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Three experiments (Exp.) were conducted to study the effects of dietary addition of an essential oil product (EO) based on eugenol and cinnamaldehyde (0, control, or 525 mg/d of Xtract 6965; Pancosma SA, Geneva, Switzerland) on ruminal fermentation, total-tract digestibility, manure gas emissions, N losses, and dairy cow performance. In Exp. 1 and 3, the EO supplement was added to the vitamin-mineral premix. In Exp. 2, EO was top-dressed. Experiments 1 and 2 were crossover designs with 20 multiparous Holstein cows each (including 4 and 8 ruminally cannulated cows, respectively) and consisted of two 28-d periods. Intake of dry matter did not differ between treatments. Most ruminal fermentation parameters were unaffected by EO. Concentrations of ammonia (Exp. 1), isobutyrate (Exp. 1 and 2), and isovalerate (Exp. 1) were increased by EO compared with the control. Apparent total-tract digestibility of nutrients was similar between treatments, except total-tract digestibility of neutral-detergent fiber, which was increased or tended to be increased by EO in Exp. 1 and 2. Manure emissions of ammonia and methane were unaffected by EO. Blood plasma and milk urea-N concentrations and urinary N losses were increased by EO compared with the control in Exp. 1, but not in Exp. 2. Average milk yield, 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield, and milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations were unaffected by treatment. Urinary excretion of purine derivatives, a marker for microbial protein production in the rumen, was greater in cows receiving the EO diet in Exp. 1, but not in Exp. 2. In Exp. 3, 120 Holstein cows were grouped in pens of 20 cows/pen in a 12-wk experiment to study production effects of EO. Dry matter intake, milk yield (a trend for a slight decrease with EO), milk components, milk urea N, and feed efficiency were similar between treatments. Results from these studies indicate that supplementing dairy cows with 525 mg/d of Xtract 6965 had moderate effects on ruminal fermentation, but consistently increased ruminal isobutyrate concentration and tended to increase total-tract digestibility of neutral-detergent fiber. Under the conditions of these experiments, Xtract 6965 fed at 525 mg/d did not affect milk production or composition.  相似文献   

The objective of current study was to investigate the effect of N-acetyl-l-methionine (NALM) supplementation on lactation performance and plasma variables in mid-lactating dairy cows. Forty-eight multiparous cows were blocked into 12 groups based on parity, days in milk, and milk production and were randomly assigned to 1 of the 4 treatments: 0, 15, 30, or 60 g/d of NALM per cow to supplement the basal diet. The experiment was conducted over a 13-wk period, with the first week as adaptation. The yields of milk, fat-corrected milk, and milk lactose were increased quadratically, and energy-corrected milk yield tended to increase with increased NALM supplementation in a quadratic manner. The dry matter intake, milk protein yield, milk fat yield, contents of milk composition (protein, fat, lactose, total solids, and milk urea nitrogen), feed efficiency, and body weight change were not affected by NALM supplementation. In addition, plasma methionine concentration was increased quadratically, and proline, total nonessential AA, and total AA concentrations were significantly higher in the 30 g/d group compared with that of the control group. However, other AA and total essential AA concentrations were not affected with supplementation of NALM. Adding NALM increased concentrations of total protein and globulin in plasma, but decreased plasma urea nitrogen concentration in a quadratic manner. Meanwhile, plasma malonaldehyde concentration decreased linearly as doses of NALM addition increased. Our results suggested that the supplementation of NALM improved milk yield and protein synthesis in the liver, and lowered lipid peroxidation in mid-lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Exogenous amylase supplementation can increase starch and fiber digestibility in lactating dairy cows. We evaluated the effect of exogenous amylase supplementation on diets with high starch concentration (32% of dry matter). Twenty-eight Holstein cows (171 ± 80 d in milk, 4 primiparous) received a standard diet for 14 d and then a