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Millions of operative procedures are performed in the United States each year. One of the greatest concerns for the surgical patient is postoperative pain. Despite traditional efforts to alleviate this pain, clinical studies indicate that postoperative pain is not relieved in most patients. The federal Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) developed a clinical practice guideline, Acute Pain Management: Operative or Medical Procedures and Trauma to help clinicians, patients, and patient's families understand the assessment and treatment of postoperative acute pain in both adults and children. Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) can use the guideline to improve acute pain management within their institutions. Effective pain management can be accomplished through a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach using an individualized proactive pain control plan. Frequent assessment and reassessment of pain, use of drug and nondrug therapies, and implementation of an institution-wide program using CQI/QA methods in necessary. Implications for CRNAs include providing patient and staff education, establishing standards of care for pain management, and adapting an aggressive "no pain, much gained" clinical practice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this qualitative study was twofold: (1) to determine the factors that affected physical therapists' (PTs) perception of patients' pain and (2) to determine how this perception affected the management of patients. METHODS: Forty-six PTs with at least two years' experience practicing in pain management clinics, outpatient clinics or sports medicine clinics were interviewed. The data collected were transcribed, coded and analyzed for main themes. RESULTS: The most predominant factors found to affect PTs' perception of patients' pain were the therapist's personal and professional experience, area of practice and evaluative findings. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample there exists a common link between experience and evaluative findings: the longer PTs have been practicing the more proficient they become in performing and interpreting a thorough subjective and objective evaluation. PTs practicing in pain clinics were found to have a more holistic and multidisciplinary approach to patient care, whereas therapists practicing in outpatient and sports medicine facilities were more apt to focus on patients' physical symptoms and complaints. Four main themes of perceived patient pain and their corresponding management were developed: (1) patients presenting with legitimate/acute pain profiles render a slow, conservative approach by the PT; (2) patients presenting with debilitating/chronic pain were most often treated with an approach that stressed functional gains and patient independence; (3) the preferred treatment of patients characterized with a non-legitimate pain profile was an aggressive and multidisciplinary approach; (4) 'special cases' and their management were dependent upon the patient's functional level and pain tolerance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between problems in anesthesia care delivery and the availability and utilization of trained anesthesia manpower. The 1972 and 1980 projected supply and mix of anesthesiologists and nurse anesthestists is described and compared to the current and projected need for their services. The need estimates developed for anesthesia manpower are based upon published data on operations, productivity and theoretical team configurations. Utilization data are used since they are quantifiable and the need for anesthesia services is, indeed, supply-induced. Two estimates of need are developed based upon differing degrees to which anesthesia teams can be effectively employed, this being contingent upon the size of the hospital operative workload. While the need estimates developed for anesthesiologists for 1972 and 1980 were fairly close in aggregate number to the actual and projected supply; the need estimates for nurse anesthetists fell far short of their 1972 and 1980 projected supply. The 1972 need estimates are then compared on a statewide basis to the actual supply and mix of anesthesia personnel to reveal a severe maldistribution which is quantified in terms of shortage and execesses of anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists for each state.  相似文献   

The 1970 geographical distributions of total anesthesia manpower, anesthesiologists, and nurse anesthetists by state were analyzed by multiple regression to account for their unevenness. Independent variables included factors relating to prior professional contact in the state, professional satisfaction, practice income, demand for services, and environment. The distribution of training programs accounted for 41 per cent of the variance in the distribution of total manpower, but 55 per cent was explained by the number of operations, location of nurse anesthesia schools, and proportion of total state employment in service occupations (a proxy for the availability of consumer services). Location of training programs and the absence of the other type of personnel were good predictors for the manpower subgroups. The distribution of nurse anesthesia schools, anesthesiologists, number of surgical operations, and the relative value schedule conversion factor together accounted for 60 per cent of the variance in the nurses' distribution. The location of residency programs (or positions) was a better predictor for the anesthesiologists' location than medical schools or factors characterizing the demand for services. The distribution of nurse anesthetists, hospital cost per day (considered a proxy for a satisfying professional life and for regionalization of services), and residency programs explained 81 per cent of the variance in the anesthesiologists' distribution. Although the regression predicts that increasing the number of residency programs in an underserved state should be associated with an increase the number of anesthesiologists, such a policy may be infeasible dur to pending federal health manpower legislation unless matched by decreasing a greater number of programs in relatively oversupplied states.  相似文献   

