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A novel CMOS transmit/receive (T/R) switch suitable for ultra-low-voltage operations is presented in this paper. Due to the use of $LC$ resonators in the receiving and transmitting paths, enhanced performance in terms of insertion losses and isolation can be achieved. In addition, the forward-body-bias and body-floating techniques are also introduced to minimize the on-resistance of the MOSFETs at a reduced bias voltage. Using a standard 0.18-$mu{hbox {m}}$ CMOS process, a 5.2-GHz asymmetric T/R switch based on the proposed architecture is implemented. With a supply voltage of 0.6 V, the fabricated circuit exhibits 1.56-dB insertion loss, 17-dB isolation, and 11.2-dBm $P_{{rm in}-1 {rm{dB}}}$ in the receiving mode while the measured results in the transmitting mode are 2.02 dB, 31 dB, and 29.6 dBm, respectively.   相似文献   

A new fully integrated, dual-band CMOS voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is presented. The VCO is composed of n-core cross-coupled Colpitts VCOs and was implemented in 0.18 $mu$m CMOS technology with 0.8 V supply voltage. The circuit allows the VCO to operate at two resonant frequencies with a common LC tank. The VCO has two control inputs, one for continuous control of the output frequency and one for band switching. This VCO is configured with 5 GHz and 12 GHz frequency bands with differential outputs. The dual-band VCO operates in 4.78–5.19 GHz and 12.19–12.61 GHz. The phase noises of the VCO operating at 5.11 and 12.2 GHz are ${-}117.16$ dBc/Hz and ${-}112.15$ dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset, respectively, while the VCO draws 3.2/2.72 mA and 2.56/2.18 mW consumption at low/high frequency band from a 0.8 V supply.   相似文献   

An Accurate 1.08GHz CMOS LC Voltage-Controlled Oscillator   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
An accurate 1.08GHz CMOS LC voltage-controlled oscillator is implemented in a 0.35μm standard 2P4M CMOS process.A new convenient method of calculating oscillator period is presented.With this period calculation technique,the frequency tuning curves agree well with the experiment.At a 3.3V supply,the LC.VCO measures a phase noise of -82.2dBc/Hz at a 10kHz frequency offset while dissipating 3.1mA current.The chip size is 0.86mm×0.82mm.  相似文献   

在0.35μm 2P4M标准CMOS工艺上,设计了一个精确的1.08GHz CMOS电感电容压控振荡器.提出了一种有效计算压控振荡器周期的新方法,采用该方法计算的频率-电压调谐曲线与实验结果吻合得很好.在电源电压3.3V下,消耗电流3.1mA,压控振荡器的相位噪声在10kHz频偏处为-82.2dBc/Hz.芯片面积为0.86mm×0.82mm.  相似文献   

对影响压控振荡器(VCO)线性度的因素进行了研究,并提出了一种适用于2.4GHz ISM频段的高调节线性度的CMOS LC VCO结构。新的VCO结构采用两个控制端,分别控制一对p /n-well变容管和一对MOS变容管。该VCO输出两个波段,调节非线性度分别为1.45%和1.74%,总调节范围为2.33~2.72 GHz,功耗为15mW,芯片面积为534×540μm2。结果表明,新的电路结构使得VCO的调节非线性度降低到通常只用一对变容管的VCO的一半以下,同时极大地减小了调节范围内相噪声的波动,有效地提高ISM频段内多种无线通信标准的射频收发机的性能。  相似文献   

提出了一种频率可调范围约230MHz的全集成LC压控振荡器(VCO).该压控振荡器是用6层金属、0.18μm的标准CMOS工艺制造完成.采用MOS晶体管和电容组合来实现等效变容管,为降低芯片面积仅使用一个片上螺旋电感,并实施了低电压、低功耗的措施.测试结果表明,该压控振荡器在电源电压为1.8V的情况下功耗约为10mW,在振荡器中心频率为2.46GHz时的单边带相位噪声为-105.89dBc/Hz@600kHz.该压控振荡器可以应用于锁相环电路或频率综合器中.  相似文献   

