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Incremental learning techniques have been used extensively to address the data stream classification problem. The most important issue is to maintain a balance between accuracy and efficiency, i.e., the algorithm should provide good classification performance with a reasonable time response. This work introduces a new technique, named Similarity-based Data Stream Classifier (SimC), which achieves good performance by introducing a novel insertion/removal policy that adapts quickly to the data tendency and maintains a representative, small set of examples and estimators that guarantees good classification rates. The methodology is also able to detect novel classes/labels, during the running phase, and to remove useless ones that do not add any value to the classification process. Statistical tests were used to evaluate the model performance, from two points of view: efficacy (classification rate) and efficiency (online response time). Five well-known techniques and sixteen data streams were compared, using the Friedman’s test. Also, to find out which schemes were significantly different, the Nemenyi’s, Holm’s and Shaffer’s tests were considered. The results show that SimC is very competitive in terms of (absolute and streaming) accuracy, and classification/updating time, in comparison to several of the most popular methods in the literature.  相似文献   

The proliferation of sensor technology, especially in the context of embedded systems, has brought forward novel types of applications that make use of streams of continuously generated sensor data. Many applications like telemonitoring in healthcare or roadside traffic monitoring and control particularly require data stream management (DSM) to be provided in a distributed, yet reliable way. This is even more important when DSM applications are deployed in a failure-prone distributed setting including resource-limited mobile devices, for instance in applications which aim at remotely monitoring mobile patients. In this paper, we introduce a model for distributed and reliable DSM. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, in analogy to the SQL isolation levels, we define levels of reliability and describe necessary consistency constraints for distributed DSM that specify the tolerated loss, delay, or re-ordering of data stream elements, respectively. Second, we use this model to design and analyze an algorithm for reliable distributed DSM, namely efficient coordinated operator checkpointing (ECOC). We show that ECOC provides lossless and delay-limited reliable data stream management and thus can be used in critical application domains such as healthcare, where the loss of data stream elements cannot be tolerated. Third, we present detailed performance evaluations of the ECOC algorithm running on mobile, resource-limited devices. In particular, we can show that ECOC provides a high level of reliability while, at the same time, featuring good performance characteristics with moderate resource consumption.  相似文献   

Improving industrial product reliability, maintainability and thus availability is a challenging task for many industrial companies. In industry, there is a growing need to process data in real time, since the generated data volume exceeds the available storage capacity. This paper consists of a review of data stream mining and data stream management systems aimed at improving product availability. Further, a newly developed and validated grid-based classifier method is presented and compared to one-class support vector machine (OCSVM) and a polygon-based classifier.  相似文献   

Data partitioning and scheduling is one the important issues in minimizing the processing time for parallel and distributed computing system. We consider a single-level tree architecture of the system and the case of affine communication model, for a general m processor system with n rounds of load distribution. For this case, there exists an optimal activation order, optimal number of processors m* (m *  m), and optimal rounds of load distribution n* (n *  n), such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. This is a difficult optimization problem because for a given activation order, we have to first identify the processors that are participating (in the computation process) in every round of load distribution and then obtain the load fractions assigned to them, and the processing time. Hence, in this paper, we propose a real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) to solve the optimal activation order, optimal number of processors m* (m *  m), and optimal rounds of load distribution n* (n *  n), such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. RCGA employs a modified crossover and mutation operators such that the operators always produce a valid solution. Also, we propose different population initialization schemes to improve the convergence. Finally, we present a comparative study with simple real-coded genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization to highlight the advantage of the proposed algorithm. The results clearly indicate the effectiveness of the proposed real-coded genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

Towards a new approach for mining frequent itemsets on data stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mining frequent patterns on streaming data is a new challenging problem for the data mining community since data arrives sequentially in the form of continuous rapid streams. In this paper we propose a new approach for mining itemsets. Our approach has the following advantages: an efficient representation of items and a novel data structure to maintain frequent patterns coupled with a fast pruning strategy. At any time, users can issue requests for frequent itemsets over an arbitrary time interval. Furthermore our approach produces an approximate answer with an assurance that it will not bypass user-defined frequency and temporal thresholds. Finally the proposed method is analyzed by a series of experiments on different datasets.  相似文献   

