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Proposed herein is a new method for solving arbitrary networks of nonuniform transmission ladders and lines. Two cases are considered, the first occurring when all circuit elements are purely resistive and in general non‐linear and the second occurring when they are linear but in general have both resistive and reactive components. The first case arises for example when the DC operating point of a non‐linear interconnection network is to be determined, and the second arises for example when the transient behaviour of a network of linear, possibly nonuniform, RLCG transmission lines and ladders is desired. Moreover, our method eliminates the voltages at internal nodes of a ladder and only treats nodes at which three or more ladders or lines meet or just one ladder or line terminates. The internal node voltages are obtained at the end of our procedure with very little additional computation. This provides a computational advantage, which may save orders of magnitude in computation time. A similar facility accrues to cascades of distributed lines and ladders. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A prior work showed how non‐standard analysis could be used to derive hyperreal transients in transfinite electrical networks containing lumped inductors, capacitors, resistors and sources. In this work, hyperreal transients are derived for transfinite electrical networks whose parameters are distributed. In particular, explicit expressions are derived for hyperreal transients on uniform transmission lines and cables that ‘extend beyond infinity’ transfinitely. This requires a substantially altered technique as compared to the prior work. The present one uses a different kind of truncation procedure that reduces the transfinite line or cable to a conventionally infinite one and then expands the latter in steps to ‘fill out’ the transfinite line or cable. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a generalized method for the time‐domain solution of electrical networks. The aim is to explore a new technique for the numerical simulation of circuits considering linear, time‐varying and non‐linear cases. By using the wavelet transform of the electrical quantities, differentiation and integration in the time domain are replaced by matrix multiplication. Then, the classical circuit differential equations obtained by mesh‐current, node‐voltage or state variables methods are transformed in algebraic equations. The numerical efficiency of wavelets makes the method effective for a fast and reliable numerical circuit simulation. Comparisons with analytical solutions and PSPICE simulations are presented in order to evaluate the numerical characteristics of the proposed method. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A prior work (Graphs and Networks: Transfinite and Nonstandard, Chapter 8. Birkhauser: Boston, Cambridge, MA, 2004) examined the propagation of an electromagnetic wave on a transfinite transmission line—transfinite in the sense that infinitely many one‐way infinite transmission lines are connected in cascade. That there are infinitely many such one‐way infinite lines results in the wave propagating without ever reflecting at some discontinuity. The present work examines the case where the cascade terminates after only finitely many one‐way infinite transmission lines, with the result that reflected waves are now produced at both the far end as well as at the initial end of the transfinite transmission line. The questions whether the reflected waves are infinitesimal or appreciable and whether they sum to an infinitesimal or appreciable amount are resolved for both distortionless and lossless lines. Finally, the generalization to higher ranks of transfiniteness is briefly summarized. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The convergence problems of conventional DC analysis can be partly avoided by using piecewise‐linear analysis. This paper proposes a piecewise‐linear DC analysis method that can efficiently handle arbitrary couplings between non‐linear circuit elements. Piecewise‐linear modelling of the non‐linear circuit elements is automatically performed during simulation, using simplicial subdivisions. The number of linear regions, and thereby iterations, is considerably reduced by combining the common parts of separate simplicial subdivisions. Due to these reasons and since the method is formulated with the commonly used modified nodal approach, it has been possible to implement the method in the general‐purpose circuit simulator APLAC. The correct operation of the method is demonstrated with three examples. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this letter, an efficient algorithm is proposed for finding all solutions of non‐linear (not piecewise‐linear) resistive circuits. This algorithm is based on interval analysis, the dual simplex method, and the contraction methods. By numerical examples, it is shown that the proposed algorithm could find all solutions of systems of 500–700 non‐linear circuit equations in acceptable computation time. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The identification of a non‐linear continuous output‐only system from a time series is considered for the case that the functional form of the model is not known beforehand. To estimate both functions and parameters, a combination of non‐parametric modelling based on non‐linear regression and parametric modelling based on a multiple shooting algorithm is proposed. This strategy to determine non‐linear differential equations is exemplified on experimental data from a chaotic circuit where an accurate reconstruction of the observed attractor is obtained. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐linear multiport resistors are the main ingredients in the synthesis of non‐linear circuits. Recently, a particular PWL representation has been proposed as a generic design platform (IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst.‐I 2002; 49 :1138–1149). In this paper, we present a mixed‐signal circuit architecture, based on standard modules, that allows the electronic integration of non‐linear multiport resistors using the mentioned PWL structure. The proposed architecture is fully programmable so that the unit can implement any user‐defined non‐linearity. Moreover, it is modular: an increment in the number of input variables can be accommodated through the addition of an equal number of input modules. