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In this paper, a new clustering algorithm based on genetic algorithm (GA) with gene rearrangement (GAGR) is proposed, which in application may effectively remove the degeneracy for the purpose of a more efficient search. A new crossover operator that exploits a measure of similarity between chromosomes in a population is also presented. Adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation are employed to prevent the convergence of the GAGR to a local optimum. Using the real-world data sets, we compare the performance of our GAGR clustering algorithm with K-means algorithm and other GA methods. An application of the GAGR clustering algorithm in unsupervised classification of multispectral remote sensing images is also provided. Experiment results demonstrate that the GAGR clustering algorithm has high performance, effectiveness and flexibility.  相似文献   

This article presents a multi-objective genetic algorithm which considers the problem of data clustering. A given dataset is automatically assigned into a number of groups in appropriate fuzzy partitions through the fuzzy c-means method. This work has tried to exploit the advantage of fuzzy properties which provide capability to handle overlapping clusters. However, most fuzzy methods are based on compactness and/or separation measures which use only centroid information. The calculation from centroid information only may not be sufficient to differentiate the geometric structures of clusters. The overlap-separation measure using an aggregation operation of fuzzy membership degrees is better equipped to handle this drawback. For another key consideration, we need a mechanism to identify appropriate fuzzy clusters without prior knowledge on the number of clusters. From this requirement, an optimization with single criterion may not be feasible for different cluster shapes. A multi-objective genetic algorithm is therefore appropriate to search for fuzzy partitions in this situation. Apart from the overlap-separation measure, the well-known fuzzy Jm index is also optimized through genetic operations. The algorithm simultaneously optimizes the two criteria to search for optimal clustering solutions. A string of real-coded values is encoded to represent cluster centers. A number of strings with different lengths varied over a range correspond to variable numbers of clusters. These real-coded values are optimized and the Pareto solutions corresponding to a tradeoff between the two objectives are finally produced. As shown in the experiments, the approach provides promising solutions in well-separated, hyperspherical and overlapping clusters from synthetic and real-life data sets. This is demonstrated by the comparison with existing single-objective and multi-objective clustering techniques.  相似文献   

Network clustering algorithms are typically based only on the topology information of the network. In this paper, we introduce traffic as a quantity representing the intensity of the relationship among nodes in the network, regardless of their connectivity, and propose an evolutionary clustering algorithm, based on the application of genetic operators and capable of exploiting the traffic information. In a comparative evaluation based on synthetic instances and two real world datasets, we show that our approach outperforms a selection of well established evolutionary and non-evolutionary clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

Traditional intrusion detection methods lack extensibility in face of changing network configurations as well as adaptability in face of unknown attack types. Meanwhile, current machine-learning algorithms need labeled data for training first, so they are computational expensive and sometimes misled by artificial data. In this paper, a new detection algorithm, the Intrusion Detection Based on Genetic Clustering (IDBGC) algorithm, is proposed. It can automatically establish clusters and detect intruders by labeling normal and abnormal groups. Computer simulations show that this algorithm is effective for intrusion detection.  相似文献   

In this paper, a genetic clustering algorithm is described that uses a new similarity measure based message passing between data points and the candidate centers described by the chromosome. In the new algorithm, a variable-length real-value chromosome representation and a set of problem-specific evolutionary operators are used. Therefore, the proposed GA with message-based similarity (GAMS) clustering algorithm is able to automatically evolve and find the optimal number of clusters as well as proper clusters of the data set. Effectiveness of GAMS clustering algorithm is demonstrated for both artificial and real-life data set. Experiment results demonstrated that the GAMS clustering algorithm has high performance, effectiveness and flexibility.  相似文献   

针对传统k均值算法易受初始聚类中心和异常数据的影响等缺陷,利用萤火虫优化算法全局搜索能力强、收敛速度快的优势,对k均值算法的初始聚类中心进行优化,并通过引用一种加权的欧氏距离,减少异常数据等不确定因素带来的不良影响,提出了一种基于萤火虫优化的加权k均值算法。该算法在提升聚类性能的同时,有效增强了算法的收敛速度。在实验阶段,通过UCI数据集中的几组数据对该算法进行了分类实验及有效性测试,实验结果充分表明了该算法的有效性及优越性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a genetic clustering algorithm based on dynamic niching with niche migration (DNNM-clustering) is proposed. It is an effective and robust approach to clustering on the basis of a similarity function relating to the approximate density shape estimation. In the new algorithm, a dynamic identification of the niches with niche migration is performed at each generation to automatically evolve the optimal number of clusters as well as the cluster centers of the data set without invoking cluster validity functions. The niches can move slowly under the migration operator which makes the dynamic niching method independent of the radius of the niches. Compared to other existing methods, the proposed clustering method exhibits the following robust characteristics: (1) robust to the initialization, (2) robust to clusters volumes (ability to detect different volumes of clusters), and (3) robust to noise. Moreover, it is free of the radius of the niches and does not need to pre-specify the number of clusters. Several data sets with widely varying characteristics are used to demonstrate its superiority. An application of the DNNM-clustering algorithm in unsupervised classification of the multispectral remote sensing image is also provided.  相似文献   

