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Resource allocation in wireless ad hoc networks is usually modelled in a non-cooperative game theoretic framework with the objective of maximising individual utility. However, the selfishness of autonomous users under such framework may lead to throughput unfairness which only benefits certain users. To alleviate this unfairness problem, the authors propose a payment-based power control scheme using game theory where each user announces a set of price coefficients that reflects different compensations paid by other users for the interference they produce. Users who generate higher interference are required to pay more by transmitting at a lower power to give other users a fairer chance of sharing the throughput.Without any incentive to play fairly, users could misbehave by broadcasting high price coefficients to force other users to transmit at a lower power. The authors treat this problem casting it into a price game which resembles a Prisoner's Dilemma game. Users who play this game iteratively will behave cooperatively and broadcast the price coefficients truthfully. Together with analytical proof, the proposed approach is shown to converge to Nash equilibrium where at this point it is able to provide a fairer throughput share among users at the expense of a slight loss in total throughput.  相似文献   

Link stability and mobility in ad hoc wireless networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fact that ad hoc networks are required to support mobility of individual network nodes results in problems arising when routing data. These problems include route loss, poor longevity of established routes and asymmetric communications links. Mobility of nodes also increases the control traffic overhead and affects the performance of the protocol. Mobility can, however, be exploited to improve route longevity when establishing the route. In some situations, the source of information is not available (e.g. GPS information in the underground), hence protocols relying on this information will fail to operate correctly. In such situations, alternative `self-content' information should be available to perform the needed task of routing. Three novel schemes that make use of such information, the heading direction angle, to provide a mechanism for establishing and maintaining robust and long-lived routes are presented. The results show that these schemes reduce the overhead and increase the route longevity when compared with the AODV protocol. The schemes described can operate as a standalone mechanism or can be adopted by other routing protocols in order to improve their performance.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于实时流的无线自组网服务质量(QoS)路由协议,其核心思想是载波侦听范围内的节点间通过交换实时流的带宽消耗和本地可用带宽信息,估计出节点的邻居可用带宽,根据此带宽进行路由发现和新实时流的接纳控制,并根据实时流的带宽要求预留资源。对每个实时流分别建立一条路由,避免相同源和目的的实时流之间的竞争,有利于负载均衡。模拟实验表明,这种基于实时流的QoS路由协议能够为实时应用提供更好的OoS保障。  相似文献   

《Communications, IET》2009,3(2):293-302
The authors employ a statistical method to characterise the wireless ad hoc network capacity problem. The channel parameters such as path loss and fading are considered in the analysis.Moreover, a simulationmethod based on the probability density function of signal-to-interference-plus-noise power-ratio is introduced. In both analysis and simulation, two receiving methods, matched filter (MF) and minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) detector, are considered. After establishing the accuracy of the analytic approximation and comparing its results with simulation results, the scalability of a random network is studied. Moreover, the outage and ergodic capacities are determined for various network and channel parameters. It is shown that when MMSE detector is used in the network, the capacity is higher than when MF is used. When number of the nodes increases the total ergodic capacity raises, but per node capacity reduces when using both MF and MMSE detectors. It is shown that the total outage capacity reaches a maximum. This leads to the conclusion that an optimum value for the number of nodes in the network exists, which maximises the outage capacity.  相似文献   

移动自组网选播路由协议ARAD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对移动自组(ad hoc)网的特点,提出了一种适合ad hoc移动网络的选播路由协议——ARAD协议.该协议在充分考虑选播路由特点的基础上,将ad hoc按需距离矢量路由(AODV)协议的路由发现机制与动态源路由(DSR)协议的缓存源路由技术相结合,在动态变化的ad hoc网络中实现了一种高效的选播路由.模拟结果表明,在动态的网络环境下,ARAD协议能够取得良好的性能.  相似文献   

曾文  王宏 《高技术通讯》2008,18(6):568-572
运用跨层设计思想和方法研究了超宽带(UWB)无线自组织(Ad hoc)网络媒体访问控制(MAC)层协议的设计,提出了一种可利用UWB技术定位性好的优势和实现跨层协作的MAC层协议。该协议通过物理层、MAC层和网络层之间的跨层协作来解决自组织网络单信道无线传输过程中的隐藏终端和暴露终端问题以及网络能量节约问题,以提高网络的性能。仿真实验表明,该协议在平均吞吐量、平均端到端时延以及能量开销等性能指标上,均优于已有的IEEE802.11和MACA—BIMAC协议。该协议的设计思想和方法为下一步的UWB无线Ad hoc网络研究奠定了理论和实验基础。  相似文献   

