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This paper describes a parallel three‐dimensional numerical infrastructure for the solution of a wide range of time‐harmonic problems in structural acoustics and vibration. High accuracy and rate of error‐convergence, in the mid‐frequency regime,is achieved by the use of hp‐finite and infinite element approximations. The infrastructure supports parallel computation in both single and multi‐frequency settings. Multi‐frequency solves utilize concurrent factoring of the frequency‐dependent linear algebraic systems and are naturally scalable. Scalability of large‐scale single‐frequency problems is realized by using FETI‐DP—an iterative domain‐decomposition scheme. Numerical examples are presented to cover applications in vibratory response of fluid‐filled elastic structures as well as radiation and scattering from elastic structures submerged in an infinite acoustic medium. We demonstrate both the numerical accuracy as well as parallel scalability of the infrastructure in terms of problem parameters that include wavenumber and number of frequencies, polynomial degree of finite/infinite element approximations as well as the number of processors. Scalability and accuracy is evaluated for both single and multiple frequency sweeps on four high‐performance parallel computing platforms: SGI Altix, SGI Origin, IBM p690 SP and Linux‐cluster. Results show good performance on shared as well as distributed‐memory architecture. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple explicit–implicit finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI) algorithm (AFETI‐EI algorithm) is presented for partitioned transient analysis of linear structural systems. The present algorithm employs two decompositions. First, the total system is partitioned via spatial or domain decomposition to obtain the governing equations of motions for each partitioned domain. Second, for each partitioned subsystem, the governing equations are modally decomposed into the rigid‐body and deformational equations. The resulting rigid‐body equations are integrated by an explicit integrator, for its stability is not affected by step‐size restriction on account of zero‐frequency contents (ω = 0). The modally decomposed partitioned deformation equations of motion are integrated by an unconditionally stable implicit integration algorithm. It is shown that the present AFETI‐EI algorithm exhibits unconditional stability and that the resulting interface problem possesses the same solution matrix profile as the basic FETI static problems. The present simple dynamic algorithm, as expected, falls short of the performance of the FETI‐DP but offers a similar performance of implicit two‐level FETI‐D algorithm with a much cheaper coarse solver; hence, its simplicity may offer relatively easy means for conducting parallel analysis of both static and dynamic problems by employing the same basic scalable FETI solver, especially for research‐mode numerical experiments. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dual‐primal finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI‐DP) domain decomposition method (DDM) is extended to address the iterative solution of a class of indefinite problems of the form ( K ?σ2 M ) u = f , and a class of complex problems of the form ( K ?σ2 M +iσ D ) u = f , where K , M , and D are three real symmetric matrices arising from the finite element discretization of solid and shell dynamic problems, i is the imaginary complex number, and σ is a real positive number. A key component of this extension is a new coarse problem based on the free‐space solutions of Navier's equations of motion. These solutions are waves, and therefore the resulting DDM is reminiscent of the FETI‐H method. For this reason, it is named here the FETI‐DPH method. For a practically large σ range, FETI‐DPH is shown numerically to be scalable with respect to all of the problem size, substructure size, and number of substructures. The CPU performance of this iterative solver is illustrated on a 40‐processor computing system with the parallel solution, for various σ ranges, of several large‐scale, indefinite, or complex‐valued systems of equations associated with shifted eigenvalue and forced frequency response structural dynamics problems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we prove that the Algebraic A‐FETI method corresponds to one particular instance of the original one‐level FETI method. We also report on performance comparisons on an Origin 2000 between the one‐ and two‐level FETI methods and an optimized sparse solver, for two industrial applications: the stress analysis of a thin shell structure, and that of a three‐dimensional structure modelled by solid elements. These comparisons suggest that for topologically two‐dimensional problems, sparse solvers are effective when the number of processors is relatively small. They also suggest that for three‐dimensional applications, scalable domain decomposition methods such as FETI deliver a superior performance on both sequential and parallel hardware configurations. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As parallel and distributed computing gradually becomes the computing standard for large scale problems, the domain decomposition method (DD) has received growing attention since it provides a natural basis for splitting a large problem into many small problems, which can be submitted to individual computing nodes and processed in a parallel fashion. This approach not only provides a method to solve large scale problems that are not solvable on a single computer by using direct sparse solvers but also gives a flexible solution to deal with large scale problems with localized non‐linearities. When some parts of the structure are modified, only the corresponding subdomains and the interface equation that connects all the subdomains need to be recomputed. In this paper, the dual–primal finite element tearing and interconnecting method (FETI‐DP) is carefully investigated, and a reduced back‐substitution (RBS) algorithm is proposed to accelerate the time‐consuming preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) iterations involved in the interface problems. Linear–non‐linear analysis (LNA) is also adopted for large scale problems with localized non‐linearities based on subdomain linear–non‐linear identification criteria. This combined approach is named as the FETI‐DP‐RBS‐LNA algorithm and demonstrated on the mechanical analyses of a welding problem. Serial CPU costs of this algorithm are measured at each solution stage and compared with that from the IBM Watson direct sparse solver and the FETI‐DP method. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed computational approach for simulating welding problems, which is representative of a large class of three‐dimensional large scale problems with localized non‐linearities. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a method with domain decomposition to solve time‐dependent non‐linear problems. This method enables arbitrary numeric schemes of the Newmark family to be coupled with different time steps in each subdomain: this coupling is achieved by prescribing continuity of velocities at the interface. We are more specifically interested in the coupling of implicit/explicit numeric schemes taking into account material and geometric non‐linearities. The interfaces are modelled using a dual Schur formulation where the Lagrange multipliers represent the interfacial forces. Unlike the continuous formulation, the discretized formulation of the dynamic problem is unable to verify simultaneously the continuity of displacements, velocities and accelerations at the interfaces. We show that, within the framework of the Newmark family of numeric schemes, continuity of velocities at the interfaces enables the definition of an algorithm which is stable for all cases envisaged. To prove this stability, we use an energy method, i.e. a global method over the whole time interval, in order to verify the algorithms properties. Then, we propose to extend this to non‐linear situations in the following cases: implicit linear/explicit non‐linear, explicit non‐linear/explicit non‐linear and implicit non‐linear/explicit non‐linear. Finally, we present some examples showing the feasibility of the method. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hybrid multiscale framework is presented, which processes the material scales in a concurrent manner, borrowing features from hierarchical multiscale methods. The framework is used for the analysis of non‐linear heterogeneous materials and is capable of tackling strain localization and failure phenomena. Domain decomposition techniques, such as the ?nite element tearing and interconnecting method, are used to partition the material in a number of non‐overlapping domains and adaptive re?nement is performed at those domains that are affected by damage processes. This re?nement is performed in terms of material scale and ?nite element size. It is veri?ed that the results are independent of the chosen domain decomposition. Moreover, the multiscale analyses are validated with reference solutions obtained with a full ?ne‐scale solution procedure. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fast algorithms for the computation of N‐body problems can be broadly classified into mesh‐based interpolation methods, and hierarchical or multiresolution methods. To this latter class belongs the well‐known fast multipole method (FMM ), which offers ??(N) complexity. The FMM is a complex algorithm, and the programming difficulty associated with it has arguably diminished its impact, being a barrier for adoption. This paper presents an extensible parallel library for N‐body interactions utilizing the FMM algorithm. A prominent feature of this library is that it is designed to be extensible, with a view to unifying efforts involving many algorithms based on the same principles as the FMM and enabling easy development of scientific application codes. The paper also details an exhaustive model for the computation of tree‐based N‐body algorithms in parallel, including both work estimates and communications estimates. With this model, we are able to implement a method to provide automatic, a priori load balancing of the parallel execution, achieving optimal distribution of the computational work among processors and minimal inter‐processor communications. Using a client application that performs the calculation of velocity induced by N vortex particles in two dimensions, ample verification and testing of the library was performed. Strong scaling results are presented with 10 million particles on up to 256 processors, including both speedup and parallel efficiency. The largest problem size that has been run with the P etFMM library at this point was 64 million particles in 64 processors. The library is currently able to achieve over 85% parallel efficiency for 64 processes. The performance study, computational model, and application demonstrations presented in this paper are limited to 2D. However, the software architecture was designed to make an extension of this work to 3D straightforward, as the framework is templated over the dimension. The software library is open source under the PETS c license, even less restrictive than the BSD license; this guarantees the maximum impact to the scientific community and encourages peer‐based collaboration for the extensions and applications. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The FETI method and its two‐level extension (FETI‐2) are two numerically scalable domain decomposition methods with Lagrange multipliers for the iterative solution of second‐order solid mechanics and fourth‐order beam, plate and shell structural problems, respectively.The FETI‐2 method distinguishes itself from the basic or one‐level FETI method by a second set of Lagrange multipliers that are introduced at the subdomain cross‐points to enforce at each iteration the exact continuity of a subset of the displacement field at these specific locations. In this paper, we present a dual–primal formulation of the FETI‐2 concept that eliminates the need for that second set of Lagrange multipliers, and unifies all previously developed one‐level and two‐level FETI algorithms into a single dual–primal FETI‐DP method. We show that this new FETI‐DP method is numerically scalable for both second‐order and fourth‐order problems. We also show that it is more robust and more computationally efficient than existing FETI solvers, particularly when the number of subdomains and/or processors is very large. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Second‐order, two‐point boundary‐value problems are encountered in many engineering applications including the study of beam deflections, heat flow, and various dynamic systems. Two classical numerical techniques are widely used in the engineering community for the solution of such problems; the shooting method and finite difference method. These methods are suited for linear problems. However, when solving the non‐linear problems, these methods require some major modifications that include the use of some root‐finding technique. Furthermore, they require the use of other basic numerical techniques in order to obtain the solution. In this paper, the author introduces a novel method based on continuous genetic algorithms for numerically approximating a solution to this problem. The new method has the following characteristics; first, it does not require any modification while switching from the linear to the non‐linear case; as a result, it is of versatile nature. Second, this approach does not resort to more advanced mathematical tools and is thus easily accepted in the engineering application field. Third, the proposed methodology has an implicit parallel nature which points to its implementation on parallel machines. However, being a variant of the finite difference scheme with truncation error of the order O(h2), the method provides solutions with moderate accuracy. Numerical examples presented in the paper illustrate the applicability and generality of the proposed method. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work is to present a new parallel direct solver: Dissection solver. It is based on LU factorization of the sparse matrix of the linear system and allows to detect automatically and handle properly the zero‐energy modes, which are important when dealing with DDM. A performance evaluation and comparisons with other direct solvers (MUMPS, DSCPACK) are also given for both sequential and parallel computations. Results of numerical experiments with a two‐level parallelization of large‐scale structural analysis problems are also presented: FETI is used for the global problem parallelization and Dissection for the local multithreading. In this framework, the largest problem we have solved is of an elastic solid composed of 400 subdomains running on 400 computation nodes (3200 cores) and containing about 165 millions dof. The computation of one single iteration consumes less than 20 min of CPU time. Several comparisons to MUMPS are given for the numerical computation of large‐scale linear systems on a massively parallel cluster: performances and weaknesses of this new solver are highlighted. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present simulations of flow interacting with non‐linear cables. We first consider the case of a pre‐stretched straight cable subject to uniform inflow, which eventually assumes a catenary‐like equilibrium position. We then simulate the flow induced by a riser of an S shape at equilibrium, subject to time‐periodic forcing at one of its ends. We demonstrate that the models and algorithms developed in Part 1 of this work can be used effectively in simulating flow‐structure interactions in non‐linear systems of industrial complexity. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A unified framework of dual‐primal finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI‐DP) algorithms is proposed for solving the system of linear equations arising from the mixed finite element approximation of incompressible Stokes equations. A distinctive feature of this framework is that it allows using both continuous and discontinuous pressures in the algorithm, whereas previous FETI‐DP methods only apply to discontinuous pressures. A preconditioned conjugate gradient method is used in the algorithm with either a lumped or a Dirichlet preconditioner, and scalable convergence rates are proved. This framework is also used to describe several previously developed FETI‐DP algorithms and greatly simplifies their analysis. Numerical experiments of solving a two‐dimensional incompressible Stokes problem demonstrate the performances of the discussed FETI‐DP algorithms represented under the same framework.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates algebraic multilevel domain decomposition preconditioners of the Schwarz type for solving linear systems associated with Newton–Krylov methods. The key component of the preconditioner is a coarse approximation based on algebraic multigrid ideas to approximate the global behaviour of the linear system. The algebraic multilevel preconditioner is based on an aggressive coarsening graph partitioning of the non‐zero block structure of the Jacobian matrix. The scalability of the preconditioner is presented as well as comparisons with a two‐level Schwarz preconditioner using a geometric coarse grid operator. These comparisons are obtained on large‐scale distributed‐memory parallel machines for systems arising from incompressible flow and transport using a stabilized finite element formulation. The results demonstrate the influence of the smoothers and coarse level solvers for a set of 3D example problems. For preconditioners with more than one level, careful attention needs to be given to the balance of robustness and convergence rate for the smoothers and the cost of applying these methods. For properly chosen parameters, the two‐ and three‐level preconditioners are demonstrated to be scalable to 1024 processors. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mathematical modeling of heat conduction with adsorption effects in coated metal structures yields the heat equation with piecewise smooth coefficients and a new kind of source term. This term is special, because it is non‐linear and furthermore depends on a time derivative. In our approach we reformulated this as a new problem for the usual heat equation, without source term but with a new non‐linear coefficient. We gave an existence and uniqueness proof for the weak solution of the reformulated problem. To obtain a numerical solution, we developed a semi‐implicit and a fully implicit finite volume method. We compared these two methods theoretically as well as numerically. Finally, as practical application, we simulated the heat conduction in coated aluminum fibers with adsorption in the zeolite coating. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a novel partitioned coupling algorithm to solve first‐order time‐dependent non‐linear problems (e.g. transient heat conduction). The spatial domain is partitioned into a set of totally disconnected subdomains. The continuity conditions at the interface are modeled using a dual Schur formulation where the Lagrange multipliers represent the interface fluxes (or the reaction forces) that are required to maintain the continuity conditions. The interface equations along with the subdomain equations lead to a system of differential algebraic equations (DAEs). For the resulting equations a numerical algorithm is developed, which includes choosing appropriate constraint stabilization techniques. The algorithm first solves for the interface Lagrange multipliers, which are subsequently used to advance the solution in the subdomains. The proposed coupling algorithm enables arbitrary numeric schemes to be coupled with different time steps (i.e. it allows subcycling) in each subdomain. This implies that existing software and numerical techniques can be used to solve each subdomain separately. The coupling algorithm can also be applied to multiple subdomains and is suitable for parallel computers. We present examples showing the feasibility of the proposed coupling algorithm. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the application of the natural element method (NEM) to the numerical analysis of two‐ and three‐dimensional piece‐wise homogeneous domains is presented. The NEM differs from other meshless methods in its capability to accurately reproduce essential boundary conditions along convex boundaries. The α‐shape‐based extension of this method (α‐NEM) generalizes this behaviour to non‐convex domains, enables us to construct models entirely in terms of the initial cloud of points and allows us to simulate material discontinuities in a straightforward manner. In the following sections, simple and effective algorithms are presented for the construction of α‐shapes in domains composed of various materials. Examples are presented in two‐ and three‐dimensional cases in the context of linear elastostatics showing good performance even with the simple numerical quadrature used. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element formulation governing the geometrically non‐linear thermoelastic behaviour of plates and shells made of functionally graded materials is derived in this paper using the updated Lagrangian approach. Derivation of the formulation is based on rewriting the Green–Lagrange strain as well as the 2nd Piola–Kirchhoff stress as two second‐order functions in terms of a through‐the‐thickness parameter. Material properties are assumed to vary through the thickness according to the commonly used power law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. Within a non‐linear finite element analysis framework, the main focus of the paper is the proposal of a formulation to account for non‐linear stress distribution in FG plates and shells, particularly, near the inner and outer surfaces for small and large values of the grading index parameter. The non‐linear heat transfer equation is also solved for thermal distribution through the thickness by the Rayleigh–Ritz method. Advantages of the proposed approach are assessed and comparisons with available solutions are presented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A family of fourth‐order coupled implicit–explicit time schemes is presented as a special case of fourth‐order coupled implicit schemes for linear wave equations. The domain of interest is decomposed into several regions where different fourth‐order time discretizations are used, chosen among a family of implicit or explicit fourth‐order schemes. The coupling is based on a Lagrangian formulation on the boundaries between the several non‐conforming meshes of the regions. A global discrete energy is shown to be preserved and leads to global fourth‐order consistency in time. Numerical results in 1D and 2D for the acoustic and elastodynamics equations illustrate the good behavior of the schemes and their potential for the simulation of realistic highly heterogeneous media or strongly refined geometries, for which using everywhere an explicit scheme can be extremely penalizing. Accuracy up to fourth order reduces the numerical dispersion inherent to implicit methods used with a large time step and makes this family of schemes attractive compared with second‐order accurate methods. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two‐level domain decomposition method is introduced for general shape optimization problems constrained by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The optimization problem is first discretized with a finite element method on an unstructured moving mesh that is implicitly defined without assuming that the computational domain is known and then solved by some one‐shot Lagrange–Newton–Krylov–Schwarz algorithms. In this approach, the shape of the domain, its corresponding finite element mesh, the flow fields and their corresponding Lagrange multipliers are all obtained computationally in a single solve of a nonlinear system of equations. Highly scalable parallel algorithms are absolutely necessary to solve such an expensive system. The one‐level domain decomposition method works reasonably well when the number of processors is not large. Aiming for machines with a large number of processors and robust nonlinear convergence, we introduce a two‐level inexact Newton method with a hybrid two‐level overlapping Schwarz preconditioner. As applications, we consider the shape optimization of a cannula problem and an artery bypass problem in 2D. Numerical experiments show that our algorithm performs well on a supercomputer with over 1000 processors for problems with millions of unknowns. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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