针对影响k-means聚类效果的聚类数目和初始中心点两大因素,提出了基于双重遗传的kmeans算法。它用外层遗传算法控制聚类数目,用内层遗传算法控制聚类的初始中心点,并采用类间距离和类内距离以及二者之间的比值来评价聚类结果的好坏,在算法终止后,可同时求得较优的聚类数目和某聚类数目下的较优初始中心点。此外,根据内外层遗传算法的特殊性,采用不同的编码策略适应算法需求,为保留优质个体,采用精英个体保留策略。通过UCI数据集测试实例证明此算法有很好的实用性,对数据挖掘技术有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Feature selection has always been a critical step in pattern recognition, in which evolutionary algorithms, such as the genetic algorithm (GA), are most commonly used. However, the individual encoding scheme used in various GAs would either pose a bias on the solution or require a pre-specified number of features, and hence may lead to less accurate results. In this paper, a tribe competition-based genetic algorithm (TCbGA) is proposed for feature selection in pattern classification. The population of individuals is divided into multiple tribes, and the initialization and evolutionary operations are modified to ensure that the number of selected features in each tribe follows a Gaussian distribution. Thus each tribe focuses on exploring a specific part of the solution space. Meanwhile, tribe competition is introduced to the evolution process, which allows the winning tribes, which produce better individuals, to enlarge their sizes, i.e. having more individuals to search their parts of the solution space. This algorithm, therefore, avoids the bias on solutions and requirement of a pre-specified number of features. We have evaluated our algorithm against several state-of-the-art feature selection approaches on 20 benchmark datasets. Our results suggest that the proposed TCbGA algorithm can identify the optimal feature subset more effectively and produce more accurate pattern classification.  相似文献   

Applying graph theory to clustering, we propose a partitional clustering method and a clustering tendency index. No initial assumptions about the data set are requested by the method. The number of clusters and the partition that best fits the data set, are selected according to the optimal clustering tendency index value.  相似文献   

改进的基于遗传算法的粗糙聚类方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
传统的聚类算法都是使用硬计算来对数据对象进行划分,然而现实中不同类之间对象通常没有明确的界限。粗糙集理论提供了一种处理边界对象不确定的方法。因此将粗糙理论与k-均值方法相结合。同时,传统的k-均值聚类方法必须事先给定聚类数k,但实际情况下k很难确定;另外虽然传统k-均值算法局部搜索能力强,但容易陷入局部最优。遗传算法能得到全局最优解,但收敛过快。鉴于此,提出了一种改进的基于遗传算法的的粗糙聚类方法。该算法能动态地生成k-均值聚类数,采用最大最小原则生成初始聚类中心,同时结合粗糙集理论的上近似和下近似处理边界对象。最后,用UCI的Iris数据集分别对算法进行实际验证。实验结果表明,该算法具有较高的正确率,综合性能更加稳定。  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how one can take advantage of the stability and effectiveness of object data clustering algorithms when the data to be clustered are available in the form of mutual numerical relationships between pairs of objects. More precisely, we propose a new fuzzy relational algorithm, based on the popular fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm, which does not require any particular restriction on the relation matrix. We describe the application of the algorithm to four real and four synthetic data sets, and show that our algorithm performs better than well-known fuzzy relational clustering algorithms on all these sets.  相似文献   

APSCAN: A parameter free algorithm for clustering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DBSCAN is a density based clustering algorithm and its effectiveness for spatial datasets has been demonstrated in the existing literature. However, there are two distinct drawbacks for DBSCAN: (i) the performances of clustering depend on two specified parameters. One is the maximum radius of a neighborhood and the other is the minimum number of the data points contained in such neighborhood. In fact these two specified parameters define a single density. Nevertheless, without enough prior knowledge, these two parameters are difficult to be determined; (ii) with these two parameters for a single density, DBSCAN does not perform well to datasets with varying densities. The above two issues bring some difficulties in applications. To address these two problems in a systematic way, in this paper we propose a novel parameter free clustering algorithm named as APSCAN. Firstly, we utilize the Affinity Propagation (AP) algorithm to detect local densities for a dataset and generate a normalized density list. Secondly, we combine the first pair of density parameters with any other pair of density parameters in the normalized density list as input parameters for a proposed DDBSCAN (Double-Density-Based SCAN) to produce a set of clustering results. In this way, we can obtain different clustering results with varying density parameters derived from the normalized density list. Thirdly, we develop an updated rule for the results obtained by implementing the DDBSCAN with different input parameters and then synthesize these clustering results into a final result. The proposed APSCAN has two advantages: first it does not need to predefine the two parameters as required in DBSCAN and second, it not only can cluster datasets with varying densities but also preserve the nonlinear data structure for such datasets.  相似文献   

