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校园文化由学校的制度文化、行为文化、物质文化和精神文化四方面构成。而随着信息技术的飞速发展,校园网络文化的出现给学校教育带来了机遇和挑战。因此,如何建设多元、和谐的校园网络文化,已成为时代赋予教育工作者的崭新课题。  相似文献   

当代的“摩西”──商务平台引导电子商务走出困境 在基础环境上,网络普及程度正在逐步提高,带宽资源瓶颈正在迅速得到缓解。然而在政策环境上,由于立法的滞后,当交易过程中出现纠纷时,无法确定有关各方的责任和权利,并进行相应的赔偿和处罚等裁决。 在社会文化环境上,网络消费习惯处于培养阶段,网络消费群体不断壮大。当然这是一个渐渐的培养过程。另外,技术安全和信用安全问题也未能得到很好的解决。 在市场环境上,支付和配送问题已经初步得到解决,物流企业开始重组,专业化公司开始出现。 纵览上面这三个层次,可以说,中国的…  相似文献   

当今世界,网络已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的交流沟通途径,党的十八大报告中指出,要"树立高度的文化自觉和文化自信",同时强调要"加强和改进网络内容建设,唱响网上主旋律。"文章通过剖析文化自觉与网络媒介建设的概念,找出他们之间内在的联系,以文化自觉为逻辑主线,以网络媒介社会责任建设为研究对象,在明确文化自觉、网络媒介、网络媒介社会责任的相关概念的前提下,通过网络媒介社会责任建设政策理论依据的阐述,进一步说明网络媒介社会责任建设的时代必然性。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的飞速发展,网络随之渗透到各个方面,成为我们生活学习的重要平台。新时代背景下,高职院校学生思想行为网络化趋势加强,学生的网络素养培养出现问题。本文探讨如何提高高职学生网络素养教育,培育校园好网民。把握当前形势下的思政契机,提升学生网络素养,使学生获得更好的发展,是所有教师的使命和责任。  相似文献   

当前,网络文化的构建已经成为大学文化建设中一个重要而紧迫的课题,大学教育者必须高度重视并积极探索破题之道。本文在分析网络文化特性的基础上,提出了构建大学网络文化的思路:重视大学网络文化参与者之间的有效沟通,强化大学网络文化的服务性功能,在大学网络文化的构建中重视并善于利用技术,以及充分发挥学生的主体作用。  相似文献   

网络技术与信息的发展使得跨国电信网络诈骗案件层出不穷,犯罪分子跨国境、跨区域进行诈骗,诈骗手段不断更新,严重扰乱了社会主义市场经济秩序。跨国电信网络诈骗案件中存在诸多困境,基于司法主权原则带来的管辖权冲突以及取证、抓捕方面的困难,银行等金融机构监管不到位,公民防范意识薄弱等。针对出现的困境,可以加强国际警务合作,强化金融机构的责任以及加大宣传工作,以此有效防范、打击跨国电信网络诈骗,保障公民的网络安全以及财产权。  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,出现了网络文化,改变了人们的思想。由于网络中存在一些不良信息,所以为了使学生不受其影响,学校应该建设校园网络文化。随着校园网络文化的发展,它对教育教学工作也产生了一定的影响。本文简要分析了网络文化及校园网络文化的特点,并论述了其对计算机基础教育的影响。  相似文献   

周慧 《办公自动化》2002,(G00):388-402
智能家庭的出现得益于现代计算机技术,网络通讯技术,自动控制技术的飞速发展,基于智能家庭网络平台,实现家庭住宅的智能化,用户可以通过它在网上冲浪,观看电影,在家办公,网上订货,远程教育等等,其目的是使人类的生活更简便,更高效,更舒适,极大地提高了生活质量,同时,引发了新的家庭教育模式的转变,人们不仅要重视基本的家庭教育内容,而且,要提高计算机教育在家庭教育的地位,随之而来的计算机教育正在城市家庭中普及,有些家庭几代人都在追赶计算机学习的热潮,显而易见,智能化家庭正朝着我们走来。  相似文献   

钱伯斯说:"是什么决定我们的未来?互联网和教育."网络和信息技术与我们的生活密切相关,网络给教育带来了重大的变化.家庭是青少年成长的主要场所,那么信息技术给家庭教育又带来怎样的变化?家庭教育该怎样合理的利用计算机和网络工具来达到教育的最优化效果?  相似文献   

近年来,我国互联网新闻信息服务行业发展迅猛,微博、微信、APP等互联网新信息技术、新媒体应用的出现和普及,网络上的内容丰富且多样,很大程度满足了人们的日常网络需求,但同时一些虚假的、造谣的新闻内容也出现在互联网中,有一些团体或个人在互联网上进行新闻传播或转发过程中,对传播或转发的新闻内容进行恶意修改甚至虚构内容,这种行为使得网络用户的合法权益被肆意侵害,所以亟需尽快完善相关法律法规,落实责任,对互联网上的信息加强规范。  相似文献   

现代生活中计算机网络已经越来越普及,在人们享受网络科技带来的快捷方便的同时,网络犯罪也悄悄潜入了人们的生活,黑客病毒、网络诈骗以及色情暴力信息随着网络如潮水般涌来,对网络犯罪进行防控已经刻不容缓。本文简要介绍了目前网络犯罪的特点,然后从心理学的角度分析了网络犯罪形成的原因,最后针对网络犯罪心理的成因,从政府部门的角度提出了一些预防措施。  相似文献   

