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BACKGROUND: Some randomised controlled trials (RCTs) done in German-speaking Europe are published in international English-language journals and others in national German-language journals. We assessed whether authors are more likely to report trials with statistically significant results in English than in German. METHODS: We studied pairs of RCT reports, matched for first author and time of publication, with one report published in German and the other in English. Pairs were identified from reports round in a manual search of five leading German-language journals and from reports published by the same authors in English found on Medline. Quality of methods and reporting were assessed with two different scales by two investigators who were unaware of authors' identities, affiliations, and other characteristics of trial reports. Main study endpoints were selected by two investigators who were unaware of trial results. Our main outcome was the number of pairs of studies in which the levels of significance (shown by p values) were discordant. FINDINGS: 62 eligible pairs of reports were identified but 19 (31%) were excluded because they were duplicate publications. A further three pairs (5%) were excluded because no p values were given. The remaining 40 pairs were analysed. Design characteristics and quality features were similar for reports in both languages. Only 35% of German-language articles, compared with 62% of English-language articles, reported significant (p < 0.05) differences in the main endpoint between study and control groups (p = 0.002 by McNemar's test). Logistic regression showed that the only characteristic that predicted publication in an English-language journal was a significant result. The odds ratio for publication of trials with significant results in English was 3.75 (95% CI 1.25-11.3). INTERPRETATION: Authors were more likely to publish RCTs in an English-language journal if the results were statistically significant. English language bias may, therefore, be introduced in reviews and meta-analyses if they include only trials reported in English. The effort of the Cochrane Collaboration to identify as many controlled trials as possible, through the manual search of many medical journals published in different languages will help to reduce such bias.  相似文献   

Several factors constrain the implementation of Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs). To obtain large sample sizes a multicentred multinational trial may be necessary or a long sampling period. The larger the trial the larger is the unit cost. To allow larger sample sizes, shorter sampling periods and lower unit costs, new methods are needed. The Internet and in particular the WWW provides such an opportunity. The WWW can provide global access, fast interaction and automation. A prototype Internet Trials Service (ITS) is currently being tested with a real international clinical trial (the Growth Restriction Intervention Trial--GRIT). The ITS is hosted on a Web server. It provides a series of HTML documents that describe the GRIT protocol. Registered centres may enter patients into the GRIT trial via ITS. Java applets are used to collect trial data before returning the study number and randomisation. ITS assumes all trial data will be intercepted by a sniffer. Therefore no information is sent that could specifically identify a patient, this must be sent later by more secure means. ITS assumes that trial centres can be spoofed. To authenticate the patients entered into the trial and the trial data sent, a regular audit report is sent to each centre by secure means for confirmation. By using Java, a full functional data entry system can be developed that runs locally within any Java enabled browser. It can perform data validation locally and also provide a sophisticated user interface.  相似文献   

The large scale production of recombinant hemoglobin (Hb) from microorganism or transgenic hosts for Hb-based blood substitutes places utmost emphasis on purity. In the present study, a high-resolution, convenient and inexpensive purification method is developed for purification of Hb from mixtures containing E. coli extract and bovine serum. This method is based on affinity elution by pyrophosphate (PPi) of Hb adsorbed on an FPLC column of the anion exchanger Toyopearl DEAE-650M. Compared to pH elution or NaCl elution, PPi elution makes possible the preparation of Hb of much higher purity. A procedure combining pH elution and PPi elution sequentially using a single column proves particularly valuable. The purification method is also applicable to the purification of cyanomet-Hb (CNHb+).  相似文献   

We describe the successful postoperative pain management in an 11-month-old infant who underwent bilateral thoracotomy, using continuous infusions of bupivacaine into two directly placed paravertebral catheters. Haemodynamic parameters and pain scores were measured 1-2 h for 60 h while the infusions were continued and, intermittently, blood samples were taken for subsequent measurement of serum bupivacaine concentrations. The technique provided effective pain relief and the infant required no other analgesia postoperatively. There were no adverse haemodynamic consequences or complications relating to either catheter placement or drug infusions. Serum concentrations of bupivacaine remained below toxic levels throughout the study period, though accumulation did occur.  相似文献   

