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一种新的小波阈值函数及其在振动信号去噪分析中的应用 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
利用Hilbert-Huang变换(Hilbert-Huang Transformation,简称HHT)对滚动轴承进行故障诊断时,发现振动信号中包含的噪声对诊断结果影响较大。为克服此不足,提出了一种小波改进阈值法与HHT相结合的信号分析方法。该方法首先应用小波改进阈值方法对滚动轴承故障信号进行预处理,然后对去噪后的信号进行经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,简称EMD),接着选取含有故障信息的本征模函数(Intrinsic Mode Function,简称IMF)分量进行边际谱分析,从而提取出故障特征频率,并判断故障类型。仿真和实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
由于材料结构的复杂性,超声检测回波信号往往存在很多干扰噪声。针对钢制结构中平底孔的超声检测信号传统小波去噪方法中小波阈值难确定的问题,结合小波良好时频特性和果蝇的全局优化能力,提出基于果蝇算法(FOA)优化小波阈值函数的超声检测信号去噪方法。对原始信号叠加5d B高斯白噪声,通过测试最大信噪比改善量获得最佳小波基和分解层数,采用sym5小波对超声检测信号进行6层分解后,利用果蝇算法对小波阈值进行参数优化,对比传统4种阈值确定方法,提高小波阈值的精度。验证结果表明:该方法对超声检测信号去噪后信噪比、均方根误差和相关性等参数具有满意的效果,去噪效果明显。 相似文献
在信号检测技术中,构造了一个新的阈值函数,与传统的软硬阈值函数相比,连续性好,高阶可导,便于进行各种信号处理和检测。实验仿真结果表明,采用新的阈值函数的去噪效果在信噪比增益和均方误差意义上均优于传统的软硬阈值方法,给检测技术带来了新的发展。 相似文献
研究小波去噪算法中软阈值函数与硬阈值函数的方法,针对一些可变阈值函数的运算复杂的问题,提出一种新的阈值函数。经仿真测试,改进的小波阈值去噪算法的信噪比为20.103,去噪后,数据的均方误差为0.1152。 相似文献
建立了齿轮故障系统试验装置,对齿轮传动系统在各种转速与故障状态下进行测试分析,获取了有关振动信号,对齿轮系统的无故障、齿根裂纹、分度圆裂纹、齿面磨损四种状态信号进行特征提取,并对提取的信号进行基于经验模态EMD分解的小波阈值去噪处理,然后对预处理后的信号进行时频分析与诊断。结果表明,采用基于EMD的小波阈值去噪方法比单纯采用小波阈值去噪对测试信号进行预处理,能提高信噪比,并更加有效的提取出故障特征,而在EMD的小波阈值去噪的基础上,再与时频分析方法相结合能够较好的识别不同运转状况下不同种类的故障,如齿根裂纹、分度圆裂纹、齿面磨损等,可用于对实际工程工作的齿轮系统进行故障诊断。 相似文献
6σ改进主要应用于现有的过程或产品, 而6σ设计主要应用于设计或重新设计过程或产品;何时优先采用6σ设计方法一直是一个备受争议的问题.为解决这一问题,比较了6σ改进和6σ设计方法的差异;进而从系统论的观点,分析了选择6σ方法时需要考虑的要素并建立了相应的指标体系;在此基础上,引入了多目标决策的层次分析方法,并对一个6σ项目进行了分析.结果表明,选择6σ方法受到许多因素的影响,从而替代了6σ文献中"只有达到4.8σ,才能实施6σ设计"的准则.结论是任何实施6σ管理的组织可以根据技术、顾客需求、成本、复杂性、风险等因素,选择适应于自身发展的6σ方法. 相似文献
分析了精益生产和六西格玛管理的精髓,结合两者思路,指出精益六西格玛是实现精确化管理的有效工具,并提出了基于精益六西格玛的精确化管理的技术路线,包括界定问题、细化问题、确定原因、制定措施、监控结果等五阶段.以上海电信降低话费异议率为例,验证所提出观点和方法的有效性. 相似文献
《Materials and Manufacturing Processes》2012,27(2):195-199
Mold trials are critical in the mold development process; therefore, it is necessary to develop predictive models that can control processing results and solve problems in processing parameter optimization to ensure manufacturing efficiency and processing quality. Using the six sigma method, this research constructed an optimized 3C (Computer, Communication, and Consumer electronic) product mold manufacturing process predictive model, and conducted an empirical study on the largest electronic products foundry. The Taguchi parameter design method, the back propagation network (BPN) prediction method, and genetic algorithms (GAs) were used to establish an optimization search module. The surface quality was inferred by the network predictive model as a limiting condition for acquiring the maximized material removal rate in milling. The optimized milling processing parameters of the maximum fitness degree can be determined by GA. The findings can serve as a practical reference for quality improvements and decision planning. 相似文献
We study the behavior of the nonzero temperature quantum nonlinear sigma model in d = 2 dimensions at finite temperatures in the presence of the damping term. Using the renormalization group (RG) method we
calculated the effect of the finite temperature on the magnetic coherence length and the damping of the fluctuations. The
results have been used to calculate the relaxation rates from nuclear magnetic resonance, which have been analyzed phenomenologically
by different authors in order to get the phase diagram in the doped cuprate superconductors. Our calculations showed a good
agreement with the experimental data, but we also evaluated the corrections which appear due to a more accurate analysis performed
using the RG method. 相似文献
《Quality Engineering》2012,24(3):119-129
ABSTRACT Much has been written recently concerning the future of statistics in business and industry (e.g., Technometrics 2008). In this expository article, the authors extend this discussion to focus specifically on the future of statistics and statisticians within the context of quality improvement. We argue that though the problems our profession faces are well known and have been repeatedly identified in the literature, the underlying root causes of these problems have remained lurking under the surface of the discussion. In particular, though positive change is certainly taking place, we do not believe that the statistics community has fully accepted and come to grips with the radical changes in our environment over the past 20–40 years. In short, we believe that our environment has changed radically, whereas our own changes have been incremental in nature. One such change that seems particularly difficult for us to swallow is that our society needs us to function, especially in the quality arena, more as an engineering discipline, rather than primarily as a pure science. To the extent that we can make this transition, we believe that we will maintain and grow our vitality as a discipline. To the extent that we refuse to, or are unable to, make this transition, our vitality, influence, and impact may erode, as other disciplines fill the void we leave. We choose to view this situation as half full and therefore offer specific suggestions as to how we feel the profession can make the needed changes in order to secure a brighter future in quality improvement. 相似文献
