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为了提升钢板夹薄壁钢管组合板抗爆性能,有效减轻接触爆炸对防护结构的破坏,对钢板夹薄壁圆钢管组合板和钢板夹薄壁方钢管组合板,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件进行接触爆炸数值模拟。取1kgTNT炸药,选择t=400μs时,分析该2种钢管组合板在接触爆炸作用下的抗爆吸能效果。结果表明:钢板夹薄壁方钢管组合板整体弯曲强于圆钢管组合板,但局部变形能力弱于圆钢管组合板;方钢管组合板变形输出的内能值小于圆钢管组合板,且不受钢管壁厚和数量变化影响,防护效果弱于圆钢管组合板;随着方钢管截面尺寸的减小,整体跨中挠度增加,破口直径增大,吸能减小,输出内能值增大,且不受壁厚和数量变化的影响,抗爆性能增强。同时,通过3组钢板夹薄壁钢管组合板参数对比分析后得知,在钢管数量为3,钢管壁厚2mm时,抗爆能力相对于其他工况下增大的较多,此结果可为工程实践提供参考。  相似文献   

鉴于泡沫铝材料优异的吸能特性和夹层结构在强度、刚度上的优势,提出了分层结构为钢板-泡沫铝芯层-钢板的抗爆组合板。对厚度为10 cm、7 cm和5 cm的组合板进行了5组不同装药量的爆炸试验,考察了各板在不同装药量爆炸条件下的变形及破坏情况,并对变形破坏过程进行了理论分析。研究表明:组合板承受爆炸冲击荷载时,通过局部压缩变形和整体弯曲变形吸收能量。钢板相同时,适当增大泡沫铝芯层厚度,增强面板与芯层间连接,可提高该组合板的抗爆性能,防止组合板发生剥离,减小其承受爆炸冲击荷载时产生的变形。  相似文献   

试验共设计了三块钢板夹钢管组合板,分别为净距90 mm的三钢管组合板(G3)、净距30 mm的四钢管组合板(G4)与净距0 mm的五钢管组合板(G5);研究了组合板在落锤冲击作用下的抗冲击性能及破坏情况。利用有限元软件对试验组合板及不同厚度钢板、钢管的组合板进行模拟,分析钢管(钢板)位置、钢板厚度、钢管壁厚对组合板抗冲击性能的影响。提出单位增加质量贡献比γ来衡量组合板抗冲击性能优化的程度。结果表明:钢管分布连续的组合板抗冲击性能最好;在组合板变形不太大的情况下,钢板在抗冲击过程中起主要吸能作用;只增加中钢管壁厚能更快地提高组合板抗冲击性能,但材料利用率降低;只增加上钢板厚度能提高组合板边钢管抗冲击过程的参与度,增强组合板的整体性,并提高材料利用率。  相似文献   

纪冲  龙源  方向  唐献述 《振动与冲击》2012,31(16):72-76
摘 要:基于动力有限元程序LS-DYNA及Lagrangian-Eulerian耦合方法,对大口径钢管在凝聚态炸药外接触爆炸载荷作用下的非线性动态响应过程进行数值模拟,描述了管道的变形情况、破坏过程以及管道内部应力的发展过程,分析了炸药质量、管道壁厚等因素对钢管破坏效应的影响。并在相同的条件下进行了实验研究,计算结果与实验数据具有较好的一致性。研究表明,小质量炸药爆炸后在装药与钢管接触处产生凹坑、鼓包及层裂等破坏效应;而较大质量炸药爆炸后在其爆破部位发生剪切破坏产生类似弹丸的破片,破片具有较大的动能,能够击穿另一侧管壁。研究结果可应用于管道结构在接触爆炸作用下的毁伤或防护方面的预测,从而为管道的安全防护设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

鉴于泡沫铝材料优异的吸能特性和三明治型组合构件在强度、刚度上的优势,针对分层结构为钢板-泡沫铝芯层-钢板的100 mm厚抗爆组合板进行了装药量为1.0 kg TNT的接触爆炸试验,考察了组合板在接触爆炸条件下的变形及破坏情况,并对组合板的变形破坏过程进行了理论分析和数值模拟。研究表明,组合板承受接触爆炸荷载时,主要通过局部压缩变形和整体弯曲变形吸收耗散能量,上下面板与芯层间易发生剥离现象。钢板相同时适当增大泡沫铝芯层厚度,泡沫铝芯层相同时增加钢板厚度,均可减小组合板承受接触爆炸冲击荷载时产生的变形破坏,提高其抗爆性能。  相似文献   

