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We report a long-term follow-up of abduction-extension osteotomy of the first metacarpal, performed for painful trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. Of a consecutive series of 50 operations, 41 thumbs (82%) were reviewed at a mean follow-up of 6.8 years. Good or excellent pain relief was achieved in 80%, and 93% considered that surgery had improved hand function, while 82% had normal grip and pinch strength, with restoration of thumb abduction. Metacarpal osteotomy was equally successful in relieving symptoms of those with early (grade 2) and moderate (grade 3) degenerative changes. This simple procedure provides lasting pain relief, corrects adduction contracture and restores grip and pinch strength, giving good results with few complications.  相似文献   

The treatment for asthma usually involves a combination of drugs used for bronchodilation and to treat underlying airway inflammation. When asthma is severe, the regimen used to treat asthma can become quite complicated, often using as many as 3 or 4 separate pharmacological agents. As patients with asthma get older, their medication regimen can become even more complex with the development of numerous other age-related diseases requiring their own list of medications. Diseases of the joints, diseases of the eye, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease and urological problems represent the most common conditions that patients develop, at times needing medications which might interfere with asthma management. Many of these diseases require the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, well known to provoke wheezing in patients with intrinsic asthma, and diseases of the eye and cardiovascular system frequently require use of beta-blockers which can cause or exacerbate asthma. Managing patients with asthma who have other diseases requires constant supervision of their medication usage and careful and cautious review of the entire list of medications at each presentation.  相似文献   

The effect of varying the Mg2+ concentration on the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (2-OGDH) activity and the rate of oxidative phosphorylation of rat heart mitochondria was studied. The ionophore A23187 was used to modify the mitochondrial free Mg2+ concentration. Half-maximal stimulation (K0.5) of ATP synthesis by Mg2+ was obtained with 0.13 +/- 0.02 mM (n = 7) with succinate (+rotenone) and 0.48 +/- 0.13 mM (n = 6) with 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG) as substrates. Similar K0.5 values were found for NAD(P)H formation, generation of membrane potential, and state 4 respiration with 2-OG. In the presence of ADP, an increase in Pi concentration promoted a decrease in the K0.5 values of ATP synthesis, membrane potential formation and state 4 respiration for Mg2+ with 2-OG, but not with succinate. These results indicate that 2-OGDH is the main step of oxidative phosphorylation modulated by Mg2+ when 2-OG is the oxidizable substrate; with succinate, the ATP synthase is the Mg2+-sensitive step. Replacement of Pi by acetate, which promotes changes on intramitochondrial pH abolished Mg2+ activation of 2-OGDH. Thus, the modulation of the 2-OGDH activity by Mg2+ has an essential requirement for Pi (and ADP) in intact mitochondria which is not associated to variations in matrix pH.  相似文献   

The timing of sample collections for the biological monitoring of occupational exposure profoundly affects the resulting data. Sampling time with respect to the day in the working week and the end of exposure is crucial for measurements of rapidly excreted indicators of exposure. Owing to the cumulation of slowly excreted exposure indicators, timing of sample collection with respect to the duration of employment is essential. The steady state is established within a week, if the exposure indicator is excreted rapidly (with a half-life shorter than 45 h), or within months or years, if it is excreted slowly. In this study, exposure indicators are characterized by the elimination half-life. A monocompartmental model is used to calculate the biological levels at steady state and the duration of occupational exposure needed to reach the apparent steady state.  相似文献   

The effect of 6-ketocholestanol was studied on CCCP-induced uncoupling in liver mitochondria, submitochondrial particles and cytochrome oxidase proteoliposomes. It was found that 6-ketocholestanol prevents and reverses uncoupling induced by nM concentrations of CCCP on the three systems assayed. As it was reported on kidney mitochondrial membranes [Chavez et al. (1996) FEBS Lett. 379, 305-308], the recoupling effect caused by 6-ketocholestanol on submitochondrial particles and proteoliposomes could be due to a diminution of membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparation of rat skeletal muscle mitochondria is presented using gentle mechanical homogenization in a syringe and nagarse treatment (EC This method enables the preparation of skeletal muscle mitochondria, whose outer membrane is intact to 95%. Furthermore, with mitochondria prepared by this method the regulation of respiration and phosphorylation by the extramitochondrial ATP/ADP-ratio can be demonstrated. In accordance to rat liver and heart mitochondria and to mitochondria of rabbit reticulocytes, the regulation by the extramitochondrial ATP/ADP-ratio lies in the range from 5 (corresponding to 98% of the maximum respiration) to 100 (corresponding to state 4). At extramitochondrial ATP/ADP-ratios from 0.01 to 1 the respiration rate is nearly constant (maximum rate of respiration).  相似文献   

