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The surface of continuously cast slabs is characterized by the presence of oscillation marks. Direct linkage of the continuous casting process and hot rolling process requires that cast slabs should be free of surface defects. In the present work, a mechanical model has been developed for the prediction of the depth of oscillation marks of the depression type. It is based on the beam bending theory and on viscoplastic material behavior. The downward movement of the strand is taken correctly into account, which has not been done in previous models. Auxiliary parts of the model are the models for the determination of the temperatre field and of the fluid flow and pressure in the meniscus region and in the gap between strand and mold. The deflection of the shell is computed as a function of time and distance from the shell tip. The retained deflection, which corresponds to the depth of oscillation marks observed on the slab surface, is determined for different values of stroke, frequency, and casting velocity. The theoretical data are compared with the measured data as available in the literature.  相似文献   

The restrictions on quality for low carbon continuously cast slab products require that surface defects be kept to a minimum. Currently, the steel industry has developed a wealth of experience on how to apply slabs with oscillation marks to very demanding applications. However, these practices circumvent the problem, rather than solving it. By understanding the formation mechanism of oscillation marks, one can then develop casting practices that can minimize their effect on slab surface quality. The techniques developed in this study allowed a more detailed examination of the mold heat-transfer interactions during continuous casting, such that the variations of heat flux due to irregular solidification near the meniscus could be measured. It is shown that the mechanisms proposed in the literature are not individually sufficient for the formation of an oscillation mark, but that several are necessary and must occur in sequence for an oscillation mark to form. A mechanism is proposed for the formation of oscillation marks that is shown to be in agreement with the trends observed and reported in the literature. Additionally, it is shown that the success of practices used in industry to reduce the severity of oscillation marks can be explained using this proposed hypothesis.  相似文献   

连铸坯表面振痕的形成及影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了连铸过程中铸坯表面振痕形成机理的研究状况,论述了振痕形成机理的主要模型,讨论了振痕间距和振痕深度互相的影响关系,分析了振痕深度和振痕间距各自的影响因素。研究结果表明:可以通过改变连铸过程中的工艺参数以及采用电磁软接触连铸技术来减轻振痕,从而控制铸坯表面质量。  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation of heat flow and gap formation in the mold of a continuous slab caster has been undertaken using a mathematical model, with the ultimate purpose of predicting the casting conditions which can lead to break-outs. The mathematical model that has been developed for this study is capable of treating the heat flow and air gap as coupled phenomena, and can accept operating variables such as slab size, casting speed, mold taper, and thermal conductivity of the mold powder, as input. Four different cases of slab casting have been investigated; and it has been found that hot spots can form on the surface of the slab within a few centimeters of the corners. Depending on their temperature, it is suggested that these hot spots may give rise to the formation of break-outs off the corners of the slab. From an examination of the behavior of the hot spots, the susceptibility of the cases studied to break-outs has been evaluated. The usefulness of the present analysis in qualitatively ascertaining the location and extent of mold wear under different casting conditions has also been examined. A. Grill was formerly affiliated.  相似文献   

详细分析了连铸坯凝固初期弯月面处与振痕形成有关的许多显著而短暂的现象,总结了振痕形成的机理,讨论了影响振痕形成的主要因素.研究结果表明:应该综合考虑连铸过程中的工艺参数以及采用结晶器非正弦振动技术减轻振痕,提高铸坯表面质量.  相似文献   

对不同浇铸条件下的低碳钢连铸板坯进行了凝固钩(Hook)的特征研究,根据凝固钩的形貌概括了凝固钩的不同类型,统计了凝固钩周围气泡和夹杂物的分布,讨论了不同浇铸参数对铸坯凝固钩深度的影响,并通过Bikerman方程和弯月面凝固理论对凝固钩的不同特征进行了解释.结果表明:按形貌可将凝固钩分为完整叶状、双凝固钩、弯曲截断型和二次凝固型四种类型,其中二次凝固型的凝固钩出现的概率最高为46.8%,而完整叶状、弯曲截断型和二次凝固型的凝固钩出现概率分别为25.3%、7.6%和6.3%;研究发现,凝固钩周围的夹杂物数量明显多于其他区域的夹杂物数量,说明凝固钩能够捕获结晶器内上浮的夹杂物;对比不同浇铸参数发现,采用结晶器电磁制动装置(FC-Mold)、减小结晶器水口浸入深度、增大浇铸拉速均能够减小凝固钩的深度;Bikerman方程的计算结果和弯月面凝固理论能在机理上解释凝固钩的形貌特征.  相似文献   

The initial stages of solidification near the meniscus during continuous casting of steel slabs involve many complex inter-related transient phenomena, which cause periodic oscillation marks (OMs), subsurface hooks, and related surface defects. This article presents a detailed mechanism for the formation of curved hooks and their associated OMs, based on a careful analysis of numerous specially etched samples from ultra-low-carbon steel slabs combined with previous measurements, observations, and theoretical modeling results. It is demonstrated that hooks form by solidification and dendritic growth at the liquid meniscus during the negative strip time. Oscillation marks form when molten steel overflows over the curved hook and solidifies by nucleation of undercooled liquid. The mechanism has been justified by its explanation of several plant observations, including the variability of hook and OM characteristics under different casting conditions, and the relationships with mold powder consumption and negative/positive strip times.  相似文献   