treatment for 63 d, in a covariate-adjusted randomized block design with repeated measures over time. Treatments were amylase [0.5 g of Ronozyme RumiStar (DSM Nutritional Products, Basel, Switzerland) per kg of total mixed ration dry matter] or control. The diets contained (% of dry matter): 39.4% corn silage, 11.2% rehydrated and ensiled mature corn grain, and 11.7% finely ground mature corn. Amylase increased milk yield (32.3 vs. 33.0 kg/d) and reduced dry matter intake (20.7 vs. 19.7 kg/d), increasing feed efficiency (1.52 vs. 1.63). Amylase also increased milk lactose synthesis (1.49 vs. 1.56 kg/d) and plasma glucose concentration (59.3 vs. 68.6 mg/dL). Secretions of milk fat and protein did not differ. Although milk urea N did not differ, amylase reduced the concentration of urea N in blood, suggesting an increase in ruminal starch degradation. However, the total-tract apparent digestibility of starch (96.3% of intake) and neutral detergent fiber (44.4% of intake), ruminal fermentation profile, and microbial yield estimated by urinary allantoin excretion did not differ. Cows fed amylase sorted in favor of long feed particles and against short particles, had shorter chewing activity (780 vs. 699 min/d), and had fewer meals per day (11.5 vs. 9.7). Amylase improved the feed efficiency of lactating cows fed a high-starch diet; the enzyme increased milk yield and reduced intake.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of pregrazing herbage mass (HM) and pasture allowance (PA) on the grazing management and lactation performance of spring-calving dairy cows. Sixty-eight Holstein-Friesian dairy cows (mean calving date, February 6) were randomly assigned across 4 treatments (n = 17) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. The 4 treatments consisted of 2 pregrazing HM (>4 cm) and 2 PA (>4 cm): 1,700 kg of dry matter (DM)/ha (medium, M) or 2,200 kg of DM/ha (high, H), and 16 or 20 kg of pasture DM/cow per day. The experimental period lasted 30 wk. The experimental area was divided into 4 farmlets, with 1 farmlet per treatment. Mean HM throughout the experimental period was 1,767 kg of DM/ha (M HM) compared with 2,358 kg of DM/ha (H HM). Offering an M HM sward resulted in significantly greater milk protein yield (+31.7 g/d) and lower mean body weight (−12.8 kg). The body condition score change was significantly smaller (−0.21) with the M HM treatments compared with the H HM treatment (−0.34). Milk solids output per hectare was 6% greater on the M HM treatments compared with the H HM treatments. Increasing PA significantly increased milk (+0.9 kg/d), solids-corrected milk (+0.7 kg/d), protein (+43.9 g/d), and lactose (+52.7 g/d) yields. Mean body weight was also significantly greater for cows offered 20 kg of PA (+11.4 kg/cow). It was concluded that in rotational grazing systems, adapting the concept of grazing M HM pastures (1,700 kg of DM/ha) will result in increased sward quality and increased milk solids output per hectare. At medium levels of pregrazing HM, offering animals 20 kg of DM PA will result in increased milk yield per cow.  相似文献   

Eighteen Holstein heifers were placed into groups of 3 according to projected calving date, prepartum BW, and prepartum condition score. Following parturition, animals within each group were assigned randomly to one of three diets and remained on the experiment for 45 d. Diets consisted of forage:concentrate ratios of 72:28, 53:47, or 73:27 (isocaloric to the 53:47 ratio by addition of 8% soybean oil). Diets were fed twice daily as total mixed rations. Blood, rumen fluid, and adipose tissue were sampled at -7, 5, 20, and 45 d of lactation. Performance means were, respectively: DM intake (kg/d) 13.9, 14.9, and 12.4; milk (kg/d) 24.5, 25.8, and 18.6; milk fat (%) 3.77, 3.59, and 3.62; milk protein (%) 3.03, 2.99, and 3.11; body condition score (0 = thin, 5 = fat) 1.53, 1.87, and 1.99; and BW (kg) 514, 523, and 505. Cows fed soybean oil had higher ruminal isoacids than those fed the other diets and higher acetate than cows on the 53:47 diet. Diets had no effect on blood metabolites or activity of adipose glycerol-P dehydrogenase (EC The soybean oil diet reduced short-chain fatty acids and increased long-chain fatty acids in milk. Feed intake and milk production were highest for cows receiving the 53:47 diet. As expected, animals on the 72:28 diet did not consume adequate energy to maintain high production which concurrently resulted in lower body condition scores.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):974-989