AIM: To compare lansoprazole 30 mg daily with ranitidine 150 mg b.d. in the treatment of acid-related dyspepsia in general practice. METHODS: In a double-blind, parallel group, randomized, mutlicentre study conducted in 32 general practices in the UK, 213 patients were randomized to receive lansoprazole 30 mg daily, and 219 to receive ranitidine 150 mg b.d., for 4 weeks. All patients had experienced symptoms of reflux-like or ulcer-like dyspepsia on at least 4 of the 7 days prior to the study; 75% had experienced dyspepsia in the past, and 74 of the lansoprazole patients and 77 of the ranitidine patients had documented histories of acid-related disorders, investigating by either radiology or endoscopy. RESULTS: After 2 weeks 55% of the lansoprazole patients and 33% of the ranitidine group were symptom-free (P = 0.001, chi 2 = 7.12) with corresponding 4-week figures of 69% and 44%, respectively (P = 0.001, chi 2 = 18.03). Similar figures were found at both 2 and 4 weeks for daytime and night-time heartburn and epigastric pain scores; in the lansoprazole group, at 4 weeks, 80% of patients were free of daytime heartburn and 81% of night-time epigastric pain, compared with 55% (P = 0.001, chi 2 = 15.44) and 65% (P = 0.01, chi 2 = 6.10) in the ranitidine group. CONCLUSION: Superior symptom relief for patients presenting with ulcer-like and reflux-like symptoms in general practice is provided by lansoprazole 30 mg daily compared with ranitidine 150 mg twice daily.  相似文献   

Oxidation of added NADH by rat liver mitochondria has been studied. It is found that exogenous NADH, when oxidized by rat liver mitochondria in sucrose hypotonic medium supplemented with Mg2+ and EGTA, generates a membrane potential (delta psi) even in the absence of added cytochrome c. ADP and phosphate decrease delta psi, the effect being reversed by oligomycin. Rotenone and myxothiazol do not inhibit delta psi generated by oxidation of exogenous NADH. Added cytochrome c increases the rate of the exogenous NADH oxidation and coupled delta psi formation. In sucrose isotonic medium, or in hypotonic medium without Mg2+, exogenous NADH fails to stimulate respiration and to form a membrane potential. In the presence of Mg2+, exogenous NADH appears to be effective in delta psi generation in isotonic sucrose medium if mitochondria were treated with digitonin. In isotonic KCl without Mg2+, oxidation of exogenous NADH is coupled to the delta psi formation and MgCl2 addition before mitochondria prevents this effect. In hypotonic (but not in isotonic) sucrose medium, Mg2+ makes a portion of the cytochrome c pool reducible by exogenous NADH or ascorbate. It is assumed that (i) hypotonic treatment or digitonin causes disruption of the outer mitochondrial membrane, and, as a consequence, desorption of the membrane-bound cytochrome c in a Mg2+-dependent fashion; (ii) incubation in isotonic KCI without Mg2+ results in swelling of mitochondrial matrix, disruption of the outer membrane and cytochrome c desorption whereas Mg2+ lowers the K+ permeability of the inner membrane and, hence, prevents swelling; (iii) desorbed cytochrome c is reduced by added NADH via NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase and cytochrome b5 or by ascorbate and is oxidized by cytochrome oxidase. The role of desorbed cytochrome c in oxidation of superoxide and cytoplasmic NADH as well as possible relations of these events to apoptosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Oxidative phosphorylation and translocation of hydrogen ions in the brain and liver mitochondria of albino rats were studied as affected by cerebrosides with their chronic intraperitoneal injection. Cerebrosides are shown to inhibit the rate of respiration in the brain and liver mitochondria with the presence of ADP as well as that of substrate respiration in the liver mitochondria. A decrease in the phosphorylation rate is observed in the brain and liver mitochondria. When studying kinetics of hydrogen ions translocation in the brain and liver mitochondria it was found out that fixation of hydrogen ions induced by ADP is unchanged quantitatively though the fixation time is prolonged. Release of hydrogen ions under the effect of CaCl2 decreases in the liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

