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S-Box based on Composite field arithmetic (CFA) technology is optimized by Genetic algorithm (GA) and Cartesian genetic programming (CGP) model for re-ducing the hardware complexity. After using the CFA tech-nique to map Multiplicative inverse (MI) over GF(28) into composite field GF((24)2), the compact MI circuit over GF(24) is selected from 100 evolved circuits, and same design method is applied to the compact multipli-cation circuit over GF(22). Compared with the direct im-plementations, the areas of optimized circuits of MI over GF(24) and multiplication over GF((22)2) are reduced by 66% and 57.69%, respectively. The area reductions for MI over GF(28) and the whole of S-Box are up to 59.23%and 56.14%, separately. In 180nm 1.8V COMS technology, compared to previous works, the S-Box proposed in this paper has the minimum area and minimum power, which are 11.27% and 6.65% smaller than that of the smallest area S-Box, respectively.  相似文献   

In a specific project, how to find a reasonable balance between a plurality of objectives and their optimal solutions has always been an important aspect for researchers. As a trade off between fast convergence and a rich diversity, a Many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on a spatial division and angle-culling strategy (MaOEA-SDAC) is proposed. In the reorganization stage, a restricted matching selection can enhance the reproductivity. In the environment selection stage, a space division and angle-based elimination strategy can effectively improve the convergence and diversity imbalance of its solution set. Through detailed experiments and a comparative analysis of the proposed MaOEA-SDAC with five other state-of-the-art algorithms on classical benchmark problems, the effectiveness of MaOEA-SDAC in solving high-dimensional optimization problems has been verified.  相似文献   

Although medical image segmentation is a hard task in image processing, it is possible to reduce its complexity by considering it as an optimization problem. This paper presents a robust evolutionary algorithm based on a cost minimization function to segment and to extract image edges. Since, the goal is to outperform a high edge detection quasi independent from the input problem characteristics, an adaptive detector is considered. As a first step, the main evolutionary algorithm parameters are highlighted based on an adaptive parameterization to overcome convergence problem. In a second stage, the reached optimal setting is applied on medical images to exhibit the quality of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

罗乃丽  李霞  王娜 《信号处理》2017,33(9):1169-1178
进化多目标优化算法求解高维目标优化问题面临收敛能力、计算复杂度、决策以及Pareto前沿的可视化等困难,其根本原因是目标空间维数高。目标降维通过丢弃冗余目标,为缓解高维目标优化求解困难提供一种新思路。本文提出利用冲突信息降维的分解进化高维目标优化算法(CIOR-MOEA/D)。该方法通过衡量目标在近似解集上体现的冲突性,构造问题的冲突信息矩阵,对该矩阵进行特征分析,确定目标的重要性程度,实现维数约简,并利用分解进化多目标优化算法(MOEA/D)对重要子目标集合进行分解进化,从而得到问题的近似解集。实验结果表明,本文提出的目标降维算法在降维的准确性与鲁棒性上均表现突出,能够有效地处理冗余高维目标优化问题。   相似文献   

基于Tensilca公司的可配置、可扩展、可集成处理器-Xtensa,文章实现了对美国国家标准语音电话加密解密算法——2.4Kbps MELP的改进。在选择一个合理的处理器配置的基础上,对算法进行指令集仿真。分析找出算法中使用频率较高的操作,添加新的指令集,进行硬件实现以提高性能。实现的结果证明,经过改进以后,在增加了一定的硬件逻辑的基础上,相对于未加修改前的处理器内核。算法实现需要的总周期数降低为原来的47%。  相似文献   