Constraint automata have been introduced to provide a uniform operational model for specifying service interfaces of components, the network that yields the glue code for the components, and the operational behavior of the composite system. Constraint automata have been used as the basis for equivalence checking and model checking temporal logical properties. This paper presents a multi-player semantics for constraint automata which serves to reason about controllability, interaction and cooperation facilities of individual components or coalitions of components in a given network. We introduce a temporal logic framework, called alternating-time stream logic, that combines classical features of alternating-time logic (ATL) for concurrent games with special operators for specifying regular conditions on the data streams in the network and on the write and read operations at the I/O-ports of the components. Since constraint automata support any kind of synchronous and asynchronous peer-to-peer communication, the resulting game structure is non-standard and requires a series of nontrivial adaptations to the semantics and verification algorithms for classical alternating-time approaches.  相似文献   

We propose a new similar sequence matching method that efficiently supports variable-length and variable-tolerance continuous query sequences on time-series data stream. Earlier methods do not support variable lengths or variable tolerances adequately for continuous query sequences if there are too many query sequences registered to handle in main memory. To support variable-length query sequences, we use the window construction mechanism that divides long sequences into smaller windows for indexing and searching the sequences. To support variable-tolerance query sequences, we present a new notion of intervaled sequences whose individual entries are an interval of real numbers rather than a real number itself. We also propose a new similar sequence matching method based on these notions, and then, formally prove correctness of the method. In addition, we show that our method has the prematching characteristic, which finds future candidates of similar sequences in advance. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the naive one by 2.6-102.1 times and the existing methods in the literature by 1.4-9.8 times over the entire ranges of parameters tested when the query selectivities are low (<32%), which are practically useful in large database applications.  相似文献   

Data mining is a method for extracting useful information that is necessary for a system from a database. As the types of data processed by the system are diversified, the transformed pattern mining techniques for processing these type of data have been proposed. Unlike the traditional pattern mining methods, erasable pattern mining is a technique for finding the patterns that can be removed by coming with a small profit. Erasable pattern mining should be able to process data by considering both the environment that the data are generated from and the characteristics of the data. An uncertain database is a database that is composed of uncertain data. Since erasable patterns discovered from uncertain data contain significant information, these patterns need to be extracted. In addition, databases gradually increase, because the data from various fields is generated and accumulated over data streams. Data streams should be processed as intelligently as possible to provide the useful data to the system in real time. In this paper, we propose an efficient erasable pattern mining algorithm that processes uncertain data that is generated over data streams. The uncertain erasable patterns discovered through the suggested technique are more meaningful information by considering the probability of the item and the profit. Moreover, the proposed method can perform efficient mining operations by using both tree and list structures. The performance of the suggested algorithm is verified through the performance tests compared with state-of-the-art algorithms using real data sets and synthetic data sets.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of mining closed frequent itemsets over a data stream sliding window using limited memory space. We design a synopsis data structure to monitor transactions in the sliding window so that we can output the current closed frequent itemsets at any time. Due to time and memory constraints, the synopsis data structure cannot monitor all possible itemsets. However, monitoring only frequent itemsets will make it impossible to detect new itemsets when they become frequent. In this paper, we introduce a compact data structure, the closed enumeration tree (CET), to maintain a dynamically selected set of itemsets over a sliding window. The selected itemsets contain a boundary between closed frequent itemsets and the rest of the itemsets. Concept drifts in a data stream are reflected by boundary movements in the CET. In other words, a status change of any itemset (e.g., from non-frequent to frequent) must occur through the boundary. Because the boundary is relatively stable, the cost of mining closed frequent itemsets over a sliding window is dramatically reduced to that of mining transactions that can possibly cause boundary movements in the CET. Our experiments show that our algorithm performs much better than representative algorithms for the sate-of-the-art approaches. Yun Chi is currently a Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science, UCLA. His main areas of research include database systems, data mining, and bioinformatics. For data mining, he is interested in mining labeled trees and graphs, mining data streams, and mining data with uncertainty. Haixun Wang is currently a research staff member at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He received the B.S. and the M.S. degree, both in computer science, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1994 and 1996. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2000. He has published more than 60 research papers in referred international journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of the ACM, the ACM SIGMOD, the ACM SIGKDD, and the IEEE Computer Society. He has served in program committees of international conferences and workshops, and has been a reviewer for some leading academic journals in the database field. Philip S. Yureceived the B.S. Degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University, and the M.B.A. degree from New York University. He is with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center and currently manager of the Software Tools and Techniques group. His research interests include data mining, Internet applications and technologies, database systems, multimedia systems, parallel and distributed processing, and performance modeling. Dr. Yu has published more than 430 papers in refereed journals and conferences. He holds or has applied for more than 250 US patents.Dr. Yu is a Fellow of the ACM and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is associate editors of ACM Transactions on the Internet Technology and ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data. He is a member of the IEEE Data Engineering steering committee and is also on the steering committee of IEEE Conference on Data Mining. He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2001–2004), an editor, advisory board member and also a guest co-editor of the special issue on mining of databases. He had also served as an associate editor of Knowledge and Information Systems. In addition to serving as program committee member on various conferences, he will be serving as the general chairman of 2006 ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management and the program chairman of the 2006 joint conferences of the 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC' 06) and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE' 06). He was the program chairman or co-chairs of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, the 6th Pacific Area Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, the 9th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering:Transaction and Query Processing, the PAKDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Advanced Databases, and the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems. He served as the general chairman of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering and the general co-chairman of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. He has received several IBM honors including 2 IBM Outstanding Innovation Awards, an Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, 2 Research Division Awards and the 84th plateau of Invention Achievement Awards. He received an Outstanding Contributions Award from IEEE International Conference on Data Mining in 2003 and also an IEEE Region 1 Award for “promoting and perpetuating numerous new electrical engineering concepts" in 1999. Dr. Yu is an IBM Master Inventor. Richard R. Muntz is a Professor and past chairman of the Computer Science Department, School of Engineering and Applied Science, UCLA. His current research interests are sensor rich environments, multimedia storage servers and database systems, distributed and parallel database systems, spatial and scientific database systems, data mining, and computer performance evaluation. He is the author of over one hundred and fifty research papers.Dr. Muntz received the BEE from Pratt Institute in 1963, the MEE from New York University in 1966, and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University in 1969. He is a member of the Board of Directors for SIGMETRICS and past chairman of IFIP WG7.3 on performance evaluation. He was a member of the Corporate Technology Advisory Board at NCR/Teradata, a member of the Science Advisory Board of NASA's Center of Excellence in Space Data Information Systems, and a member of the Goddard Space Flight Center Visiting Committee on Information Technology. He recently chaired a National Research Council study on “The Intersection of Geospatial Information and IT” which was published in 2003. He was an associate editor for the Journal of the ACM from 1975 to 1980 and the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Computing Surveys from 1992 to 1995. He is a Fellow of the ACM and a Fellow of the IEEE.  相似文献   

