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用应变片法确定混凝土动态起裂时间的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
樊鸿  张盛  王启智 《振动与冲击》2010,29(1):153-156
在混凝土等准脆性材料的动态起裂韧度K_(1d)测试中,准确确定试件裂尖的起裂时间是测试工作的关键。采用分离式霍普金森压杆系统,对圆孔裂纹平台巴西圆盘混凝土试件进行动态径向冲击试验,通过在裂尖粘贴应变片的方法来确定起裂时间。讨论了应变片在裂纹尖端的粘贴位置、粘贴方向等因素对起裂时间测试值的影响,结果表明裂尖应变片的最佳粘贴方式是:在裂纹延长线上或在裂尖并与裂纹垂直的线上,都距离裂尖3 mm左右,且粘贴方向与裂纹延长线垂直。给出了考虑贴片位置和试件厚度的起裂时间计算公式。  相似文献   

为确定金属粉末压坯的力学性能,本文采用平台型加载方式的巴西圆盘实验对铜、铁两种不同相对密度的金属粉末压坯进行直径压缩。利用同步实验图像记录,研究了圆盘中心裂纹的生长和金属粉末压坯的拉伸断裂过程。通过压缩实验获得了金属粉末压坯的位移-载荷曲线,结合弹性力学理论和数值分析方法,确定了压坯的三个力学性能参数:由直线段确定弹性模量E、由线性段与非线性段的转折点确定抗拉强度σ_t和由局部最小载荷确定张开型断裂韧度K_(Ic),它们与相对密度的关系均符合幂指数函数变化规律。  相似文献   

倪敏  苟小平  王启智 《工程力学》2013,30(1):365-372
对压缩单裂纹圆孔板(single cleavage drilled compression--SCDC)砂岩试样,利用分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)冲击加载,进行了岩石张开型(I型)动态断裂实验。分别采用2种方法确定砂岩的动态断裂韧度,第1种方法是实验-数值法:由SHPB弹性杆上应变片获得作用在试件上的加载力,然后输入有限元分析程序求得试样裂尖动态应力强度因子,对应于裂尖起裂时刻的动态应力强度因子即为材料动态断裂韧度值;第2种方法是准静态法:将载荷峰值代入静态应力强度因子公式确定动态断裂韧度。2种方法的结果差异较大,对无量纲裂纹长度a/R= 0.64(A组)试样,准静态方法确定的断裂韧度值要比实验-数值法确定的断裂韧度值平均要小35%~62%;对无量纲裂纹长度a/R=1.61(B组)试样,准静态方法的计算结果比实验-数值法的计算结果平均要小72%~83%。从原理上讲,实验-数值法比准静态法能更合理地测定岩石的动态断裂韧度。  相似文献   

In this paper, the crack tip parameters including the stress intensity factors (KI and KII), T‐stress and the third terms of the stress field (A3 and B3) are determined comprehensively for a disk‐type sample named holed‐cracked flattened Brazilian disk (HCFBD) under various combinations of mode I and mode II loading. The HCFBD specimen is a circular disk containing a central hole in which the initial cracks are created radially from the hole circumference. Moreover, the ends of HCFBD are flattened for the sake of convenient loading. Performing enormous finite element analyses and calculating the stress intensity factors KI and KII, the states of pure mode II are determined for different configurations of HCFBD. Furthermore, the sign and magnitude of parameter A3 which plays an important role to justify the geometry and size effects on the fracture toughness of quasi‐brittle materials are also determined for HCFBD with different geometrical ratios.  相似文献   

To study crack dynamic propagation behaviour and rock dynamic fracture toughness, a single cleavage triangle (SCT) specimen was proposed in this paper. By using these specimens and a drop‐weight test system, impact experiments were conducted, and the crack propagation velocity and the fracture time were measured by using crack propagation gauges. To examine the effectiveness of the SCT specimen and to predict the test results, finite difference numerical models were established by using AUTODYN code, and the simulation results showed that the crack propagation path agrees with the test results, and crack arrest phenomena could happen. Meanwhile, by using these numerical models, the crack dynamic propagation mechanism was investigated. Finite element code ABAQUS was applied in the calculation of crack dynamic stress intensity factors (SIFs) based on specimen dimension and the loading curves measured, and the curves of crack dynamic SIFs versus time were obtained. The fracture toughness (including initiation toughness and propagation toughness) was determined according to the fracture time and crack speeds measured by crack propagation gauges. The results show that the SCT specimen is applicable to the study of crack dynamic propagation behaviour and fracture toughness, and in the process of crack propagation, the propagation toughness decreases with crack propagation velocity, and the crack arrest phenomena could happen. The critical SIF of an arrest crack (or arrest toughness) was higher than the crack propagation toughness but was lower than the initiation toughness.  相似文献   

The traditional stress-life method of life prediction relies on an S – N curve of stress versus total life. However, the total life of a sample can be divided into two phases—an initiation phase and a propagation phase that leads to ultimate failure. Although this break-up of total life into two phases has been recognized in theory, there has been no experimental method to generate initiation and propagation S – N curves. In this paper a methodology to generate initiation and propagation S – N curves is presented. Acoustic emission technology is used to detect the transition from the initiation phase to the propagation phase. The phenomenon of fatigue limits is also explored and it is shown that the fatigue limit of the traditional S – N curve corresponds to the fatigue limit of the initiation phase and that initiated cracks continue to propagate at stress levels below the initiation endurance limit. It is also shown that no damage is accrued at stress levels below the fatigue limit. A method to extend the propagation life curve below the initiation endurance limit is also presented. The proposed two-phase S – N curve will greatly extend the life-predicting capability of the stress-life method and can explain some of the contradictions observed in experiments.  相似文献   

