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This study provides information on the concentration and quantity of starch, reducing sugars, total sugars, and non-reducing oligosaccharides in the organs of the common bean plant (Phaseolus vulgarisL cv Jamapa) during growth. The following observations were made: (1) the root, stems and branches were temporary carbohydrate storage organs; (2) until 80 days after sowing (DAS), the leaves were the major contributors to the non-structural carbohydrates of the whole plant; (3) during the developmental period studied, non-structural carbohydrate content in the rachis and pulvinus changed frequently; (4) the pod walls contained between 5 and 8% of total sugars at 72 DAS and by maturity soluble sugars diminished to less than 1%; (5) during seed growth (until 80 DAS), the pod walls contained between 11 and 18% starch (dry weight basis) and by maturity this carbohydrate had decreased to 2% of dry weight; and (6) starch represented the major non-structural storage carbohydrate in mature seeds (29%), as opposed to soluble sugars, which amounted to 2·3% of the dry weight.  相似文献   

A method was developed to estimate the neutral detergent-soluble fibre (NDSF) content of feeds. Citrus pulp, sugar beet pulp, soybean hulls, separated leaves and stems from mature and immature alfalfa, red clover, reed canarygrass and timothy were analysed. Half-gram samples were stirred at room temperature for 4 h with 100 ml of 90:10 (v/v) ethanol/water to extract low molecular weight substances, crude protein (CP) and ash to produce ethanol-insoluble residues (EIR). Samples were refluxed for 1 h with neutral detergent solution and heat stable α-amylase to extract low molecular weight substances, NDSF, starch, CP and ash to produce neutral detergent residues (NDF). The EIR and NDF were analysed for organic matter (OM; EIROM; NDFOM) and CP (EIRCP; NDFCP), and EIR was analysed for starch. Values were expressed as proportions of the original sample dry matter. The NDSF was calculated as the difference in OM mass between EIR and NDF after correction for CP and starch by the equation: EIROM-NDFOM-EIRCP+NDFCP-EIR starch. Extractions with 90:10 (v/v) ethanol/water gave a higher yield of EIR and NDSF than did 80: 20 (v/v) ethanol/water. The method gave good precision and is convenient for assessing NDSF content of feeds. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

Many nutrition models rely on summative equations to estimate feed and diet energy concentrations. These models partition feed into nutrient fractions and multiply the fractions by their estimated true digestibility, and the digestible mass provided by each fraction is then summed and converted to an energy value. Nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC) is used in many models. Although it behaves as a nutritionally uniform fraction, it is a heterogeneous mixture of components. To reduce the heterogeneity, we partitioned NFC into starch and residual organic matter (ROM), which is calculated as 100 ? CP ? LCFA ? ash ? starch – NDF, where crude protein (CP), long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), ash, starch, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) are a percentage of DM. However, the true digestibility of ROM is unknown, and because NDF is contaminated with both ash and CP, those components are subtracted twice. The effect of ash and CP contamination of NDF on in vivo digestibility of NDF and ROM was evaluated using data from 2 total-collection digestibility experiments using lactating dairy cows. Digestibility of NDF was greater when it was corrected for ash and CP than without correction. Conversely, ROM apparent digestibility decreased when NDF was corrected for contamination. Although correcting for contamination statistically increased NDF digestibility, the effect was small; the average increase was 3.4%. The decrease in ROM digestibility was 7.4%. True digestibility of ROM is needed to incorporate ROM into summative equations. Data from multiple digestibility experiments (38 diets) using dairy cows were collated, and ROM concentrations were regressed on concentration of digestible ROM (ROM was calculated without adjusting for ash and CP contamination). The estimated true digestibility coefficient of ROM was 0.96 (SE = 0.021), and metabolic fecal ROM was 3.43 g/100 g of dry matter intake (SE = 0.30). Using a smaller data set (7 diets), estimated true digestibility of ROM when calculated using NDF corrected for ash and CP contamination was 0.87 (SE = 0.025), and metabolic fecal ROM was 3.76 g/100 g (SE = 0.60). Regardless of NDF method, ROM exhibited nutritional uniformity. The ROM fraction also had lower errors associated with the estimated true digestibility and its metabolic fecal fraction than did NFC. Therefore, ROM may result in more accurate estimates of available energy if integrated into models.  相似文献   

