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The time evolution of particle size distribution due to Brownian and turbulent coagulation (using the kernel of Kruis and Kusters (1997)) was systematically investigated. Using a new definition of dimensionless size distribution parameters based on the geometric mean values, self-preserving particle size distributions for turbulent coagulation were found to exist. The width of such distributions depends on the initial size distribution as well as the turbulence intensity. When starting with submicron aerosols, however, only the turbulence intensity plays a role in determining the final self-preserving form, whereas the initial conditions have no influence. Typically, broad particle size distributions with σ g in the 1.5-1.9 range are obtained. Because of the importance of scavenging by the largest particles in the size distribution, the possibility of developing a "runaway mass" exists, for which some experimental indications in turbulent systems exist.  相似文献   


As part of EPRI's Aerosol Research Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES), measurements of aerosol size distributions in the 3 nm to 2  相似文献   

Two methods used to synthesize high-purity ferroelectric titanate powders in controlled, narrow size distributions, with average particle diameters <1000 A, were: (1) isothermal pyrolysis of barium titanyl oxalate or mixed calcium-barium titanyl oxalates as low as 550° and 825°C, respectively, average particle sizes depending strongly on the pyrolysis temperature; and (2) hydrolysis of titanate esters in barium hydroxide. Using solvent media of controlled polarity, high-purity stoichiometric BaTiO3 was obtained with average sizes as small as 100 A. Factors affecting stoichiometry and particle size are discussed in terms of assumed reaction mechanisms.  相似文献   


Ultrafine (< 100 nm) and accumulation mode (0.1–1 μm) particles were monitored in an occupied suburban house at 5-minute intervals for 37 consecutive months between November 21, 1997 and December 31, 2000. Number concentrations for 126 particle sizes from 9.8–947 nm were measured in 259,176 scans. Of 282 separate activities, 18 were chosen for detailed analysis. These included cooking with a gas stove, toasting with electric toasters and toaster ovens, burning candles and incense, and using a gas-powered clothes dryer. Activities leading to increased particle concentrations occurred 17.5% of the time, and accounted for more than half the total concentration of ultrafines and about a quarter of the total accumulation mode particles. The average duration of elevated particle concentrations ranged from 20 minutes to 3 hours. Combustion of natural gas (boiling water, gas clothes dryer) showed number peaks near 10 nm, while the electric toaster and toaster oven had peaks close to 30 nm. More complex cooking (burners plus gas oven) produced peaks in the 35–50 nm range. Burning candles and incense resulted in peaks in the 60-nm range. Finally, outdoor sources peaked at nearly 70 nm, indicating the influence of aging in shifting modes to higher diameters. The highest mean number concentrations were due to complex cooking, producing average number concentrations of 35,000–50,000 cm? 3, compared to 12,000 cm?3 outdoors and less than 3500 cm?3 indoors when no sources were observed. A strong contribution of the vented gas-powered clothes dryer was also noted (30,000 cm? 3). Volume concentrations due to these combustion events ranged from < 1 (μm/cm)3 to nearly 100 (μm/cm)3. Source strengths were calculated for three common cooking types (boiling water, deep-frying, oven baking, and broiling) and ranged from 5 × 10 12 to 4 × 10 13 particles per cooking event. The detailed concentration and size distribution data collected here may be useful for models of indoor air particle concentrations due to indoor sources and infiltration.  相似文献   

