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A new single-capillary electrospray (ES) aerosol generator has been developed for monodisperse particle production with maximal transmission efficiency. The new generator consists of both a spray chamber in a point-to-orifice-plate configuration and a charge reduction chamber that can hold up to 4 Nuclespot ionizers (Model P-2042, NRD Inc.). The 2 chambers are partitioned by an orifice plate. To optimize the particle transmission efficiency of the prototype, a systematic study was performed on the generator by varying the system setup and operation. Two key dimensions of the generator setup, the orifice diameter and the distance from the capillary tip to the orifice plate, were varied. Fluorescence analysis was applied to characterize the loss of ES-generated particles at different locations of the prototype. It was found that particle loss in the generator could be reduced by either increasing the orifice diameter or decreasing the distance between the capillary tip and the orifice plate. Increasing either the total radioactivity of the ionizers or the flowrate of the particle carrier gas also further decreased the particle loss in the system. The maximum particle transmission efficiency of 88.0% was obtained with the spray chamber fully opened to the charge reduction chamber, the capillary tip at the same level as the orifice plate, and 4 bipolar ionizers installed.  相似文献   

A new single-capillary electrospray (ES) aerosol generator has been developed for monodisperse particle production with maximal transmission efficiency. The new generator consists of both a spray chamber in a point-to-orifice-plate configuration and a charge reduction chamber that can hold up to 4 Nuclespot ionizers (Model P-2042, NRD Inc.). The 2 chambers are partitioned by an orifice plate. To optimize the particle transmission efficiency of the prototype, a systematic study was performed on the generator by varying the system setup and operation. Two key dimensions of the generator setup, the orifice diameter and the distance from the capillary tip to the orifice plate, were varied. Fluorescence analysis was applied to characterize the loss of ES-generated particles at different locations of the prototype. It was found that particle loss in the generator could be reduced by either increasing the orifice diameter or decreasing the distance between the capillary tip and the orifice plate. Increasing either the total radioactivity of the ionizers or the flowrate of the particle carrier gas also further decreased the particle loss in the system. The maximum particle transmission efficiency of 88.0% was obtained with the spray chamber fully opened to the charge reduction chamber, the capillary tip at the same level as the orifice plate, and 4 bipolar ionizers installed.  相似文献   

Zirconia nanoparticles were synthesized using a flame-based system involving spray droplet combustion of different precursor solutions. The characteristics of the feed were varied by varying the precursor compound, precursor concentration, and solvent type, and by using droplets of different mean sizes. When large droplets were used, agglomerated particles were formed when an organometallic precursor was used and large cenospheric particles were produced when an inorganic precursor was used. Reduction of the droplet size to a number-mean droplet diameter of 3.2 μm resulted in the production of solid spherical particles regardless of the precursor type. When an inertial impactor was used to eliminate droplets larger than 2.3 μm, the large particles in the final product were eliminated and uniformly sized solid zirconia particles having a smaller mean size were produced. The final particle size did not vary with the concentration of the precursor, indicating that multiple ceramic particles resulted from each precursor-containing droplet.  相似文献   

The feasibility of fabricating relatively monodispersed polymeric nanoparticles by the electrospray method in a modified electrospray set-up is demonstrated in this study. The polymer solution is electrosprayed in the single cone-jet regime through a nozzle. After solvent evaporation, during which particles pave from the nozzle to collector, the fabricated nanoparticles can be collected in deionized water, which plays the role of surfactant for particles, not allowing them to aggregate. The results of scanning electron microscope and dynamic light scattering analysis clearly confirm the fabrication of monodispersed spherical polymeric nanoparticles with diameter range from 80 to 120 nm with smooth surface.  相似文献   

采用表面活性剂辅助,抗溶剂沉淀法制备了缬沙坦药物微粉,以丙酮为溶剂,水为抗溶剂,考察了表面活性剂种类、浓度、溶剂-抗溶剂体积比对缬沙坦形貌和大小的影响。分别利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱( FT-IR)等分析方法对原料及微粉化的产品进行了表征。  相似文献   