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the circuit implementation of non‐linear algebraic bivariate functions. The synthesis procedure is based on a piecewise‐linear approximation technique and on a corresponding circuit architecture, whose basic element is a circuit block with the input/output function y(x) = max(0; x). Some known CMOS circuit structures that can be used to obtain such a block are considered, and their main advantages and drawbacks are pointed out. The static and dynamic features of both the single circuit block and the overall architecture for two‐dimensional PWL functions are illustrated by way of examples. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new model to predict the dynamic behavior of a self‐timed autonomous digital system powered by a capacitor is derived. The model demonstrates the hyperbolic shape of the discharging process on the capacitor. It allows a symbolic analysis of the discharging process for complex digital loads comprised of series (stack) and parallel configurations of digital circuits. For example, for a stack configuration, important non‐trivial relationships between the hyperbolic discharging rates have been derived based on the knowledge of the velocity saturation index (alpha) of the semiconductor devices used in the digital part. For a realistic (modern complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices) value of alpha = 1.5, the discharging process for a stack of two identical circuits proceeds nearly three times slower than that of any of the stand‐alone circuits. This shows a potential way of extending the lifetime of the energy sources by means of stacking self‐timed circuits. Although the analysis is based on configurations consisting of ring oscillators in CMOS technology, the analysis method can be extended to other types of self‐timed systems and other semiconductor technologies in which the instantaneous switching activity of the digital load is determined by the instantaneous voltage levels provided by the capacitive power transfer mechanism. The analytical derivations have been validated by simulations and experiments carried out with real hardware. © 2014 The Authors. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is known that large classes of approximately‐finite‐memory maps can be uniformly approximated arbitrarily well by the maps of certain non‐linear structures. As an application, it was proved that time‐delay networks can be used to uniformly approximate arbitrarily well the members of a large class of causal nonlinear dynamic discrete‐time input–output maps. However, the proof is non‐constructive and provides no information concerning the determination of a structure that corresponds to a prescribed bound on the approximation error. Here we give some general results concerning the problem of finding the structure. Our setting is as follows. There is a large family 𝒢 of causal time‐invariant approximately‐finite‐memory input‐output maps G from a set S of real d‐vector‐valued discrete‐time inputs (with d⩾1) to the set of ℝ‐valued discrete‐time outputs, with both the inputs and outputs defined on the non‐negative integers 𝒵+. We show that for each ϵ>0, any Gϵ𝒢 can be uniformly approximated by a structure map H(G, ·) to within tolerance ϵ, and we give analytical results and an example to illustrate how such a H(G, ·) can be determined in principle. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large change sensitivity has been proved efficient at, but restricted to, generating a linear circuit fault dictionary. This paper discusses the extension of large change sensitivity to non‐linear analog circuit fault diagnosis. The fault dictionary is divided into d.c. and a.c. sections. In the d.c. domain, non‐linear components are approximated with piecewise linear models. By relating the operating region of each piecewise linear model to the magnitude of a single fault in a procedure termed preconditioning, it is shown that large change sensitivity can efficiently compute the response of a faulty non‐linear circuit. Results presented of an analysis of computational complexity show a significant reduction in the cost of simulating single linear resistor faults in a non‐linear circuit using this method. In addition, after establishing that the resistive portion of the circuit is fault free, a fault dictionary is constructed for dynamic components using large change sensitivity in the small signal a.c. domain. Included with a discussion on the issues of large change sensitivity based simulation‐before‐test, a small non‐linear circuit is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis algorithm. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper the output tracking control problem for a class of non‐linear time delay systems with some unknown constant parameters is addressed. Such a problem is solved in the case that the non‐linear time‐delay system has full delay relative degree and stable internal dynamics. It is supposed moreover that the output and its time derivatives until n?1, where n is the length of the state vector (euclidean part), do not depend explicitly on the unknown parameters. This work is the first step towards the application of the methodologies of adaptive control for non‐linear delayless systems, based on tools of differential geometry, to non‐linear time‐delay systems too. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a systematic non‐linear analysis of differential voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs), both bipolar and MOS. Using the standard device models, we derive the second‐order non‐linear equation describing the behaviour of these oscillators, which is formulated in a perturbation form. The solution of this equation is obtained as a particular case of the solution of the most general equation of second‐order oscillators, which is solved through a suitable perturbation method. Unlike a pure numerical analysis, simple analytical relationships are derived for predicting the steady‐state oscillation, its transient behaviour and for ascertaining the existence of a stable oscillation in differential VCOs. These relationships, leading to results which well agree with the SPICE simulations, are useful in both analysis and design. