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以宁波轨道交通④层淤泥质黏土为对象,开展了不同温度、动应力、初始偏应力、围压作用下的动三轴试验,获得了不同试验条件对孔压的影响规律。在此基础上,对现有的孔压-振动次数双曲线模型进行改进,建立了考虑温度影响的动孔压-振动次数模型;其次,利用孔压试验结果对模型进行验证,并给出了不同试验工况下的模型参数;最后,基于动态平衡假设,建立了长期动荷载作用下考虑温度影响的归一化孔压预测模型,模型预测值与试验结果吻合性较好,可以为轨道交通设计和施工提供理论依据。  相似文献   

混凝土单轴拉伸的应变软化行为及描述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
刘西拉  温斌 《工程力学》1998,(A01):8-18
本文将试件和试验机置于一个系统中,对混凝土单轴拉伸试验的稳定性条件进行了分析并得到了单轴拉伸应变软件条件下部分的稳定平衡路径,结果表明,软化曲线的形状不仅与材料性质有关,还与试验机刚度和试件尺寸有关,此时不应将混凝土的软化性质单纯视为材料特性,在不同的软化阶段,应采用不同的模型表达,本文还将理论曲线与试验结果进行了比较,在软化段初上降部分模型结果与实验曲线符合较好。  相似文献   

路基填土在长期交通动荷载作用下的累积塑性变形存在离散性。通过一系列粗粒土大型动三轴试验分析其累积塑性应变随围压、动应力及含水率的发展趋势和变化规律。结果表明:累积塑性应变及其稳定值随动应力的增加而增大,随围压的增加而减小,说明增大围压能有效抑制土体累积塑性变形的发展;土体的动力稳定性随含水率的减小而增加。基于半对数预测模型,运用灰色系统关联理论探究模型参数与含水率和动静应力比的相关性特征,并通过正态性检验论证得到控制粗粒土累积塑性应变发展速率的模型参数服从正态分布。基于概率失效理论,提出预测粗粒土填料累积塑性应变的概率模型,可较好地预测粗粒土填料在循环动荷载作用下的累积塑性应变发展区间。  相似文献   

考虑温度相关性的LRB隔震桥梁地震响应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡紫东  李黎  聂肃非   《振动与冲击》2011,30(9):40-45
系统的研究了铅芯橡胶隔震支座的温度相关性,以及支座温度相关性对隔震桥梁地震响应的影响。试验温度的变化范围为-40℃至50℃,通过拟静力试验的滞回曲线测定了支座在不同温度下的屈前刚度、屈后刚度和屈服剪力。根据所测得的试验数据,采用回归分析,得出了支座的温度影响相关系数函数。建立了LRB隔震桥梁的力学模型,分析了考虑支座温度相关性对隔震桥梁地震响应的影响。比较了不同温度下支座滞回的计算结果。对比分析了不同温度下,隔震梁桥墩顶剪力、梁位移和梁加速度的计算结果,得出了若不考虑支座的温度效应墩顶剪力和梁加速度会有较大的误差,而温度效应对梁位移影响较小的结论。  相似文献   

对橡胶试柱进行单轴疲劳试验,分析了应变幅值一定时,应变均值对疲劳寿命的影响。以哑铃型天然橡胶试柱为研究对象,通过有限元计算分析,得到了加载位移与橡胶试柱危险位置处最大主应变的关系。构建了应变均值函数,以应变比R=0时的 曲线为基准疲劳寿命曲线,建立了不同应变均值和幅值下的天然橡胶隔振元件的疲劳寿命预测模型。使用该模型预测得到的哑铃型天然橡胶试柱疲劳寿命与试验疲劳寿命具有较好相关性。文中提出的天然橡胶元件的疲劳寿命预测模型,可用于建立天然橡胶材料的疲劳寿命数据库。  相似文献   