Reliable simulations of particle mass size distributions by regional photochemical air quality models are needed in regulatory applications because the U.S. EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards specify limits on the mass concentration of particles in a specific size range (i.e., aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm). Considering the associations between adverse health effects and exposure to ultrafine particles, air quality models may need to accurately simulate particle number size distributions in addition to mass size distributions in future applications. In this study, predictions of particle number and mass size distributions by the Community Multiscale Air Quality model with the standard and an updated emission size distribution are evaluated using wintertime observations in California. Differences in modeled lung deposition fraction for simulated and observed particle number size distributions are also evaluated. Simulated mass size distributions are generally broader and shifted to larger diameters than observations, and observed differences in inorganic and carbon (elemental and organic) distributions are not captured by the model. These model limitations can be reasonably accounted for in regulatory modeling applications. Simulated number size distributions are considerably less accurate than mass size distributions and are difficult to represent in air quality models due to large sub-grid-scale concentration gradients. However, modeled number size distributions are responsive to updates of the emission size distribution, and reasonable simulation of background number size distributions might be possible with an improved treatment of emission size distributions. Modeled lung deposition fractions for simulated number size distributions peak in the same lung region as those for number size distributions observed in the background. However, differences in modeled and observed total number concentrations generally suggest large differences in the total number of deposited particles. Future model development on simulating particle mass size distributions should focus on improving predictions of the mass fraction of particles <2.5 μm. Model development for particle number size distributions should focus on reducing differences in modeled lung deposition for modeled and observed distributions.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the importance of aerosol coagulation and deposition relative to each other as modifiers of the particle size distribution plays an important role in the proper selection of conditions to estimate the deposition rate coefficient. In this work, a theoretical analysis was conducted for investigating the size-resolved ratio of coagulation to deposition for different types of size distributions using the Simpson integral method. The theoretical model was subsequently qualitatively validated by experiments in a completely mixed and ventilated aerosol chamber. Both experimental and theoretical studies show that the ratio of the rates of coagulation to deposition is strongly dependent on the total particle number concentration and the geometric mean diameter of the aerosol. A variation of the ratio of coagulation to deposition by several orders of magnitude for aerosols with differing size distributions was found. Thus the previously employed criterion for the negligence of coagulation based solely on the total particle number concentration was shown to be insufficient to accurately judge whether an aerosol is suited for the estimation of the deposition rate coefficient. Aerosols with wide size distributions are not recommended for use in the estimation of the deposition rate coefficient. The study provides a method to understand the role of coagulation and deposition for indoor aerosols.

Copyright 2013 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

Microstructural evolution and sintering behavior of powder compacts composed of spherical particles with different particle size distributions (PSDs) were simulated using a kinetic Monte Carlo model of solid‐state sintering. Compacts of monosized particles, normal PSDs with fixed mean particle radii and a range of standard deviations, and log‐normal PSDs with fixed mode and a range of skewness values were studied. Densification rate and final relative density were found to be inversely proportional to initial PSD width. Grain growth was faster during the early stages of sintering for broad PSDs, but the final grain sizes were smaller. These behaviors are explained by the smallest grains in the broader PSDs being consumed very quickly by larger neighboring grains. The elimination of the small grains reduces both the total number of necks and the neck area between particles, which in turn reduces the regions where vacancies can be annihilated, leading to slower densification rates. The loss of neck area causes grain growth by surface diffusion to become the dominant microstructural evolution mechanism, leading to poor densification. Finally, pore size was shown to increase with the width of PSDs, which also contributes to the lower densification rates.  相似文献   

Inhibition of grain growth in pure, fine-particle-size barium titanate bodies by coating the surfaces of the barium titanate particles with tantalum oxide was so effective that doping with a sintering aid was necessary for densification of the bulk material at temperatures below the melting point. A correlation, which was independent of starting particle size, was established between inhibitor concentration and final grain size of the fired bodies. Barium titanate bodies of predetermined grain size not larger than 2000 A were obtained even with extended firing schedules. In the smallest grain sizes, the Curie point was shifted below the measured temperature range, and hysteresis losses were reduced markedly. The dielectric constant had a smooth variation from approximately 3000 at room temperature to 800 at 180°C.  相似文献   

In ventilation ducts the turbulent flow profile is commonly disturbed or not fully developed, and these conditions are likely to influence particle deposition to duct surfaces. Particle deposition rates at eight S-connectors, in two 90° duct bends and in two ducts where the turbulent flow profile was not fully developed were measured in a laboratory duct system with both bare steel and internally insulated ducts with hydraulic diameters of 15.2 cm. In the bare-steel duct system, experiments with nominal particle diameters of 1, 3, 5, 9, and 16 μm were conducted at each of three nominal air speeds: 2.2, 5.3, and 9.0 m/s. In the insulated duct system, deposition of particles with nominal diameters of 1, 3, 5, 8, and 13 μm was measured at nominal air speeds of 2.2, 5.3 and 8.8 m/s. Fluorescent techniques were used to measure directly the deposition velocities of monodisperse fluorescent particles to duct surfaces. Deposition at S-connectors, in bends, and in straight ducts with developing turbulence was often greater than deposition in straight ducts with fully developed turbulence for equal particle sizes, air speeds, and duct surface orientations. Deposition rates at all locations were found to increase with an increase in particle size or air speed. High deposition rates at S-connectors resulted from impaction, and these rates were nearly independent of the orientation of the S-connector. Deposition rates in the two 90° bends differed by more than an order of magnitude in some cases, probably because of the difference in turbulence conditions at the bend inlets. In straight sections of bare steel ducts where the turbulent flow profile was developing, the deposition enhancement relative to fully developed turbulence generally increased with air speed and decreased with downstream distance from the duct inlet. This enhancement was greater at the duct ceiling and wall than at the duct floor. In insulated ducts, deposition enhancement was less pronounced overall than in bare steel ducts. Trends that were observed in bare steel ducts were present, but weaker, in insulated ducts.  相似文献   