The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of supplementing 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (calcidiol, CAL) compared with vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, CHOL) at 1 or 3 mg/d in late gestation on production outcomes of dairy cows. One hundred thirty-three parous and 44 nulliparous pregnant Holstein cows were enrolled in the experiment. Cows were blocked by parity and previous lactation milk yield (parous) or genetic merit (nulliparous) and assigned randomly to receive 1 or 3 mg/d of CAL or CHOL in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments (CAL1, CAL3, CHOL1, and CHOL3). Treatments were provided to individual cows as a top-dress to the prepartum diet from 250 d in gestation until parturition. The prepartum diet had a dietary cation-anion difference of ?128 mEq/kg of dry matter. Production and disease were evaluated for the first 42 d in milk, and reproduction was evaluated to 300 d in milk. Incidence of postpartum diseases did not differ among treatments. Feeding CAL compared with CHOL increased yields of colostrum and colostrum fat, protein, and total solids, resulting in an increased amount of net energy for lactation secreted as colostrum (CHOL = 7.0 vs. CAL = 9.0 ± 0.7 Mcal). An interaction between source and amount was observed for milk yield: CAL3 increased milk yield compared with CHOL3 (CHOL3 = 34.1 vs. CAL3 = 38.7 ± 1.4 kg/d) but milk yield did not differ between CAL1 and CHOL1 (CHOL1 = 36.9 vs. CAL1 = 36.4 ± 1.4 kg/d). Concentrations of serum calcidiol on day of calving and average serum Ca from d 2 to 11 postpartum were positively associated with milk yield in the first 42 d in milk. Interactions between source and amount of vitamin D were also observed for pregnancy after first AI: the percentage of cows receiving CHOL1 and CAL3 that became pregnant was smaller than that of cows receiving CHOL3 and CAL1. However, pregnancy per AI and pregnancy by 300 d in milk did not differ among treatments. Overall, CAL3 increased milk yield compared with CHOL3, whereas in cows fed 1 mg/d (CAL1 and CHOL1), the source of vitamin D generally had no effect. The effect of CAL3 may be explained in part by serum CAL concentrations and postpartum serum Ca, which were associated with milk yield.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish the influence of daily herbage allowance (DHA) and supplementation level offered to spring-calving dairy cows in early lactation on animal performance throughout lactation. Sixty-six Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were randomly assigned to a 6-treatment grazing study. The treatments comprised 3 DHA levels (13, 16, and 19 kg of DM/cow; >4 cm) and 2 concentrate supplementation levels (0 and 4 kg of DM/cow per day). Treatments were imposed from February 21 to May 8 (period 1; P1). During the subsequent 4-wk (period 2; P2), animals were offered a DHA of 20 kg of DM/cow and no concentrate. Subsequently, all animals grazed as a single herd to the end of lactation. Sward quality was homogeneous throughout lactation. A low DHA increased sward utilization (+14%) but reduced milk, solids-corrected milk, protein, and lactose yields compared with a high DHA during P1. Concentrate supplementation significantly increased milk, solids-corrected milk, fat, protein, and lactose yields during P1. The positive effect of concentrate supplementation remained throughout P2. A total concentrate input of 380 kg of DM/cow increased total lactation milk (+432 kg), solids-corrected milk (+416 kg), fat (+18 kg), protein (+15 kg), and lactose (+23 kg) yields. Greater P1 body weights were recorded when a high DHA and concentrate were offered. The P1 treatment had no effect on body condition score throughout lactation. The results indicate that offering a low DHA in early spring does not adversely affect total milk production, body weight, or body condition score, and offering concentrate results in a greater total lactation milk production performance.  相似文献   

