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世界城市住房保障政策比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房保障是一个国际性大城市成熟稳定发展的基础.本文通过对纽约、伦敦和东京等世界城市住房保障政策的比较研究,认为保障性住房制度建设既是一个长期过程,不可能一蹴而就,同时又有一定的规律可循.我国可以借鉴吸收世界城市在住房保障方面的成功经验,通过加强政府对住房市场的宏观调控、完善灵活的住房金融政策、健全配套体系、加大房租补贴力度等措施,构建独具中国特色的住房保障新模式.  相似文献   

李健  陆伟  刘代云 《华中建筑》2013,(1):123-126
针对目前大城市纷纷在边缘地区建设保障性住房的实际情况,以大连市边缘地区泉水经济适用房、公租房建设为例,借鉴简·雅各布在《美国大城市的生与死》一书中关于生发城市多样性的观点,该文提出在大量建设保障性住房的大城市边缘地区内创造城市多样性的规划策略,包括增加首要功能,确保人流的存在;设计短街段,提供功能混合机会;保留老建筑,产生多种建筑样式;保证人流密度,生发城市的活力等内容,既要解决好中低收入群体最基本的"住"的问题,又要为他们创造良好的城市生活氛围及更多的提升机会。  相似文献   

居住和交通协同发展与上海城市空间结构重整   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王霞  齐方 《城市规划》2000,24(3):17-20
住宅、小汽车将成为我国城市住房制度改革后 ,大城市居民的两大消费热点 ,随之也会带来大城市空间结构布局的改变。以上海为例 ,未来居民购买小汽车与住宅联合消费使居住与交通协同发展成为可能 ,它们可作为推动大城市形成“多核心”城市区域的助推剂 ,对我国大城市周边地区新建住宅区与所依托大城市之间空间结构重整将具有积极而深远的意义。  相似文献   

保障性住房的建设是目前我国一个热点,保障性住房的选址问题是保障性住房建设的一个重要问题。我国保障性住房存在着集中建设,选址偏远等突出问题,这会导致城市空间分异,激发社会矛盾等,因此有必要慎重对待保障性住房选址问题。本文从保障性住房选址的重要性入手,分析了我国保障性住房选址的现状,阐述了我国保障性住房选址过程中存在的问题,最后针对所存在的问题提出了在城市老城区、新城区以及城市外延区的保障性住房选址时的五个方面建议。  相似文献   

针对我国当下大城市房价高企、调控艰难的大背景以及和住房发展密切相关的大城市交通拥堵等问题,从重庆市的"组团式"和"低房价"的客观现象入手,通过城市建设的空间结构特征与历史惯性分析,解析重庆市"多中心"特征下的出行"低时耗"现象的成因;以实证方法深入分析城市空间组织与房价空间分布的内在规律,对城市发展的"空间红利"与"低房价"的关联性及其作用机制做出解释。最后,基于重庆研究的发现,延伸讨论我国大城市城市空间拓展与保障住房建设的有关规划策略。  相似文献   

回顾二战以来英格兰保障性住房①的发展历史,总结了当前英格兰保障性住房的定位、类型、受益人群、供应机制以及空间绩效调控。结合英格兰的经验和我国的具体情况,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面对我国保障性住房发展提出启示:政府必须而且能够在保障性住房供给上发挥积极的作用;进一步完善、细化保障性住房的供应类型和监管机制;加强特大、大城市的保障性住房建设,注重空间绩效调控。  相似文献   

程卓  肖勇 《规划师》2015,(1):254-259
自党的"十七大"提出"要努力实现全体人民住有所居"的目标以来,我国的保障性住房事业正以空前的力度不断向前推进。然而,现阶段在保障性住房的规划和建设中还存在选址不合理、质量欠佳等一系列问题,影响了住房保障目标的实现。研究以保障性住房的空间选址为研究对象,通过对保障性住房选址布局的现状及存在问题进行分析,有针对性地提出改进保障性住房选址、优化城市空间结构的思路和具体对策,以期为保障性住房事业的健康发展及新型城镇化质量的提升提供参考。  相似文献   