泥化夹层是诱发岩体工程失稳破坏的重要因素之一。为研究循环动荷载下泥化夹层的累积变形特性,深入分析主要影响因素,在黄河中游某大型水利枢纽工程勘探平硐采取试样,开展了不同工况条件下泥化夹层的动三轴试验研究。在考虑主要黏土矿物成分、黏粒含量、含水率、围压和频率等影响因素的基础上,根据试验成果,探求适合描述泥化夹层累积应变发展规律的理论模型,并基于动应力~应变关系研究了泥化夹层的动弹性模量特征。研究结果表明:(1)泥化夹层的累积应变发展规律具有破坏型特征,不符合稳定型累积应变特征,利用Monismith模型进行描述是合理的;(2)泥化夹层的动应力~应变曲线符合Hardin双曲线模型;(3)泥化夹层的累积应变随含水率、黏粒含量和频率的增大而增大,随围压的增大先减小后增大;(4)泥化夹层的动弹性模量随围压增大单调递增,随循环周次、含水率和频率的增大而单调递减;(5)主要黏土矿物成分为蒙伊混层时,泥化夹层的累积应变最大,动弹性模量随循环周次增加而衰减最快。  相似文献   

测定混凝土应变软化曲线的J积分法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提供用普通材料试验机对含有不同初始裂缝深度混凝土劈裂试件进行断裂试验的结果。试验得到了稳定的荷载位移全过程曲线。求得了断裂韧度JIC、δC、断裂能GF;并由J积分法推导出了混凝土材料的拉应变软化曲线。  相似文献   

王文明  李宏男 《振动与冲击》2012,31(11):137-141
提出了一种在非线性时程分析中考虑材料应变率效应的近似方法:首先,对结构进行不考虑应变率效应的非线性时程分析;然后,根据第一次分析的结果可以得到关键位置在与结构最大顶点位移对应的前1/4循环内的平均应变率,根据这些点的平均应变率对进入非线性构件材料的本构关系进行修正;最后,对结构进行第二次分析。文中给出了该方法的力学解释,并通过数值模拟对该方法进行了验证。结论:本文提出的方法具有较高的精度,可以作为一种在非线性时程分析中考虑应变率效应的有效方法。  相似文献   

针对导管架式海洋平台,研究了海水温度梯度对结构整体损伤检测方法之一的模态应变能法的影响。以一个导管架平台为模型,考虑温度对钢材弹性模量的影响,建立了该平台在模拟的海水温度梯度下的有限元模型。通过使用模态应变能法对该模型进行损伤检测,总结了温度梯度对基于模态应变能法的海洋平台损伤检测的影响规律。结果表明温度梯度会使该方法损伤定位能力变弱,对结构冗余度越大的构件影响越大;同时会使损伤程度识别精度降低,构件结构冗余度越大、损伤程度越小,影响越大。  相似文献   

根据转子材料杨氏模量随温度的二次多项式变化函数,推导了考虑温度分布的单元刚度矩阵,给出了考虑转子轴向温度分布的有限元模型,分析了在轴向温度均匀分布、线性分布和二次多项式分布情况下转子临界转速的变化趋势。结果表明,模型可以体现转子轴向温度分布对刚度矩阵的影响,能够有效提高高温下转子临界转速的计算精度。  相似文献   

针对冲击载荷作用下多层柱形波纹压溃元件的力学特性分析非常困难的问题,结合柱形波纹压溃元件的冲击压溃变形特征,将柱形波纹压溃元件的变形划分为弹性变形阶段、壁面接触前的塑性变形阶段、混合塑性变形阶段、壁面接触过程中的塑性变形阶段,研究了轴向冲击下柱形波纹压溃元件变形抗力的理论计算方法。利用Matlab Simulink软件编程,计算分析了不同高度落锤冲击柱形波纹压溃元件产生的变形抗力与压溃量之间的映射特性,并与实验结果进行了比较。研究结果表明,在不同跌落高度冲击下,理论计算的变形抗力与实验结果吻合较好,证明所提出的理论分析方法是合理的,对波纹压溃缓冲元件的工程应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