We have reinvestigated the temperature dependence of the coupling efficiency of energy conversion in isolated rat liver mitochondria. We observed that respiratory control increased with temperature. Moreover, in the same conditions, the ATP/O ratio increased. The measurement of the control coefficients of adenine nucleotide translocator on respiratory and ATP synthesis rates showed that at 28 degrees C, this translocator exerted the same control (about 0.5) on both fluxes. At 4 degrees C, it no longer exerted control on respiratory flux when its control on ATP synthesis flux came close to 1. In addition, ATP/O ratio values and control coefficients on ATP synthesis flux were bound by a unique linear relationship irrespective of temperature. In conclusion, the decrease in ATP/O ratio with temperature is a direct consequence of an increase in the kinetic control exerted by the adenine nucleotide translocator on ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

1. The direct effects of diazoxide on mitochondrial membrane potential, Ca2+ transport, oxygen consumption and ATP generation were investigated in mouse pancreatic B-cells and rat liver mitochondria. 2. Diazoxide, at concentrations commonly used to open adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP)-dependent K+-channels (K(ATP) channels) in pancreatic B-cells (100 to 1000 microM), decreased mitochondrial membrane potential in mouse intact perifused B-cells, as evidenced by an increase of rhodamine 123 fluorescence. This reversible decrease of membrane potential occurred at non-stimulating (5 mM) and stimulating (20 mM) glucose concentrations. 3. A decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential in perifused B-cells was also caused by pinacidil, but no effect could be seen with levcromakalim (500 microM each). 4. Measurements by a tetraphenylphosphonium-sensitive electrode of the membrane potential of rat isolated liver mitochondria confirmed that diazoxide decreased mitochondrial membrane potential by a direct action. Pretreatment with glibenclamide (2 microM) did not antagonize the effects of diazoxide. 5. In Fura 2-loaded B-cells perifused with the Ca2+ channel blocker, D 600, a moderate, reversible increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration could be seen in response to 500 microM diazoxide. This intracellular Ca2+ mobilization may be due to mitochondrial Ca2+ release, since the reduction of membrane potential of isolated liver mitochondria by diazoxide was accompanied by an accelerated release of Ca2+ stored in the mitochondria. 6. In the presence of 500 microM diazoxide, ATP content of pancreatic islets incubated in 20 mM glucose for 30 min was significantly decreased by 29%. However, insulin secretion from mouse perifused islets induced by 40 mM K+ in the presence of 10 mM glucose was not inhibited by 500 microM diazoxide, suggesting that the energy-dependent processes of insulin secretion distal to Ca2+ influx were not affected by diazoxide at this concentration. 7. The effects of diazoxide on oxygen consumption and ATP production of liver mitochondria varied depending on the respiratory substrates (5 mM succinate, 10 mM alpha-ketoisocaproic acid, 2 mM tetramethyl phenylenediamine plus 5 mM ascorbic acid), indicating an inhibition of respiratory chain complex II. Pinacidil, but not levcromakalim, inhibited alpha-ketoisocaproic acid-fuelled ATP production. 8. In conclusion, diazoxide directly affects mitochondrial energy metabolism, which may be of relevance for stimulus-secretion coupling in pancreatic B-cells.  相似文献   

The rate of oxidative phosphorylation was studied in heart mitochondria of rats which were administered hydrocortisone and then corticoid in combination with insulin. It is established that 5 h after a single administration of hydrocortisone oxidative phosphorylation increases slightly and is statistically insignificant. Injections of corticosteroids to animals for 14 days inhibit considerably the rate of oxidation and phosphorylation, cause a decrease in the values of respiratory control and APD/O coefficient. Administration of insulin simultaneously with hydrocortisone to animals normalizes these disturbances to a considerable extent.  相似文献   

Thapsigargin, previously reported to release Ca2+ from non-mitochondrial stores of different cell types, as well as nigericin, were found, when used at high concentrations, to release Ca2+ and collapse the membrane potential of Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream and procyclic trypomastigotes mitochondria in situ. At similarly high concentrations (> 10 microM), thapsigargin was also found to release Ca2+ and collapse the membrane potential of isolated rat liver mitochondria. These results indicate that care should be taken when attributing the effects of thapsigargin in intact cells to the specific inhibition of the sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase family of calcium pumps. In addition, we have found no evidence for an increase in intracellular Ca2+ by release of the ion from intracellular stores by nigericin, measuring changes in cytosolic Ca2+ by dual wavelength spectrofluorometry in fura-2-loaded T. brucei bloodstream trypomastigotes or measuring Ca2+ transport in digitonin-permeabilized cells.  相似文献   