The ability of dairy cows to release either prolactin or oxytocin in response to machine milking in a conventional milking parlor was reduced among cows maintained with their calves during the 1st wk postpartum. However, presence of the calf caused no prolonged inhibition; cows evaluated 9 or 23 days after calf removal released similar quantities of prolactin and oxytocin after milking compared to controls (cows whose calves were removed within 24 h after parturition) at the same stage of lactation. Ambient temperature on the day of sampling was positively associated with the premilking serum prolactin concentration among cows housed with or without their calves (correlation coefficients were .52 and .59), but neither ambient temperature nor premilking serum prolactin concentrations were closely associated with area under milking-induced prolactin response curves (correlation coefficients from -.15 to .18). Unlike basal serum prolactin concentration, ambient temperature on the day of sampling was not closely associated with premilking serum concentrations of oxytocin or quantities released to the milking stimulus (correlation coefficients from -.19 to -.12). These results confirm that the calf can inhibit maternal secretion of prolactin and oxytocin in the dairy cow. These data also indicate that the capacity of the cow to respond to the milking stimulus is independent of premilking serum concentrations of prolactin or oxytocin. Better understanding of factors that regulate the secretion of these hormones at milking may allow development of techniques to enhance hormonal response to milking stimuli and possibly enhance milk production.  相似文献   

Eight lactating Holstein cows were fed four diets in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square design to determine how hydrogenation affects fats as supplements for dairy rations. Four isonitrogenous diets contained either no added fat, 5% yellow grease, or 3 or 5% hydrogenated yellow grease. Only yellow grease reduced DM intake compared with DM intake of the control diet. Diets supplemented with fat had lower digestibilities of fiber, nitrogen, energy, and fatty acids than the control diet did. Ruminal acetate concentration and acetate to propionate ratio were higher for the hydrogenated fat than for yellow grease. However, fatty acid digestibilities were lower for diets containing hydrogenated fat. Milk yields of fat-supplemented diets, whether actual or 4% FCM, did not exceed the control diet except for 5% hydrogenated yellow grease. This study shows that hydrogenated fats have fewer negative effects on food intake, milk fat content, and ruminal fermentation but have lower digestibilities than other fats. Hydrogenation improved milk yield compared with yellow grease fed at the same amount of supplementation.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to determine lactation performance by dairy cows fed nutridense (ND), dual-purpose (DP), or brown midrib (BM) corn silage hybrids at the same concentration in the diets. A secondary objective was to determine lactation performance by dairy cows fed NutriDense corn silage at a higher concentration in the diet. One hundred twenty-eight Holstein and Holstein × Jersey cows (105 ± 38 d in milk) were stratified by breed and parity and randomly assigned to 16 pens of 8 cows each. Pens were then randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments. Three treatment total mixed rations (TMR; DP40, BM40, and ND40) contained 40% of dry matter (DM) from the respective corn silage hybrid and 20% of DM from alfalfa silage. The fourth treatment TMR had ND corn silage as the sole forage at 65% of DM (ND65). A 2-wk covariate adjustment period preceded the treatment period, with all pens receiving a TMR with equal proportions of DP40, BM40, and ND40. Following the covariate period, cows were fed their assigned treatment diets for 11 wk. nutridense corn silage had greater starch and lower neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content than DP or BM, resulting in ND40 having greater energy content (73.2% of total digestible nutrients, TDN) than DP40 or BM40 (71.9 and 71.4% TDN, respectively). Cows fed BM40 had greater milk yield than DP40, whereas ND40 tended to have greater milk yield and had greater protein and lactose yields compared with DP40. No differences in intake, component-corrected milk yields, or feed efficiency were detected between DP40, BM40, and ND40. Milk yield differences may be due to increased starch intake for ND40 and increased digestible NDF intake for BM40 compared with DP40. Intake and milk yield and composition were similar for ND40 compared with BM40, possibly due to counteracting effects of higher starch intake for ND40 and higher digestible NDF intake for BM40. Feeding ND65 reduced intake, and thus milk and component yields, compared with ND40 due to either increased ruminal starch digestibility or increased rumen fill for ND65. Nutridense corn silage was a viable alternative to both DP and BM at 40% of diet DM; however, lactation performance was reduced when nutridense corn silage was fed at 65% of DM.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6167-6173