Trauma during wartime has been the scourge of the ages. Conventional anesthesia with ether has been available since 1846 when it was demonstrated in Boston by a dentist named William Morton. Subsequently, ether was used during the Mexican-American War in 1847, and chloroform was used during the Crimean War from 1854 to 1856. Nurse anesthetists have made substantial contributions to care of the war-injured by initiating acute airway management and resuscitation efforts and by the administration of anesthesia care for critically injured war casualties undergoing surgical procedures. They have further contributed to goodwill in war-torn areas by providing anesthesia care to many civilian children and adults living in these areas of conflict. The evolution of nurse anesthesia contributions to the treatment of traumatized war casualties is the central focus of this article.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Physicians in the 1920s and 1930s began to treat patients with chronic pain syndromes using regional anesthetic techniques for both temporary and permanent block of pain pathways. The founding of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA) in 1923 provided a unique venue for the dissemination of information concerning regional anesthesia for both surgery and chronic pain management. METHODS: The growth of chronic pain management on a national basis was assessed by using the Quarterly Cumulative Index to the Medical Literature to trace the distribution of information on regional anesthesia. From the Minutes of Meeting of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia, presented papers and the discussion that followed were analyzed. RESULTS: Inquiries into regional anesthesia during the 1920s and 1930s predominantly dealt with technique. For the first time pain papers were listed under the regional anesthesia heading in the Index. The papers presented at ASRA meetings during the period helped develop the use of regional anesthesia for both chronic pain management and surgical anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: The ASRA was instrumental in bringing together physicians interested in regional anesthesia and pain management. During the 1930s physician anesthetists came to predominate as the organization's officers and members and helped translate the work of the ASRA into a part of the knowledge required to be a specialist physician in anesthesia.  相似文献   

Undertreatment of all types of acute and chronic pain is common, both in the United States and around the world. Moreover, a literature review of pressure ulcer pain and its management suggests that this area of pain medicine is truly in its infancy. This article includes a discussion of current literature, anatomy and physiology of pain related to pressure and ischemic ulcers and assessment methods. It also describes treatment modalities, including conservative measures, medication management and invasive procedures. Special emphasis is placed on the use of opioid analgesics in the management of severe acute and chronic wound pain.  相似文献   

A 1992 General Accounting Office (GAO) study on costs of anesthesia found that anesthetics administered by anesthesia care teams (ACTs) were more costly than those administered by Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) or anesthesiologists practicing alone. In 1994, Medicare implemented a single payment system in response to the GAO report and recommendations by the Physician Payment Review Commission. Restructuring of many anesthesia departments has followed. A study was conducted in a 370-bed public teaching hospital to: 1. Examine how one ACT functionally provided services. 2. Identify roles of CRNAs and anesthesiologists within this team practice. 3. Determine if medical direction was perceived as equally beneficial in all cases. 4. Identify practice modifications which could possibly lower costs. All anesthetics (n = 358), excluding obstetrics, were studied over a 4-week period. Sixty-four variables were collected on each case including patient demographics, case characteristics, provider functions, and outcome data. Most patients were healthy and had low complexity operations. Systat statistical software was used for data analysis. There were clear functional variations in the roles of anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists within the anesthesia care team. Anesthesiologists provided most preoperative and postoperative care, while nurse anesthetists administered the majority of anesthetics. Anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists in this study agreed in their perceptions that more than 70% of these cases did not need medical direction. Logistical regression of variables was used to construct a predictive equation for cases where providers perceived that medical direction was beneficial.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the diagnostic and therapeutic roles of laparoscopy in women of reproductive age with acute and chronic pelvic pain. DATA IDENTIFICATION: Studies relating to the use of laparoscopy in women with acute and chronic pelvic pain were identified through the literature and MEDLINE searches. CONCLUSION(S): Laparoscopy has an important place in the management of conditions that cause acute pelvic pain in women of reproductive age, including ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, tubo-ovarian abscess, and adnexal torsion. The procedure frequently facilitates the diagnosis and provides the necessary access for surgical treatment. Prompt diagnosis and effective management prevent complications and help preserve fertility. The role of laparoscopy in women with chronic pelvic pain is more controversial and limited, but abnormal laparoscopic findings are detected in approximately 60% of those who have undergone a multidisciplinary investigation and received a tentative clinical diagnosis. The access provided by laparoscopy permits the effective surgical treatment of many of the conditions encountered, including endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, ovarian lesions, and symptomatic uterine retroversion.  相似文献   

