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A dynamic scheduling system that links digital movies of construction activities, a CPM schedule, and progress control of construction has been developed. A time-lapse technique has been used in such a way that months of construction performance can be watched in minutes. A method to produce a digital movie has been developed allowing thousands of pictures to be stored in, and managed by, microcomputers under a Windows environment. A recording system has been introduced enabling the user to specify the day-by-day progress achieved in activities undertaken, allowing the program to link the playback movie with the progress observed on the construction field. A CPM engine has been developed to produce a Gantt chart. A procedure to build a histogram of expected cumulative percentage of progress is presented. An animation engine has been built in order to generate new bars reflecting the progress reported on the bar chart and the histogram, working in synchrony with the playback movie.  相似文献   

How do animals remember what they see in daily life? The processes involved in remembering such visual information may be similar to those used in interpreting moving images on a monitor. In Experiment 1, 4 adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were required to discriminate between movies using a movie-to-movie matching-to-sample task. All chimpanzees demonstrated the ability to discriminate movies from the very 1st session onward. In Experiment 2, the ability to retain a movie was investigated through a matching-to-sample task using movie stills. To test which characteristics of movies are relevant to memory, the authors compared 2 conditions. In the continuous condition, the scenes comprising the movie progressed gradually, whereas in the discrete condition, the authors introduced a sudden change from one scene to another. Chimpanzees showed a recency effect only in the discrete condition, suggesting that composition and temporal order of scenes were used to remember the movies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We present methods to acquire and analyze NMR movies of myocardial strain rates in which cardiac motion is suppressed and the histories of strain rates are accurately defined for each voxel of myocardial tissue. By means of stimulated echoes, the myocardial strain-rate tensor is phase-encoded at progressive delays in the cardiac cycle while the slice-select and spatial encoding of the image acquisition are performed at a constant cardiac delay. In these data, every image shows the identical myocardial tissue, and the anatomic configuration of the heart appears motionless. The myocardial strain-rate data, however, indicate the state of motion which existed in this slice at the time of the velocity phase-encoding, and these data evolve with the progressive delay as a movie. Using echo-planar MRI, motionless movies of myocardial strain rate of four to eight cardiac delays are obtained in a breath-hold. As an application, a quantitative characterization of cardiac mechanical synchrony is accomplished by principal component analysis (PCA) of the time series of strain rates.  相似文献   