The current study investigated the effects of hydroxyselenomethionine (HMBSe), a novel organic selenium (Se) additive, on lactation performance, blood profiles, antioxidative status, and transfer efficiency of Se in early-lactation dairy cows. Sixty multiparous early-lactating dairy cows with similar days in milk (57 d; standard deviation = 9.9) and milk yield (36.5 kg/d; standard deviation = 1.42) were fed a basal diet containing 0.04 mg of Se/kg (dry matter basis). These cows were assigned to 1 of 4 groups following a randomized complete block design as follows: control (basal diet) or HMBSe addition (0.1, 0.3, or 0.5 mg of Se/kg of dry matter). The experiment lasted for 13 wk, with the first week as adaptation. The results showed that milk yields (raw, protein, and lactose) and feed efficiency were improved in a quadratic manner following increased dietary HMBSe addition, whereas energy-corrected milk, 4% fat-corrected milk, and total solid yields tended to be enhanced quadratically. In terms of whole-blood variables, red blood cell and white blood cell levels were increased quadratically, whereas hemoglobin concentration increased linearly with increased HMBSe addition. Plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations tended to increase linearly along with HMBSe addition. Plasma superoxide dismutase activity increased quadratically with increased HMBSe addition. The total antioxidant capacity in plasma tended to improve quadratically when cows were fed more HMBSe. Moreover, plasma malondialdehyde concentrations of dairy cows tended to decrease in a quadratic manner when dietary HMBSe increased. The Se concentrations in milk, plasma, and milk/plasma ratio increased linearly following increased HMBSe addition. In conclusion, HMBSe improved lactation performance, health status, and milk Se concentrations in early-lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine lactation performance responses of high-producing dairy cows to a reduced-starch diet compared with a normal-starch diet and to the addition of exogenous amylase to the reduced-starch diet. Thirty-six multiparous Holstein cows (51 ± 22 DIM and 643 ± 49 kg of body weight at trial initiation) were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments in a completely randomized design: a 3-wk covariate adjustment period during which the cows were fed the normal-starch diet, followed by a 12-wk treatment period during which the cows were fed their assigned treatment diets. The normal-starch TMR did not contain exogenous amylase (NS−). The reduced-starch diets, formulated by partially replacing corn grain with soy hulls, were fed without (RS−) and with (RS+) exogenous amylase added to the TMR. Starch and NDF concentrations averaged 27.1 and 30.6%, 21.8 and 36.6%, and 20.7 and 36.6% (dry matter basis) for the NS−, RS−, and RS+ diets, respectively. Dry matter intake for cows fed the RS− diet was 2.4 and 3.2 kg/d greater than for cows fed the NS− and RS+ diets, respectively. Intake of NDF ranged from 1.19 to 1.52% of body weight among the treatments, with the RS− diet being 28% greater than the NS− diet and 13% greater than the RS+ diet. Milk yield averaged 50.4 kg/d and was unaffected by treatment. Fat-corrected milk yield was 2.9 kg/d greater for cows fed the RS− diet than for cows fed the NS− diet. Body weight and body condition score measurements were unaffected by treatment. Fat-, solids-, and energy-corrected milk feed conversions (kilograms/kilogram of DMI) were 12 to 13% greater for cows fed the RS+ diet than for cows fed the RS− diet. Dry matter and nutrient digestibilities were lowest for cows fed the NS− diet and greatest for cows fed the RS+ diet, and were greater for cows fed the RS+ diet than for cows fed the RS− diet, with the exception of starch digestibility, which was similar. Greater conversion of feed to milk for dairy cows fed reduced-starch diets that include exogenous amylase may offer potential for improving economic performance.  相似文献   