鉴于泡沫铝材料良好的吸能特性和三明治型组合构件在强度、刚度上的优势,通过有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对钢板-泡沫铝-钢板三明治型组合板进行了装药量为10.0kgTNT的非接触爆炸数值模拟,考察组合板在爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应。研究表明:钢板夹泡沫铝组合板承受爆炸冲击波荷载时,响应方式主要为组合板整体弯曲变形和泡沫铝芯层局部压缩变形,芯层压缩变形是组合板吸收耗散能量的主要途径;适当地增加泡沫铝芯层厚度和面板厚度能够提高组合板的抗爆性能,同时使组合板充分发挥耗能作用。  相似文献   

鉴于泡沫铝材料良好的吸能特性和三明治型组合构件在强度、刚度上的优势,通过有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对钢板-泡沫铝-钢板三明治型组合板进行了装药量为10.0kgTNT的非接触爆炸数值模拟,考察组合板在爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应。研究表明:钢板夹泡沫铝组合板承受爆炸冲击波荷载时,响应方式主要为组合板整体弯曲变形和泡沫铝芯层局部压缩变形,芯层压缩变形是组合板吸收耗散能量的主要途径;适当地增加泡沫铝芯层厚度和面板厚度能够提高组合板的抗爆性能,同时使组合板充分发挥耗能作用。  相似文献   

主要通过试验研究与数值模拟,分析钢板-混凝土组合板在受剪状态下的承载力、变形、裂缝发展情况以及钢板与混凝土参与抗剪程度等。进行了3块钢板-混凝土组合板试件和1块无钢板混凝土试件的抗剪承载力试验。结果表明:钢板-混凝土组合板试件的剪切破坏形式主要是斜拉破坏;钢板承担了约50%以上总剪力,由于钢板的协同作用,混凝土承担的剪力与按照规范计算的混凝土抗剪承载力相比有较大幅度的提高;随着栓钉间距的增大,构件的抗剪承载力减小。基于修正压力场理论对ABAQUS进行了材料层面的二次开发,建立了适合钢板-混凝土组合板抗剪分析的数值仿真模型,模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

为了探究水下接触爆炸下钢筋混凝土板的毁伤破坏模式以及内部配筋的形变特性,利用AUTODYN软件建立了钢筋混凝土板水下接触爆炸全耦合精细模型,并通过水下接触爆炸现场试验,分析了水下接触爆炸荷载冲击下钢筋混凝土板的动态破坏全过程,探究了混凝土板内压力时程变化过程。结果表明:所建仿真耦合模型能够较好地描述水下接触爆炸下的爆炸冲击波传播以及钢筋混凝土板毁伤破坏过程;水下接触爆炸荷载作用下,钢筋混凝土板出现严重的冲切损伤,爆心区域板完全破碎、脱落,混凝土板整体变形较大,且内部配筋出现了较大的形变。  相似文献   

蒋飞  韩峰  王建中 《振动与冲击》2013,32(11):21-24
为实现反恐行动中非接触爆炸冲击波破门目标,针对金属防盗门实际条件建立数值仿真模型,重点研究了防盗门在非接触爆炸冲击载荷作用下塑性变形破坏过程及规律。结果表明:相同爆炸冲击载荷作用下,实际转动条件防盗门板塑性变形动力响应时间延长,最大变形量远大于四边固支条件下门板变形量;爆炸中心与防盗门距离过近,门板受爆炸产物和空气冲击波共同作用,只出现局部破坏,不能实现门板整体塑性变形;拟合了防盗门板在非接触爆炸冲击载荷作用下变形量计算式,可为反恐破门弹药设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Experiments on curved sandwich panels under blast loading   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In this paper curved sandwich panels with two aluminium face sheets and an aluminium foam core under air blast loadings were investigated experimentally. Specimens with two values of radius of curvature and different core/face sheet configurations were tested for three blast intensities. All the four edges of the panels were fully clamped. The experiments were carried out by a four-cable ballistic pendulum with corresponding sensors. Impulse acting on the front face of the assembly, deflection history at the centre of back face sheet, and strain history at some characteristic points on the back face were obtained. Then the deformation/failure modes of specimens were classified and analysed systematically. The experimental data show that the initial curvature of a curved sandwich panel may change the deformation/collapse mode with an extended range for bending dominated deformation, which suggests that the performance of the sandwich shell structures may exceed that of both their equivalent solid counterpart and a flat sandwich plate.  相似文献   