The authors tested 2 mechanisms for the relation of movie smoking exposure with onset of cigarette smoking in adolescence. Longitudinal data with 8-month follow-up were obtained from a representative sample of 6,522 U.S. adolescents, ages 10-14 years. Structural modeling analysis based on initial nonsmokers, which controlled for 10 covariates associated with movie exposure, showed that viewing more smoking in movies was related to increases in positive expectancies about smoking and increases in affiliation with smoking peers, and these variables were both related to smoking onset. A direct effect of movie exposure on smoking onset was also noted. Mediation findings were replicated across cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Tests for gender differences indicated that girls showed larger effects of movie exposure for some variables. Implications for policy and prevention research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors tested a theoretical model of how exposure to alcohol cues in movies predicts level of alcohol use (ever use plus ever and recent binge drinking) and alcohol-related problems. A national sample of younger adolescents was interviewed by telephone with 4 repeated assessments spaced at 8-month intervals. A structural equation modeling analysis performed for ever-drinkers at Time 3 (N = 961) indicated that, controlling for a number of covariates, movie alcohol exposure at Time 1 was related to increases in peer alcohol use and adolescent alcohol use at Time 2. Movie exposure had indirect effects to alcohol use and problems at Times 3 and 4 through these pathways, with direct effects to problems from Time 1 rebelliousness and Time 2 movie exposure also found. Prospective risk-promoting effects were also found for alcohol expectancies, peer alcohol use, and availability of alcohol in the home; protective effects were found for mother's responsiveness and for adolescent's school performance and self-control. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Creativity in movies is a topic of growing interest in both the psychological and the marketing literature. Much research has been invested into determining the impact of cinematic quality on film success and finding successful predictors of cinematic creativity. For these reasons, research into the way creativity is measured in film is of considerable importance. This study examines a variety of measures of cinematic quality (movie ratings from a variety of sources) and determines the degree of agreement among different types of measures, the predictive value of these measures, and the effect of the timing of these measures on their predictive value. Results indicate that there is a high degree of agreement among types of movie ratings, that reviews through release day tend to be marginally higher than those that appear later, and that reviews are more highly correlated with later box office success (gross) than with early box office success. A surprising result of this study was that the number of ratings a movie received was a slightly better predictor of box office success than the actual movie ratings. Possible explanations for and implications of these results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the presentation of male and female mental health clinicians in popular movies released in the US. Researchers identified 99 movie characters in 61 movies meeting box-office gross criteria between 1988 and 1998. Clinicians were coded for competence, sexualization, inappropriate professional activity, and engagement in dual relationships with clients. Chi square analyses revealed that female characters were more likely to be sexualized and that male characters were more likely to be portrayed as incompetent. The position of power that accompanies the role of therapist is incongruent with the socially prescribed and less powerful position females occupy in society. Sexualizing female clinicians may serve to redistribute power within a socially constructed mythology. Males are seen as ill equipped to handle the relationship and emotional problems of others and are in a gender-incongruent role as psychotherapist. Assuming movies both reflect and influence cultural stereotypes, understanding the stereotypes as portrayed in the movies will assist therapists to address proactively clients' preconceived myths about treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This issue focuses on research on the arts, in particular music and movies. Topics covered by the articles include different types of reviews and ratings as they relate to eventual movie success, linguistical analyses of the songs of the Beatles, and nostalgia in song lyrics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the preceding paper we described the responses of cells in the cat's lateral suprasylvian visual area (LS) to large-field optic flow and texture movies. To assess response properties such as direction selectivity, cells were also tested with moving bar stimuli. We expected that there would be good agreement between response properties elicited with optic flow movies and those revealed with bar stimuli. We first asked how well bar response properties predicted responsiveness to optic flow movies. There was no correlation between responsiveness to movies and the degree of end-stopping, length summation, or preference for bars that accelerated and expanded. We then considered only the 322 cells that responded to both bars and optic flow or texture movies and asked how well the strength of their response to movies could be predicted from the direction-tuning curves generated with bar stimuli. One-third of these cells responded much more strongly to movies than could be predicted from their direction-tuning curves. Generally, such cells were rather well tuned for the direction of bar motion and preferred a direction substantially different from what they saw in optic flow movies. Optic flow movies shown in the forward direction were the most effective variety of movie for two-thirds of these cells. To see whether this outcome stemmed from differential direction tuning for bars and large multielement displays, in a second series of experiments we compared direction tuning for bars and large-field texture movies. Many cells showed substantially different direction tuning for the two kinds of stimulus: almost 1/3 of 409 cells had tuning curves that overlapped each other by < 50%. But only a small number of cells (< 10%) responded much better to texture movies than to bars in the predominant direction of image motion in optic flow movies. This result, like that reported in the preceding paper, suggests that cells in LS respond differently to optic flow than to texture displays lacking optic flow motion cues.  相似文献   

We have examined dynamic events that occur on a time scale of minutes in an epithelial monolayer of Madine-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells and in ras-transformed MDCK cells by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Cells were imaged under physiological conditions, and time-lapse movies representing approximately 60 s real time per frame were assembled. In normal MDCK cells, two types of protrusions in the apical plasma membrane exhibit dynamic behavior. First, smooth bulges formed transiently over the time scale of minutes to tens of minutes. Second, spike-like protrusions appear initially as bulges, extend well above the apical surface and, finally, seem to detach. R5, an oncogenic transformant derived from MDCK cells, grows very flat on glass. During AFM imaging, these cells sometimes round up and detach from the substrate. In light microscopic observations of parallel preparations, cells rarely detach, suggesting that this is an active response of these cells to irritation by the AFM tip. R5 cells often extend processes that are supported by actin stress fibers. During imaging with the AFM, these processes withdraw at a rate of 1-5 microns/min, similar to that observed by light microscopy. During the withdrawal, movement of the stress fibers can be clearly seen. In the flat periphery of these cells, the transport of intracellular particles along cytoskeletal elements was seen. In addition, we have observed two types of wave-like movements through the cell, which appear to be an organized rearrangement of cytoplasm. One type of wave moves radially out from center of the cell while the other moves circularly along the cell periphery.  相似文献   