Modeling superheat removal during continuous casting of steel slabs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
To investigate superheat dissipation in a continuous slab casting machine, mathematical models have been developed to compute fluid flow velocities, temperature distribution within the liquid pool, heat transfer to the inside of the solidifying shell, and its effect on growth of the shell. Three-dimensional (3-D) velocity and heat-transfer predictions compare reasonably with pre-vious experimental measurements and two-dimensional (2-D) calculations. The results indicate that the maximum heat input to the shell occurs near the impingement point on the narrow face and confirm that most of the superheat is dissipated in or just below the mold. Superheat tem-perature and casting speed have the most important and direct influence on heat flux. The effects of other variables, including mold width, nozzle jet angle, and submergence depth, are also investigated. Calculated heat flux profiles are then input to a one-dimensional (1-D) solidifi-cation model to calculate growth of the shell. Shell thickness profiles down the wide and narrow faces are compared with the predictions of conventional heat conduction models and available measurements.  相似文献   


The design concept of Atlas Steels’ new integrated sheet/strip mill at Tracy, Quebec involved direct conversion of continuously cast austenitic stainless steel slabs to coiled hot bands. In early production, a high incidence of surface defects, commonly called ‘slivers’, necessitated hotband conditioning greatly in excess of the anticipated level. Electron probe microanalysis of nonmetallics found in the slivers revealed that the majority of such defects resulted from subsurface entrapment of pouring stream reoxidation products in the continuously cast slabs. The problem was brought under operational control by improved steelmaking practice and modifications of the casting operation to permit pouring through refractory stream protection tubes.


Aux usines d'Atlas Steel situées it Tracy dans le Québec, le procédé de production prévoit la coulée continue suivie de laminage à chaud de tôles et de bandes. Dès la mise en marche des usines, le trop grand nombre d'inclusions de surface imposa un parachévement imprévu des bandes laminées à chaud. Des analyses faites par micro-sonde ont fait voir que la plupart des inclusions provenaient d'oxydation au jet de la coulée continue. Des modifications apportées à l'élaboration de l'acier et l'emploi de tubes réfract aires au jet de coulée surmonterent les difficultés occasionnées par les inclusions de surface.  相似文献   

This review examines the different types of internal and surface cracks that can form during the continuous casting of steel. For each crack type, the operating and metallurgical factors that are known to influence crack formation are assessed in the light of the high temperature mechanical properties of steel and a knowledge of the stresses generated in the solidifying shell. The importance of two zones of low ductility in steel is demonstrated by this approach. One zone exists above 1340°C and probably accounts for the formation of all internal cracks and surface longitudinal cracks. The other zone lies between 700 and 900°C and is related to the presence of soluble aluminum, niobium and vanadium. Transverse surface cracks in slabs can be related to the latter zone.  相似文献   

The development of a computational simulation system for modeling the solidification process in a continuous casting facility for steel slabs is discussed. The system couples a module for solving the direct problem (the calculation of temperatures in the steel strand) with an inverse analysis module that was developed for evaluating the steel/mold heat fluxes from the information provided by thermocouples installed in the continuous casting mold copper plates. In order to cope with the non-uniqueness of the inverse analysis, a priori information on the solution, based on the consideration of the problem physics, is incorporated. The stability of the system predictions are analyzed and the influence of the first trial used to start the evaluation procedure is discussed. An industrial case is analyzed.  相似文献   

研究了不同凝固组织下管线钢的中心偏析情况.低倍组织腐蚀结果表明,连铸板坯的中心偏析由相对独立的、大小不一的半宏观偏析点组成,且不同凝固组织的半宏观偏析特征有所差别.化学成分分析表明,中心等轴晶时板坯中心为负偏析,且贯穿于整个等轴晶区中,而中心为柱状晶时则表现为正偏析.通过对比化学成分和半宏观偏析面积比发现,板坯的半宏观偏析面积比随C和Mn最大偏析度的增加而增加,由于化学成分分析只能反应局部位置的偏析情况,因此半宏观偏析面积比的方法对生产实践更具有指导意义.对不同过热度下不同凝固组织的半宏观偏析面积比的统计结果显示,在合理使用轻压下技术的前提下,中心为柱状晶更有利于减轻半宏观偏析面积比,进而改善管线钢连铸板坯的中心偏析.  相似文献   

