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水沙混合流的流速分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于水沙混合流的基本控制方程,考虑泥沙颗粒间相互作用形成的剪切应力,引入局部化MoninObukhov长度尺度以计入密度分层浮力效应,建立了明渠定常、均匀水沙混合流流速分布的严格理论模式,理论结果与实测资料吻合甚好,该模式普遍适用于低含沙量和高含沙量流动.本文的分析支持基于VonKarman常数不变之观点  相似文献   

Large-scale landslide dams may block the river flow and cause inundation upstream,and subsequently fail and result in severe flooding and damage in the downstream.The need for enhanced understanding of the inundation and flooding is evident.This article presents an experimental study of the inundation and landslide dam-break flooding over erodible bed in open channels.A set of automatic water-level probes is deployed to record the highly transient stage,and the post-flooding channel bed elevation is measured.New experimental data resources are provided for understanding the processes of landslide-induced flooding and for testing mathematical rivers models.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONThepropagationofborewavesorthemove mentoffreesurfaceflowscausedbydambreak ing ,orsuddenopeningorclosingofasluiceinachannelhasincreasedinterestinenvironmentalandhydraulicengineering .Generallyitcanbede scribedbytheShallowWaterEquations (SWE )throughtheintegrationoftheNavier Stokesequationsoverdepthwiththeassumptionsofhydrostaticpressuredistributionandmildchannel bedslope .ManyclassicaltechniquesthatwereusedforsolvingtheSWEcanbefoundinthepaststudies .However ,whendiscon…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONTheformationoficecoveronflowingwatergreatlyaltersflowcharacteristics,resultinginthechangeofvelocitydistributionandtheincreaseofflowdepthincomparisonwithfreesurfaceflowwiththesamedischargeduetotheincreasedresistancecausedbyanadditionalsolidboundary.Fromengineeringpointofview,estimationofconveyingcapacityofice--coveredstreams,orcalculationofwatersurfaceprofilealongriverreachwithicecoverisveryoftenrequiredinrivermanagementinvolvingtheoperationofreservoirswhenreleasesbaseduponthe…  相似文献   

Low concentration sediment-laden flow is usually involved in water conservancy, environmental protection, navigation and so on. In this article, a mathematical model for low-concentration sediment-laden flow was suggested based on the two-phase flow theory, and a solving scheme for the mathematical model in curvilinear grids was worked out. The observed data in the Zhang River in China was used for the verification of the model, and the calculated results of the water level, velocity and river bed deformation are in agreement with the observed ones.  相似文献   

By considering that the coherent structure is the main cause of the Reynolds stress, a new Reynolds stress expression was given. On this basis the velocity distribution in the trapezoid-section open channel flow was worked out with the pseudo-spectral method. The results were compared with experimental data and the influence of the ratio of length to width of the cross-section and the lateral inclination on the velocity distribution was analyzed. This model can be used the large flux in rivers and open channes.  相似文献   

The accuracy of an ultrasonic flowmeter meaurement depends on the profile-linear average velocity.But this velocity in the transition region is not available at the present.In this article,the velocity in the transition region in pipes is studied by experimental methods.The Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used to measure the flow field in the transition region in pipes,and the measured results from PIV are in good agreement with the Westerwell’s experimental data.Based on the experimental data of PIV,the curves of the profile-linear average velocity in the transition region against the Reynolds number in the range from 2 000 to 20 000 are obtained,and it is shown that the coefficient k is constant when the Reynolds number is in the range of 2 000-2 400 and 6 000-20 000,and the coefficient k is increasing when the Reynolds number is in the range of 2 400-6 000.The results of this article can be used to improve the measurement accuracy of the ultrasonic flowmeters and as a theoretical basis for the research on the transition flow.  相似文献   

The management of regulated rivers and canals involves new objectives of water quality preservation. Among water quality aspects, the development of benthic algae induces impacts on both the quantitative and the qualitative management. In open‐channel networks, their growth causes accumulation of biomass on the substratum, which decreases the hydraulic performance. Their detachment induces increases of drift biomass and particles likely to cause clogging issues. To manage these benthic algae developments, we study an original strategy that consists of performing hydraulic flushes in order to detach a part of the algal cover. The principle is to create a controlled hydrodynamic perturbation thanks to hydraulic control structures and to limit the quantity of fixed and drift algae simultaneously. We propose a comprehensive model of the flushes based on coupled hydrodynamic and algae detachment models in order to analyse and improve the management procedure. This model was applied on two real canals located in southern France. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In accordance with the characteristics of the rectangular prismatic channel, the flow in the channel was divided into two parts, the bed part and the wall part. On the basis of general principles of mechanics, the area relation between the bed part and the wall part was worked out. A formula for determining the shear acting on the bed and the walls in rectangular channels was derived, which has a simple form and is only related to the ratio of the breadth to the depth.The difference between the calculated value with the presented formula and the data published was illustrated to be less than that with other formulas, which shows that the formula is reasonable and can model the flow in the rectangular prismatic channel with higher accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

Based on the Estuarine, Coastal and Ocean Modeling System with Sediments (ECOMSED) model, a 3-D hydrodynamic-transport numerical model was established for the offshore area near the Yangtze Estuary in the East China Sea .The hydrodynamic module was driven by tide and wind. Sediment module included sediment resuspension, transport and deposition of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment. The settling of cohesive sediment in the water column was modeled as a fimction of aggregation (flocculation) and deposition. The numerical results were compared with observation data for August, 2006. It shows that the sediment concentration reduces gradually from the seashore to the offshore area. Numerical results of concentration time series in the observation stations show two peaks and two valleys, according with the observation data. It is mainly affected by tidal current. The suspended sediment concentration is related to the tidal current during a tidal cycle, and the maximum concentration appears 1 h-4 h after the current maximum velocity has reached.  相似文献   