The new definition of dietary fibre introduced by Codex Alimentarius in 2008 includes resistant starch and the option to include non‐digestible oligosaccharides. Implementation of this definition required new methodology. An integrated total dietary fibre method was evaluated and accepted by AOAC International and AACC International (AOAC Methods 2009.01 and 2011.25; AACC Method 32–45.01 and 32–50.01, and recently adopted by Codex Alimentarius as a Type I Method. However, in application of the method to a diverse range of food samples and particularly food ingredients, some limitations have been identified. One of the ongoing criticisms of this method was that the time of incubation with pancreatic α‐amylase/amyloglucosidase mixture was 16 h, whereas the time for food to transit through the human small intestine was likely to be approximately 4 h. In the current work, we use an incubation time of 4 h, and have evaluated incubation conditions that yield resistant starch and dietary values in line with ileostomy results within this time frame. Problems associated with production, hydrolysis and chromatography of various oligosaccharides have been addressed resulting in a more rapid procedure that is directly applicable to all foods and food ingredients currently available.

Cereal and plant proteins are used frequently in the manufacture of animal, fish, and human food products but are often deficient in essential amino acids. In contrast, macroalgal proteins contain all the essential amino acids and are a rich source of other bioactives, including taurine, lipids, carotenoids, and pigments. Furthermore, macroalgal proteins are a substrate for bioactive peptides generation. This paper discusses macroalgal bioactives and their potential use in fish, animal, and human nutrition and health. Issues including their safe use, sustainability of supply, efficient drying and processing methods, and novel extraction technologies are discussed, as well as legislation issues.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to evaluate the efficacies of commercial starch analyses and of starch analysis extraction and gelatinisation procedures. In Study 1, accuracy and specificity of commercially available starch analyses were evaluated with six co‐operating laboratories (five commercial, one university). Results from 11 test samples showed three laboratories with recoveries of purified starch of 92 g kg−1 or less. Three and four laboratories had inflated values when samples contained glucose or sucrose, respectively. Analyses appeared to have good specificity for glucose. Incompleteness of starch detection and interference by non‐starch carbohydrates can affect commercially available analyses. In Study 2, extraction with 80:20 ethanol/water (v/v; 80EtOH) or 90:10 ethanol/water (v/v; 90EtOH) to remove low‐molecular‐weight carbohydrates, and gelatinisation with heat, alkali (KOH), 6 M urea or 8 M urea were evaluated. Extraction with 80EtOH or 90EtOH reduced interference from non‐starch carbohydrates. Gelatinisation with heat was adequate for good recoveries of starch glucose for both control (non‐extracted) and 80EtOH‐extracted samples; gelatinisation with alkali was required for 90EtOH‐extracted samples. Recoveries of pure starch samples were greatest with no extraction and heat gelatinisation. 80EtOH extraction with heat gelatinisation appears to be an adequate preparation method when removal of low‐molecular‐weight carbohydrates is desired. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(8):5364-5378
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) is the most commonly reported metric for fiber in dairy cattle nutrition. An empirical method, NDF is defined by the procedure used to measure it. The current definitive method for NDF treated with amylase (aNDF) is AOAC Official Method 2002.04 performed on dried samples ground through the 1-mm screen of a cutting mill with refluxing and then filtration through Gooch crucibles without (AOAC−; reference method) or with (AOAC+) a glass fiber filter filtration aid. Other methods in use include grinding materials through the 1-mm screen of an abrasion mill, using filtration through a Buchner funnel with a glass fiber filter (Buch), and use of the ANKOM system (ANKOM Technology, Macedon, NY) that simultaneously extracts and filters samples through filter bags with larger (F57) or smaller (F58) particle size retentions. Our objective was to compare the AOAC and alternative methods using samples ground through the 1-mm screens of cutting or abrasion mills. Materials analyzed were 2 alfalfa silages, 2 corn silages, dry ground and high-moisture corn grains, mixed grass hay, ryegrass silage, soybean hulls, calf starter, and sugar beet pulp. Samples were run in duplicate in replicate analytical runs performed on different days by experienced technicians. Compared with cutting mill–ground samples, the aNDF% of dry matter results from abrasion mill–ground samples were or tended to be lower for 8 of 11 samples. Method affected aNDF% results for all materials, with method × grind interactions for 6 of 11 samples. For ash-free aNDF% assessed with cutting mill–ground materials, a priori selected contrasts showed that the number of materials for which methods differed or tended to differ from the AOAC methods were 4 (Buch), 8 (F57), and 3 (F58); and 3 for AOAC– versus AOAC+. However, statistically different does not necessarily mean substantially different. For a given feed and grind, a positive value for the absolute difference between the AOAC– mean and an alternative method mean minus 2 times the standard deviation of AOAC− suggests that values for the alternative method fall outside of the range of results likely to be observed for the reference method. The number of observed positive values for materials processed with cutting and abrasion mills, respectively, were 0 and 2 (AOAC+); 2 and 2 (Buch); 8 and 10 (F57); 4 and 7 (F58); and 0 and 4 (AOAC−). With the materials tested, methods in order of agreement with the reference method were Buch, F58, and F57, which often gave lower values. The AOAC+ gave results similar to AOAC−, substantiating it as an allowed modification of AOAC−. Best agreement between the reference method and variant NDF methods was achieved with the 1-mm screen cutting mill grind. The 1-mm abrasion mill grind produced more aNDF% results that were lower than the reference method but with fewer differences when filter particle retention size was smaller. The use of filters that retain finer particles could be explored to improve comparability of variant NDF methods and grinds. Further evaluation with an expanded set of materials is warranted.  相似文献   