Two children aged 9 and 11 years suffered from left elbow sprain and right anterior tibial tuberosity cortical fracture respectively and were treated with plaster cast immobilization for about 30 days. They regained normal strength afterwards, but 9 and 2 months later developed insidious progressive weakness and wasting in the affected limb, mainly evident in the musculature surrounding the site of injury and sparing hand and foot muscles. Two to three years later the condition stabilized. Sensory abnormalities were not found. Electromyographic examination showed neurogenic pattern confined to the impaired extremity. The focal quality and the unusual disposition of muscle involvement suggest a correlation between trauma and/or immobilization and monomelic amyotrophy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether preventive treatment for tuberculosis in adults infected with HIV reduces the frequency of tuberculosis and overall mortality. DESIGN: Systematic review and data synthesis of randomised placebo controlled trials. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Active tuberculosis, mortality, and adverse drug reaction requiring cessation of the study regimen. Outcomes stratified by status of purified protein derivative skin test. RESULTS: Four trials comprising 4055 adults from Haiti, Kenya, the United States, and Uganda were included. All compared isoniazid (6-12 months) with placebo, and one trial also compared multidrug treatment for 3 months with placebo. Mean follow up was 15-33 months. Overall, frequency of tuberculosis (relative risk 0.57, 95% confidence interval 0.41 to 0.79) was reduced in those receiving preventive treatment compared with placebo: mortality was not significantly reduced (0.93, 0.83 to 1.05). In subjects positive for purified protein derivative receiving preventive treatment, the risk of tuberculosis was reduced substantially (0.32, 0.19 to 0.51) and the risk of death was reduced moderately (0.73, 0.57 to 0.95) compared with those taking placebo. In adults negative for purified protein derivative receiving preventive treatment, the risk of tuberculosis (0.82, 0.50 to 1.36) and the risk of death (1.02, 0.89 to 1.17) were not reduced significantly. Adverse drug reactions were more frequent, but not significantly so, in patients receiving drug compared with placebo (1.45, 0.98 to 2.14). CONCLUSIONS: Preventive treatment given for 3-12 months protects against tuberculosis in adults infected with HIV, at least in the short to medium term. Protection is greatest in subjects positive for purified protein derivative, in whom death is also less frequent. Long term benefits remain to be shown.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the dynamics of sympathoadrenal activity in 11 age-matched male and female rats, under basal conditions and after exposure to footshock. Rats were prepared with indwelling catheters in the tail artery 24 h before the experiment. Measurements were made of plasma corticosterone (COR), norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (EPI), dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG) and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) under resting conditions, after transfer to the shock box (novelty) and at various times after footshock. Under basal conditions, males have significantly higher blood pressure and plasma DHPG/NE ratios but lower plasma levels of COR, NE and DOPAC than females. Three min after exposure to the shock chamber (novelty stress) there were significant increases in COR, EPI, NE and DHPG in both sexes, while DOPA increased only in females and DOPAC remained unchanged in both sexes. Footshock produced a further increase in EPI, NE and DOPAC within 2 min, which lasted about 15 min. There were significant sex differences in the extent and duration of the response of COR, EPI and DHPG. The data show that the female sympathoadrenal system is more reactive than that of the male to the stresses of a novel environment and footshock. The smaller DHPG/NE ratios in females at rest and after stress suggest that neuronal uptake of NE is lower in females than in males. The finding that stress produces larger increments of plasma DOPA and DOPAC in female rats indicates that tyrosine hydroxylase in the sympathetic nerve terminals and adrenal medulla may also be higher than in males.  相似文献   

For a meta-analysis to give definitive information, it should meet at least the minimum standards that would be expected of a well-designed, adequately powered, and carefully conducted randomised controlled trial. These minimum standards include both qualitative characteristics--a prospective protocol, comparable definitions of key outcomes, quality control of data, and inclusion of all patients from all trials in the final analysis--and quantitative standards--an assessment of whether the total sample is large enough to provide reliable results and the use of appropriate statistical monitoring guidelines to indicate when the results of the accumulating data of a meta-analysis are conclusive. We believe that rigorous meta-analyses undertaken according to these principles will lead to more reliable evidence about the efficacy and safety of interventions than either retrospective meta-analysis or individual trials.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A systematic review was carried out to assess the relative efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis for the prevention of postoperative wound infection in patients undergoing colorectal surgery. METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Trials Register and the references cited in retrieved studies were searched to identify relevant trials published between 1984 and 1995. RESULTS: Some 147 relevant trials were identified. The quality of trials has improved over the past 12 years. The results confirm that the use of antimicrobial prophylaxis is effective for the prevention of surgical wound infection after colorectal surgery. There was no significant difference in the rate of surgical wound infections between many different regimens. However, certain regimens appear to be inadequate (e.g. metronidazole alone, doxycycline alone, piperacillin alone, oral neomycin plus erythromycin on the day before operation). A single dose administered immediately before the operation (or short-term use) is as effective as long-term postoperative antimicrobial prophylaxis (odds ratio 1.17 (95 per cent confidence interval (c.i.) 0.90-1.53)). There is no convincing evidence to suggest that the new-generation cephalosporins are more effective than first-generation cephalosporins (odds ratio 1.07 (95 per cent c.i. 0.54-2.12)). CONCLUSION: Antibiotics selected for prophylaxis in colorectal surgery should be active against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Administration should be timed to make sure that the tissue concentration of antibiotics around the wound area is sufficiently high when bacterial contamination occurs. Guidelines should be developed locally in order to achieve a more cost-effective use of antimicrobial prophylaxis in colorectal surgery.  相似文献   

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