Quantum Nonlinear Sigma Model with a Damping Term; Finite Temperature Renormalization Group Analysis
We study the behavior of the finite temperature quantum nonlinear sigma model in two dimensions in the presence of the damping
of the formf (|θ
|) = γ|ω
|α, whereα satisfiesα ≥ 1. The analytical calculations will be performed usingα=2 and the results will be compared with the standard results obtained for the standard quantum nonlinear sigma model. The
behavior of such a system is connected with the pseudogap which appears in the normal state of the cuprate superconductors. 相似文献
The manufacturing of hard disk drive storage is a highly competitive industry due to ever changing technology and the introduction of solid-state storage. Therefore manufacturers have introduced business improvement techniques to help leverage manufacturing advantages over competitors. This paper aims to investigate the integration of business improvement methodologies with intelligent techniques for the improvement of manufacturing efficiency. The authors use a case study based on the disentangling of causal relationships during the manufacturing of hard disk drive components. This paper reports on the application of intelligent system techniques to aid implementation of business improvement methodologies within this manufacturing environment. The results reported highlight that significant gains may be made when utilizing such a hybrid approach. The approach is validated by determining the secondary effects that degraded a previously implemented six-sigma project and also by identifying areas of investigation that enabled engineers to improve process yield. 相似文献
Loon Ching Tang Su Ee Than Beng Wah Ang 《Quality and Reliability Engineering International》1997,13(6):337-346
The process capability index Cpk has been widely used as a process performance measure. In practice this index is estimated using sample data. Hence it is of great interest to obtain confidence limits for the actual index given a sample estimate. In this paper we depict graphically the relationship between process potential index (Cp), process shift index (k) and percentage non-conforming (p). Based on the monotone properties of the relationship, we derive two-sided confidence limits for k and Cpk under two different scenarios. These two limits are combined using the Bonferroni inequality to generate a third type of confidence limit. The performance of these limits of Cpk in terms of their coverage probability and average width is evaluated by simulation. The most suitable type of confidence limit for each specific range of k is then determined. The usage of these confidence limits is illustrated via examples. Finally a performance comparison is done between the proposed confidence limits and three non-parametric bootstrap confidence limits. The results show that the proposed method consistently gives the smallest width and yet provides the intended coverage probability. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The six sigma approach has been increasingly adopted worldwide in the manufacturing sector in order to enhance the productivity and quality performance and to make the process robust to quality variations. This paper deals with one such application of six sigma methodology to improve the yield of deep drawing operations. The deep drawing operation has found extensive application in producing automotive components and many household items. The main issue of concern of the deep drawn products involves different critical process parameters and governing responses, which influences the yield of the operation. The effects of these parameters are analysed by the DMAIC (Define, Measurement, Analyse, Improve, Control)-based six sigma approach. A multiple response optimization model is formulated using the fuzzy-rule-based system. The functional relationship between the process variables and the responses is established, and thereafter their optimum setting is explored with the aid of response surface methodology (RSM). Rigorous experimentations have been carried out, and it is observed that the process capability of processes is enhanced significantly, after the successful deployment of the six sigma methodology. 相似文献