自党的"十七大"提出"要努力实现全体人民住有所居"的目标以来,我国的保障性住房事业正以空前的力度不断向前推进。然而,现阶段在保障性住房的规划和建设中还存在选址不合理、质量欠佳等一系列问题,影响了住房保障目标的实现。研究以保障性住房的空间选址为研究对象,通过对保障性住房选址布局的现状及存在问题进行分析,有针对性地提出改进保障性住房选址、优化城市空间结构的思路和具体对策,以期为保障性住房事业的健康发展及新型城镇化质量的提升提供参考。  相似文献   

保障性住房由于受到市场经济的制约以及政府主导因素的影响,在建设方式和空间分布上具有和普通商品住房不同的特点。本文总结国内大城市在保障性住房建设中普遍存在的布局规律,将其归纳为中心散点型、城市外围集聚型、郊区"大盘"建设型三种建设模式。第一种建设方式将呈现下降趋势,而后两种方式将成为未来保障性住房建设主要发展趋势。文章最后针对这三种建设模式提出相应的建设引导策略。  相似文献   

龙腾  万勇 《建筑经济》2022,43(1):76-83
以上海作为超大城市的典型案例,分析公共租赁住房供应分配方式和空间布局特征,阐述公共租赁住房发展存在的问题和公共服务类、城市运行类及产业类重点人群的租赁需求.综合供需两端,提出公共租赁住房持续稳定增加总量、优化空间布局、优化配建政策、调整供应结构、保持租金水平和租期稳定等对策,为国内其他大城市发展保障性租赁住房提供政策参...  相似文献   

从租赁市场筹集公租房,以社会存量房源代替政府新建房源是供给侧改革目标下我国城市住房保障方式的重大转型。通过对常州市收储公租房的实证考察,发现在城市尺度上,该做法促进了保障对象的整体分散,有助于避免统一外迁安置造成贫困人口的边缘化和过度集中。但在社区尺度上,该做法却加速了保障对象的局部再集聚,可能致使贫困人口的空间固化以及部分老旧社区的持续退化。政府基于经济效率筹集替代性公租房难以有效解决户籍贫困人口的住房困难,优化房源选择、加强社区建设和更新老旧社区将是完善该住房保障方式的必要补充。  相似文献   

Based on the supply-side reform objective, it is a great transformation of housing welfare measures in China to collect private unoccupied houses as public rental housing instead of building new ones. Through an empirical study of the Collecting Houses as Public Rental Housing Program in Changzhou, this paper finds that the collected houses is relatively scattered in the city, which is beneficial to avoiding over-centralization and marginalization of the poor families. However, it has resulted in poverty reconcentration in some old communities, probably further leading to spatial solidification of the poor as well as a further decline of old communities. Therefore it may not effectively solve the housing problems of the poor population by providing this alternative public rental housing, which is collected according to economic efficiency. Accordingly, the paper argues that it is necessary to reinforce community development and to renovate the declined communities in time, as an important supplement to housing welfare improvement.  相似文献   

This paper examines the housing recovery policy carried out in Kobe, a disaster city heavily damaged by the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 17 January 1995. The housing problems in the earthquake-hit city resulted not only from direct damage by the disaster. Urban restructuring, underway beforehand, had been generating socio-economic polarisation and geographical disparity in housing conditions. The earthquake caused especially heavy damage on the inner-city housing of low-income people and the elderly. Housing recovery progress in the post-disaster period has also been unequal. This paper shows the growing socio-economic and spatial polarisation. The framework of Japan's housing policy is a two-tiered system. On the one hand, most people are encouraged to obtain their own houses by their own efforts on the market, whereas on the other, public housing as residual welfare housing is directly provided for those who are marginal to the market. The housing recovery policy followed this framework, and functioned to socio-spatially isolate low-income and/or elderly victims.  相似文献   

The theory and practice of social welfare has been radically redefined in every part of the developed world in the past 20 years. However, associated changes in welfare provision vary from state to state. In Britain, housing policy has played a key role in the process of welfare restructuring, spearheading the privatisation programme, promoting the quasi‐market and embracing the welfare alliance. This paper explores the welfare alliance at the interface of housing, health and social care. Specifically, the paper assesses the capacity of a restructured housing system to meet some goals of a recently reorganised health service by supplying accommodation and support for people with health and mobility problems. Drawing on surveys of local authorities and housing associations, public health professionals and housing applicants, the paper outlines the strengths and limitations of using housing provision to meet health needs. The results suggest that housing interventions may secure health gains and so advance the restructuring of health and social care. This role is limited, though, by the impact of an earlier phase of neo‐liberalisation on the social role of housing.  相似文献   