An original modification of an analytical procedure has been developed to obtain purified extracts for sugar measurement in different parts of ligneous plants by high‐performance liquid chromatography. Extraction was performed at 4 °C in the presence of water, methanol and chloroform. Only a representative part of the alcohol extract (methanol/water) was purified for analysis. An internal marker such as maltotriose, added during extraction, makes it possible to estimate possible sugar loss and to correct concentrations. Compared with a more standard method based on total soluble sugar extraction, this new method is more precise. The use of internal calibration standards shows good linear progression but does not guarantee good accuracy in the absence of a reference method or plant powder standard. It is a robust procedure which can tolerate experimental variations without affecting the results. The high recovery rate (90%) of maltotriose proves the quality of the procedure and makes it possible to correct sugar concentrations to acceptable limits. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes is increasingly prevalent in Asia, which can be attributed to a carbohydrate‐rich diet, consisting of foods in the form of grains, for example, rice, or a food product made from flours or isolated starch, for example, noodles. Carbohydrates become a health issue when they are digested and absorbed rapidly (high glycemic index), and more so when they are consumed in large quantities (high glycemic load). The principal strategies of glycemic control should thus aim to reduce the amount of carbohydrate available for digestion, reduce the rate of digestion of the food, reduce the rate of glucose absorption, and increase the rate of glucose removal from blood. From a food perspective, the composition and structure of the food can be modified to reduce the amount of carbohydrates or alter starch digestibility and glucose absorption rates via using different food ingredients and processing methods. From a human perspective, eating behavior and food choices surrounding a meal can also affect glycemic response. This review therefore identifies actionable strategies and opportunities across foods and meals that can be considered by food manufacturers or consumers. They are (a) using alternative ingredients, (b) adding functional ingredients, and (c) changing processing methods and parameters for foods, and optimizing (a) eating behavior, (b) preloading or co‐ingestion of other macronutrients, and (c) meal sequence and history. The effectiveness of a strategy would depend on consumer acceptance, compatibility of the strategy with an existing food product, and whether it is economically or technologically feasible. A combination of two or more strategies is recommended for greater effectiveness and flexibility.  相似文献   