Nontraumatic abdominal pain is a common complaint of adult patients in acute care settings. The causes of abdominal pain are numerous and can be benign or life threatening. The advanced practice nurse must be able to differentiate abdominal pain from acute and nonacute sources so that rapid and effective treatment can be implemented.  相似文献   

To facilitate effective management of pain and anxiety, and to permit more objective assessment of changes in this management, a pain and anxiety guideline was developed and has been followed uniformly for 3 years. The guideline describes four patient care categories: (1) ventilated acute, (2) nonventilated acute, (3) chronic acute, and (4) reconstructive. A small and consistent formulary was emphasized. A specific guideline for background, procedural, and transition pain and anxiety management was developed for each patient care category. All pain and anxiety medications given to all acutely burned children admitted to the Institute for 12 consecutive months were recorded, and daily pain and anxiety discomfort scores were noted using a 5-level action-based bedside scoring system. Doses of individual pain and anxiety medications were calculated as mg per kg per patient-day in each category, and all doses were found to be within guideline specifications. The efficacy of the guideline was judged by four discomfort scores: (1) background pain, (2) procedural pain, (3) background anxiety, and (4) procedural anxiety, and were adequate in all patient categories. There were no complications related to overmedication experienced during the interval. Our objective was to develop a guideline for pain and anxiety management that: (1) was safe and effective over a broad range of ages and injury acuities seen in the unit, (2) was explicit in its recommendations, (3) had a limited formulary to optimize staff familiarity with agents used, and (4) took advantage of the presence of a bedside nurse to continuously evaluate efficacy and intervene when needed through dose-ranging. Although many drugs are appropriate, our choices were based on institutional familiarity and simplicity. This process of developing a clear and consistent guideline can be duplicated in any unit.  相似文献   

Historical events leading to the evolution of the present-day advanced practice nurse (APN) are discussed, as is the development of specialty nurses, nurse anesthetists, nurse-midwives, clinicians, and nurse practitioners. A review of legislation, education, regulation, and events that influenced the role development of the APN is presented.  相似文献   

Health care spending in the United States outpaces all other nations or 14% of the gross domestic product. Although the escalating increases in health care costs which have characterized the industry over the past quarter century have begun to slow down, if changes in the current health care policy are not implemented, spending is expected to increase at a rate of 11.5% during each of the next 5 years. Health care spending will reach $1.1 trillion or 15% of the gross domestic product in the near future. Both hospitals and universities are facing mounting pressures to reduce their costs and improve their services. In this environment, it becomes increasingly important for directors of nurse anesthesia programs to financially justify their existence. This discussion begins with a brief overview of nurse anesthesia education in the United States. The value of and need for nurse anesthetists in the US health care system is addressed. Advantages and disadvantages of hospital versus university-based programs are highlighted and funding sources identified. Future needs and challenges in nurse anesthesia education conclude this discussion.  相似文献   