A broader understanding of the neural basis of social behavior in primates requires the use of species-specific stimuli that elicit spontaneous, but reproducible and tractable behaviors. In this context of natural behaviors, individual variation can further inform about the factors that influence social interactions. To approximate natural social interactions similar to those documented by field studies, we used unedited video footage to induce in viewer monkeys spontaneous facial expressions and looking patterns in the laboratory setting. Three adult male monkeys (Macaca mulatta), previously behaviorally and genetically (5-HTTLPR) characterized, were monitored while they watched 10 s video segments depicting unfamiliar monkeys (movie monkeys) displaying affiliative, neutral, and aggressive behaviors. The gaze and head orientation of the movie monkeys alternated between “averted” and “directed” at the viewer. The viewers were not reinforced for watching the movies, thus their looking patterns indicated their interest and social engagement with the stimuli. The behavior of the movie monkey accounted for differences in the looking patterns and facial expressions displayed by the viewers. We also found multiple significant differences in the behavior of the viewers that correlated with their interest in these stimuli. These socially relevant dynamic stimuli elicited spontaneous social behaviors, such as eye-contact induced reciprocation of facial expression, gaze aversion, and gaze following, that were previously not observed in response to static images. This approach opens a unique opportunity to understanding the mechanisms that trigger spontaneous social behaviors in humans and nonhuman primates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Necessarily retrospective experimental investigations of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms make determinations of vulnerability factors difficult. Terrifying movies can and do produce anxiety and significant posttrauma distress symptoms like those associated with PTSD, but have not been explored as modalities for understanding vulnerability factors (i.e., diatheses) for PTSD. The current investigation sought to determine whether 1) significant posttrauma distress symptoms could be experimentally elicited by fictional events, and 2) which, if any, of several vulnerability factors (i.e., state anxiety, trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, depression, peritraumatic dissociation) predicted significant posttrauma distress symptoms. Undergraduate women participants (n = 62; Mage = 21.2) completed prestimulus, poststimulus, 1-week follow-up, and 4-week follow-up questionnaires, wherein the stimulus was a terrifying movie. Significant and substantive increases occurred in state anxiety immediately after the movie (p  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the psychological processes that underlie the relation between exposure to alcohol use in media and adolescent alcohol use. Design: The design consisted of a structural equation modeling analysis of data from four waves of a longitudinal, nationally representative, random-digit dial telephone survey of adolescents in the United States. Main Outcome Measures: The main outcome measures were adolescent alcohol consumption and willingness to use alcohol. Tested mediators were alcohol-related norms, prototypes, expectancies, and friends’ use. Results: Alcohol prototypes, expectancies, willingness, and friends’ use of alcohol (but not perceived prevalence of alcohol use among peers) were significant mediators of the relation between movie alcohol exposure and alcohol consumption, even after controlling for demographic, child, and family factors associated with both movie exposure and alcohol consumption. Conclusion: Established psychological and interpersonal predictors of alcohol use mediate the effects of exposure to alcohol use in movies on adolescent alcohol consumption. The findings suggest that exposure to movie portrayals may operate through similar processes as other social influences, highlighting the importance of considering these exposures in research on adolescent risk behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

电影语篇是多模态系统共同构建意义的典型范例。"卧虎藏龙"一片通过影片中多模态系统的完美结合,成功地塑造了一个不同于以往武侠片的女性角色———玉娇龙,导演李安借这个人物的悲剧告诫观众———任何人都要在欲望与自我戒律之间达到制衡,否则会自毁其生。本文从批评语言学角度出发,用多模态话语分析的方法,解析电影语篇"卧虎藏龙"中视觉模态、听觉模态以及文本(对白)等如何互动来构建玉娇龙之人物性格,以表达影片的主题。  相似文献   