Resource sharing between multiple tenants is a key rationale behind the cost effectiveness in the cloud. While this resource sharing greatly helps service providers improve resource utilization and increase profit, it impacts on the service quality (e.g., the performance of consumer applications). In this paper, we address the reconciliation of these conflicting objectives by scheduling service requests with the dynamic creation of service instances. Specifically, our scheduling algorithms attempt to maximize profit within the satisfactory level of service quality specified by the service consumer. Our contributions include (1) the development of a pricing model using processor-sharing for clouds (i.e., queuing delay is embedded in processing time), (2) the application of this pricing model to composite services with dependency consideration, (3) the development of two sets of service request scheduling algorithms, and (4) the development of a prioritization policy for data service aiming to maximize the profit of data service.  相似文献   

Provided with plenty of data (experience), data mining techniques are widely used to extract suitable management skills from the data. Nevertheless, in the early stages of a manufacturing system, only rare data can be obtained, and built scheduling knowledge is usually fragile. Using small data sets, this research's purpose is improving the accuracy of machine learning for flexible manufacturing system (FMS) scheduling. The study develops a data trend estimation technique and combines it with mega-fuzzification and adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS). The results of the simulated FMS scheduling problem indicate that learning accuracy can be significantly improved using the proposed method involving a very small data set.  相似文献   