Differentiated strategy of treating patients with acute and chronic pain is developed. Preemptive analgesia is a priority trend in the treatment of acute postoperative pain. The most prevalent method of postoperative analgesia is prolonged opioid epidural analgesia carried out in intensive care wards and other wards by an acute pain management team. For treating patients with chronic painful syndromes, protocols of initial clinical and diagnostic evaluation are developed, permitting the choice of individual treatment strategy. Differentiated complex drug therapy planned with consideration for individual course of the painful syndrome is the basis of treating patients with phantom pain syndrome. Algorithms of differentiated therapy of radicular and spondylogenic pain are designed. Stage-by-stage analysis of treatment efficacy is carried out using modern electrophysiological methods. Realization of the proposed organization principles improved the efficacy of postoperative analgesia to 88.2%, prevented the development of postoperative painful syndrome in 35.6% cases, decreased the incidence of phantom pain syndrome after amputation of the limb from 63.3 to 31.6% and increased the efficacy of this syndrome treatment to 70.1%, and increased the efficacy of treating vertebrogenic painful syndromes to 82.3%.  相似文献   

Changes in the health care system are stimulating trends in where and how nursing services are delivered. Nurse managers are responsible for the overall management of the nursing work unit and must be prepared to practice in settings other than acute care. Home care is a rapidly growing practice that emerges as patients are discharged from the hospital sooner with ongoing medical and nursing needs. The job responsibilities of a nurse manager remain similar across practice settings, including the transition from acute care to home care. A detailed checklist highlights specific similarities and differences in the nurse manager's role in acute care and home care settings. As the walls of the practice setting are taken down, nurse managers must build on current knowledge and creatively develop new skills to remain successful in ongoing job responsibilities.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a survey of 134 homeless people living in 42 urban encampments in central Los Angeles. These data, of concern to public health officials, include the physical conditions in the camps, the health status of residents, their use of drugs and alcohol, and their access to and use of health care services such as substance abuse treatment. Many encampment residents report poor health status; over 30 percent report chronic illnesses, and 40 percent report a substance abuse problem. Although outreach efforts have had success in bringing HIV and tuberculosis screening services to encampments, residents report significant barriers to using primary health care and drug and alcohol treatment services. Public hospitals and clinics remain the major source of primary medical care for homeless people living in encampments. Outreach and case management continue to be critical components of improved access to health care for homeless people.  相似文献   

There is still a significant lack of treatment and rehabilitation facilities for chronic pain patients in Germany today. Most of all the treatment of low back pain and widespread pain syndromes or panalgesia is time consuming and complicated. The main problem of anaesthesiological pain clinics is the increase of these complex pain syndromes in the last years. The definition of chronic pain is a continuous noxious input modulated and compounded by the prolonged or recurrent nature of chronic state and further complicated by a multitude of economic and psychosocial factors. It is now clear that no one discipline or mode will suffice. Only a multidisciplinary and intensive approach will prevail, as discussed in this article. Unfortunately these multidisciplinary pain units are nearly not existing in Germany just as little as control of the effectiveness of pain treatment.  相似文献   

Presents an overview of the general theoretical viewpoint of a multidisciplinary treatment of chronic low-back pain. Results from a number of multidisciplinary pain clinics are summarized, and major treatment modalities utilized by this approach are critically reviewed. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current climate of managed care has sparked efforts to reduce costs in patient care. In many cases, this has resulted in more efficient methods of patient management: chronic disease management in an outpatient setting appears to be one such success story. For critical care nurses interested in working beyond the boundaries of a traditional ICU, chronic disease management clinics represent an alternative environment in which they may apply their skills. Nancy Brass-Mynderse, RN, MSN, CCRN, a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) with 18 years of experience in critical care, was instrumental in development of the Scripps Health Chronic Disease Clinic at Green Hospital of Scripps Clinic, San Diego, Calif. Brass-Mynderse currently supervises the operation of the clinic, along with Omana Kaliangara, RN, MSN, CFNP, a nurse practitioner. Brass-Mynderse received her bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz, and her master's degree from San Diego State University. She recently obtained her family nurse practitioner certificate from California State University, Dominguez Hills, Calif. Kaliangara received her bachelor's degree from San Jose State University, San Jose, Calif, and her nurse practitioner certificate from the University of California, San Francisco, Calif. After working in family medicine and a diabetic clinic, Kaliangara developed an interest in the management of chronic diseases. In an interview with CRITICAL CARE NURSE in September, Brass-Mynderse and Kaliangara took time to discuss the development and operation of the clinic, and to recount some of their success stories.  相似文献   

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