The uncB gene codes for the a subunit of the Fo proton channel sector of the Escherichia coli F1 Fo ATPase. Control of expression of uncB appears to be exerted at some step after translational initiation. Sequence analysis by the perceptron matrices (G. D. Stormo, T. D. Schneider, L. Gold, and A. Ehrenfeucht, Nucleic Acids Res. 10:2997-3011, 1982) identified a potential ribosome binding site within the uncB reading frame preceding a five-codon reading frame which is shifted one base relative to the uncB reading frame. Elimination of this binding site by mutagenesis resulted in a four- to fivefold increase in expression of an uncB'-'lacZ fusion gene containing most of uncB. Primer extension inhibition (toeprint) analysis to measure ribosome binding demonstrated that ribosomes could form an initiation complex at this alternative start site. Two fusions of lacZ to the alternative reading frame demonstrated that this site is recognized by ribosomes in vivo. The results suggest that expression of uncB is reduced by translational frameshifting and/or a translational false start at this site within the uncB reading frame.  相似文献   

The direct visualization of crystallographic and magnetic point group symmetry by means of computer graphics simplifies the teaching of point group symmetry at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Still images and animated movies for all 32 crystallographic point groups, and for the 122 magnetic point groups, are presented. For each point group, the action of the symmetry operators on scalar and pseudo-scalar objects, as well as on polar and axial vectors, is represented as a three-dimensional rendered image. All images and movies are made available as supplementary educational material via a dedicated web site.  相似文献   

Real-life situations provide rich sets of cues that viewers evaluate in terms of their emotional significance. In this study, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) viewed a movie depicting naturalistic scenes involving the whole-body expressions of conspecifics to examine how nonhuman primates perceived the combination of these cues and how each cue contributed to the overall perception. Viewing time was measured while the chimpanzees watched movie clips without sound. Among scenes depicting neutrality, general excitement, agonism, and playfulness, chimpanzees looked longest at those depicting agonism. This bias toward agonistic scenes may indicate an attentional sensitivity toward threat/fear-related negative situations among chimpanzees. The effect disappeared when the images were scrambled, ruling out the possible effect of pixel-level properties on the results. In addition, the follow-up analyses revealed that the effect was independent of the presentation order and of the number of individuals in each clip. The manipulation of playback speeds had little effect on the looking times. The elimination of facial cues slightly influenced the looking times but did not change the strong bias toward agonistic scenes. This robustness of the main effect against image manipulations may indicate that the chimpanzees attended directly to the contextual information implied by the cues rather than to the cues per se (e.g., facial expressions, speed of movements). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 2 experiments with a total of 64 undergraduates to demonstrate a general strategy for detecting motives that people wish to conceal. The strategy involves having people choose between 2 alternatives, one of which happens to satisfy the motive. By counterbalancing which one does so, it is possible to distill the motive by examining the pattern of choice that people make. The motive employed was the desire to avoid the physically handicapped. It was predicted that because most people would not wish to reveal this desire, they would be more likely to act on it if they could appear to be choosing on some other basis. Results show that Ss avoided the handicapped more often if the decision to do so was also a decision between 2 movies and avoidance of the handicapped could masquerade as a movie preference. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated a low cost and practical intervention designed to decrease children's, parents', and nurses' distress during children's immunizations. The intervention consisted of children viewing a popular cartoon movie and being coached by nurses and parents to attend to the movie. Ninety-two children, 4-6 years of age, and their parents were alternatively assigned to either a nurse coach intervention, a nurse coach plus train parent and child intervention, or a standard medical care condition. Based on previous findings of generalization of adult behaviors during medical procedures, it was hypothesized that training only the nurses to coach the children would cost-effectively reduce all participants levels of distress. Observational measures and subjective ratings were used to assess the following dependent variables: children's coping, distress, pain, and need for restraint; nurses' and parents' coaching behavior; and parents' and nurses' distress. Results indicate that, in the two intervention conditions, children coped more and were less distressed, nurses and parents exhibited more coping promoting behavior and less distress promoting behavior, and parents and nurses were less distressed than in the control condition. Although neither intervention was superior on any of the variables assessed in the study, nurse coach was markedly more practical and cost-effective. Therefore, nurses' coaching of children to watch cartoon movies has great potential for dissemination in pediatric settings.  相似文献   

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