明渠挟沙水流的两相流模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文从两相流基本方程出发对明渠挟水流含沙量、流速垂线分布及近底层平均流动特性进行了理论研究,建立了一个新的泥沙扩散方程,并用大量资料进行了验证。结果表明:现有含沙量公式和流速垂线分布公式只是本文理论模式在低含沙量条件下的简化形式。当含沙量增加时,固相泥沙对流动结构的影响亦趋显著而不可忽略。精确模拟水沙流动,需要发展高级的两相湍流模式。  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Mostnaturalflowsareturbulent,andthenat uralriversareprevalentlymeandering.Mostofthe riverbendsarethosewithnot fully developedcir culationcurrentsonly,inwhichcentralanglesfor thebendsaresmallerthan180°,even90°.These bendflowsarecharacterizedbythedevelopmentoflateralcirculationcurrentsandbythenot fully offsetsofmainflow,withobvious3Dfeatures.Soinhydraulicengineeringandnavigationengi neering,itisimportantandnecessarytoinvesti gatethe3Dturbulentcharactersofbendflow.Be causet…  相似文献   

MIXINGMODELEXTENDEDTOTURBULENTFLOWINNARROWSMOOTHOPENCHANNELSNiJin-ren(DepartmentofGeography,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,P....  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION Due to the fact that three-dimensional (3D) numerical models are quite expensive to simulate flow and sediment transport processes, vertically-integrated two-dimensional (2D) models are extensively applied at present, even to the predictio…  相似文献   

A 3-D model based on the Reynolds equations with closed k-ε turbulence model ispresented in this paper,which can be used to predict surface water flow in open channels.In-stead of the“rigid lid”approximation,the solution of the free surface equation is implemented inthe velocity-pressure iterative procedure on the basis of the conventional SIMPLE method.Thismodel was used to compute the flow in rectangular channels with trenches dredged across the bot-tom.The velocity,eddy viscosity coefficient,turbulent shear stress,turbulent kinetic energyand elevation of the free surface over the trenches dredged in the main channel,can be obtained.The computed results are in good agreement with existing experimentaing data.  相似文献   

挟沙水流卡门常数的理论研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
挟沙水流的流速分布,特别是其中的卡门常数,一直是冲积河流水力学研究的热点问题之一.实测资料表明挟沙水流流速分布仍遵循对数流速分布规律,但在主流区的卡门常数要小于清水时的卡门常数,而在近底区的卡门常数与清水基本一致.在引入颗粒切应力的基础上,从理论上推导了同时适用于主流区和近底区的统一流速分布模型.利用该流速分布模型,得到挟沙水流的卡门常数沿垂线是变化的结论,即从近底区的约0.4渐变到主流区的小于0.4.并给出了主流区卡门常数的理论表达式,认为主流区卡门常数与近底区的泥沙浓度和泥沙粒径有关.该卡门常数的理论公式与实测资料较为吻合.  相似文献   

Results of several Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of open channel flows with non-submerged vegetation are presented in this article. It is shown that the vegetation can make the flow structure in the mainstream direction uniform for both supercritical and subcritical flows. For subcritical flows, the LES results of the ensemble-average of time-averaged velocity distributions at four vertical sections around a single plant are in good agreement with measurements. The velocity sees double peaks at the upper and lower positions of flows. For supercritical flows, the ensemble-average velocities see some discrepancy between LES and measurement results. Some secondary flow eddies appear near the single plant, and they just locate in the positions of the double peaks in stream-wise velocity profiles. It is also found that the vegetation drag coefficient deceases as the Froude number increases.  相似文献   

1.  INTRODUCTIONIn 2 -D mathematical model of unsteady flow in open channel,one of the mostdifficulties is its slow convergence rate and too much time needed in computation.Themultigrid method is a new rapid iteration method developed in the resent 2 0 years. Now ithas been verified as an optimizing iteration method and its convergence rate has no relationswith mesh spacing.At present the multigrid method has been widely used in many fields(Liu Chaoqun,1 995;Peng Wenqi,1 994 ) ,especia…  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of sediment transport and bed evolution has become an important technique in the sediment research. In this article,a numerical model of suspended sediment transport was proposed,which was established in the vertical σ coordinate for fitting the free surface and bottom. In the research of the sediment transport,the predominant factors were found to be the eddy diffusion,the settling velocity,the bed condition and so on. By the aid of the model in the article,the contribution of the Rouse parameter to the vertical profile of sediment concentration was clarified,which was identical to the theoretical results. In the comparison of the numerical results with laboratory data,the agreement between experimental data and numerical results was reached except for some data. And the possible reasons for the disagreement were discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of energy and continuity equations a general threshold condition for chocking in open channels is obtained and a representation in terms of the Froude number at the upstream section and other parameters is given to predict whether the chocking phenomenon occurs or not at the downstream section. From the general threshold condition for chocking the limit contraction ratios of the channel width are introduced for both with and without the energy losses and a criterion for excavation of the tailrace to avoid chocking is derived. An example shows that using these criterion and the representation proposed for calculating flow depth it is very easy to determine the scheme of the excavation of the open channels.  相似文献   

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