Two common anionic surfactants, sodium oleate (SO) and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) were used to re‐suspend iron oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions. At certain SO concentrations, the SO formulations produced highly stable suspensions. In contrast, SDBS‐stabilized nanoparticles exhibited poor stability at all concentrations. The adsorption isotherm of SO on iron oxide nanoparticles revealed that stable suspensions were obtained when the equilibrium SO concentration (after adsorption) reached its critical micelle concentration (CMC). At this “optimal” condition, the maximum SO adsorption was reached, and the zeta‐potential of the particles was highly negative (~ ?50 mV). According to the SO isotherm, this optimal formulation coincided with the formation of a highly compact SO bilayer. The SDBS isotherm, on the other hand, revealed that SDBS is not strongly adsorbed on the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles and that is likely that a patchy, loosely packed bilayer, is formed on the surface of the iron oxide nanoparticles when the equilibrium SDBS concentration reaches its CMC. The DLVO theory confirmed the connection between formulation conditions and the corresponding stability. This works confirmed that the formation of a surfactant bilayer is an important element in producing stable nanoparticle suspensions with anionic surfactants. It was also confirmed that for anionic surfactants, electrostatic repulsions are an important factor in establishing an energy barrier against flocculation. This work also introduced two more elements into the design of nanoparticle suspensions. The first element is that, in order to ensure the best possible dispersion, the surfactant concentration in solution at equilibrium with the adsorbed surfactant should be close or slightly above its CMC. The second element is that the molecular structure of the surfactant should facilitate the formation of closely packed bilayers.  相似文献   


In our ongoing efforts to achieve the high-efficiency charging of aerosol nanoparticles under low-pressure conditions, our group has recently developed an ion beam aerosol charger (IBAC) that ionizes aerosol nanoparticles using an He+ ion beam (Seto et al. 2003 Seto, T., Orii, T., Hirasawa, M., Aya, N. and Shimura, H. 2003. Ion Beam Charging of Silicon Nanoparticles in Helium Background Gas—Design of the Ion Beam Aerosol Charger (IBAC). Rev. Sci. Inst., 74: 30273030. [CROSSREF][Crossref] [Google Scholar]). In earlier studies we have observed both increases and decreases in the currents from the charged particles, depending on the pressure when the polydisperse particles were irradiated by the ion beam. None of our previous studies elucidated the mechanisms of the charging itself, however. In the present paper we evaluate the charging probability of monodisperse aerosol nanoparticles using a low-pressure differential mobility analyzer (LP-DMA) and aerosol electrical condenser (AEC). The particles were negatively charged by the attachment of free electrons generated via the ionization of carrier gas by ion beam irradiation under a pressure of more than 350 Pa. A charging probability of more than 60% was obtained experimentally for the particles of 10–40 nm in mobility diameter under the pressure of 350–650 Pa. The mobility of the particles was almost the same before and after charging in a tandem LP-DMA analysis, with no multiply charged particles observed. The charging probability of nanoparticles was estimated based on the diffusion charging theory. Lastly, experiments were performed to demonstrate the performance of the IBAC in the charging of neutral particles in comparison with that of an α-ray source.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that control the polar ion concentrations downstream of an ionized region are examined and it is shown that the ratio of positive to negative ion concentrations is not constant. The imbalance in the ionic concentrations caused by unequal diffusion of ions to the walls and to aerosol particles is magnified in the ion ratio as ionic recombination rapidly depletes ions of both polarities equally. Consequently, the aerosol charge distribution is not in equilibrium but is evolving in response to the changing ion environment. The conclusions drawn are supported by numerical modeling and by measurements of ionic concentrations and ratios of negatively to positively charged particles downstream of the ionized region. Several existing neutralizers are evaluated and a prototype ionizer which produces an aerosol with a nearly symmetric equilibrium charge distribution is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction energy between small silica particles has been calculated for a range of diameters between 2 and 30 nm. The enhancement of the coagulation rate has been calculated for these particles. The enhancement factor ranges from a maximum of about 2.62 for a 2-nm diameter pair down to 1.96 for a 30-nm diameter pair. Calculations of the aerosol size distribution indicate that a nearly self-preserving form is attained after the cessation of nucleation.  相似文献   

Crystalline Fe-Si alloy particles ranging from 37 to 150 nm in diameter were produced by thermal decomposition of a mixture of Fe(CO)5 and SiH4 in a furnace aerosol reactor. The reactor was made of alumina, 2.4 cm in diameter and 100 cm in length. The operating variables were reactor temperature (800–1400°C), the Fe(CO)5 concentration (2.5 × 10?5 to 1.5 × 10?4 moI/I), the molar ratio of Fe(CO)5 to SiH4 (100:0 to 50:50), and the residence time (2.5–10s). The primary particle size increased with reactor temperature increase and decreased when the Si content of the precursor was increased. The sintering of the particles within the agglomerates was an important factor in determining the primary particle size, and the sintering was inhibited by the silicon. The spatial variation of particle morphology was observed by in situ deposition of particles on a TEM grid. At 7 cm from the reactor inlet, nonagglomerated spherical particles encapsulating several smaller iron particles were found. The spherical structure were destroyed downstream to form agglomerates.  相似文献   