The turbulent flow of molten steel and the superheat transport in the mold region of a continuous caster of thin steel slabs are investigated with transient large-eddy simulations and plant experiments. The predicted fluid velocities matched measurements taken from dye-injection experiments on full-scale water models of the process. The corresponding predicted temperatures matched measurements by thermocouples lowered into the molten steel during continuous casting. The classic double-roll flow pattern is confirmed for this 132×984 mm slab caster at a 1.52 m/min casting speed, with about 85 pct of the single-phase flow leaving the two side ports of the three-port nozzle. The temperature in the top portion of the molten pool dropped to about 30 pct of the superheat-temperature difference entering the mold of 58 °C. About 12 pct of the superheat is extracted at the narrow face, where the peak heat flux averages almost 750 kW/m2 and the instantaneous peaks exceed 1500 kW/m2. Two-thirds of the superheat is removed in the mold. The jets exiting the nozzle ports exhibit chaotic variations, producing temperature fluctuations in the upper liquid pool of ±4 °C and peak heat-flux variations of±350 kW/m2. Employing a static-k subgrid-scale (SGS) model into the three-dimensional (3-D) finite-volume code had little effect on the solution.  相似文献   


Mould oscillation is needed to reduce friction and thus prevent sticking and breakout of the liquid metal during casting. However, this oscillation is known to cause surface defects in the solidified steel slabs, so called oscillation marks. In this paper, the depth and the depth variation of these oscillation marks were studied using a two-level full factorial experiment (2) with four additional centre point runs. Four factors were studied: stroke length of the mould, oscillation frequency, motion pattern (strip factor) and casting speed. The stroke length affected the depth of the marks the most, where larger strokes created deeper marks. The interaction between the oscillation frequency and the strip factor of the mould also affected the oscillation mark depth. The oscillation mark depth variation was also increased by increased stroke lengths and at higher oscillation frequencies. The largest effect on the oscillation depth variation was found for the interaction between the stroke length and the oscillation frequency.  相似文献   

The production of rolled bar and complex profiles from continuous-cast slab is considered. The proposed method includes water-based cooling systems and the introduction of consumable macrocooling units in the melt. This approach significantly reduces the axial segregation of chemical elements and the structural inhomogeneity of the blank, improves the plastic properties and improved strength of the rolled bar, and reduces the metal consumption.  相似文献   

由于IF钢生产过程中对开浇阶段铸坯质量判定不明确,因此在利用时容易导致产品质量问题而增加生产成本。通过对头坯不同位置进行取样,研究IF钢开浇阶段铸坯沿拉坯方向的洁净度变化。实验结果表明,IF钢开浇阶段铸坯中大型夹杂物主要来源于结晶器卷渣和中间包中来不及上浮的脱氧或二次氧化产物;从距离头坯头部2.5m位置开始,由结晶器卷渣所引入的大型夹杂物含量接近正常坯水平;距离头坯头部7.5m位置处开始N含量与正常坯含量基本持平,簇状Al_2O_3夹杂物数量及尺寸接近正常坯水平;距离头坯头部8.5m位置处开始全氧质量分数保持在20×10~(-6)左右。  相似文献   

Controlling the formation of longitudinal cracks on hypo-peritectic steel slab surfaces is one of the key challenges in continuous casting worldwide. Based on the production in Chongqing Iron & Steel Co., mould fluxes with high basicity ranging from 1.7 to 1.8 were put forward and the effects of compositions on the basic properties of mould flux were studied in the present paper. After laboratory experiments, a high-basicity mould flux with an increased crystallisation speed to abate the heat-transfer capability in the meniscus area was fully applied in the first steelmaking plant of Chongqing Iron & Steel Co. Using the high-basicity mould flux, for more than 3 million tonnes of slab production, the large longitudinal crack was eliminated and the rate of formation of small longitudinal cracks decreased greatly. During the production process, sticking that impedes the smooth running of continuous casting was infrequent, and the spot check for longitudinal cracks on micro alloy steel surface was simplified in the slab finishing process. Furthermore, since the application effect of mass production is remarkable, the hot charging process is better implemented, and the contract can be accomplished in time. In summary, the problem of longitudinal cracks on hypo-peritectic steel slab surfaces is finally resolved and the high-basicity mould fluxes have become indispensable auxiliary materials during continuous casting of hypo-peritectic steel.  相似文献   


The goal of this work was to establish the advantages of the application of anticlogging nozzles compared with conventional aluminographite nozzles in the continuous casting of steel slabs. Anticlogging nozzles are used in many steelmaking plants to inhibit scab formation at the internal side of the nozzle wall. The formation of aluminate-corundum scab decreases internal nozzle diameter, leading to the reduction of steel flow and eventual blocking of the nozzle. The results of monitoring the behaviour of a large number of conventional aluminographite and anticlogging nozzles in a campaign lasting two months are presented. The data reveal lower average values of internal erosion caused by the steel and reduced thicknesses of scab formed at the internal side of the anticlogging nozzle wall relative to conventional nozzles. At the same time, the average values of external erosion, caused by the action of ungranulated casting powders, were considerably increased relative to external erosion resulting from the action of granulated casting powder.  相似文献   

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