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The main concern of this paper is to estimate the symbol error probabilities of synchronous and asynchronous frequency-hop spread-spectrum multiple-access (FHSS-MA) networks through semi-analytic Monte Carlo simulations. We concentrate on systems transmitting one M-ary (M⩾2) FSK modulated symbol per hop with noncoherent demodulation. The usual practice when analyzing the performance of such networks is to upper-bound the probability of symbol error when a hop is hit by K'⩾1 interfering users with (M-1)/M or 1. Previous work on the derivation of accurate approximations to this probability for the case when M=2 has indicated that the aforementioned bound not only gives excessively pessimistic results but may also lead to wrong tradeoff decisions. Using the simulated values for the error probabilities, we show that a similar argument holds for the cases when M>2 as well. Also, by employing a normalized throughput measure that takes into account the bandwidth and time expansion associated with the modulation order M, we find that there exists an optimum value of M that achieves the maximum possible throughput for the cases when binary and M-ary error correcting codes are employed. Throughput results are also given for the case when the signals from the active users in the network suffer from independent Rayleigh fading  相似文献   

The uplink performance of synchronous and asynchronous slow frequency-hop spread-spectrum multiple-access (SFHSS-MA) networks transmitting L bits per hop using binary differential phase shift keying (BDPSK) is analyzed under the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading channels. Analytic expressions for the average conditional bit error probabilities given a hop is hit by K' interfering users are derived. Results show that SFHSS-MA networks using BDPSK achieve nearly twice the maximum normalized network throughput compared to networks using BFSK under both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels.  相似文献   

A fully connected radio network is considered in which packets are sent using Reed-Solomon error-control coding, slow frequency-hop (FH) modulation, and generalized retransmission backoff policy. An easy-to-use analytical method for finite population FH networks is developed which offers insight into how system dynamics is affected by the number of users and the input rate. The performance of several retransmission backoff policies is examined. It is shown that the performance of exponential backoff policy with small minimum retransmission probability is not too far away from the optimum, when the code-block length is small and the number of users is not unreasonably large. It is also shown that packet rejection after a certain number of unsuccessful transmissions can stabilize some networks as one would expect, but may destabilize some others contrarily. Finally, the accuracy of the method is verified by extensive simulation results.  相似文献   

Optimum values for the modulation order M, code rate r, and the number of frequency-hop slots q maximizing the network throughput are obtained based on simulations for frequency-hopped spread-spectrum multiple-access networks, where L Q-ary Reed-Solomon (RS) code symbols are transmitted per hop, and each Q-ary RS code symbol is transmitted using log/sub M/Q M-ary frequency-shift-keying-modulated signals. Network throughput is evaluated under additive white Gaussian noise and Rayleigh fading channels. For the case when the received RS symbol is not interfered by multiple-access interference (MAI), a closed-form expression for the symbol-error probability is derived, and for the case when the symbol is interfered by MAI, simulated symbol-error probabilities are used. It is shown that the optimum M is four or eight, irrespective of the channel environment and the number of users. The optimum code rate is determined primarily based on the channel environment and does not show much dependence on M or Q. It is also shown that for the case of synchronous hopping under Rayleigh fading at high signal-to-noise ratios, the difference in instantaneous power among the interfering users significantly improves the performance, compared with the case when there is no fading. We also consider the case when the receiver erases the symbols that are interfered and compare the performance with the case of the hard decisions receiver.  相似文献   

The maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver structure and the corresponding analytical bit-error rate (BER) expressions for a fast-frequency hopped multiple-access (FFH-MA) M-ary frequency-shift-keying (MFSK) system over Rayleigh-fading channels are derived. Numerical results are also presented to illustrate the superiority of the proposed ML receiver in terms of BER. However, the proposed ML receiver requires some side information of the noise and interfering users.  相似文献   

The jamming robustness of frequency hopping (FH) systems with M-ary frequency shift keying (MFSK) modulation may be potentially neutralized by a follower partial-band jammer. In this paper, a maximum likelihood (ML)-based algorithm that uses a two-element array is proposed for joint follower jamming rejection and symbol detection in slow FH/MFSK systems over quasi-static flat Rayleigh fading channels. The algorithm is derived by treating both the received jamming components and the unknown data symbols as deterministic quantities to be jointly estimated in an integrated ML operation. In addition, an approximate expression for the symbol error rate (SER) of the proposed scheme is derived when BFSK signaling is employed in a jamming dominant scenario. Analytical and simulated results show that the proposed approach is able to remove jamming and outperform the conventional and sample matrix inversion (SMI)-based beam-formers in the presence of a follower partial-band jammer.  相似文献   