一种适用于2 4GHz ISM射频波段的全集成CMOS压控振荡器   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
提出了一种频率可调范围约 2 30MHz的全集成LC压控振荡器 (VCO) .该压控振荡器是用 6层金属、0 18μm的标准CMOS工艺制造完成 .采用MOS晶体管和电容组合来实现等效变容管 ,为降低芯片面积仅使用一个片上螺旋电感 ,并实施了低电压、低功耗的措施 .测试结果表明 ,该压控振荡器在电源电压为 1 8V的情况下功耗约为10mW ,在振荡器中心频率为 2 46GHz时的单边带相位噪声为 - 10 5 89dBc/Hz @6 0 0kHz .该压控振荡器可以应用于锁相环电路或频率综合器中.  相似文献   

两种集成高频CMOS多谐压控振荡器   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了两种压控振荡器 ,一种为差分形式 ,另一种为压控环结构 .采用 CSMC公司 0 .6 μm标准 CMOS工艺进行模拟 ,后仿真的结果显示 ,压控环结构的最高频率达到 2 GHz,在 5 V电源下的功耗为 7.5 m W.对压控振荡器的实现方法进行了分析比较 ,总结了高性能压控振荡器应具备的条件 ,并讨论了特定工艺下压控振荡器的极限频率 .  相似文献   

The initial aim of the work has been the development of an inexpensive quadrature oscillator which can operate as a rapidly responding voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) in two phases. Such rapid operation in quadrature is needed in association with quickly operating phase-locked loops for frequency synthesizers and similar applications. Other applications, where the relatively large speed is not essential, but where the phase shifts between various outputs should be precise, are mentioned in concluding this section. The electronic realization is made relatively cheap by proposing a replacement of the instantaneous amplitude measuring operation of square and sum (x2 + y2) (associated in the process of amplitude stabilization) by an operation of three-phase rectification. This leads to the construction of a versatile instrument which generates three-phase signals as well as two-phase signals (the two-phase signals are both sinewaves in quadrature and also square waves in quadrature). All these waveforms are capable of participating in the system performance as a VCO at a relatively large rate of frequency changes. A reversal in the order of phases when the frequency-control voltage crosses zero is also exhibited. This is needed in applications in industrial and power electronics. Our main aim now is to use the instrument in association with a precisely stabilized quickly responding cyclo-converter. Other possible applications of the instrument are in the field of precise measurements (for example, in the detection of signals by lock-in amplification there exists a frequent need for quadrature operation) and in telecommunication.  相似文献   

一种高电源噪声抑制宽线性范围CMOS压控振荡器设计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
给出了一种高电源噪声抑制、高线性范围CMOS压控振荡器的结构:电压调节器用于隔离外部电源以抑制高频与低频噪声.并提供稳定的内部电压给振荡器;振荡器部分则使用双环结构,同时采用改进的V-I电路,提高了VCO电压-频率转换特性的线性范围。在TSMC0.25μmN阱CMOSS工艺参数下仿真表明,VCO的输出频率范围为0.081GHz至1.53GHz.控制电压调节范围81%,线性度6.9%。当输出频率为1GHz时,电源电压变化1V引起的输出周期变化为3ps。  相似文献   

提出了两种压控振荡器,一种为差分形式,另一种为压控环结构.采用CSMC公司0.6μm标准CMOS工艺进行模拟,后仿真的结果显示,压控环结构的最高频率达到2GHz,在5V电源下的功耗为7.5mW.对压控振荡器的实现方法进行了分析比较,总结了高性能压控振荡器应具备的条件,并讨论了特定工艺下压控振荡器的极限频率.  相似文献   

A new monolithic voltage-controlled oscillator exploiting a previously reported monolithic variable capacitance cell is presented. With a 2.3 volt swing in control voltage, the oscillator generates a sinusoidal output signal at frequencies ranging from 55 MHz to 135 MHz. The total harmonic distortion is less than 1%, while frequency slew rate is greater than 16 MHz/ns.  相似文献   

提出了一种产生2.4GHz正交本地振荡信号的方法.它将LC-VCO和两级环路振荡器两种结构组合起来以实现正交输出的低相位噪声压控振荡器.LC网络是由在片对称螺旋型电感和差分二极管组成的.详细论述了VCO原理及其噪声性能.该电路已经用0.25μm单层多晶、五层金属N阱CMOS数字工艺制作.测量结果表明:它可以提供正交的本地振荡信号,其振荡频率可以在300MHz的范围内调节,当仅对差分输出振荡信号的一端进行测试时,振荡频率为2.41GHz时,去偏移中心为600kHz时的相位噪声为-104.33dBc/Hz.而且,它能在很低的电源电压下工作,功耗也很低,所以,它在集成收发机中将得到广泛的应用.  相似文献   