使用GIoU改进非极大值抑制的目标检测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对单阈值-非极大值抑制算法中出现的目标漏检和重复检测问题,本文提出了一种使用全局交并比指标GIoU(Generalized Intersection over Union)衡量目标相似度的双阈值非极大值抑制算法GDT-NMS(Generalized Dual Threshold NMS,GDT-NMS).使用双阈值改...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modified error function to improve the error back-propagation (EBP) algorithm for multi-Layer perceptrons (MLPs) which suffers from slow learning speed. It can also suppress overspecialization for training patterns that occurs in an algorithm based on a cross-entropy cost function which markedly reduces learning time. In the similar way as the cross-entropy function, our new function accelerates the learning speed of the EBP algorithm by allowing the output node of the MLP to generate a strong error signal when the output node is far from the desired value. Moreover, it prevents the overspecialization of learning for training patterns by letting the output node, whose value is close to the desired value, generate a weak error signal. In a simulation study to classify handwritten digits in the CEDAR [1] database, the proposed method attained 100% correct classification for the training patterns after only 50 sweeps of learning, while the original EBP attained only 98.8% after 500 sweeps. Also, our method shows mean-squared error of 0.627 for the test patterns, which is superior to the error 0.667 in the cross-entropy method. These results demonstrate that our new method excels others in learning speed as well as in generalization.  相似文献   

多目标混沌进化算法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
雷德明  严新平  吴智铭 《电子学报》2006,34(6):1142-1145
设计了多目标混沌进化算法(MCEA),在每一代遗传操作和外部档案调整完成之后,该算法从外部档案中随机选择部分个体,对这些个体的拷贝进行混沌搜索,以产生更多非劣解.将强度Pareto进化算法(SPEA)和SPEA2分别与基于Logistic映射的混沌搜索结合而产生的MCEAs应用于一些复杂多目标优化问题,计算结果表明,混沌的加入,明显改善了多目标进化算法(MOEA)各方面的性能.  相似文献   

自适应模糊进化算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄建军  谢维信 《电子学报》1997,25(10):116-118,121
本文提出了一种基于自适应模糊函数估计器的进化算法--自适应模糊进化算法,该函数估计器在进化过程中自适应地估计基因串适应度函数,减少了进化算法的运算量,最后,我们给出了进化设计模糊控制器的实验结果。  相似文献   

蜜蜂进化型遗传算法   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
孟伟  韩学东  洪炳镕 《电子学报》2006,34(7):1294-1300
本文提出了一种蜜蜂进化型遗传算法.在该算法中,种群的最优个体作为蜂王与被选的每个个体(雄蜂)以概率进行交叉操作,增强了对种群最优个体所包含信息的开采能力.为了避免算法过早收敛,在代进化过程中引入了一个随机种群,提高了算法的勘探能力.通过将该算法建模为齐次有限Markov链,证明了它的全局收敛性.实验结果表明,蜜蜂进化型遗传算法是一种提高遗传算法性能的有效改进算法.  相似文献   

本文改进了Sheng的权和有效性函数,将XB、PE、PC和PBMF等模糊聚类有效性函数集成为一种新的模糊聚类有效性度量函数—模糊权和有效性函数FWSVF,从而提高了聚类有效性函数的性能.为了有效的实现聚类,将混合策略演化算法与传统的模糊C均值算法(FCM)相结合,将改进的模糊权和有效性指标作为适应度函数,提出了一种混合策略演化聚类算法MSECA.人工数据集和真实数据集的仿真实验表明,MSECA算法可以正确发现聚类簇的数量,避免了局部极值问题,比其他算法具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的进化策略,基于物种保护的混合变异算子进化策略,它混合了四种不同的变异算子(Gaus-sian、Cauchy、Levy和单点(Single Point)),并结合了使局部优化不被陷入困境的物种保护技术.使用国际通用标准函数来测试这种新算法,仿真的结果表明了基于物种保护的混合变异算子进化策略优于任何一种纯策略的进化策略.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design procedure for complex RF circuits using the Jumping Genes Evolutionary Algorithm (JGEA). Due to the complex and stringent requirements for industrial environments, it is not an easy task to obtain a good design in which irregular structures are always needed. In this paper, JGEA has, however, demonstrated its excellent ability in practical RF circuit design compared with other algorithms. For demonstration, it was used in the design of a slot-coupled 3-dB hybrid coupler operating in the popular Industrial, Scientific and Medical application frequency band with small amplitude imbalance, low cost, and small size.   相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In wireless sensor network (WSN), limited energy resources with the nodes is a complex challenge as far as data routing, collecting and aggregating the data is...  相似文献   