The job-scheduling function in a multiprogramming computer system plays a key role in the achievement of the performance goals for the system. It is possible and convenient to partition this scheduling function into a priority assignment function and resource assignment function. Implementation of a general purpose resource assignment module permits a large family of scheduling strategies to be implemented via different priority calculation schemes. The implications of this partitioning of the scheduling function are studied by use of a simulation model. A system embodying this approach to job scheduling is discussed as an application of the approach to other types of systems.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive load shedding approach for windowed stream joins. In contrast to the conventional approach of dropping tuples from the input streams, we explore the concept ofselective processing for load shedding. We allow stream tuples to be stored in the windows and shed excessive CPU load by performing the join operations, not on the entire set of tuples within the windows, but on a dynamically changing subset of tuples that are learned to be highly beneficial. We support such dynamic selective processing through three forms of runtimeadaptations: adaptation to input stream rates, adaptation to time correlation between the streams and adaptation to join directions. Our load shedding approach enables us to integrateutility-based load shedding withtime correlation-based load shedding. Indexes are used to further speed up the execution of stream joins. Experiments are conducted to evaluate our adaptive load shedding in terms of output rate and utility. The results show that our selective processing approach to load shedding is very effective and significantly outperforms the approach that drops tuples from the input streams. Bugra Gedik received the B.S. degree in C.S. from the Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, and the Ph.D. degree in C.S. from the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. He is with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, currently a member of the Software Tools and Techniques Group. Dr. Gedik's research interests lie in data intensive distributed computing systems, spanning data-centric peer-to-peer overlay networks, mobile and sensor-based distributed data management systems, and distributed data stream processing systems. His research focus is on developing system-level architectures and techniques to address scalability problems in distributed continual query systems and applications. He is the recipient of the ICDCS 2003 best paper award. He has served in the program committees of several international conferences, such as ICDE, MDM, and CollaborateCom. Kun-Lung Wu received the B.S. degree in E.E. from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in C.S. both from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, currently a member of the Software Tools and Techniques Group. His recent research interests include data streams, continual queries, mobile computing, Internet technologies and applications, database systems and distributed computing. He has published extensively and holds many patents in these areas. Dr. Wu is a Senior Member of the IEEE Computer Society and a member of the ACM. He is the Program Co-Chair for the IEEE Joint Conference on e-Commerce Technology (CEC 2007) and Enterprise Computing, e-Commerce and e-Services (EEE 2007). He was an Associate Editor for the IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2000–2004. He was the general chair for the 3rd International Workshop on E-Commerce and Web-Based Information Systems (WECWIS 2001). He has served as an organizing and program committee member on various conferences. He has received various IBM awards, including IBM Corporate Environmental Affair Excellence Award, Research Division Award, and several Invention Achievement Awards. He received a best paper award from IEEE EEE 2004. He is an IBM Master Inventor. Philip S. Yu received the B.S. Degree in E.E. from National Taiwan University, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in E.E. from Stanford University, and the M.B.A. degree from New York University. He is with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center and currently manager of the Software Tools and Techniques group. His research interests include data mining, Internet applications and technologies, database systems, multimedia systems, parallel and distributed processing, and performance modeling. Dr. Yu has published more than 430 papers in refereed journals and conferences. He holds or has applied for more than 250 US patents. Dr. Yu is a Fellow of the ACM and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is associate editors of ACM Transactions on the Internet Technology and ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data. He is a member of the IEEE Data Engineering steering committee and is also on the steering committee of IEEE Conference on Data Mining. He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2001–2004), an editor, advisory board member and also a guest co-editor of the special issue on mining of databases. He had also served as an associate editor of Knowledge and Information Systems. In addition to serving as program committee member on various conferences, he will be serving as the general chair of 2006 ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management and the program chair of the 2006 joint conferences of the 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC' 06) and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE' 06). He was the program chair or co-chairs of the 11th IEEE Intl. Conference on Data Engineering, the 6th Pacific Area Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, the 9th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, the 2nd IEEE Intl. Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Transaction and Query Processing, the PAKDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Advanced Databases, and the 2nd IEEE Intl. Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems. He served as the general chair of the 14th IEEE Intl. Conference on Data Engineering and the general co-chair of the 2nd IEEE Intl. Conference on Data Mining. He has received several IBM honors including 2 IBM Outstanding Innovation Awards, an Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, 2 Research Division Awards and the 84th plateau of Invention Achievement Awards. He received an Outstanding Contributions Award from IEEE Intl. Conference on Data Mining in 2003 and also an IEEE Region 1 Award for “promoting and perpetuating numerous new electrical engineering concepts” in 1999. Dr. Yu is an IBM Master Inventor. Ling Liu is an associate professor at the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. There, she directs the research programs in Distributed Data Intensive Systems Lab (DiSL), examining research issues and technical challenges in building large scale distributed computing systems that can grow without limits. Dr. Liu and the DiSL research group have been working on various aspects of distributed data intensive systems, ranging from decentralized overlay networks, exemplified by peer to peer computing, data grid computing, to mobile computing systems and location based services, sensor network computing, and enterprise computing systems. She has published over 150 international journal and conference articles. Her research group has produced a number of software systems that are either open sources or directly accessible online, among which the most popular ones are WebCQ and XWRAPElite. Dr. Liu is currently on the editorial board of several international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, International Journal of Very large Database systems (VLDBJ), International Journal of Web Services Research, and has chaired a number of conferences as a PC chair, a vice PC chair, or a general chair, including IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2004, ICDE 2006, ICDE 2007), IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS 2006), IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004). She is a recipient of IBM Faculty Award (2003, 2006). Dr. Liu's current research is partly sponsored by grants from NSF CISE CSR, ITR, CyberTrust, a grant from AFOSR, an IBM SUR grant, and an IBM faculty award.  相似文献   