梁振  石磊  徐肯  杨寒冰 《通信技术》2020,(1):235-239
采用40 nm 1P6M CMOS工艺,研究与设计了一款应用于窄带物联网(Narrowband Internet of Things,NB-IoT)芯片的压控振荡器(Voltage Controlled Oscillator,VCO)。该VCO利用负反馈电路降低输出的相位噪声,通过电容减敏技术降低了输出频率相对于可变电容的敏感度,通过交叉偏置二极管技术提高了VCO增益的线性度。测试结果显示:VCO所需功耗为1.2 mW;当VCO震荡在3.49 GHz时,在偏离3.49 GHz的100 kHz、150 kHz、300 kHz、500 kHz和2.5 MHz的相位噪声的测量值依次为-92 dBc/Hz、-91 dBc/Hz、-100 dBc/Hz、-110 dBc/Hz和-125 dBc/Hz;采用此压控振荡器的NB-IoT发射机输出矢量幅度误差(Error Vector Magnitude,EVM)为7.8%,频谱辐射模板(Spectrum Emission Mask,SEM)和临近信道抑制比(Adjacent Channel Power Ratio,ACPR)均满足3GPP要求。可见,测试结果证明了所提出压控振荡器电路的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

一种实用的电压控制环形振荡器   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了两种在集成电路中得到广泛应用的、作为内部时钟源的环形振荡器;RC环形振荡器和电压控制环形振荡器,并对引起振荡频率变化的关键因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

提出了一种产生2.4GHz正交本地振荡信号的方法.它将LC-VCO和两级环路振荡器两种结构组合起来以实现正交输出的低相位噪声压控振荡器.LC网络是由在片对称螺旋型电感和差分二极管组成的.详细论述了VCO原理及其噪声性能.该电路已经用0.25μm单层多晶、五层金属N阱CMOS数字工艺制作.测量结果表明:它可以提供正交的本地振荡信号,其振荡频率可以在300MHz的范围内调节,当仅对差分输出振荡信号的一端进行测试时,振荡频率为2.41GHz时,去偏移中心为600kHz时的相位噪声为-104.33dBc/Hz.而且,它能在很低的电源电压下工作,功耗也很低,所以,它在集成收发机中将得到广泛的应用.  相似文献   

A wide band CMOS LC-tank voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with small VCO gain $(K_{VCO})$ variation was developed. For small $K_{VCO}$ variation, serial capacitor bank was added to the LC-tank with parallel capacitor array. Implemented in a 0.18 $mu{rm m}$ CMOS RF technology, the proposed VCO can be tuned from 4.39 GHz to 5.26 GHz with the VCO gain variation less than 9.56%. While consuming 3.5 mA from a 1.8 V supply, the VCO has $-$ 113.65 dBc/Hz phase noise at 1 MHz offset from the carrier.   相似文献   

基于3.3V 0.35μm TSMC 2P4M CMOS体硅工艺,设计了一款1GHz多频带数模混合压控振荡器.采用环形振荡器加上数模转换器结构,控制流入压控振荡器的电流来调节压控振荡器的频率而实现频带切换.仿真结果表明,在1V~2V的电压调节范围内,压控振荡器输出频率范围为823.3MHz~1.061GHz,且压控振荡器的增益仅有36.6MHz/V,振荡频率为1.0612GHz时,频率偏差1MHz处的相位噪声为-96.35dBc/Hz,在获得较大频率调节范围的同时也能保持很低的增益,从而提高了压控振荡器的噪声性能.  相似文献   

一种低电压低功耗的环形压控振荡器设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了锁相环的核心部件压控振荡器(VCO)的一种设计方案.该压控振荡器采用全差分环形压控振荡器结构,其延迟单元使用交叉耦合晶体管对来进行频率调节.基于SMIC0.18μmCMOS工艺,用Hspice对电路进行了仿真.仿真结果表明,该压控振荡器具有良好的线性度,较宽的线性范围以及高的工作频率,在1.8V的低电源电压下,振荡频率的变化范围为402~873MHz,中心频率在635MHz,功耗仅为6mW,振荡在中心频率635MHz时的均方根抖动为3.91ps.  相似文献   

本文叙述了一种利用FET振荡管和GaAs超突变结变容二极管构成的电压控制振荡器(VCO).通过合理的电抗补偿和阻抗匹配技术的应用,VCO在8GHz得到调谐带宽1200MHz,输出功率大于20mW.  相似文献   

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