The influence of boiling and storage on dietary fibre and digestible carbohydrates was investigated in eight different carrot cultivars. The content of total dietary fibre was in the range 252–291 g kg-1 DW and was generally at the higher end for the early cultivars and at the lower end for the late ones. During storage, there was a decrease in the soluble fibre content in all cultivars and generally an increase in insoluble fibre. Following boiling, the loss of dietary fibre varied considerably between cultivars. After storage, the loss could be correlated to the average root weight of the carrot cultivars. The total content of glucose, fructose and sucrose was rather similar in the various cultivars, whereas their individual distribution differed. Storage had generally minor influence on the sugar content, except in the cultivars Amarant and Bull. On boiling, the loss was solely dependent on the initial sugar concentration. After storage the loss increased, which could be related to the lower dry matter content. The choice of cultivar and storage time is important in interpreting analytical data from carrots and is probably of similar significance in other vegetables when studying effects of heat treatment. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

The contents of low‐molecular‐weight carbohydrates (LMWC; sorbitol, glucose, fructose and sucrose), starch, dietary fibre and organic acids were determined in seven apple cultivars at the start and end of the consumption interval. The cultivars included were Summered, Aroma, Ingrid Marie, Cox Orange, Mutzu, Belle de Boskoop and Jonagold. The total content of LMWC ranged between 615 and 716 g kg−1 dry matter (DM). The dominating sugar was fructose, corresponding to on average 57% (range 48–62%) of the total LMWC. However, in Cox Orange the sucrose content was considerably higher and the fructose and sucrose contents constituted approximately 46% each. Total dietary fibre content was similar in the cultivars (total dietary fibre 160 ± 20 g kg−1 DM), except for Belle de Boskoop which had a higher content (203 g kg−1 DM). Mutzu had a lower proportion of soluble fibre (27% of total dietary fibre) compared with the others (mean 32%). The organic acid content was on average 80 ± 4 g kg−1 DM, except for two of the cultivars (Summered and Belle de Boskoop) which had a higher content (105 ± 6 g kg−1 DM). Interestingly, the organic acid content was only slightly reduced upon storage in the case of Belle de Boskoop, whereas there was a substantial decrease in all the other cultivars (p < 0.001). Sucrose (p < 0.01) and starch (p < 0.05) contents decreased in all cultivars following storage, whereas sorbitol (p < 0.05) and total dietary fibre (p < 0.05) contents increased. It is concluded that the observed differences in composition are of such magnitude that they may affect both nutritional and sensory properties. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

在造纸工业中,淀粉料仓是淀粉制备系统的一种装置。本文首先介绍了粉尘爆炸的作用机理以及爆炸发生的必要条件;其次,从预防爆炸和降低爆炸效应两方面介绍了相关的防控手段;最后介绍了造纸厂料仓设计的具体案例,为淀粉制备过程中的风险防控提供参考。  相似文献   

The dietary fibre contents of row and cooked wheat products are highly correlated with their total pentose contents. A colorimetric method for rapid estimation of pentosans in while flour has been adapted for use with products of a wide range of dietary fibre contents, by introducing a prehysrolysis with 0.5m sulphuric acid for 0.5h.  相似文献   

Dry matter, ash, lignin, starch and soluble and insoluble dietary fibre contents of the edible parts of seven fruits of Bangladesh were determined. Analysis of the low molecular weight carbohydrates showed that all the fiuits, except lukluki and hogplum, contained substantial amounts of these materials of which glucose and fiuctose were the main components. The main constituent of the polysaccharides in all the fruits was glucose. The dietary fibre contents of the dry fruits ranged from 29% to 79%. Lukluki has by far the best combination of low fiee sugars and high dietary fibre, and pineapple the worst.  相似文献   