Bovine growth hormone was administered to Holstein cows (late lactation) in a 4 X 4 Latin square design. Treatments were 1) control, subcutaneous injection of placebo, 2) subcutaneous injection of 25 IU growth hormone every 2nd d, 3) daily subcutaneous injection of 25 IU growth hormone, 4) continuous subcutaneous infusion of 25 IU/d growth hormone. Daily profiles of growth hormone in plasma consisted of: 1) a relatively constant concentration averaging 4.5 ng/ml for control, 2) a single peak of 21 to 25 ng/ml followed by a steady decline to baseline for treatments involving daily or alternate day injection (in the latter case concentrations maintained at baseline during the 2nd d after injection), and 3) a relatively constant elevation to 10.6 ng/ml for the continuous subcutaneous infusion. Total growth hormone in plasma increased in proportion to average daily dose of exogenous growth hormone. Milk yield responses in the daily injected and infused groups did not differ and averaged 28% over controls. Gross efficiency (milk energy/consumed energy) was increased 16% by daily administration of 25 IU growth hormone. Responses to the alternate day injection were approximately half those predicted for an average dose of 12.5 IU/d. No particular pattern in plasma growth hormone concentration need be attained to achieve lactational response to exogenous growth hormone. However, extending the interval between injections beyond 24 h may diminish the response per unit of growth hormone injected.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-six Holstein cows were balanced prior to drying off to one of three diets offered during the dry period (dry matter basis): A) forage only (50% corn silage:50% alfalfa silage), B) forage as A plus a standard dairy grain mix (1.73% calcium), and C) same as B except a low calcium grain mix (.35% calcium). Grain feeding started 3 wk prepartum. Cows from each dry treatment were assigned to one of two treatments during the first 21 d postpartum: total mixed ration (dry matter basis); 50% grain:50% corn silage; or 50% grain:25% corn silage:25% alfalfa silage. Dry period feeding program had no effect on postpartum dry matter intake, milk yield, or composition. Prepartum grain feeding resulted in increased body weight gain during the last 3 wk of the dry period. Feeding corn silage postpartum as the sole forage resulted in higher dry matter intakes (15.0 vs. 14.1 kg/d), milk production (31.3 vs. 29.7 kg/d), and less body weight loss (36 vs. 58 kg) during the first 21 d postpartum than feeding a 50% corn silage:50% alfalfa silage mixture. However, differences varied depending on dry cow feeding program. All dry cow treatments resulted in a high incidence of milk fever (11.5, 11.5, and 15.5% for A, B, and C, respectively). Dry cow rations containing as little as 50% alfalfa silage appear to predispose cows to increased incidence of milk fever.  相似文献   

We administered bovine growth hormone to six Holstein cows in a Latin square design to study the relationship between dose of growth hormone and response of milk yield. Treatments were 0, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 IU/day of pituitary-derived bovine growth hormone administered in once-daily subcutaneous injections. Feed intake and yield of milk and milk components were measured for the last 5 days of each 10-day injection period. Yields of milk, protein, and fat increased in a dose-responsive fashion up to 32, 27, and 46% (for the 100 IU treatment) above control (26.7, .90, and .98 kg/day). Concentration of lactose in milk was not influenced by treatment, but at larger doses of growth hormone, milk fat percent was elevated and protein percent declined. As a result, milk energy secretion in response to 100 IU/day was increased 37% from control (19.2 Mcal/day). Both energy and nitrogen balance decreased with increasing growth hormone. Limited blood samples (timed to coincide with peak concentration of growth hormone postinjection) indicated treatment did not affect concentrations of glucose or insulin in blood plasma but increased concentration of growth hormone. Concentration of nonesterified fatty acids in blood plasma was increased slightly only at the 100 IU/day dose for which energy balance was negative.