仿真并分析了无线自组网TCP数据流重传超时(RTO)与传输往返时间(RTT)的关系,指出在RTT剧烈振荡的无线多跳网络环境下RTO的变化会滞后于RTT的变化,导致根据RFC2988标准做出的RTO估计不准确。针对这种情况,利用网络演算理论推导出了TCP数据流的最小延迟上界(MDUB),并以此改进了RTO的估计算法。仿真实验表明,基于最小延迟上界的RTO估计算法能准确地估计数据包的最小传输往返时间上界,减少TCP数据传输中的伪重传,提升无线环境下TCP协议的性能。  相似文献   

The wireless and dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) render them more vulnerable to security attacks. However, providing a security mechanism implicitly has been a major challenge in such an ad-hoc environment. Certificate management plays an important role in securing an ad-hoc network. Certificate assignment, verification, and revocation complexity associated with the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) framework is significantly large. Smaller the size of the network lesser will be the certificate management complexity. However, smaller the size, large will be the overall infrastructural cost, and also larger will be the overall redundant certificates due to multiple certificate assignment at the boundary regions, that in turn affects the prompt and accurate certificate revocation. By taking these conflicting requirements into consideration, we propose the trust-based hexagonal clustering for an efficient certificate management (THCM) scheme, to bear an absolutely protected MANET Disparate to the existing clustering techniques, we present a hexagonal geographic clustering model with Voronoi technique where trust is accomplished. In particular, to compete against attackers, we initiate a certificate management strategy in which certificate assignment, verification, and revocation are carried out efficiently. The performance of THCM is evaluated by both simulation and empirical analysis in terms of effectiveness of revocation scheme (with respect to revocation rate and time), security, and communication cost. Besides, we conduct a mathematical analysis of measuring the parameters obtained from the two platforms in multiple times. Relevant results demonstrate that our design is efficient to guarantee a secured mobile ad hoc network.  相似文献   

The recently permitted unlicenced use of the regulated ultra-wideband (UWB) radio spectrum (regulated first by the US FCC in 2002 and subsequently by the standardisation bodies of EU and other major countries) provides wireless ad hoc networks a cheap and promising air-interface technology for their adopted wireless data links, thus offering the potential to greatly boost their applications. The impacts of such UWB data links, mainly the more likely adopted impulse-based UWB data links for low data rate applications, on the extensively developed cooperative wireless ad hoc networks are investigated. First, the authors investigate the diversity order of data transfer of each impulse-based UWB data link working in a corresponding fading channel, and give an approximate relationship between the diversity order and the channel model parameters (here the Saleh?Valenzuela model parameters); Secondly, the authors develop efficient cooperative and decentralised diversity schemes that can utilise the widely spread and independently distributed multiple paths of the fading UWB channels. Performance analysis and simulation studies show that proposed decentralised cooperative beamforming schemes can achieve full diversity and are more efficient than their decentralised cooperative routing counterparts.  相似文献   

Awdeh  R.Y. 《Communications, IET》2007,1(6):1187-1194
Previous work has shown that TCP (transmission control protocol) Vegas outperforms the more widely deployed TCP Reno in both wired and wireless networks. It was also shown that when both TCP variants coexist on the same wired links, Reno dominates because of its more aggressive behaviour. This paper examines for the first time the compatibility between Reno and Vegas in wireless IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks. It is shown that Vegas generally dominates in the heterogeneous Reno/Vegas network scenario; a startling result that is inconsistent with what is seen in wired networks. It is shown that the wireless ad hoc network environment does not reward the aggressive behaviour of Reno. On the other hand, Vegas, with its more accurate yet more conservative mechanisms, is able to capture most of the bandwidth. This is found to be true when using the on-demand routing protocols of dynamic source routing (DSR) or ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV): the failure of a node to reach a next-hop node because of media access control (MAC)-sublayer repeated collisions is reported to the routing protocol, which then declares a route error that impacts Reno in a more serious way than Vegas. When the table-driven routing protocol destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV) is used, Reno and Vegas share the network bandwidth in a fairer manner. Generally, fairness in this environment can be improved by reducing the TCP maximum window size.  相似文献   

