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Novel merged BiCMOS circuit structures are presented. They offer an area saving of 20-30% compared with conventional BiCMOS structures. The DC and the transient performance of the merged structures are verified using the two-dimensional PISCES-IIB device simulator.<> 相似文献
Based on an accurate large signal MOSFET model, a computer aided design of the elementary NOR gate using a P channel depletion enhancement self-aligned technology has been done so as to minimize power-speed product. Threshold adjustment and gate self-registration are achieved by ion implantation. Measurements of main electrical and technological parameters are given. Computer aided design results are compared with measured performances on a 99 gates ring oscillator. For a 5 V supply voltage power-speed products as low as 1 pJ are obtained. 相似文献
向永杨 《信息安全与通信保密》2004,(9):53-54
作为世界领先的智能应用交换(IAS)解决方案提供商,Radware刚刚在今年4月获得了同负载均衡决定中的相关应用有关的美国359号专利。而在获得专利不久,就因为负载均衡技术在网络的广泛应用而与业界另一知名厂商产生了知识产权纠纷。目前两家公司的官司依旧在美国新泽西州地区法院等待审理。那么,究竟是什么样的一份技术专利导致如此的火拼呢? 相似文献
A new merged BiCMOS structure is presented. It incorporates a Schottky diode between the base and the collector of the n-p-n bipolar transistor. The structure offers the same reduced area advantage of merged over conventional BiCMOS, and is shown to have granted latchup immunity to BiCMOS circuits. The device simulations using HSPICE verify the latchup immunity 相似文献
随着互联网技术的不断发展,数据中心网络以及国家骨干网络的流量规模也在不断增长,大规模的流量以及无用的恶意流量对多核处理器的负载均衡有着很大的影响,所以对于多核处理器来说,负载均衡是一个亟待解决的问题.本文提出了一种基于DPDK平台的动态多重Hash的技术来更好地解决在多核处理器中流量分配不均衡的问题.文章中对现有的RSS等相关技术进行分析,通过采用对称RSS技术与动态负载相关技术相结合的方法,将捕获的数据包发配到不同的收包队列,实现处理器多核间的负载均衡. 相似文献
Ying-Dar Lin Chih Chiang Wang Yi-Jen Lu Yuan-Cheng Lai Hsi-Chang Yang 《Wireless Networks》2018,24(8):2811-2823
This work proposes a Software Defined Networking (SDN) solution to address Wi-Fi congestion due to an unevenly distributed load among access points (APs). The conventional methods generally let client stations learn of APs’ load status and select APs distributively. However, such a client-driven approach lacks a global view to make precise load balancing decisions and may result in repeated changes in client-AP association. Although several studies proposed more efficient network-controlled methods to carry out Wi-Fi load balancing, some of them are distributed methods incurring excessive message exchange among customized APs, while the rest centralized methods are found to burden the central controller with unnecessary AP association decisions. In contrast, our solution adopts standardized OpenFlow protocol and SDN controller technology to Wi-Fi networks, organizing the SDN controller and the APs into a two-tier architecture so that the controller can evaluate the degree of load balancing among the APs and decide up to which load level the APs can accept association requests without consulting the controller. From our experiment results, our solution improves Wi-Fi’s load balancing degree by 34–41%, and yields an improvement of 28–36% in Wi-Fi’s re-association time over generic centralized load balancing methods with positive control. 相似文献
红外动态变形伪装技术研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对红外成像导弹对目标构成的重大威胁和传统伪装器材在防护目标方面的不足,提出了通过动态改变伪装器材的表面温度和红外发射率来改变目标红外热图像、躲避红外成像系统探测与跟踪的技术思路,阐述了电致变温器件和电致变红外发射率器件的工作原理和制备技术,设计了一种基于电致变温器件和电致变发射率器件的红外动态变形伪装系统,描述了系统的工作原理,并给出了该系统的红外动态变形效果图. 相似文献
Multiplication-accumulation operations described by
represent the fundamental computation involved in many digital signal processing algorithms. For high speed signal processing,
one obvious approach to realize the above computation in VLSI is to employm discrete multipliers working in parallel. However, a more area efficient approach is offered by the merged multiplication
technique [5]. But the principal drawback of the conventional merged technique is its longer latency than the former discrete
approach. This work proposes a hardware algorithm for merged array multiplication which eliminates this drawback and achieves
significant improvement in latency when compared with the conventional scheme for merged multiplication. The proposed algorithm
utilizes multiple wave front computation as opposed to the traditional approach where computation in an array multiplier is
carried out by a single wave front. The improvement in latency by the proposed approach is greater than 40% (form>2) when compared with a conventional approach to merged multiplication. The consequent cost in the form of additional requirement
of VLSI area is found to be rather small. In this paper, we provide a thorough analytic discussion on the proposed algorithm
and support it by experimental results. 相似文献
