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Both college level students and instructors alike have become frustrated with the modern textbook. Textbooks are expensive, passive in tone; water downed, and rarely has the breadth and depth that is needed for a course. Recently, Myles Johnson a former Psychology Instructor, has come up with an instructional method known as My Text that addresses these frustrations. Here students, with the instructor’s guidance, create their own textbooks. This paper takes a look at some of the Pedagogical merits of this method as a Learner Centered Approach and makes recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Using SVM to Extract Acronyms from Text   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper addresses the problem of extracting acronyms and their expansions from text. We propose a support vector machines (SVM) based approach to deal with the problem. First, all likely acronyms are identified using heuristic rules. Second, expansion candidates are generated from surrounding text of acronyms. Last, SVM model is employed to select the genuine expansions. Analysis shows that the proposed approach has the advantages of saving over the conventional rule based approaches. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms the baseline method of using rules. We also show that the trained SVM model is generic and can adapt to other domains easily.  相似文献   

In 1994, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded a joint project undertaken by the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) and the Latin American Microfilm Project (LAMP) to scan and index over three-hundred thousand pages of microfilmed Brazilian Government Documents for the Internet. Due to the collection size, format, language and poor physical condition of the text, entering this overwhelmingly textual collection as full-text was prohibitively expensive. Instead the documents were scanned as images, thereby maintaining the intellectual content of the collection, but losing the dynamic searching capabilities inherent in full-text databases. A combination of indexing approaches was used to provide access to these documents. Indexing (table-of-contents, pagination and subject indexes) found in the documents were recreated to give users access to the documents. A controlled vocabulary was established to index a portion of the database. The factors of costs, user feedback and available technologies all influenced the choices of the five indexes ultimately utilized. This paper will describe and comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the various indexing approaches taken to access the images within this database.  相似文献   

This paper argues for a return to fundamentals and for a balanced assessment of the contribution that Information Technology can make as we enter the new millennium. It argues that the field of Information Systems should no longer be distracted from its natural locus of concern and competence, or claim more than it can actually achieve. More specifically, and as a case in point, we eschew IT-enabled Knowledge Management, both in theory and in practice. We view Knowledge Management as the most recent in a long line of fads and fashions embraced by the Information Systems community that have little to offer. Rather, we argue for a refocusing of our attention back on the management ofdata, since IT processes data-notinformation and certainly notknowledge. In so doing, we develop a model that provides a tentative means of distinguishing between the terms. This model also forms the basis for on-going empirical research designed to test the efficacy of our argument in a number of case companies currently implementing ERP and Knowledge Management Systems.  相似文献   

利用微软最新的TTS技术和Visual Basic 6.0生成dll文件,在Excel中增加新的“文本到语音”工具栏,实现在Excel中,根据单元格中所存数据的类型发音。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of a 79 year old video blogger called ‘Geriatric1927’, and his use of the video sharing website, YouTube. Analysis of his first eight video blogs, and the subsequent text responses, reveals opportunities of this medium for intergenerational contact, reminiscence, reciprocal learning and co-creation of content, suggesting that older people can be highly motivated to use computers for social contact. The paper concludes by noting the importance of technologies that are socially engaging and meaningful for older people, and pointing to ways in which the social life of YouTube might be better promoted on its interface.
Geraldine FitzpatrickEmail:

YouTube is a public video-sharing website where people can experience varying degrees of engagement with videos, ranging from casual viewing to sharing videos in order to maintain social relationships. Based on a one-year ethnographic project, this article analyzes how YouTube participants developed and maintained social networks by manipulating physical and interpretive access to their videos. The analysis reveals how circulating and sharing videos reflects different social relationships among youth. It also identifies varying degrees of "publicness" in video sharing. Some participants exhibited "publicly private" behavior, in which video makers' identities were revealed, but content was relatively private because it was not widely accessed. In contrast, "privately public" behavior involved sharing widely accessible content with many viewers, while limiting access to detailed information about video producers' identities.  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2007,9(2):61-64
The Ginger Cohen Act of 1998 assigned responsibility for ensuring cybersecurity within US federal organizations to the chief information officer, and the Federal Information Security Management Act underscored that responsibility. Every federal CIO is required to report to the Office of Management and Budget quarterly on the status of critical systems. What exactly does it mean to be responsible for cybersecurity? For a CIO, however, ensuring cybersecurity means all that and a lot more. Frequently, it involves learning a whole new language and anticipating previously unheard of threats. It means overseeing a layered defence strategy that spans technical, organizational, and operational control; establishing policies and procedures binding the use community's access to the organization's IT resources; and learning the intricacies of such things as firewalls, intrusion detection, and content-filtering capabilities  相似文献   

The use of social networking services (SNSs) such as Facebook has explosively grown in the last few years. Users see these SNSs as useful tools to find friends and interact with them. Moreover, SNSs allow their users to share photos, videos, and express their thoughts and feelings. However, users are usually concerned about their privacy when using SNSs. This is because the public image of a subject can be affected by photos or comments posted on a social network. In this way, recent studies demonstrate that users are demanding better mechanisms to protect their privacy. An appropriate approximation to solve this could be a privacy assistant software agent that automatically suggests a privacy policy for any item to be shared on a SNS. The first step for developing such an agent is to be able to elicit meaningful information that can lead to accurate privacy policy predictions. In particular, the information needed is user communities and the strength of users’ relationships, which, as suggested by recent empirical evidence, are the most important factors that drive disclosure in SNSs. Given the number of friends that users can have and the number of communities they may be involved on, it is infeasible that users are able to provide this information without the whole eliciting process becoming confusing and time consuming. In this work, we present a tool called Best Friend Forever (BFF) that automatically classifies the friends of a user in communities and assigns a value to the strength of the relationship ties to each one. We also present an experimental evaluation involving 38 subjects that showed that BFF can significantly alleviate the burden of eliciting communities and relationship strength.  相似文献   