Routing in ad hoc wireless networks does not simply consist in finding a route with shortest length (as in wired networks with virtually error-free communication links), but it requires the creation of a stable and good quality communication route to avoid any unnecessary packet loss. In this paper,we discuss physical layer-oriented routing in ad hoc wireless networks, and we analyse the potential advantages of combining the use of power control (PC) with the chosen routing strategy. More precisely, we propose a modified ad hoc on-demand distance vector (MAODV) routing protocol, with and without PC, derived from the AODV-routing protocol by considering the bit error rate at the end of a multi-hop path as the metric to be minimised for route selection. In other words, we consider routing with a physical layer-oriented quality of service criterion, and we analyse the system performance in scenarios with either strong line-of-sight (LOS) or shadowed communications. Although in a scenario with strong LOS communications there are a few cases where the MAODV-PC protocol offers the best performance, in the presence of shadowed communications the proposed physical layer-oriented strategy is not attractive.  相似文献   

Peer-to-peer (P2P) communications have attracted a great deal of attention from the network research community in recent years. However, due to the fundamental limitations of wireless environments, providing reliable data availability for P2P applications over wireless ad hoc networks is still a major challenge. To address the problem, a distributed and randomised scheme based on self-avoiding walks is proposed. The scheme concatenates disparate network layers, with the goal of recovering from routing failures that disrupt P2P data accessibility. In addition, a probabilistic approach is presented that explores the tradeoffs between several system parameters. Some new analysis tools, such as path coupling, are utilised which provide a better understanding of the system's operations. That the proposed concepts and techniques make a significant contribution to the design of effective and efficient P2P applications in wireless ad hoc networks is believed.  相似文献   

There are a number of critical problems related to road safety in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) caused by increased vehicle usage, urbanisation, population growth and density, and faster rates of movements of goods and people. It is envisaged that vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) will bring about a substantial change to the way our road transport operates to improving road safety and traffic congestion. A major challenge in VANETs is to provide real-time transfer of information between vehicles within a highly mobile environment. The authors propose a new clustering scheme named robust mobility adaptive clustering (RMAC) to strategically enable and manage highly dynamic VANETs for future ITS. It employs a novel node precedence algorithm to adaptively identify the nearby 1-hop neighbours and select optimal clusterheads based on relative node mobility metrics of speed, locations and direction of travel. Furthermore, the zone of interest concept is introduced for optimised approach to the network structure such that each vehicular node maintains a neighbour table of nodes, beyond its communications range, that reflects the frequent changes on the network and provides prior knowledge of neighbours as they travel into new neighbourhoods. RMAC predominantly employs more reliable unicast control packets and supports geographic routing by providing accurate neighbour information crucial when making routing decisions in multi-hop geographic routing. It is shown by simulations that RMAC on IEEE802.11 ad hoc WLAN protocol is very effective in a highly dynamic VANETs environment, being robust on link failures, and having very high cluster residence times compared to the well known distributed mobility clustering scheme.  相似文献   

分析了Ad Hoc网络的性能与拓扑结构的密切相关性和网络特点,提出了一种适用于Ad Hoc网络的基于计算几何方法和功率控制技术的分布式拓扑控制算法.该算法利用天线判断邻居节点方向,构建局部网络拓扑;采用计算几何法减少邻居数,简化拓扑结构;使用对称机制保障节点间的双向连通,兼顾网络连通性;通过调整功率实现具有健壮性的网络拓扑优化控制.仿真结果表明,该算法在满足网络覆盖度和连通性的前提下,形成了优化的拓扑结构,能够节约能量,延长节点寿命,减少相互干扰,提高信道利用率,降低传输时延,增加吞吐量,改善了网络整体性能.  相似文献   