Lung cancer is the most suffering disease which is very difficult to identify in advance and it is not easily cure if the stage of cancer becomes more malignant, the lung cancer is similar like other cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, brain tumour etc. Now-a-days, there are lot of technologies are developed to predict and treating the diseases, but still have some trouble in detecting the cancer nodule more accurately. Due to increasing in number of patients admitted in clinic, hospitals, etc., doctors cannot able to monitor every patient with high care and they failed to guide their patients with greater attention. Accordingly, the radiologists require a technology named Computer Aided Design (CAD) system for precise recognition and classification of lung nodule where the detected node is cancerous or non-cancerous. In the proposed research, the Chest X-Ray (CXR) images are used as an input image for experimenting the research and image processing techniques has been used to classify the nodule as benign or malignant and executed with greater accuracy in prediction and classification level. In this proposed research work, features were extracted from hasil segmentation image by using Grey Level Co- occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method. The extracted features from image are taken as input data and processed with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Classifier. The classification and training has been done by Artificial Neural Network with back propagation (ANN-BP) method; therefore, the Artificial Neural Network has competitive and greater in executing the results by comparing with the existing methods of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Therefore, the performance evaluation of Artificial Neural Network has less training time with better accuracy of 87.5%, sensitivity of 97.75% and specificity of 89.75% by classifying the detected nodule as benign or malignant.


自适应引导进化遗传算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文提出一种自适应引导进化遗传算法。算法中采用佳点集方法产生初始种群,结合保留精英个体策略,对种群进行分割,各子种群并行交叉变异,且其中一个子种群为随机产生的。为提高算法收敛速度,分别对各子种群中较优个体进行优秀基因位统计,据此对其它个体采取一种自适应引导变异操作。通过将算法运行过程建模为有限齐次马氏链,证明了算法的全局收敛性和收敛快速性。实验结果表明,自适应引导进化遗传算法较其它的遗传算法在收敛速度和准确度上都有较大提高。  相似文献   

程灏 《现代电子技术》2009,32(23):142-145,148
提出一种多蜂群进化型遗传算法。在该算法中,种群的最优个体作为蜂王与被选的每个个体(雄蜂),以概率进行交叉操作,增强了对种群最优个体所包含信息的开采能力。为避免算法早熟,被选雄蜂部分来自于其他蜂群,同时引入蜂王对其他蜜蜂的抑制机制,以提高蜂群的生物多样性。实验结果表明,多蜂群进化遗传算法是一种提高遗传算法性能的有效改进算法。  相似文献   

从两个方面对量子演化算法进行改进:(1)因量子染色体的量子位处于叠加态和纠缠态,无法使用传统的交叉方式对量子位进行操作,设计了针对测量后的经典染色体进行全干扰交叉,这样既不会破坏量子染色体的固有的并行性,又可以增加测量后染色体的多样性,继而影响量子染色体进化方向,加快算法的收敛速度,有效地防止"早熟";(2)设计了概率触发器启动量子非门进行量子变异。实验表明,改进的量子演化算法比起先前的算法具有更好的寻优能力,更稳定的收敛度。  相似文献   

Silva-Almeida(SA)算法是最好的局部学习速率自适应算法之一,在对SA算法进行研究分析的基础上,提出 两项改进措施,使改进后的SA算法较原SA算法震荡现象大大减弱,训练速率有较大加快,训练精度有较大提高。在仿 真实验中,改进的SA算法在一定程度上优于RPROP算法。  相似文献   

采用RSSI提高无线传感网络定位精度的算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高无线传感网络中节点的定位精度,同时又希望降低节点的定位开销,提出接收信号强度(RSSI)定位算法。以RSSI和三边定位原理为基础,详细阐述了该算法的定位思想,以伪代码的形式描述未知节点定位的实现过程。从存储、计算和通信开销3个方面与ALA方案做了定性分析,针对不同的冗余系数、不同的定位轮数和不同的信标数量进行了仿真,与ALA方案做了定量分析。分析结果表明,该算法达到了提高无线传感网络定位精度的目的。  相似文献   

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