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of a direct-fed microbial agent, Propionibacterium strain P169 (P169), on rumen fermentation, milk production, and health of periparturient and early-lactation dairy cows. Starting 2 wk before anticipated calving, cows were divided into 2 groups and fed a control diet or the control diet plus 6 × 1011 cfu/d of P169. Cows were changed to a lactation diet at calving, and treatments continued until 119 d in milk. Rumen fluid samples were taken about 1 wk before calving, and at 1 and 14 wk after calving. Cows fed P169 had lower concentrations of acetate (mol/100 mol of total volatile fatty acids) at all time points, greater concentrations of propionate on the first and last sampling points, and greater concentrations of butyrate on the first 2 time points. Concentrations of glucose in plasma and milk and plasma concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate were not affected by treatment. Cows fed P169 had greater concentrations of plasma nonesterified fatty acids on d 7 of lactation. The high nonesterified fatty acids at that time point was probably related to the high production of milk during that period by cows fed the additive. Cows fed P169 during the first 17 wk of lactation produced similar amounts of milk (44.9 vs. 45.3 kg/d, treatment vs. control) with similar composition as cows fed the control diet. Calculated net energy use for milk production, maintenance, and body weight change was similar between treatments, but cows fed the P169 consumed less dry matter (22.5 vs. 23.5 kg/d), which resulted in a 4.4% increase in energetic efficiency.  相似文献   

Effect of lasalocid on performance of lactating dairy cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thirty-two midlactation dairy cows were fed either a typical dairy diet or the same diet plus 340 mg lasalocid/d for 98 d. Diets were 65% forage (alfalfa and corn silage) and 35% concentrate (DM basis). Lasalocid did not affect production of milk (21 kg/d) or FCM (20 kg/d) or milk composition. Dry matter intake was slightly lower for cows consuming lasalocid than for control cows (19.6 vs. 20.6 kg/d). Lasalocid improved energetic efficiency by about 20% during the first 2 wk of the experiment, but treatment effects diminished as the experiment progressed. The period in which lasalocid had significant effects on energetic efficiency was also the period in which lasalocid increased ruminal propionate and decreased ruminal acetate concentrations. On d 7 of the experiment, cows fed lasalocid had lower acetate to propionate ratios as compared with control (3.0:1 vs. 3.7:1). No effect of treatment was observed on ruminal VFA during the remainder of the experiment. These data are interpreted to show that lasalocid improved the efficiency of converting dietary digestible energy into NE1 by altering ruminal fermentation, but this effect was relatively short-lived, since treatment effects on ruminal VFA patterns and energetic efficiency became negligible by 28 d.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of isopropyl ester of 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid (HMBi) on lactation performance of dairy cows. Experiment 1 evaluated the effect of HMBi in diets with 15.3% crude protein (CP) and with different proportions of rumen-degradable and undegradable protein. Variation in rumen-degradable and undegradable protein was achieved by replacing raw with heated soybeans. Experiment 2 was an on-farm trial to evaluate HMBi with a large number of observations and using a farm-formulated diet (17.2% CP). In experiment 1, 20 Holsteins at 100 ± 41 d in milk were allocated to 5 replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares with 21-d periods. Treatments were formed by a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of raw or heated soybeans with or without HMBi. Paper capsules with HMBi were orally administered twice daily to each cow. Dosage of HMBi was 7.6 g of digestible Met/cow per day. There was no interaction between soybean type and HMBi. Heat-treated soybeans increased the yields of milk, protein, fat, and lactose, and reduced urea N in milk and plasma (PUN) compared with raw soybeans. Rumen microbial yield, dry matter intake (DMI), and the total-tract apparent digestibility of nutrients did not differ between soybean types. There was no evidence for