A goal of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) experiments performed in smog chambers is to determine the condensation of SOA onto suspended particles. Complicating the calculation of the condensation rate are uncertainties in particle wall-loss rates. Wall-loss rates generally depend on particle size, turbulence in the bag, the size and shape of the bag, and particle charge. In analyzing smog-chamber data, some or all of the following assumptions are commonly made regarding the first-order wall-loss rate constant: (a) that it is constant during an experiment; (b) that it is constant between experiments; and (c) that it is not a strong function of particle size for the relatively narrow size distributions in smog chamber experiments. Each of these assumptions may not be justified in some circumstances. We present the development and evaluation of the Aerosol Parameter Estimation (APE) model. APE is an inverse model that solves the aerosol general dynamic equation to determine best estimates for the size-dependent condensation rate and size-dependent wall-loss rate as a function of time. Size distribution measurements from a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) provide time boundary conditions that constrain the general dynamic equation. The APE model is tested using data from a smog chamber experiment with dry ammonium sulfate particles in which no condensation occurred. Finally, we assess the variability in predicted SOA production between different wall-loss correction methods for relatively-fast-chemistry limonene-ozonolysis experiments and relatively-slow-chemistry toluene-oxidation experiments. In the fast limonene experiments, wall-loss correction methods agree within 10% for SOA production, and in the slow toluene experiments, wall-loss correction methods disagree up to a factor of 2.  相似文献   

The large change in the dielectric constant of barium titanate near 120°C was smoothed out by the use of very small particle sizes and additions of tantalum oxide. Unsupported thin sheets of the material showed the same electrical properties as thick pellets. Stacked capacitors made from these sheets, using platinum electrodes, showed a maximum capacitance change over the range 25° to 180°C of 19 to 27%, based on the room-temperature value.  相似文献   

李智虎  孙硕 《硅酸盐通报》2019,38(4):1171-117
将钢渣助磨剂与钢渣进行混合后,利用行星式球磨机进行粉磨得钢渣超微粉并且对其进行物性分析.利用激光粒度分析仪测定钢渣超微粉的粒径分布d90、d50和d10,并且计算出钢渣超微粉的粒度分布宽度比系数Z和粒径分布宽度H.研究溶质浓度、分散剂加入量、超声功率和超声分散时间对钢渣超微粉粒径分布与均匀程度的影响.结果表明:钢渣超微粉的化学成分与物相组成复杂,存在极性物质与胶凝活性物质,易形成具有吸附性的多孔结构.钢渣超微粉的最佳分散条件:分散介质为无水乙醇、溶质(钢渣超微粉)浓度为3.0 g/L、分散剂(PVP K30)加入量为2.5%、超声功率为500 W、超声分散时间为45 min.以钢渣超微粉最佳分散条件对钢渣超微粉的粒径分布与均匀程度进行重复性测试,其测试结果具有良好的重复性.  相似文献   

Binary mixtures of spheres were used to prepare a variety of two-dimensional structures ranging from ordered to disordered. The extent of particle order was influenced by the size ratio and the concentration of the bimodal constituents. If either the sizes or the concentrations were very different, the structures became phase separated into ordered regions of small spheres and ordered regions of large spheres. Disordered structures were produced when particles were present in equal concentrations and when sizes differed by about 30%. The sintering behavior of these two-dimensional structures was also examined. The domain boundaries in the ordered samples were found to develop into cracks during sintering if the domain size was large. In contrast the disordered structures sintered homogeneously, without the formation of large processing defects.  相似文献   