A multiple-hopes-per-symbol fast-frequency-hopped spread-spectrum multiple-access (FFH-SSMA) system for indoor radio communication is treated. The data are Reed-Solomon (RS) encoded and then modulate a carrier by means of M-ary frequency-shift-keying (MFSK) The indoor radio channel is described as a multipath (Rayleigh or Rician) slowly fading channel. The receiver uses predetection diversity by linearly combining the squared enveloped of the different hops of the same MFSK symbol. The bit error rate (BER) performane is evaluated, and how the performance is influenced by various parameters, such as the number of hops per symbol, the size of the symbol alphabet, the ratio of specular power to fading power, and the ratio of nonreference user power to reference user power, is investigated  相似文献   

董彬虹  程乙钊  王达 《信号处理》2012,28(3):361-366
本文提出一种宽带MFSK/DFH系统模型,与常规差分跳频系统相比,在跳频点数一定条件下,通过增加多进制编码器复杂度,提高编码增益的方法提高系统抗干扰性能。对基于FFT的宽带MFSK/DFH系统接收机抗干扰性能进行了理论分析和计算机仿真验证。结果表明:在相同条件下,提出方法通过增加多进制编码器约束长度提高了系统抗干扰能力,实现方法简单有效,具有一定的实际应用价值。   相似文献   

MFSK调制方式是一种常用的恒包络调制方式,其非相干解调时具有较强的抗衰落能力以及抗频偏能力,尤其适合于极低速通信。针对极低速通信,重点仿真分析了不同阶数MFSK调制方式恒参信道下的误码性能,以及基于短时傅里叶变换的8FSK变参信道下的解调性能,最后给出了适合于极低速通信保障的FSK调制波形设计方案,通过验证说明了MFSK在极低速通信中具有工程应用价值。  相似文献   

跳频技术以其良好的抗干扰性,成为战术通信领域应用最广的一种抗干扰手段.本文首先推导出FH/MFSK系统在高斯白噪声信道下的信噪比与误比特率关系函数,再根据关系函数分析了FH/MFSK系统在宽带干扰和部分频带干扰下的抗干扰性能.最后通过Matlab/Simulink建模测得相应数据,并分析了仿真结果,同时给出了提高跳频系统抗干扰能力的相应措施.  相似文献   

MFSK/FFH系统特指采用快速跳频(FFH)技术和多进制频移键控(MFSK)非相干解调技术的系统,主要研究MFSK/FFH通信系统的多用户能力,并把它与差分跳频技术DFH的组网能力进行对比分析。通过分析MFSK/FFH通信系统的性能,给出了MFSK/FFH通信系统和差分跳频系统的比特差错率公式,为了公平对比MFSK/FFH网络和差分跳频网的组网能力,采用多用户频带利用率这个参数,理论和仿真表明,采用特定的检测方法,MFSK/FFH系统的多用户能力比差分跳频系统的好。  相似文献   

A closed-form expression of cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the instantaneous signal to noise ratio (SNR) in Hoyt fading channel is derived. This CDF and associated formulas are then used to find out the error probability of non-coherent M-ary frequency shift keying with multichannel reception. Simple finite-range integral expression for the symbol error probability (SEP) with selection diversity is found through CDF method. Next, closed-form expressions of moment generating functions (MGF) are presented for the switched diversity case and SEP values are calculated using the derived MGFs. Some other performance parameters like, outage probability and average SNR with switched diversity, are provided. In addition, analytic frameworks are presented for calculation of optimum switching thresholds that ensure minimum outage probability or minimum SEP. The analysis is quite general in the sense that it covers switch and stay combining and Rayleigh fading as special cases.  相似文献   

The performance of a bandwidth-efficient multiple-tone modulation scheme for M-ary frequency-shift keying (MFSK) is presented. The use of balanced incomplete block (BIB) designs is proposed to form the signaling frames. On each symbol interval the modulator selects a group of elements from a BIB design and divides its energy into the orthogonal waveforms corresponding to these elements. The multiple-tone FSK scheme based on these block designs is shown to increase greatly the bandwidth efficiency of a conventional M-ary FSK system. An implicit diversity is incorporated in the modulation scheme. Thus, a performance improvement comparable to that obtained by using time or frequency diversity is shown on a Rayleigh fading channel and also on an interference channel with partial-band Gaussian noise. The multiple-tone scheme based on this design is compared to a multiple-tone scheme based on Hadamard matrices suggested by J.F. Pieper et al. (1978). It is shown that similar performance is achieved on a fading channel, while an advantage close to 4 dB is obtained for the proposed scheme on an AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) channel  相似文献   