为降低k值的不确定性和初始聚类中心的随机性对聚类结果的影响,提出一种改进的遗传k-means聚类算法。采用并行计算的方式降低k值和初始聚类中心对聚类结果的影响,利用平均类内距和类间距设计适应度函数保证聚类结果的正确性,改进遗传算法的遗传算子来提高算法效率。通过UCI标准数据集验证了该算法的正确性和有效性,并应用于玉米良种选育中。实验结果表明,该算法能获得更优良的玉米品种,指导玉米选育工作。  相似文献   

The problem of optimal non-hierarchical clustering is addressed. A new algorithm combining differential evolution and k-means is proposed and tested on eight well-known real-world data sets. Two criteria (clustering validity indexes), namely TRW and VCR, were used in the optimization of classification. The classification of objects to be optimized is encoded by the cluster centers in differential evolution (DE) algorithm. It induced the problem of rearrangement of centers in the population to ensure an efficient search via application of evolutionary operators. A new efficient heuristic for this rearrangement was also proposed. The plain DE variants with and without the rearrangement were compared with corresponding hybrid k-means variants. The experimental results showed that hybrid variants with k-means algorithm are essentially more efficient than the non-hybrid ones. Compared to a standard k-means algorithm with restart, the new hybrid algorithm was found more reliable and more efficient, especially in difficult tasks. The results for TRW and VCR criterion were compared. Both criteria provided the same optimal partitions and no significant differences were found in efficiency of the algorithms using these criteria.  相似文献   

遗传优化的谱聚类方法研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
传统的谱聚类对初始化数据敏感,聚类结果随不同的初始输入数据而波动。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于遗传算法的谱聚类算法,该算法克服了谱聚类算法对初始数据的敏感性,得到较稳定的聚类结果。与遗传k均值和谱聚类算法相比,该算法在模拟数据和UCI数据集上获得了较好的聚类性能。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的模糊聚类研究及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了克服传统聚类算法对初始化敏感的缺点,提出了一种基于增强型遗传算法的模糊聚类方法。它把遗传结束的准则与传统算法的终止准则有机地结合起来,不仅提高了算法的聚类分析性能,也提高了算法的收敛速度。比盲目的搜索效率要高,也比专门的针对特定问题的算法通用性强。通过在国内一家大型乳业集团的HRM系统中的成功运用,说明了该算法的有效性和通用性。  相似文献   

Categorical data clustering is a difficult and challenging task due to the special characteristic of categorical attributes: no natural order. Thus, this study aims to propose a two-stage method named partition-and-merge based fuzzy genetic clustering algorithm (PM-FGCA) for categorical data. The proposed PM-FGCA uses a fuzzy genetic clustering algorithm to partition the dataset into a maximum number of clusters in the first stage. Then, the merge stage is designed to select two clusters among the clusters that generated in the first stage based on its inter-cluster distances and merge two selected clusters to one cluster. This procedure is repeated until the number of clusters equals to the predetermined number of clusters. Thereafter, some particular instances in each cluster are considered to be re-assigned to other clusters based on the intra-cluster distances. The proposed PM-FGCA is implemented on ten categorical datasets from UCI machine learning repository. In order to evaluate the clustering performance, the proposed PM-FGCA is compared with some existing methods such as k-modes algorithm, fuzzy k-modes algorithm, genetic fuzzy k-modes algorithm, and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm using fuzzy membership chromosomes. Adjusted Ranked Index (ARI), Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), and Davies–Bouldin (DB) index are selected as three clustering validation indices which are represented to both external index (i.e., ARI and NMI) and internal index (i.e., DB). Consequently, the experimental result shows that the proposed PM-FGCA outperforms the benchmark methods in terms of the tested indices.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel clustering algorithm named GAKREM (Genetic Algorithm K-means Logarithmic Regression Expectation Maximization) that combines the best characteristics of the K-means and EM algorithms but avoids their weaknesses such as the need to specify a priori the number of clusters, termination in local optima, and lengthy computations. To achieve these goals, genetic algorithms for estimating parameters and initializing starting points for the EM are used first. Second, the log-likelihood of each configuration of parameters and the number of clusters resulting from the EM is used as the fitness value for each chromosome in the population. The novelty of GAKREM is that in each evolving generation it efficiently approximates the log-likelihood for each chromosome using logarithmic regression instead of running the conventional EM algorithm until its convergence. Another novelty is the use of K-means to initially assign data points to clusters. The algorithm is evaluated by comparing its performance with the conventional EM algorithm, the K-means algorithm, and the likelihood cross-validation technique on several datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, the conventional k-modes-type algorithms for clustering categorical data are extended by representing the clusters of categorical data with k-populations instead of the hard-type centroids used in the conventional algorithms. Use of a population-based centroid representation makes it possible to preserve the uncertainty inherent in data sets as long as possible before actual decisions are made. The k-populations algorithm was found to give markedly better clustering results through various experiments.  相似文献   

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