Li  Z. Sun  L. Ifeachor  E.C. 《Communications, IET》2007,1(5):970-976
Efficient mobility metrics are necessary for mobile ad hoc networks to measure the impact of node mobility on performance. Normally, measuring mobility requires the use of complex localisation systems. A new mobility metric for performance measurements, the intra-vicinity dependency, is proposed. Its main novelty is that it can fully capture the relative motions between a node and its vicinity in a 2D plane, in real-time, using simple triangulation. Variants of this metric are proposed for predicting the performance of networks that follow group and random mobility models (e.g. inter-group inter-meeting times and packet delivery rate). To make the proposed mobility metrics more robust in noisy environments, a calibration method is also proposed for improving accuracy. Experimental results show that, without the help of any localisation systems, the proposed metrics enable a more accurate approximation of the average relative speed between mobile nodes/groups than existing methods. It is also shown that the proposed metrics yield excellent performance when they are used to predict the inter-group inter-meeting times for networks that follow the Rereence point group mobility model and to estimate the packet delivery rate for those that follow the Random Way Point model.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中节点能耗不平衡导致系统生存时间缩短的问题,提出了一种无线传感器网络的非均匀节能分簇(UEEC)模型.UEEC通过自组织的方式和对簇头的动态选择,在靠近sink点(基站)的地方形成较小的簇,在远离sink点的地方形成较大的簇,从而使簇头能够对信息收集能耗与信息转发能耗进行平衡.同时,簇头的动态选举又能够把能耗平均分散在各个节点上.仿真结果表明,UEEC在减少与平衡无线传感器网络的节点能耗上有较好的性能,从而能够延长无线传感器网络的生存时间.  相似文献   

Reliability is one of the most important performance measures for emerging technologies. For these systems, shortcomings are often overlooked in early releases as the cutting edge technology overshadows a fragile design. Currently, the proliferation of the mobile ad hoc wireless networks (MAWN) is moving from cutting edge to commodity and thus, reliable performance will be expected. Generally, ad hoc networking is applied for the flexibility and mobility it provides. As a result, military and first responders employ this network scheme and the reliability of the network becomes paramount. To ensure reliability is achieved, one must first be able to analyze and calculate the reliability of the MAWN. This work describes the unique attributes of the MAWN and how the classical analysis of network reliability, where the network configuration is known a priori, can be adjusted to model and analyze this type of network. The methods developed acknowledge the dynamic and scalable nature of the MAWN along with its absence of infrastructure. Thus, the methods rely on a modeling approach that considers the probabilistic formation of different network configurations in a MAWN. Hence, this paper proposes reliability analysis methods that consider the effect of node mobility and the continuous changes in the network's connectivity.  相似文献   

《Communications, IET》2008,2(9):1159-1169
In wireless ad hoc networks, co-channel interference can be suppressed effectively through proper integration of channel assignment (CA) and power control (PC) techniques. Unlike centralised cellular networks where CA and PC can be coordinated by base stations, the integration of CA and PC into infrastructureless wireless ad hoc networks where no global information is available is more technically challenging. The authors model the CA and PC problems as a non-cooperative game, in which all wireless users jointly pick an optimal channel and power level to minimise a joint cost function. To prove the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium (NE) in the proposed non-cooperative CA and PC game (NCPG), the authors break the NCPG into a CA subgame and a PC subgame. It is shown that if NE exists in these two subgames, the existence of NE in the NCPG is ensured. Nonetheless, due to unpredictable network topology and diverse system conditions in wireless ad hoc networks, the NCPG may encounter the dasiaping-pongdasia effect that renders NE unattainable. By incorporating a call-dropping strategy and no-internal-regret learning into the NCPG, an iterative and distributed algorithm that ensures convergence to NE is proposed. It is shown through simulation results that the proposed approach leads to convergence and results in significant improvements in power preservation and system capacity as compared with the popular distributed dynamic CA technique incorporated with PC.  相似文献   

Li  D. Xu  Y. Liu  J. 《Communications, IET》2010,4(3):343-352
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are very popular for large-scale data sharing in today's internet. It is naturally envisioned that the file sharing would also be an important application for civil mobile ad hoc networks in the future. The authors propose the cooperative diversity download methods utilising the wireless medium and common file sources in wireless P2P networks. The designed protocols including multisource opportunistic direct downloading (MODD) and multi-source opportunistic decode-and-forward downloading (MODFD) can adaptively work in different file distribution scenarios. Both of them rely on the cooperation between the sources or receivers and the proposed distributed source-selection schemes. For the situation with one receiver and multi-source, MODD selects 'best' source with most favourite channel condition from available m sources. In the situation with multiple receivers and sources, the multiple receivers could form the cooperative pairs to receive the data from the selected source based on decode-and-forward transmission strategy. Compared with MODD, MODFD saves the source-selection time and provides incentives for the cooperation between the peers. A distributed collision solving scheme for the selection schemes is also proposed. The information theoretic analysis of outage probability shows that the proposed downloading methods can both obtain m times diversity gain.  相似文献   

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