Silica and titania aerosol nanoparticles are coated with silver through a physical coating process. The silver is evaporated in a tubular furnace flow system and condensed on the ceramic carrier particles with diameters of approximately 100?nm. The temperature gradient in the furnace system is optimized in order to avoid homogeneous nucleation of the silver. The generated ceramic–silver composite nanoparticles are characterized with aerosol measurements and analytical transmission electron microscopy. Two completely different particle morphologies are clearly observed, silver-decoration and composite doublet, with amorphous silica and crystalline rutile titania as the carrier particles, respectively. The former morphology consists of multiple silver nanodots with diameters of 1–10?nm, while in the latter morphology the silver had formed a larger structure with a size comparable to that of the carrier particle. Different shapes are observed in these larger silver structures, such as triangular, rodlike, and hexagonal. Differences in the silver particle migration on the surface of the silica and titania particles is proposed to be the key factor resulting into the two distinct particle morphologies.

Copyright 2015 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

We characterized the properties of combustion aerosol produced at different operating conditions of a mini-CAST burner that was treated in a Catalytic Stripper (CS) operating at 300°C. The goal was to establish a methodology for the production of soot particles resembling those emitted from internal combustion engines. Thermo-optical analysis of samples collected on Quartz filters revealed that the particles contained semi-volatile material that survived the CS. The amount of semi-volatile species strongly depended on the operating conditions ranging from less than 10% to as high as 30% of the particle mass. The mini-CAST operating conditions were also found to have a strong effect on the effective particle density (ρe ). The ρe , for example, ranged from as low as 0.3 to 1.05 g/cm3 for mondisperse 80 nm particles, although the mass-mobility exponent remained relatively constant (2.1–2.25). These differences are indicative of differences in the primary particle diameter, which was estimated to range between 8.5 and 34 nm depending on the operating conditions. The different types of particles produced were also found to exhibit different affinities for butanol but also different light absorption per mass of elemental carbon which can, therefore, lead to inconsistencies in aerosol instrumentation calibrations (e.g., condensation and optical particle counters, photoacoustic sensors). The work highlights the importance of establishing a detailed and well-defined method in using the mini-CAST-CS approach for instrument calibration in ways mimicking various engine combustion sources.

Copyright 2013 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

In this study, the performance enhancement of CO2 capture and separation by the SiO2 nanoparticles and surfactants is evaluated. The main objectives are to test the dispersion stability of nanofluids (DI water with nanoparticles and surfactants), to quantify the effect of the nanoparticles and surfactants on the CO2 capture and separation performance, and to find the optimum conditions of the nanoparticles and surfactants. It is found that the CO2 capture and separation performances are enhanced up to 13.1% and 7.8% at the nanoparticle concentration of 0.01 vol%, respectively. It is concluded that nanoparticles enhance both CO2 capture and separation rates, while the surfactants enhance the CO2 capture rate but they interrupt the CO2 separation rate.  相似文献   


Enclosed flames typically produce substantially larger particles than open flames under identical reactant flows and composition. The enclosure hinders air entrainment to the flame and reduces heat losses by radiation and convection, facilitating particle coagulation and coalescence. Here the effect of natural air entrainment on flame aerosol synthesis is investigated by lifting off the enclosing tube from the burner surface and utilizing tracer gas (Ne) analysis after calibration with forced air entrainment. That way the effect of air entrainment on product primary particle diameter and mobility size distribution dynamics is investigated by microscopy, scanning mobility particle sizing, and N2 adsorption, while temperature is measured by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. So air entrainment during flame spray pyrolysis is examined here for its versatility in scalable manufacture of an array of material compositions, while copper oxide (CuO) is used for its electro-chemical applications (e.g., battery electrodes). It is shown that natural air entrainment facilitates rapid gas-to-particle conversion and high process yields by minimizing vortex recirculation and particle deposition on the enclosing tube walls and burner surface. For example, the average primary particle diameter of CuO can be controlled from 42 to 10 nm and the yield from 40 to 90% by gradually lifting off the enclosing tube, resulting in up to 250 L/min natural air entrainment at the present CuO synthesis conditions.