Performance of chaos-based asynchronous DS-CDMA with different pulse shapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general framework to assess the joint effect of pulse shaping and spreading sequence statistics on asynchronous DS-CDMA is developed. With this, the effect of three possible pulse shapes (rectangle, band-limited rectangle, and square-root raised-cosine) associated with three possible spreading sequences (i.i.d., chaos-based, and optimum) is analyzed. Improvements up to 16% in users capacity are shown over traditional systems.  相似文献   

本文分析了线性合并慢跳M进制频移键控的接收机在存在部分边带干扰的多径瑞利衰落信道中的性能,推导出比特差错率表达式。研究结果表明,当L≥2时,不论信道参数如何,部分边带干扰阻塞因子γ对系统性能的影响很大。部分边带干扰及多径干扰严重降低了系统的性能,而信道热噪声的影响也不可忽略。分集仅能在一定程度上降低部分边带干扰和多径干扰,但当分集与编码相结合时,可以明显地改善系统的性能,其改善程度取决于分集重数L、调制阶数M和所选用的码型。  相似文献   

Research in adaptive, decentralized routing for frequency-hop packet radio networks with mobile partial-band jamming. A routing technique called least-resistance routing (LRR) is developed, and various versions of this routing method are examined. LRR uses a quantitative assessment of the interference environment experienced by a radio's receiver to determine a resistance value for that radio. Two components for the interference environment are considered: transmissions from other radios and partial-band jamming. The resistances for each of the radios in a particular path are combined to form the path resistance, and packets are forwarded on the path with the smallest resistance. Comparisons are made between different versions of LRR and between LRR and previously developed adaptive routing techniques. It is found that LRR is an effective way for dealing with mobile jamming in a frequency-hop packet radio network. Significant increases in throughput and end-to-end probability of success are obtained with LRR  相似文献   

Soft-decision decoded performance of fast frequency-hopped (FH) M-ary FSK signals over partial band noise jammed binary channels is studied. The effects of metrics conversion, quantization, and the presence of regenerative nodes on the system's cutoff rate performance are investigated. It is found that the conversion from an M-ary metric to a binary one suffers only negligible degradations. For communication links without regenerative nodes, as expected, the infinite-bit soft-decision is the optimal metric, followed by finite-bit soft decision and then hard-decision. For those with regenerative nodes, however, the infinite-bit soft-decision is outperformed by the hard-decision, but the finite-bit soft-decision decoder still keeps its edge over the latter. The issue concerning the order of metric conversion and diversity combining is also analyzed. Numerical results indicate that the conclusion obtained by an earlier simulation report addressing a similar design alternative in fading channels is valid for jammed binary channels, as well. That is, the precombining metric conversion technique gives up only minor performance degradations when compared to the more sophisticated postcombining metric conversion technique  相似文献   

A novel type of diversity signaling for an M-ary frequency-shift keyed modulation format involving the transmission of multiple tones on each diversity branch is considered. The properties of such a system are investigated, and its performance in the presence of tone jamming is analyzed. It is shown that significant gains can be realized with such a technique. The performance in the presence of worst-case partial band noise is briefly considered and shown to be worse than, though comparable to, that of the single-tone case  相似文献   

段宇辉  钟骥 《通信技术》2007,40(12):7-9
文章运用全概率分析和多维分布相结合的方法,在同时考虑热噪声和部分频带高斯噪声干扰的前提下,对多跳/符号的非线性合并分集接收系统的误比特率性能进行了精确分析。文章在最后借助Dabvicw对系统在最坏部分频带干扰下的性能,以及时间分集的抗干扰性能进行了仿真,仿真结果表明在一定信干比的范围内时间分集能带来系统性能的改善。  相似文献   

The effect of spreading code length on the BER performance of an asynchronous DS-CDMA system is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation. The probability of the crosscorrelation value between segments of long sequences is also discussed. Results indicate that the system performance with very long codes is ~1 dB worse compared to that of short CDMA codes  相似文献   

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