基于结构化数据的文本生成是自然语言生成领域重要的研究方向, 其可以将传感器采集或计算机统计分析得到的结构化数据转化为适宜人阅读理解的自然语言文本, 因此也成为了实现报告自动生成的重要技术. 研究基于结构化数据到文本生成的模型为报告中的各类数值型数据生成分析性文本具有重要的实际应用价值. 本文针对数值型数据的特点, 提出了一种融合coarse-to-fine aligner选择机制和linked-based attention注意力机制的编码器-解码器文本生成模型, 考虑了生成数值型数据的分析性文本过程中内容过度分散、无法突出描述的问题, 另外也将数值型数据具体所属的域进行了关系建模, 以提高生成文本中语序的正确性. 实验结果表明, 本文提出的融合两种机制的模型, 比仅使用传统的基于内容的注意力机制和在前者基础上增加使用linked-based attention注意力机制的模型, 以及基于GPT2的模型在指标上都具有更好的表现, 证明了本文提出的模型在生成数值型数据的分析性文本任务中具有一定的效果.  相似文献   

《微机原理与接口技术》是一门专业基础课,对工科学生来说更是一门桥梁课程,是基础转向专业的必修课,而大部分学生认为此课程难学、难懂、枯燥、无味,针对这些情况我们进行教学讨论。  相似文献   

Location-Based Services: Back to the Future   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Gainesville, Florida, 10 March 2 012. Today, the Mobile Location- Based Services Summit hosted a panel entitled "What Was Wrong with First-Generation Location-Based Services?" The panel chair, Sumi Helal of the University of Florida, invited two world-class experts in LBS history and technology to discuss the topic: Paolo Bellavista of the University of Bologna and Axel Kupper of the University of Munich. The panel discussed the popularity of today's LBSs and analyzed their distinguishing aspects in comparison with first-generation LBSs. The panel was anything but controversial, with all panelists in total agreement on what initially went wrong and why today's LBSs work. They analyzed how the failure unfolded to set the stage for a major paradigm shift in LBS business and technology and noted the milestones that shaped today's LBSs.  相似文献   

PLC梯形图向结构文本转换的算法及实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析IEC61131-3标准规定的PLC梯形图语言及结构文本语言,提出对梯形图不同图元分类处理实现梯形图向结构文本转换的算法.该算法引入了虚节点,通过对虚节点的合并建立AOV图,按AOV图拓扑排序的顺序对不同类型节点分类处理,实现梯形图向结构文本的转换,并给出转换实例.该算法具有通用性,能转换任何复杂逻辑梯形图,已成功应用到高档数控国家工程研究中心的蓝天系列数控系统.  相似文献   

文本摘要成为人们从互联网上海量文本信息中便捷获取知识的重要手段。现有方法都是在特定数据集上进行训练和效果评价,包括一些公用数据集和作者自建数据集。已有综述文献对现有方法进行全面细致的总结,但大多都是对方法进行总结,而缺少对数据集的详细描述。该文从调研数据集的角度出发,对文本摘要常用数据集及在该数据集上的经典和最新方法进行综述。对公用数据集的综述包括数据来源、语言及获取方式等,对自建数据集的总结包括数据规模、获取和标注方式等。对于每一种公用数据集,给出了文本摘要问题的形式化定义。同时,对经典和最新方法在特定数据集上的实验效果进行了分析。最后,总结了已有常用数据集和方法的现状,并指出存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

针对k-均值算法对初始点敏感、易陷入局部最优的问题,提出一种基于词性和中心点改进的文本聚类方法(STICS)。通过改进文本的语义型表示,优化中心点的选取,并消除孤立点的负面影响,从而获得较好的聚类效果。STICS考虑不同词性特征对文本的贡献,采用加权的向量空间模型来表示文本。对于中心点的选取,首先度量每个样本的样本平均相似度,其次选取样本平均相似度最大的样本作为第一个聚类中心。此外,STICS消除孤立点的负面影响,以此提高聚类效果。实验结果表明文中方法确实具有更好的聚类效果。  相似文献   

开源情报是反恐研究的一种新数据源,内容十分丰富且获取与分析技术日益成熟.目前,基于开源情报的反恐方面的研究成果已彰显出巨大应用前景.本文以“东突”分裂活动为研究对象,利用网络爬虫从万维网中获取相关文本数据,采用文本分析方法从这些数据中抽取“东突”分裂活动中涉及的人员、组织、时间和地点四要素,依据概念之间的关联关系构建多模元网络.首先 采用元网络分解法将多模元网络分解成单顶点子网络和二分子网络,通过对各个子网络进行中心性分析判别各类节点的重要性; 然后综合各个子网络的中心性指标形成人员、组织、时间和地点四类节点的重要性综合指数(Importance composite index,ICI).随后,进一步采用k-壳分解法直接对多模元网络进行分解,判别出元网络中的核心节点.经对比分析,发现本文的研究结果与实际结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

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