针对经纱上浆中用浆膜法测定浆料机械性能存在的不足,研发了一种新的浆纸试验测试法,并以不同酸解度木薯淀粉浆料为对象进行对比实验。结果表明,浆纸法在快速、重现性、适应范围等方面具有优势,是浆膜法的重要补充。  相似文献   

利用金属纤维不可燃烧的特性,提出了一种通过燃烧法测定防辐射服装中金属纤维质量分数的方法,并将其与溶解法进行对比以验证该方法的准确性。试验结果表明,采用燃烧法测试金属纤维的质量分数是可行的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to apply an untargeted NMR and LC-MS-based metabolomics approach to detect potential differences between an organically and a conventionally produced feed, which caused statistically significant differences in growth, in the response to an immunological challenge and in the gene expression profiles in the small intestine of laying hens. A fractionation procedure was set up to create multiple fractions of the feed, which were subsequently analysed by NMR and UPLC-TOF/MS operating in positive mode. Comparison of the profiles revealed that the most apparent differences came from the isoflavones in the soy as well as a compound with a molecular mass of 441.202 (M?+?1)+, which was identified as N,N′-diferuloylputrescine (DFP) and came from the corn. Whether the observed differences in effects are due to the higher levels of isoflavones and DFP is unclear, as is the fact whether the observed differences are typical for organic or conventional produced corn and soy. However, this study shows that this metabolomics approach is suitable for detecting potential differences between products, even in levels of compounds that would have been overlooked with a more targeted approach. As such, the method is suitable for a more systematic study on differences between conventionally and organically produced food.  相似文献   

 This paper describes a practical application of the interfacial protein enrichment method, called three-phase partitioning (TPP), and outlines its significance in the differentiation of multicomponent protein systems, such as homogenates and drips of different meats (pork, beef, chicken, turkey and wild-boar). The results obtained using the single-protein model system are also reported to demonstrate the basic process and some characteristic features of TPP. For meat-protein-partitioning experiments, ammonium sulphate (41% relative saturation) and 23.7% tert-butanol were used at 20 – 25°C. Using this two-liquid system, a characteristic distribution of three phases (including a semi-solid midlayer) was obtained for homogenates of eight different meats following centrifugation. Compressibility, expressed as a ratio of layer thickness obtained by low-speed (200 g) and medium-speed (4500 g) centrifugation, allowed us to distinguish between beef and pork drips. A good correlation was found between layer thickness and storage time for wild-boar samples. The partitioning presented here can be considered as a rapid and simple method for comparison between raw meat samples of different origin. Received: 9 July 1997 / Revised version: 1 October 1997  相似文献   

A new method specific for the determination and unambiguous confirmation of the antibiotic valnemulin in feed for all animal species is described. Simple clean-up based on solvent extraction and liquid partition is carried out prior to determination by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry on a hybrid QTRAP 4000 system, in multiple reaction monitoring mode. Valnemulin is licensed in the European Union as a veterinary drug for use in feed for pigs and rabbits, but unavoidable carryover in feed for non-target species should be monitored. The method is rapid and reliable, and was validated in-house at 10, 100 and 750 ng g1, evaluating the analytical performances according to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004. Good mean recoveries from 79.7% to 92.6%, and within-laboratory reproducibility RSDs, ranging from 6.2% to 12.1%, were measured; the limit of quantification at 10.0 ng g1 also allows for sensitive evaluation of undesirable carryover in feed for non-target species. The results of monitoring 24 compound feeds for several animal species are also reported.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a new method to measure the degree of amylose retrogradation in rice starch using size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC). This developed method is based on the change in molecule size related to the retention time of amylose. Results showed that SE-HPLC was able to provide accurate data to evaluate the amylose retrogradation by comparing with other well-established methods. The principle of the measurement was further studied in molecular level by molecular dynamic (MD) simulation. It indicated that amylose molecules were transformed from disordering configuration to ordering one due to the increase in Van der Waals (Vdw) and hydrogen forces, and decrease in bonded interaction during the short-term storage.  相似文献   

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