Novel concepts for reliability technology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We begin by examining the diverse connotations of the term quality. The desirable shape traced by the failure rate of the entire life of a good product, which might be called a hockey-stick line rather than a bathtub curve, is introduced. From the hockey-stick line and the definition of reliability, we extract two measurements. The terms r-reliability (failure rate) and durability (product life) are then explained. The conceptual analysis of failure mechanics explains that reliability technology pertains to the design area.The desirable shape of the failure-rate curve of electronic items, the hockey-stick line, clarifies that mean time to failure (MTTF) as the inverse of failure rate can be regarded as nominal life. We then discuss the BX life which is different from the MTTF, and reliability relationships between components and the set product. We recommend reshaped definitions of r-reliability and durability.We clarify the procedure to improve reliability and to identify the failure mode in order to find for right solutions and recommend a generalized life-stress failure model. 相似文献
在集群系统中,负载均衡算法是影响系统性能的关键因素之一.为了进一步提高集群系统的性能,有必要对负载均衡算法进行优化.通过对最小连接算法和DFB(Dynamic Feed-Back)算法的详细分析,提出了一种改进的动态反馈负载均衡算法.该算法通过收集每台服务器的实时性能参数,动态地计算出各服务节点的分配概率,并由此决定用户请求分配给哪一个服务节点.通过对上述三种算法性能的测试,得出了该算法能够有效提高集群系统性能的结论. 相似文献
高性能集群工作方式越来越受到人们的关注,负载均衡是集群系统中任务分配的核心环节。本文首先对计算机集群和负载均衡等技术进行了简要论述,然后通过合理的设置负载均衡和集群配置,利用apache和tomcat搭建集群环境,对集群和负载均衡环境进行了简单的模拟,并对其进行了测试。实验结果表明,利用apache和tomcat成功搭... 相似文献
《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》1978,13(5):617-622
A seven-mask VMOS process has been developed for dynamic RAMs with self-aligned VMOS and planar Al-gate transistors. Using 4 /spl mu/m photolithography, one-transistor cells with a cell size of 150 /spl mu/m/SUP 2/ have been realized. The read signal at the bit line is more than 200 mV. Implementations of a sense amplifier and a word-line driver show that those circuits determine the smallest word and bit line spacing. The paper is concluded by a proposal for a 64K RAM with a chip size of 21 mm/SUP 2/ using 4 /spl mu/m design rules. 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1987,34(1):28-38
A 2-µm enhancement/depletion-type NMOS technology designed for operation at liquid-nitrogen temperature is described. A cesium oxide implant has been used to realize load devices that are not degraded by the freeze out of mobile carriers that occurs in the bulk of conventional depletion-mode transistors at low temperature, Unloaded ring oscillators, fabricated using this technology, have an average propagation delay of 360 ps/stage and a power dissipation of 190 µW/stage with a 2.5-V power supply at 77 K; this represents an improvement in speed of a factor of 2.5 over a conventional NMOS technology operating at room temperature. Simulations predict a further decrease in delay to 200 ps/stage for a 2-/µm process may be achieved through optimization of the Cs-implanted load device without compromising noise margins. 相似文献
数字微镜器件动态红外景象投影技术 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
动态红外景象投影技术是硬件闭环仿真(HWIL)和成像系统测试及评估的关键技术,随着数字微镜器件的研制成功,应用动态红外景象技术已备受关注。描述了动态红外景象投影技术在仿真和红外成像系统测试中的应用,具体介绍了数字微镜器件的工作原理,讨论了动态红外景象投影系统的关键技术和国内外研究现状。 相似文献
Martens proposed a highly efficient and simply formed DFT algorithm——RCFA,whose efficien-cy is comparable with that of WFTA or that of PFA,and whose structure is similar to that of FFT.Theauthors have proved that,in the case of radix 2,the RCFA is exactly equivalent to the twiddle factor mergedfrequency-decimal FFT algorithm.The twiddle factor merged time-decimal FFT algorithm is providedin this paper.Thus,in any case,the FFT algorithm used currently can be replaced by the more efficientalgorithm——the twiddle factor merged FFT algorithm,with exactly the same external property and thesimilar internal structure.Also in this paper,the software for implementing the twiddle factor merged FFTalgorithm(TMFFT)is provided. 相似文献
《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》1982,17(1):20-27
The design of a 96-stage, programmable binary-analog correlator is described. An array of charge coupled device (CCD) delay lines of differing lengths perform the delay and sum function. Merging of several CCD channels is employed to reduce the active area. This device architecture allows simplified output detection while maintaining good device performance at high speeds (5-10 MHz). Experimental results indicate a 50 dB broad-band dynamic range and excellent agreement with the theoretical processing gain (19.8 db) when operated at a 6 MHz sampling frequency as a sequence matched filter pseudorandom noise. 相似文献
In this letter, novel isolation structures are reported to improve the cross-talk isolation between active devices as well as the performance of on-chip inductors in a thin-film SOI (TFSOI) technology. In these structures, p+ substrate contact rings and appropriately doped TFSOI layers are used. The p+ substrate contact rings provides -57 dB isolation (typically characterized for a device spacing of 100 μm) at 10 GHz, which is the best ever reported in TFSOI technology. A maximum Q-factor of 10.4 is obtained for TFSOI-layer shielded on-chip inductors. The inductor-to-inductor isolation is -62 dB (for a spacing of 100 μm) at 10 GHz, which is close to the ideal isolation of the open probes. This excellent cross-talk isolation performance and the high-Q on-chip inductors make the TFSOI technology a very suitable candidate for mixed signal RF system-on-a-chip (SOC) applications 相似文献