By extensively examining the experimental conditions for time-resolved spectrophotometry of non-transparent light scattering systems, we demonstrated the feasibility of quantitative analysis of both the fluorescence lifetime and intensity of reduced pyridine nucleotides in living tissues, suspensions of isolated liver mitochondria, and hepatocytes, as well as hemoglobin-free perfused rat liver being used systematically for measurements. The fluorescence decay was analyzed by the maximum likelihood method with a 4-component decay model. The lifetime of NADH observed in mitochondria (mean: 2.8 +/- 0.2 ns) was much longer than that of the free form in an aqueous solution (mean: 0.43 +/- 0.01 ns), and it was characterized as a protein-bound form. The lifetime was not affected by either aerobic or anaerobic conditions nor by the energy state, though the intensity changed markedly. The decay curves of isolated hepatocytes under normal aerobic conditions were the same as those of isolated mitochondria, though cytosolic NADH and NADPH were superimposed. Under the conditions of "unphysiological" acidosis, the mean lifetime became about 1.5 times longer than that under normal conditions. With perfused liver, the relative contributions of cytosolic NADH and NADPH were determined by infusing lactate and tert-butylhydroperoxide. Cytosolic NADH did not contribute to the overall fluorescence of pyridine nucleotides. In contrast, about 70% of the total fluorescence intensity was due to cytosolic NADPH, but its decay parameters were essentially the same as those of mitochondrial NADH. No free form of either NADH or NADPH was detected in the cytosolic and mitochondrial spaces. We concluded that the changes in fluorescence intensity observed under the various conditions can be simply explained by a change in the amount of reduced pyridine nucleotides in tissues, rather than by changes in the microscopic environment. The wide applicability of time-resolved fluorescence photometry to in vivo studies is well documented.  相似文献   

The effect of in situ autolysis on cerebral mitochondrial structure and function has been investigated. Mice (n = 9) were sacrificed and stored for up to 24 h under unfavorable post-mortem conditions at 25 degrees C. At different time intervals groups of three animals were submitted to post-mortem dissection and tissue from different regions of the brain was used for the preparation of "free" and synaptosomal mitochondria. On electron microscopic examination, the post-mortem period had no significant influence on mitochondrial morphology and enzymatic activities of complexes I-V of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system were still present in all the mitochondrial preparations from different regions of the brain, albeit at a reduced levels. Degradation of mitochondrial DNA was virtually absent from mitochondrial preparations during the 24-h period of autolysis, as shown by the presence of intact DNA by Southern blot and PCR analysis. Based on these results, alterations in mitochondrial DNA and deficiencies of mitochondrial respiratory complexes I-V can be recognized in cerebral tissue even after 24 h of unfavorable post-mortem storage conditions.  相似文献   

A minimal model of glycogen metabolism in muscle tissue is analyzed in accordance with metabolic control analysis. The model contains two branch points. Rather than contributing to complexity of the analysis, this branching allows expression of the control coefficients in a simplified form. Glucose 6-phosphate is the metabolite at the first branch point, and the analysis is simplified further by the fact that glucose 6-phosphate is the substrate for enzymes which catalyze near-equilibrium reactions. Control of the concentration of glucose 6-phosphate is of interest because of its pivotal location in the metabolic system, but also because it interacts with an allosteric site on glycogen synthase to stimulate glycogen synthase activity. It is shown that the control which the transporter and enzymes involved in glycogen synthesis exert on glycolytic flux is proportional to the control which these components exert on glucose 6-phosphate concentration. Thus, glycolysis plays a major role in control of glucose 6-phosphate concentration. It is concluded that control of glycogen synthesis is not a rigid parameter of any component of this metabolic system. Rather the distribution of control is flexible and shifts from one portion of the system to another in response to shifts in the physiological state. An important element in determining the distribution of control of glycogen synthesis is the change in the sensitivity of the allosteric site of glycogen synthase to glucose 6-phosphate which is brought about by conversion of glycogen synthase to the dephosphorylated, glucose 6-phosphate-independent, state.  相似文献   

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