Copyright 2014 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

Aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) users typically calibrate the particle sizing capabilities, but not the counting efficiency upon which aerosol concentration results are based. Herein, comparisons were made between the counts provided by an ink jet aerosol generator (IJAG) with those measured by an APS. Near-monodisperse (geometric standard deviation of about 1.06) liquid or solid aerosols in the size range of 0.95 to 13.3 μm aerodynamic diameter (AD) generated with an IJAG were released into the inner inlet-tube of the APS in a manner that rendered APS wall and aspiration losses negligible. For most experiments, the IJAG generated 75 particles/s, which rate was maintained by the IJAG system through control of electrical pulses applied to its ink jet cartridge. For particles in the size range of 2–13.3 μm AD, the ratio of relative detection efficiency (ratio of the number of particles counted by the APS to the number reported as generated by the IJAG) was 99.3 ± 1.4%; however, for test particles between 0.95 and 2 μm AD, the relative detection efficiency was somewhat lower, but the drop off was less than about 2%. This slight drop off is likely associated with the light scattering detection approach and corresponding counting algorithm of the APS. Tests were conducted where the IJAG produced 7.0 μm AD particles at rates of 1 to 500 s-1 and the results showed essentially a 1:1 correspondence between IJAG and APS counts. The presence of smaller-sized background particles did not affect the measured APS counts of larger-sized challenge particles.

Copyright 2014 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

MonteCarlo simulations of diffusive particle trajectories, as well as Stolzenburg's model calculations, have shown that the mean mobility of the particles classified by a differential mobility analyzer (DMA) at a given applied voltage may differ from the theoretical one inferred from the Knutson–Whitby equation if the particles are withdrawn from the tails of the particle mobility distribution. In this case, the true mean mobility, defined as the mean mobility of the particles classified at the specified voltage, can be precisely measured by a second DMA operating in series with the first one (tandem DMA). However, if particles are extracted from the central part of the distribution, their mobility can be correctly measured with a single DMA. Besides showing the importance of the usage of the tandem DMA technique for accurate measurements of mobility, this article provides an analytical expression which, if the mobility distribution of the polydisperse aerosol fed to the DMA is known, allows an accurate estimation of the true (mean) mobility of the classified particles.

Copyright 2014 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

Encapsulation of poorly soluble drugs in polymer nanoparticles is a common strategy to increase bioavailability of drugs. The miniemulsion-solvent evaporation technique is widely used for encapsulating drugs in polymer nanoparticles because it is a versatile process, allowing many drug–polymer pair combinations. However, above a critical concentration of drug, which depends on the drug and polymer, nanoparticles tend to precipitate. Herein, the importance of drug solubility and miscibility in the polymer phase for selecting the optimal polymer matrix is investigated. Ibuprofen, naproxen methyl ester, and naproxen, as models for poorly soluble drugs, are encapsulated with various loadings in polycaprolactone nanoparticles by the miniemulsion-solvent evaporation method. The miscibility between drug and polymer is estimated by calculating Flory–Huggins interaction parameters (χ) from differential scanning calorimetry measurements and calculating the difference in Hansen solubility parameter of drugs and polymer. Both values can be used for determining the feasibility of the drug encapsulation in polymer nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Ceramic oxide nanoparticles produced by flame-based processes are typically agglomerated, which can limit their use in some applications. In this paper, a novel combustion synthesis method that utilizes the spraying of combustible droplets into a premixed flame to produce nanoscale crystalline particles of agglomerated and unagglomerated morphologies is described. Although the same flame-based experimental setup is used in both cases, variation in peak flame temperatures results in a corresponding variation between fractallike agglomerates and single isolated spherical particles. TEM/ED analysis shows that both classes of particles are the tetragonal crystal phase of zirconia. In the case of the unagglomerated spherical particles, results indicate that each precursor solution droplet, which acts as the feed, produces multiple spherical ceramic nanoparticles with a number mean diameter of 90 nm. The use of an inertial impaction stage in the precursor feed line to eliminate large feed droplets leads to a decrease in the number mean diameter to 60 nm, suggesting that crystalline spherical nanoparticles can be produced in a continuous flame-based process through control of the feed droplet size.  相似文献   

The sol-gel synthesis technique has been used to produce barium ferrite particles. Several methods such as X-ray diffractometry, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetism measurement (VSM) have been used to obtain detailed information on the crystallography and magnetic properties of the precursor and the calcined particles. The correlation of BaFe12O19 formation with the precursor properties and thermal treatment has been studied. The optimum conditions for preparing BaFe12O19 nanoparticles at a low calcining temperature are reported, and homogeneous ultrafine BaFe12O19 with almost-ideal single-domain behavior and coercive force (5950 Oe) and specific magnetization (70 emu/g) values that are similar to the theoretically predicted values is obtained.  相似文献   

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