The paper presents empirical evidence from an exploratory survey of employees in one case study company. It illustrates how the deregulation of the housing and labour markets in England has impacted on the company employees to produce a range of welfare housing problems. These welfare housing problems were experienced by relatively affluent home-owning employees, though were concentrated amongst lower-income households, those spending a larger proportion of their income on housing costs and renters. These problems disrupted employees’ home life and work in diverse ways with knock-on effects into their company and the economy. Other companies surveyed in the research offered employees advice, where they had the capacity. However, there was a reluctance amongst employees to report problems because of growing perceptions of insecurity in employment. The paper concludes by highlighting the need for additional state intervention in housing policy. This need goes beyond that recently announced by the Labour government which focuses upon the regeneration of council housing. New policies are needed to regulate the housing market and to provide information to government and its agencies to develop a greater understanding of local housing markets.  相似文献   

试图从空间失配角度解读上海大都市区化进程中的住房问题,并提出政策建议。立足统计数据,采用空间偏离指数与空间断面分析法对住房建设展开研究,发现住房制度改革以来增量住房建设的空间偏离、公共服务设施的极化供给、轨道交通建设问题都导致了住房建设的空间失配。这在推高房价、导致低收入群体空间锁定的同时,也降低了“多中心”规划实践的空间绩效。结论是:过于单一的商品化供应、缺乏协调的住房行动、圈层蔓延的空间拓展都是住房空间失配的重要成因;意图解决大城市住房困境的政策干预需要破解住房建设中存在的空间失配困境;而这有赖于中观层面居住、就业等功能的空间藕合与微观层面“多层次”住房供应的有效结合。  相似文献   

我国城市住房体制由原先的计划福利体制向以市场为主导的体制的转变要求住房规划方法的相应转变。本文在分析住房供应和需求分层的基础上,提出了住房次级市场动态变化的理论框架,揭示了住房次级市场形成、运作和动态变化的过程。通过对上海两个案例住宅区1994-2005年住房次级市场变化的实证研究,提出了加强住房市场研究,以提高城市住房规划科学性和完善相关政策的建议。  相似文献   

通过对特大城市中保障性住房发展建设若干局限性的分析,指出解决特大城市低收入阶层住房不宜仅仅依靠大规模建设保障性住房,充分利用现有的住房租售市场、打破城乡二元分割的住房政策等也是解决低收入阶层的居住问题不可忽视的方面。以上海为例,分析上海市低收入阶层的构成及空间分布,探讨目前"保障性住房涵盖之外"的低收入群体解决住房的典型方式,并据此提出若干针对特大城市中未纳入保障性住房体系的大量低收入阶层解决基本住房需求的政策建议,以缓解社会压力,维护社会的稳定和谐。  相似文献   

The housing tenure structure has long been associated with different forms of welfare state capitalism in Western Europe. However, with the rise of owner-occupancy, this association has not been so straightforward. An alternative view is to view housing policies that promote owner-occupancy for households to acquire assets, as an attempt by the state to reform social welfare systems. The politics of welfare reform are related to the discourses of homeownership ideology. The ownership of (housing) assets agenda serves as a means to change the relationship between state, market and individual households. This view is mostly based on the British experience and this paper seeks to broaden it by examining the Netherlands and Spain. The paper shows differences, but also that housing policies play an important role in driving towards or maintaining market-dominated solutions. Housing is used to either reorient towards or maintain a welfare system where asset ownership and market dependency is deemed more appropriate than secure income and public expenditure.  相似文献   

深圳作为人口倒挂问题突出的城市,日益高昂的房价、巨大的住房缺口成为留住人才、促进产业升级、城市转型的重要制约。回顾深圳住房发展历程与特征,分析了目前深圳保障性住房建设过程中出现的需求结构矛盾鲜明、空间供给制约突出、分配机制有失弹性公平3方面的核心问题。基于以上问题,以社会公平为导向,对转型语境下的保障性住房如何建设进行了针对性探讨,进而指出深圳在转型期间保障性住房政策的创新集中体现在服务人群扩展、空间配置引导、管理机制完善3个方面。具体而言,通过鼓励以需定建,满足不同阶层的住房需求;拓宽住房供给,优化保障性住房空间分布;制定准入退出机制,维护保障性住房社会公平。  相似文献   

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