利用大型多轴疲劳试验机,进行了拉压双轴和拉压压三轴荷载作用下混凝土两级、三级变幅疲劳试验研究,重点分析了残余应变的变化规律。试验结果表明:混凝土在拉压和拉压压加载工况下的残余应变主要与相对疲劳次数和侧压应力比有关,基本不受加载历程因素的影响。定义相对残余应变为损伤变量,建立了损伤演变方程,并进行了疲劳损伤分析和剩余疲劳寿命预测,为混凝土在多轴变幅疲劳试验研究及疲劳损伤评价提供参考。  相似文献   

The scope of this study is to use a three-dimensional discrete element model to simulate the resilient response of an unbound granular material subjected to sinusoidal loading in a triaxial sample and to compare the simulated results to experimental results. A three-dimensional discrete element model, where each grain interacts with its neighbour grains, allows a micromechanical approach to modelling. By doing the sensitivity analysis on the input parameters the model can be evaluated and insight gained about the factors that affect the resilient behaviour. Uniform spherical grains were used in both the DEM simulations and in the triaxial experiments. Two contact models, linear visco-elastic and Hertzian, and two types of confinement, a uniform cylinder and a flexible membrane, are tested in the simulations. Comparison of the simulation results with the results of similar laboratory experiments shows that the discrete element approach is suitable to model idealised aggregate grains.  相似文献   


列车运营对路基的长期作用由振动加载、荷载间歇交替组成,已往研究多只考虑振动加载周期对路基土体强度和变形特性的影响,而忽略了间歇期的影响。为研究间歇性循环荷载作用下风积土路基变形特性,利用GDS DYNTTS冻土动三轴仪,开展不同有效固结围压σ3c、冻融循环次数FT、动应力幅值$sigma _{rm{d}}^{rm{ampl}} $和振动频率f的间歇性循环荷载下风积土动三轴试验,研究间歇性循环荷载下冻融风积土变形特性及其影响因素。试验结果表明:间歇性循环荷载作用下风积土累积塑性应变曲线呈稳定型、发展型和破坏型三种形态。间歇阶段能够在较大程度上削弱土体的应变累积,从而使其较连续荷载作用下变形减小。基于极差方法,确定动应力幅值是影响风积土累积塑性应变的最重要因素,其余依次为有效固结围压、冻融循环次数、振动频率。采用双Abel黏壶建立考虑间歇性循环荷载作用的冻融风积土分数阶累积塑性应变预测模型,并与试验结果进行了对比分析,二者吻合度较高,说明该文建立的分数阶累积塑性应变数学模型可合理预测间歇性循环荷载作用下风积土路基长期变形特性。研究成果可为季节性冻土地区路基工程设计和灾害防治提供科学依据。


Frost action affects permanent strain behaviour of unbound granular materials' performance by causing an increase in saturation degree as well as a decrease in density. This research aims to improve the understanding on how the base granular materials' permanent strain behaviour changes through seasons. In order to characterise this behaviour, eight permanent strain tests were performed at various water contents, densities and test conditions. Freeze and thaw cycles, for drained and undrained testing conditions, were applied to samples to measure the contribution of frost action to the plastic deformation mechanisms. From the obtained results, it is concluded that the effect of the freeze–thaw cycle on the permanent strain behaviour of unbound granular materials used as pavement base is mostly explained by the increase of water content and, to a lesser extent, by the decrease of dry density.  相似文献   

混凝土三轴变幅拉-压疲劳性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹伟  宋玉普  刘海成 《工程力学》2006,23(3):111-117,31
进行了最小应力水平为0.20fc,最大应力水平为0.20ft~0.55ft,定侧压为0.30fc的变截面混凝土试件三轴拉-压等幅和变幅疲劳试验,分析了混凝土三轴拉-压疲劳最大和最小纵向总应变的三阶段演变规律和级间相似性,给出了疲劳损伤演化规律。进一步验证了Miner线性损伤累积理论的不适用性,提出了非线性损伤累积模型,并进行了疲劳剩余寿命预测,通过与试验结果的比较表明该模型具有较高的精度和适用性。  相似文献   

