We apply methods of dynamic light scattering (DLS) and fluid mechanics to quantitatively establish the role of aggregation in the turbulent drag reduction of high molar mass poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) solutions. By means of DLS, we show that the dilute aqueous solutions of high molar mass PEO (Mw ∼ 4 × 106 g/mol) are aggregated and that this aggregate structure can be manipulated by addition of the chaotropic salt guanidine sulfate (GuS) or the divalent salt magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). In aqueous solution, we find Γ ∼ q2.8±0.1, where Γ is the DLS correlation function relaxation rate and q is the scattering vector. This scaling is consistent with internal motions of a large coil or aggregate. Addition of salt progressively decreases the scaling to Γ ∼ q2.0±0.1 (at 0.5 M of MgSO4) consistent with center-of-mass diffusion of isolated coils. We further find that manipulating the aggregation state of PEO with MgSO4 shifts the critical condition for onset of turbulent drag reduction at dilute concentrations in pipe flow by a factor of 2.5. Because this critical condition is inversely proportional to the viscoelastic relaxation time of the polymer solution, we conclude that the aggregation state and the turbulent drag reduction behavior of PEO are strongly correlated. This correlation definitively confirms prior speculation (Cox et al. Nature 1974;249; Vlachogiannis et al. Physics of Fluids 2003;15(12)) that the high molar mass PEO commonly used in literature studies of turbulent drag reduction is in a state of aggregation. Furthermore, the quantitative differences in quiescent DLS characterization and turbulent flow pressure drop measurements suggest that high molar mass PEO undergoes flow-induced de-aggregation in transport systems with shear stresses as low as 0.5 Pa. 相似文献
Elastic and quasi-elastic light-scattering, viscometric and rheological studies are given for solutions of the microbial polysaccharide Xanthomonas campestris (xanthan) in aqueous 0.62N NaCl for polymer concentrations from 0.03 to 2.2 g kg−1. The observed negative ∂ln[η]/∂ln T is interpreted as a decrease of the persistence length with increasing T. The behaviour in moderately concentrated solutions (2<[η]c<25) reveals intermolecular association, leading to gel formation in the extreme case. The effect of the association on the viscometric and light-scattering data is discussed. It is concluded that the early stages of association involve structure with the chain axes nearly parallel, but that larger, particulate-like structures develop with increasing c, eventually leading to gel formation under certain conditions. 相似文献
A constitutive equation, previously derived for dilute, monodisperse solutions of linear macromolecules, is extended to include polydisperse solutions. This result, which represents a coupling of continuum and molecular theory, realistically portrays the effects of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution on mechanical behavior. Intrinsic viscosity–shear rate data are well described, and with certain semiempirical modifications the equation also fits normal stress and dynamic viscosity data for slightly more concentrated solutions. Some unusual effects associated with the characterization of macromolecular degradation, in studies of turbulent drag reduction, are also explained. 相似文献
We have monitored in situ the self-seeded crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide) from dilute toluene solutions by dynamic light scattering. In supercooled dilute solution, the radii (R) of the crystals grow linearly with time. the rate constant obtained from the slope of the plot Rversus time depends on the temperature and the molecular weight of the polymer, both of which determine the degree of the supercooling. The maximum crystal size obtained from solutions of fixed concentration also depends on the temperature and the polymer molecular weight. It appears that crystal growth is limited because of molecular weight fractionation. Static light scattering from suspensions of stable crystals provides information on the crystal morphology. A comparison of experimental and theoretical particle scattering functions suggests that the crystals form short cylinders and that the crystal growth from the seeds is primarily two-dimensional. Some comparisons to melt crystallization are possible. The preparation and use of tiny seed crystals is critical to the success of these studies. 相似文献
An accurate and simple osmotic method for determination of thermodynamic interaction in ternary solutions (polymer A/polymer B/solvent) is described. The equipment consists of a membrane osmometer of a special design with small chambers and a pressure-sensing device to monitor the pressure difference across the membrane. A procedure has been developed to measure osmotic pressures up to rather high concentrations in both quasi-binary and quasi-ternary systems. The osmotic method is compared with results from light scattering. Different methods are utilized to extract ordinary virial coefficients as well as mixed virial coefficients from the primary data. The system dextran/polyvinylpyrrolidone/water (two different molecular weights of dextran) was chosen as a model. 相似文献
TREF fractionation was combined with SEC‐FTIR analysis to measure the compositional heterogeneity within a commercial impact PP copolymer. The chemical composition of all fractions was determined as function of their molecular weight distribution. This approach proved to be highly successful at identifying different constituents within fractions exhibiting bimodal molecular weight distributions. Furthermore, the determination of ethylene and propylene crystallinity distribution across the molecular weight distribution confirmed the morphological nature of each of the components of the bimodal distribution. It is demonstrated that the combination of TREF and SEC‐FTIR provides a simple alternative to more time‐consuming conventional ways of characterising impact PP copolymers of complex heterogeneity.
Abstract Insulin was modified with monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (MPEG)‐succinimidyl succinate and succinimidyl ester of carboxymethyl MPEG. Effects of reaction solvents, initial molar ratio of MPEG derivative to insulin and reaction time on PEGylation of insulin were investigated by 2,4,6‐trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid spectrophotometric assay and sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Sephadex G75 size exclusion chromatography (SEC), ion exchange chromatography (IEC) and reversed phase‐high performance liquid chromatography (RP‐HPLC) were applied to separate PEGylated insulin. IEC and RP‐HPLC were proved to be efficient tools on separation of different PEGylated insulin species. 相似文献