HMBi-driven effects on DMI, milk and components yield, or diet digestibility. Urinary purine derivative excretion and PUN concentration were reduced in HMBi-fed cows compared with cows fed diets without HMBi. In experiment 2, 294 Holstein cows were blocked by parity and milk yield, and randomly assigned to HMBi (8.9 g of digestible Met/cow per day) or control. The final data set had 234 cows (215 ± 105 days in milk; 96 primiparous and 138 multiparous; 114 on control and 120 on HMBi) housed in 4 freestall groups (1 group/treatment per parity). The freestall group was the experimental unit for DMI, diet and orts composition, and feed availability. The HMBi supplement was top dressed for 28 d on the first daily meal of each cow, immediately after feed delivery of the same batch of feed to all 4 freestall groups (3 times per day). Sample collection and feed analysis occurred during the last 5 d. Spot urine samples and blood samples from each cow were obtained for analysis of the urinary allantoin to creatinine ratio and PUN. Feed availability, the contents of CP and neutral detergent fiber in diets and orts, and DMI did not differ. Cows fed with HMBi had greater milk protein yield and concentration compared with control and had no change in milk fat and lactose. Rumen microbial yield was greater and PUN was lower in HMBi-fed cows compared with control. In experiment 1, HMBi decreased rumen microbial yield and did not affect lactation performance, but it increased ruminal microbial yield and the secretion of milk protein in experiment 2. These results suggest that lactation response to HMBi may be partially mediated by ruminal events. Heated soybeans increased the efficiency of N utilization and the yields of milk, protein, fat, and lactose, but did not interact with HMBi supplementation.  相似文献   

A double-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted in 5 commercial dairy herds in southern Ontario with 1,362 cows enrolled to evaluate the effect of prepartum administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on health and performance. Cows were randomly assigned to receive either 325 mg of sometribove zinc suspension (n = 680) or a placebo injection (n = 682; control) subcutaneously every 14 d until calving. Treatments started 28 to 22 d before expected calving, with a maximum of 3 treatments per cow. Serum samples taken at the time of enrollment, 1 wk before calving, and weekly for 3 wk after calving were analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, calcium, and haptoglobin. Diseases were recorded by farm staff. Incidences of clinical ketosis, clinical mastitis, displaced abomasum, metritis, retained placenta, milk fever, and lameness were similar between groups. Body condition score was lower for treated than for control cows at 3 wk after calving (3.13 and 3.17, respectively). Serum NEFA tended to be higher for treated than for control cows by 0.01 mmol/L. Overall BHBA was not different between groups, but BHBA for treated cows was higher in wk 1 after calving (750 and 698 μmol/L, respectively) and tended to be higher in wk 2 after calving (779 and 735 μmol/L, respectively). Incidence of hyperketonemia was similar between groups. Treated cows had higher serum glucose compared with control cows (2.8 and 2.7 mmol/L, respectively). We detected no differences in serum aspartate aminotransferase, calcium, or haptoglobin between groups. Milk yield was recorded daily for each cow for 63 d, and did not differ between groups (37.1 ± 0.5 kg and 36.7 ± 0.5 kg, respectively) but we detected a tendency for treated cows to produce 0.8 kg/d more milk than control cows in wk 1 after calving. We observed no difference between groups in the time from calving to first insemination or the probability of pregnancy at the first insemination. Groups did not differ in the proportion of anovular cows at 53 ± 3 d in milk based on serum progesterone measured from a subset of cows (38.0 and 34.3%, respectively, for treated and control groups). We found no difference between groups in dry matter intake from 21 d before calving to 63 d after calving in a subset of cows (17.4 ± 0.4 and 17.5 ± 0.4 kg/d, respectively). Based on results of the current study, biweekly (every 14 d) administration of rbST before calving to prevent disease and enhance performance is not recommended.  相似文献   

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