Mass and elemental dry deposition fluxes and ambient particle size distributions were measured using dry deposition plates and a cascade impactor from March to November 1998 in Seoul, Korea. During the spring sampling period several yellow-sand events characterized by long-range transport from China and Mongolia impacted the area. During these events the mass fluxes were statistically the same as during springtime nonyellow-sand events. However, most elemental fluxes were higher. In general, the flux ratios of both crustal (Al, Ca, Mn) and anthropogenic (Ni, Pb) elements to total mass measured during the daytime yellow-sand events were substantially higher than those measured in spring daytime during nonyellow-sand time periods. During all seasons the average measured daytime fluxes were about two times higher than nighttime fluxes. The flux of primarily anthropogenic metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) and Mn was on average one to two orders of magnitude lower than the flux of the crustal metals Al and Ca.  相似文献   

Simulations based on the discrete element method (DEM) are used to investigate the relationship between the distribution of particle sizes and the macroscopic sintering behavior of ceramic powders. This is achieved by generalizing the DEM force laws for solid-state sintering in such a way that sintering of particles with different sizes can be simulated. A generation scheme for initial particle packings with realistic physical properties is presented, which allows for different distributions, ranging from monomodal to normal, log-normal, and bimodal distributions. It is shown that the type and width of the distribution has a significant effect on the strain rates and viscosity during sintering. Broader size distributions lead to reduced sintering rates, although particle rearrangement is enhanced. However, the accelerating effect of rearrangement is overcompensated by an increase of the contact area between particles when the size distribution becomes wider. The simulation results are in good agreement with experimental results on a commercial Al2O3 power.  相似文献   

采用内径为56 mm的玻璃管流化床,考察了平均粒径分别为5~10 nm(1#), 0.5 mm(2#)及10 mm(3#)的SiO2超细颗粒在无声场及声场存在下的流化行为. 无声场时,1#和2#颗粒可在较高的气速下形成稳定聚团,单位质量颗粒团间作用力与原生颗粒相比显著下降,因而可实现稳定的聚团流化,3#颗粒因颗粒间粘性力较大,无法实现稳定流化. 40~60 Hz的声场对3种超细颗粒的流化行为均可起到一定的改善作用,在此频率范围外,声场的作用不明显. 提高声压级,可以使1#和2#颗粒团发生一定程度的破碎,聚团尺寸减小,最小流化速度降低. 在实验范围内,添加声场无法使3#颗粒实现稳定流化.  相似文献   

It should be apparent from the contents of this review that no single method provides a full characterization of particle size and/or particle size distribution in supported metal catalysts without some inherent theoretical shortcoming, experimental difficulty, or ambiguities in interpretation of results. The message is clearly to use more than one technique whenever possible in order to obtain intercomparisons both of size/size distribution number themselves and internal consistency of the data. However, to be avoided are incorrect comparisons, such as sizes obtained from the Scherrer formula and chemisorption experiments, for example, which measure different things. We believe that high-resolution TEM has a bright future in catalyst characterization, but perhaps the most accessible and convenient combination at present is that of Fourier line profile x-ray analysis and chemisorption, albeit at the expense of some analysis in the former case.  相似文献   

将矿渣粉磨后,以不同的比例与一定细度的水泥混合,配成一系列的矿渣-水泥胶凝粉体。以Fuller曲线得到的粉体颗粒群分布作为矿渣-水泥胶凝粉体的最佳紧密堆积颗粒群分布。利用水泥与矿渣激光粒度检测结果来计算矿渣-水泥胶凝粉体的颗粒群分布,运用灰色关联分析方法计算矿渣-水泥胶凝粉体与最紧密颗粒群堆积颗粒群分布的关联度,同时测定不同矿渣掺量下矿渣-水泥胶凝体系的不同龄期的活性指数。结果表明:矿渣-水泥胶凝粉体的实际颗粒群分布与最紧密堆积颗粒群分布关联度最高时,该胶凝体系的28d矿渣活性指数最为理想。  相似文献   

This article presents the differential mass size distributions of coal combustion particulate matter (PM) determined with the Berner low-pressure impactor (BLPI, Hauke Model 25-4/0.015) and a newer generation of low pressure impactor, the Dekati low-pressure impactor (DLPI, Dekati Ltd Model 6281). The collection characteristics of the BLPI and DLPI are compared and cutoff diameters are calculated. Samples were collected in the post-combustion zone of a 19 kW vertical downflow combustor from two coal types. Both BLPI and DLPI represent a tri-modal distribution and give statistically similar characterizations of the coal ash particle size distribution. Distributions generated from DLPI data have higher fractions of submicron particles compared to those generated from BLPI data. The DLPI's two additional stages may provide greater resolution in the submicron region than the BLPI.  相似文献   

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