Linear and non-linear dynamic response of sandwich panels to blast loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of the dynamic response of sandwich flat panels exposed to blast loadings is addressed. The sandwich model includes a number of non-classical effects such as the anisotropy and heterogeneity of face sheets, transverse orthotropy of the core layer, the geometrical non-linearities considered in the von Kármán sense, as well as the initial geometric imperfections. As concerns the blast pulses considered in this analysis, these are due to either an underwater/in-air explosion, or are due to a pressure wave traveling across the panel span. Implications of the explosive charge, stand-off distance, directionality property of face sheets material, damping ratio, geometric non-linearity, initial geometric imperfection, and of the characteristics of the blast, on dynamic response and dynamic magnification factor are put into evidence via a parametric study, and pertinent conclusions are outlined.  相似文献   

Failure mode maps for sandwich panels with composite face sheets are presented. These failure mode maps can provide useful insights on how panel failure depends on the key variables in the problem. To include dynamic effects in the problem the sandwich panel was modeled as a single-degree-of-freedom mass–spring system. This allows one to simulate the effect of blast loading on the panels. A comparison with some quasi-static test results was performed and it was found that the experimental data were consistent with the analysis.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the structural response of carbon fiber sandwich panels subjected to blast loading through an integrated experimental and numerical approach. A total of nine experiments, corresponding to three different blast intensity levels were conducted in the 28-inch square shock tube apparatus. Computational models were developed to capture the experimental details and further study the mechanism of blast wave-sandwich panel interactions. The peak reflected overpressure was monitored, which amplified to approximately 2.5 times of the incident overpressure due to fluid-structure interactions. The measured strain histories demonstrated opposite phases at the center of the front and back facesheets. Both strains showed damped oscillation with a reduced oscillation frequency as well as amplified facesheet deformations at the higher blast intensity. As the blast wave traversed across the panel, the observed flow separation and reattachment led to pressure increase at the back side of the panel. Further parametric studies suggested that the maximum deflection of the back facesheet increased dramatically with higher blast intensity and decreased with larger facesheet and core thickness. Our computational models, calibrated by experimental measurements, could be used as a virtual tool for assessing the mechanism of blast-panel interactions, and predicting the structural response of composite panels subjected to blast loading.  相似文献   

This paper presents details and brief results of an experimental investigation on the response of metallic sandwich panels with stepwise graded aluminum honeycomb cores under blast loading. Based on the experiments, corresponding finite element simulations have been undertaken using the LS-DYNA software. It is observed that the core compression stage was coupled with the fluid–structure interaction stage, and the compression of the core layer decreased from the central to the peripheral zone. The blast resistance capability of sandwich panels was moderately sensitive to the core relative density and graded distribution. For the graded panels with relative density descending core arrangement, the core plastic energy dissipation and the transmitted force attenuation were larger than that of the ungraded ones under the same loading condition. The graded sandwich panels, especially for relative density descending core arrangement, would display a better blast resistance than the ungraded ones at a specific loading region.  相似文献   

Sandwich panels constructed from metallic face sheets with the core composed of an energy absorbing material, have shown potential as an effective blast resistant structure. In the present study, air-blast tests are conducted on sandwich panels composed steel face sheets with unbonded aluminium foam (Alporas, Cymat) or hexagonal honeycomb cores. Honeycomb cores with small and large aspect ratios are investigated. For all core materials, tests are conducted using two different face sheet thicknesses. The results show that face sheet thickness has a significant effect on the performance of the panels relative to an equivalent monolithic plate. The Alporas and honeycomb cores are found to give higher relative performance with a thicker face sheet. Under the majority of the loading conditions investigated, the thick core honeycomb panels show the greatest increase in blast resistance of the core materials. The Cymat core panels do not show any significant increase in performance over monolithic plates.  相似文献   

In this article, a three-dimensional solution based on Fourier's series and the generalized differential quadrature method is presented to model the low-velocity impact on sandwich panels with hybrid nanocomposite face sheets. Navier's equations are derived and displacements are substituted by their corresponding Fourier's series. The contact force is considered as a Fourier's series of impactor displacement and deflection of contact point. To verify the theoretical model, experiments are performed on a polyurethane foam-cored sandwich panel with epoxy/woven-fiberglass/nanosilica hybrid nanocomposite face sheets. Contact force and lateral displacement of contact point histories are compared with the theoretical model.  相似文献   

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