Because most teenagers strive for freedom and try to live autonomously, communication with their parents could be improved. It appeared from a literature review and a diary study that parent-teenager communication primarily addresses teenager-oriented everyday activities. However, it also showed teenagers have a substantial interest in getting to know their parents and their parents’ past. The study described in this paper seeks to address this opportunity by designing a product for parents and teenagers that facilitates communication about the past of the parents. The resulting design, called Cueb, is a set of interactive digital photo cubes with which parents and teenagers can explore individual and shared experiences and are triggered to exchange stories. An evaluation of a prototype of Cueb with four families showed that the participants felt significantly more triggered and supported to share their experiences and tell stories with Cueb’s full functionality (connecting cubes, switching, and locking photographs) than with limited functionality (shaking to display random photographs), similar to more traditional photo media.  相似文献   

我国网络治理和立法经历了自由发展、网络治理探索、全面治理3个阶段。现行的网络立法存在立法层次低、欠缺上位法;政出多门,立法分散;立法滞后,存在重复、仲突与空白;立法过于简单原则,欠缺可操作性;立法重管理轻治理,重义务轻权利等问题。为尽快出台《网络安全法》、《个人信息保护法》、《网络信息服务管理法》、《电子商务法》、《电子政务法》、《电信法》等基础性网络立法给出了建议,以构建较为完整的网络立法体系。  相似文献   

作为新的国家安全观的重要构成要素之一的信息安全问题,已日益引起世界各国的关注。近几年来,美国采取了强有力的立法措施以解决其网络及计算机系统的脆弱性问题。美国为保障信息安全所做出的立法努力对我国的信息安全立法有极大的借鉴意义。在我国的信息安全立法过程中,应该特别注意对公民基本权利的维护和国际合作问题,同时,应该通过立法保障对信息安全研究的财政支持力度。  相似文献   

利用径向基函数RBF神经网络具有的分类、预测、自学习的功能,建立RBF网络预测模型并将其应用于入侵预测中来实现检测已知攻击、预测未知攻击,对检测到的网络攻击实时响应。  相似文献   

Policy actions against various cyberspace crimes should respond both systematically and specifically to the nature of each crime and its accompanying evidence. Voice phishing as an emerging internet fraud practice has already victimized many unsuspecting consumers and hit the headlines frequently; cyber prostitution, pornography, illegal duplication of software, and online gambling have also become routine problems. Anonymity and facelessness in cyberspace distort one’s sense of guilt and allow for rapid collection, modification, and distribution of illegal and harmful information that disrupts social order and public safety. The purpose of this research is to examine the concept and type of cyber crime and to trace its trend in the Republic of Korea in the recent years. Due to its informational, national, global, and networking properties, cyber crime often puts serious restraints on conventional criminal justice procedures that cannot compromise such legal issues as individual safety and protection of privacy. If made accessible, information stored in private computers has potential to serve as decisive evidence in many criminal litigations. The Korean criminal procedure law promulgated on July 18, 2011 and enforced since January 1, 2012 contains an express provision permitting the search and seizure of digital evidence. But this partial code does not explicitly define the admissibility of digital evidence and acceptable methods of examining it. Hence, it is one of the goals of this research to identify problems pertaining to this law and suggest ways to improve it.  相似文献   

网络上各种协议的制定最初的目的是为了有一个统一的标准可以使通信更方便和在更广泛的范围内实现互通.但就在这些协议成为标准之后,人们在研究它的过程当中发现了协议本身的一些缺陷.同时就有这样的一些恶意和善意的人们利用协议本身的缺陷并结合它们的工作原理研究出了许多对网络进行攻击的方法.本文主要介绍了在网络中存在的一些攻击现象,并分析了各种攻击现象的实现原理.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - The sudden rise in the frequency and sophistication of cyber threats has become a hindrance to the steady development of internet of things (IoT)-based...  相似文献   

With the advent of internet-consumer generation and changes in family structures, the purchasing power of teenagers has greatly increased. Since family communication patterns are still the primary source from which adolescents learn their purchasing behavior, parental influence on adolescent purchasing decisions cannot be ignored. Parents play a critical role in family communication and, thus, establish the consumer socialization model for cyber purchasing behavior of adolescents in this study. A sample of young people aged 16–30 was divided across three age spans. Family socioeconomic status was explored to see if it relates to different family communication patterns, and whether family communication patterns in turn influence cyber purchasing behavior of adolescent. The results show that compulsive purchasing behavior is affected by stages of the adolescent life cycle and by the mother’s education level. Adolescents whose family communication patterns are concept-oriented tend to incur more planned buying. If the family communication patterns are social-oriented, the individual tends towards unplanned shopping behavior. The results show that, in addition to the adolescent life cycle and family communication patterns, family socioeconomic status and parental marital status also affect adolescent cyber purchasing behavior.  相似文献   

While critics offer concerns that cyber charter schools under-enroll special education students, such schools may offer advantages for these students, and some cyber schools have identified this market niche. Little is known about such schools. We surveyed parents (n = 232; 48.7% response rate) and students (n = 269; 53.7% response rate) at a cyber charter school that we will call SunTech, where special education students account for 26% of the student body. Findings indicate that special education students and their parents were more likely than general education peers to mention behavioral issues as influencing their decision to choose SunTech. Compared to general education counterparts, special education students and parents reported somewhat higher levels of satisfaction in the school and somewhat lower levels of satisfaction in their prior schools. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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