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops an adaptive estimation method to estimate unknown disturbances in a class of non‐minimum phase non‐linear MIMO systems. The unknown disturbances are generated by an unknown linear exosystem. The frequencies, phases and amplitudes of the disturbances are unknown, the only available information of the disturbances is the number of distinctive frequencies. The system considered in this paper is a class of MIMO non‐linear systems in the output feedback form which can be non‐minimum phase. The proposed estimation algorithm provides exponentially convergent estimates of system states, unknown disturbances in the system and frequencies of the disturbances characterized by the eigenvalues of the exosystem. Moreover, based on the stabilization controller for the disturbance free system, the estimates of the disturbances are used to solve the disturbance rejection problem. The unknown disturbances are compensated completely with the stability of the whole closed‐loop system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of identification of the network parameters and the desired equilibrium in applications of excitation control for synchronous generators. Our main contribution is the construction of a new non‐linear identifier that provides asymptotically consistent estimates (with guaranteed transient bounds) of the line impedance and the equilibrium for the classical three‐dimensional flux‐decay model of a single generator connected to an infinite bus. This model is non‐linear, and non‐linearly parameterized, and the equilibria depend also non‐linearly on the unknown parameters. The proposed estimator can be used, adopting a certainty equivalent approach, to make adaptive any power system stabilizer that relies on the knowledge of these parameters. The behaviour of the scheme is illustrated in two simulated case studies with the interconnection and damping assignment passivity‐based controller recently proposed by the authors. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We provide an asymptotic method for systematically analysing the transient and the steady‐state oscillations in third‐order oscillators with shifting bias. The method allows us to construct the general solution of the weakly non‐linear differential equation describing these oscillators through an iteration procedure of successive approximations typical of perturbation methods. The approximation to first order is obtained solving a system of two first‐order non‐linear differential equations in the leading terms of solution (dc component and fundamental harmonic), whereby the dominant dynamics, the stationary states and their stability can be easily analysed. Unlike existing approaches, our method also enables us to determine the higher harmonics as well as the frequency shift from the system's natural frequency in the exact solution through analytical formulae. In addition, formulae for higher‐order approximations of the above quantities are determined. The proposed method is applied to a practical circuit to show its usefulness in both analysis and design problems. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper applies the Lax‐Wendroff technique, usually used in fluid dynamics, to transmission line sensitivity analysis. A second‐order‐accurate Lax‐Wendroff difference scheme for sensitivity analysis of both uniform and nonuniform transmission lines is derived. Based on this scheme, a new method for analyzing multiconductor transmission line sensitivity, which does not need to be decoupled, is presented by combining with matrix operations. Using numerical experiments, the proposed method is compared with the characteristic method and the fast Fourier transform approach. With the presented method, the sensitivity of a nonlinear circuit including nonuniform multiconductor transmission lines is analyzed and the results are verified by the HSPICE perturbation method. The proposed method can be applied to either linear or nonlinear circuits, which include lossy nonuniform multiconductor transmission lines and is proved to be efficient. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An efficient algorithm is proposed for finding all solutions of piecewise‐linear (PWL) resistive circuits using linear programming (LP). This algorithm is based on a simple test (termed the LP test) for non‐existence of a solution to a system of PWL equations in a given region. In the conventional LP test, the system of PWL equations is transformed into an LP problem, to which the simplex method is applied. However, this algorithm requires a very large number of pivotings because the simplex method is applied on many regions. In this paper, we introduce the dual simplex method to the LP test, which makes the average number of pivotings per region much smaller (less than one, for example) and makes the algorithm very efficient. By numerical examples, it is shown that the proposed algorithm could find all solutions of large‐scale problems, including those where the number of variables is 300 and the number of linear regions is 10300, in practical computation time. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for statistical simulation of non‐linear integrated circuits affected by device mismatch. This simulation technique is aimed at helping designers maximize yield, since it can be orders of magnitude faster than other readily available methods, e.g. Monte Carlo. Statistical analysis is performed by modeling the electrical effects of tolerances by means of stochastic current or voltage sources, which depend on both device geometry and position across the die. They alter the behavior of both linear and non‐linear components according to stochastic device models, which reflect the statistical properties of circuit devices up to the second order (i.e. covariance functions). DC, AC, and transient analyses are performed by means of the stochastic modified nodal analysis, using a piecewise linear stochastic technique with respect to the stochastic sources, around a few automatically selected points. Several experimental results on significant circuits, encompassing both the analog and the digital domains, prove the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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