistic results, achieving faster run-times, and developing methods capable of constructing and simulating more complex garments. This paper provides an overview of the key procedures involved in the creation of clothed characters, describes the current state-of-the-art techniques, and proposes the research problems that most require further study. Three technical aspects of cloth simulation are considered in this paper: garment construction, physically based simulation, and collision resolution.  相似文献   

Actual computer image and motion synthesis paradigms are presented in order to introduce a new computer animation paradigm that simulates the traditional pinscreen animation technique. Pinscreen is a very particular and difficult device that enables a “chiaroscuro” approach to image synthesis. The paper describes the traditional pinscreen technique, the way it is operated, results and related difficulties. An extended computer model, including colour and time extensions, to simulate the pinscreen is presented. Results achieved with vector and raster approaches are discussed. Advantages and possibilities of the method when compared with the traditional method and the problems that arise from this technique will also be explained. Finally current and future work is referenced.  相似文献   

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