A method for evaluating the cumulative damage resulting from the application of cyclic stress (or strain) sequences of varying amplitude is presented. Both the crack initiation and propagation stages of the fatigue failure process are included. The development is based on the concept of plastic strain energy dissipation as a function of cyclic life. The damage accumulated at any stage is evaluated from a knowledge of the fatigue limit in the initiation phase and an ‘apparent’ limit obtained through fracture mechanics for the propagation phase. The proposed damage theory is compared with two-level strain cycle test data of thin-walled specimens, and is found to be in fairly good agreement.  相似文献   

A computational model for contact fatigue damage analysis of gear teeth flanks is presented in this paper. The model considers the conditions required for the surface fatigue crack initiation and then allows for proper simulation of the fatigue crack propagation that leads to the appearance of small pits on the contact surface. The fatigue process leading to pitting is divided into crack initiation and a crack propagation period.The model for prediction of identification of critical material areas and the number of loading cycles, required for the initial fatigue crack to appear, is based on Coffin-Manson relations between deformations and loading cycles, and comprises characteristic material fatigue parameters. The computational approach is based on continuum mechanics, where a homogenous and elastic material model is assumed and results of cyclic loading conditions are obtained using the finite element method analysis.The short crack theory together with the finite element method is then used for simulation of the fatigue crack growth. The virtual crack extension (VCE) method, implemented in the finite element method, is used for simulating the fatigue crack growth from the initial crack up to the formation of the surface pit. The relationship between the stress intensity factor K and crack length a, which is needed for determination of the required number of loading cycles Np for a crack propagation from the initial to the critical length, is shown.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to assess the very-high-cycle fatigue (VHCF) behaviour of a magnesium alloy (ZK60). Results indicate that the fatigue crack initiates from an area consisting of many distributed facets, while the region of early crack propagation is characterised by parallel traces, based on a fractographic analysis. The significant differences in morphology around the crack initiation area result from the interaction between the deformation twinning and the plastic zone at the crack tip. In addition, the fatigue crack propagation rate around the crack initiation site is also estimated based on a modified Murakami model. It is found that the formation stage for the fatigue crack is of great importance to the fatigue failure mechanism in the VHCF regime.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the effect of loading rate on dynamic fracture initiation toughness including the crack-tip constraint. Finite element analyses are performed for a single edge cracked plate whose crack surface is subjected to uniform pressure with various loading rate. The first three terms in the Williams’ asymptotic series solution is utilized to characterize the crack-tip stress field under dynamic loads. The coefficient of the third term in Williams’ solution, A 3, was utilized as a crack tip constraint parameter. Numerical results demonstrate that (a) the dynamic crack tip opening stress field is well represented by the three term solution at various loading rate, (b) the loading rate can be reflected by the constraint, and (c) the constraint A 3 decreases with increasing loading rate. To predict the dynamic fracture initiation toughness, a failure criterion based on the attainment of a critical opening stress at a critical distance ahead of the crack tip is assumed. Using this failure criterion with the constraint parameter, A 3, fracture initiation toughness is determined and in agreement with available experimental data for Homalite-100 material at various loading rate.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, a variety of models have been developed in order to predict the life of components under fatigue. Some of the models are based on the definition of the fatigue process as a combination of the phases of crack initiation and crack propagation, considering component life as the sum of the duration of each phase. Other models consider only one of the phases; some consider only initiation while others only propagation, though in this case, from cracks with lengths in the order of the microstructural dimensions. This article will carry out a comparative analysis of the methods that consider life as the sum of the duration of both phases. In this same line, it proposes yet another method, which simulates crack growth according to damage theories. In analysing the behaviour of each model, this paper will describe various elements: the prediction that each of them produces regarding notched specimens submitted to testing, the advantages and inconveniences of each, and lastly, the possibilities of applying each of the models to more realistic geometries.  相似文献   

The deformation and fracture behaviour in dynamically loaded Charpy specimens of BS11 rail steel were studied by two different measuring techniques. The transient records obtained from straingauges were compared with results obtained simultaneously by the shadowoptical method. Good agreement was obtained when measuring and comparing the stress intensity factor K in the initial stages of deformation behaviour prior to crack initiation. During fast fracture, the shadow optical method indicated the influence of dynamic effects on crack propagation.  相似文献   

Quasi-static and dynamic fracture initiation toughness of Ti/TiB layered functionally graded material (FGM) is investigated using a three point bend specimen. The modified split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus in conjunction with induction coil heating system is used during elevated temperature dynamic loading experiments. A simple and accurate technique has been developed to identify the time corresponding to the load at which the fracture initiates. A series of experiments are conducted at different temperatures ranging from room temperature to 800 °C, and the effect of temperature and loading rate on the fracture initiation toughness is investigated. The material fracture toughness is found to be sensitive to temperature and the fracture initiation toughness increases as the temperature increases. Furthermore, the fracture initiation toughness is strain rate sensitive and is higher for dynamic loading as compared to quasi-static loading.  相似文献   

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