Based on dynamic triaxial test at low temperature of the frozen clay from the Beiluhe permafrost subgrade along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR), residual deformation laws and dynamic subsidence prediction model of permafrost subgrade under train traffic were studied. First, time history curves of residual strain of frozen soil are obtained and analyzed under different temperatures, frequency, confining pressure and moisture content. And conclusions can be drawn that the axial strain rate is greatly affected by the amplitude of dynamic stress, as well as increases with dynamic to static stress ratio and temperature rising, while it decreases with the raise of frequency and moisture content. Hereby, the power functions were adopted to fit the relationships of axial dynamic strain rate vs. stress ratio, temperature, frequency, and moisture content, respectively. Simultaneously, the permafrost dynamic subsidence mechanism was interpreted rationally and the variation of fitting parameters was discussed. Furthermore, the long-term traffic loading subsidence model was established through observing the axis residual strain time histories of frozen specimens under the longtime cyclic loading and adopting the amendment of vibratory number of times. The model can comprehensively consider the effects of stress state, temperature, moisture content, and confining pressure of frozen soil, as well as the vibratory frequency and vibration number of longtime cyclic loading. Consequently, the model can be applied to the train-induced subsidence forecast investigation of permafrost subgrade. The paper has an important significance for rational safety evaluation on long-term operation of permafrost regions railway such as QTR. Meanwhile, the investigation provides basic data for the further research on dynamic damage constitutive model of frozen soil under train traffic and the gradual improvement of railroading criterion in cold regions.  相似文献   

Mechanical and physical properties of ground corn stover, switchgrass, and willow were measured and compared in addition to the quality of pellets. Biomass was size-reduced with two different screen sizes (3.175 and 6.35?mm) and conditioned to obtain samples at two different moisture contents (17.5 and 20% on wet basis). Ground switchgrass had the smallest and willow had the highest D50 when size-reduced with the same screen size. Hydrostatic triaxial compression tests were performed using the cubical triaxial tester to determine the bulk modulus, compression index, and spring-back index at specific unloading pressures (20, 45, 70, and 95?kPa). The trends of pressure vs. volumetric strain and void ratio vs. natural log of pressure were similar for all three materials; however, the magnitudes were different. Willow, size-reduced with 3.175?mm screen size at 17.5% wet basis, had the highest bulk modulus among different conditions of all the three biomass. Pellet durability values for all the three materials were higher than 80%. Corn stover pellets formed with 3.175?mm screen size at 20% wet basis had the highest diametral tensile and axial compressive strengths among different conditions for all the three biomass, however the values were not significantly different (p?>?0.05).  相似文献   

Experimental results on rock deformation and fracture under true triaxial compression have revealed a misfit between strain state and stress state, strain state varying from generalized compression to generalized shear at σ3 ≠ 0. This misfit can lead to data misinterpretation during the stress field reconstruction after unloading. Fracture of rock specimens under true triaxial compression occurs by a combined longitudinal/transverse shear and produces the highest dilatancy. An increase in the hydrostatic pressure level diminishes limiting values of shear strains and suppresses the dilatancy effect. A maximum of dilatancy coincides with a maximum of fresh surface area formed during the fracture of the rock. The generalized cleavage of rocks becomes energetically disadvantageous in a true triaxial compressive stress field. Some sandstone becomes more brittle under true triaxial compression (σ2 ≠ 0) at low values of the minimal stress component (σ3) due to high initial porosity and dilatancy.  相似文献   

循环双谱及在周期平稳类故障中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了未知循环频率的周期平稳信号循环双谱的估计方法;研究了在循环双谱的循环累积量计算中涉及变量的简化存储方法,提出了该变量矩阵是对称阵,通过算法可以三角阵的元素来表述,克服了循环双谱传统估计方法计算量较大的缺陷,提高了运算效率;提出了循环双谱对调相故障信号的分析能力,以及对加性噪声的处理能力,仿真并验证了该方法的有效性,并将其应用于旋转机械状态分析。  相似文献   

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