This paper presents a constraint programming (CP) methodology to deal with the scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). The proposed approach, which consists of both a model and a search strategy, handles several features found in industrial environments, such as limitations on number of tools in the system, lifetime of tools, as well as tool magazine capacity of machines. In addition, it tackles the problem in a integrated way by considering tool planning and allocation, machine assignment, part routing, and task timing decisions altogether in the approach. The formulation, which is able to take into account a variety of objective functions, has been successfully applied to the solution of test problems of various sizes and degrees of difficulty.  相似文献   

Volunteer computing systems offer high computing power to the scientific communities to run large data intensive scientific workflows. However, these computing environments provide the best effort infrastructure to execute high performance jobs. This work aims to schedule scientific and data intensive workflows on hybrid of the volunteer computing system and Cloud resources to enhance the utilization of these environments and increase the percentage of workflow that meets the deadline. The proposed workflow scheduling system partitions a workflow into sub-workflows to minimize data dependencies among the sub-workflows. Then these sub-workflows are scheduled to distribute on volunteer resources according to the proximity of resources and the load balancing policy. The execution time of each sub-workflow on the selected volunteer resources is estimated in this phase. If any of the sub-workflows misses the sub-deadline due to the large waiting time, we consider re-scheduling of this sub-workflow into the public Cloud resources. This re-scheduling improves the system performance by increasing the percentage of workflows that meet the deadline. The proposed Cloud-aware data intensive scheduling algorithm increases the percentage of workflow that meet the deadline with a factor of 75% in average with respect to the execution of workflows on the volunteer resources.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于零拷贝思想的用户级通信协议的设计与实现。通过对传统操作系统在处理网络数据包的过程中多次拷贝而造成的延迟进行了仔细分析,设计了一种内存映射机制,使用户的应用程序避开了操作系统核心的干预,直接与网络接口进行交互,并有效地完成操作系统核心与用户之间的数据交换,从而地减少了网络通信的开销与延迟。  相似文献   

This paper describes a technique for clustering homogeneously distributed data in a peer-to-peer environment like sensor networks. The proposed technique is based on the principles of the K-Means algorithm. It works in a localized asynchronous manner by communicating with the neighboring nodes. The paper offers extensive theoretical analysis of the algorithm that bounds the error in the distributed clustering process compared to the centralized approach that requires downloading all the observed data to a single site. Experimental results show that, in contrast to the case when all the data is transmitted to a central location for application of the conventional clustering algorithm, the communication cost (an important consideration in sensor networks which are typically equipped with limited battery power) of the proposed approach is significantly smaller. At the same time, the accuracy of the obtained centroids is high and the number of samples which are incorrectly labeled is also small.  相似文献   

High temperature will affect the stability and performance of multi-core processors. A temperature-aware scheduling algorithm for soft real-time multi-core systems is proposed in this paper, namely LTCEDF (Low Thermal Contribution Early Deadline First). According to the core temperature and thread thermal contribution, LTCEDF performs thread migration and exchange to avoid thermal saturation and to keep temperature equilibrium among all the cores. The core temperature calculation method and the thread thermal contribution prediction method are presented. LTCEDF is simulated on ATMI simulator platform. Simulation results show that LTCEDF can not only minimize the thermal penalty, but also meet real-time guarantee. Moreover, it can create a more uniform power density map than other thermal-aware algorithms, and significantly reduce thread migration frequency.  相似文献   

大部分数据流分类算法解决了数据流无限长度和概念漂移这两个问题。但是,这些算法需要人工专家将全部实例都标记好作为训练集来训练分类器,这在数据流高速到达并需要快速分类的环境中是不现实的,因为标记实例需要时间和成本。此时,如果采用监督学习的方法来训练分类器,由于标记数据稀少将得到一个弱分类器。提出一种基于主动学习的数据流分类算法,该算法通过选择全部实例中的一小部分来人工标记,其中这小部分实例是分类置信度较低的样本,从而可以极大地减少需要人工标记的实例数量。实验结果表明,该算法可以在数据流存在概念漂移情况下,使用较少的标记数据对数据流训练出分类器,并且分类效果良好。  相似文献   

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