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石墨烯基电子学研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
综述了石墨烯晶体的能带结构和独特的电子性质,如双极性电场效应、单双层石墨烯效应、衬底效应、石墨烯纳米带(GNR)带隙等特殊效应的研究现状。介绍了石墨剥落技术、外延生长和化学气相淀积(CVD)等石墨烯材料的制备以及表征方法。列举了石墨烯在电子、显示、太阳电池、传感器和氢存储等方面的应用,如在石墨烯场效应管、石墨烯纳米带场效应管(SET)、石墨烯单电子晶体管、石墨烯金属晶体管、石墨烯基纳米电子机械系统(NEMS)、石墨烯分子开关以及石墨烯基高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)制备方面的应用。人们已经研究出不同栅长的n/p型顶栅石墨烯场效应管(GFET),并采用标准的S参数直接表征器件的高频性能。理论和实验表明,所有石墨烯纳米带场效应管(GNRFET)在室温下工作的前提是GNR的带宽尺寸小于10nm,并具有半导体场效应管的性能。 相似文献
Aluminium was a primary material for interconnection in integrated circuits (ICs) since their inception. Later, copper was introduced as interconnect material which has better metallic conductivity and resistance to electromigration. As the aggressive technology scaling continues, the copper resistivity increased because of size effects, which causes increase in delay, power dissipation and electromigration. The need to reduce the resistor-capacitor??????? delay, dynamic power utilisation and the crosstalk commotion is as of now the fundamental main impetus behind the presentation of new materials. The purpose of this paper is to do a survey of interconnect material used in IC from introduction of ICs to till date. This paper studies and reviews new materials available for interconnect application which are optical interconnects, carbon nanotube (CNT), graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) and silicon nanowires which are alternatives to copper. While doing a survey of interconnect material, it is found that multiwalled CNTs, multilayer GNR and mixed CNT bundles are promising candidates and are ultimate choice that can strongly address the problems faced by copper but on integration basis copper would last for coming years. 相似文献
《Microelectronics Reliability》2015,55(8):1262-1268
Based on transmission line modeling (TLM), and using the Nichols chart, we present a bandwidth and stability analysis, together with step time responses, for coupled multilayer graphene nanoribbon (MLGNR) interconnects that is inquired for the first time. In this analysis, the dependence of the degree of crosstalk relative stability for coupled MLGNR interconnects comprising of both capacitive and mutual-inductive couplings between adjacent MLGNR has been acquired. The obtained results show that with increasing the length or decreasing the width of the MLGNRs, the stability in near-end output increases. While, any increase in the length or width of MLGNRs, decrease the stability of far-end output. Also, by increasing capacitive coupling or decreasing inductive coupling, the near-end output becomes more stable, and the far-end output becomes less stable. Moreover, any increase in the length or capacitive coupling, decreases the bandwidth, whereas any increase in the width or inductive coupling, increases the bandwidth. Finally, transient simulations with Advanced Design System (ADS) show that the model has an excellent accuracy. 相似文献
A power balance static random-access memory(SRAM) for resistance to differential power analysis(DPA) is proposed. In the proposed design, the switch power consumption and short-circuit power consumption are balanced by discharging and pre-charging the key nodes of the output circuit and adding an additional shortcircuit current path. Thus, the power consumption is constant in every read cycle. As a result, the DPA-resistant ability of the SRAM is improved. In 65 nm CMOS technology, the power balance SRAM is fully custom designed with a layout area of 5863.6 μm~2.The post-simulation results show that the normalized energy deviation(NED) and normalized standard deviation(NSD) are 0.099% and 0.04%, respectively. Compared to existing power balance circuits, the power balance ability of the proposed SRAM has improved 53%. 相似文献
The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics and the transmission spectrums of zigzag graphene nanoribbon with different spin-configurations are investigated by using the first-principles calculations. It is shown that the current-voltage curves and the transmission spectrums strongly depend on the spin-configurations of the two sides of the ribbon. For the spin-parallel configuration structure, the curve is linear under lower bias voltage; For the spin-antiparallel configuration structure, there is a strong spin-polarization-dependent transmission which implies the ribbon can be used as a spin filter; while for other spin-configurations structures, the curve has the characteristic of semiconductor. It is found that there is a large magneto-resistance(MR) when the bias voltage is small. The impurity in the central scattering region significantly influences the spin-dependent current and the spin filter efficiency, which may lead the large MR to disappear. 相似文献
This paper introduces dual-material gate (DMG) configuration on a bilayer graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor (BLGNRFET). Its device characteristics based on nonequilibrium Green׳s function (NEGF) are explored and compared with a conventional single-material gate BLGNRFET. Results reveal that an on-off ratio of up to 10 is achievable as a consequence of both higher saturation and lower leakage currents. The advantages of our proposed DMG structure mainly lie in higher carrier transport efficiency by means of enhancing initial acceleration of incoming carriers in the channel region and the suppression of short channel effects. Drain-induced barrier lowering, subthreshold swing and hot electron effect as the key short channel parameters have been improved in the DMG-based BLGNRFET. 相似文献
The current-voltage(I-V) characteristics and the transmission spectra of zigzag graphene nanoribbon with different spin-configurations are investigated by using first-principles calculations.It is shown that the I-V curves and transmission spectra strongly depend on the spin-configurations of the two sides of the ribbon.For the spin-parallel configuration structure,the curve is linear under lower bias voltage;for the spin-antiparallel configuration structure,there is a strong spin-polarization-dependent transmission which implies that the ribbon can be used as a spin filter;while for other spin-configuration structures,the curve has the characteristics of a semiconductor. It is found that there is a large magneto-resistance(MR) when the bias voltage is small.The impurity in the central scattering region significantly influences the spin-dependent current and the spin filter efficiency,which may lead the large MR to disappear. 相似文献
Ute Zschieschang Hagen Klauk Imke B. Müeller Andrew J. Strudwick Tobias Hintermann Matthias G. Schwab Akimitsu Narita Xinliang Feng Klaus Müellen R. Thomas Weitz 《Advanced Electronic Materials》2015,1(3)
The electronic properties of chemically synthesized graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are investigated in a field‐effect transistor (FET) configuration. The FETs are fabricated by dispersing GNRs into an aqueous dispersion, depositing the GNRs onto an insulating substrate, and patterning of metal contacts by electron‐beam lithography. At room temperature, the GNR FET shows a large drain current of 70 μA, very good charge injection from the contacts, saturation of the drain current at larger drain‐source voltages, and an on/off current ratio of 2. The small on/off current ratio can be explained by either the unfavorable transistor geometry or by the unintentional agglomeration of two or more GNRs in the channel. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that, by quantum‐chemical calculations, the bandgap of a GNR dimer can be as small as 30% of the bandgap of a GNR monomer. 相似文献
石墨烯器件作为下一代纳米电子器件的有力竞争者受到广泛关注,但对其器件工作机理的研究尚不透彻。对石墨烯纳米带场效应晶体管(graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor,GNRFET)的双极特性进行了研究,分析了偏置电压对GNRFET转移特性和输出特性的影响,发现除已被关注到的栅电压外,源漏电压对GNRFET的双极特性亦有作用,并将两者综合考虑才能全面反映GNRFET的工作状态。在此基础上,进一步提出了工作区域的概念,将GNR-FET的工作区域划分为空穴导电区、电子导电区、转变区和截止区,为GNRFET器件的应用和电路设计提供指导。 相似文献
静态随机存储器(SRAM)是集成电路中重要的存储结构单元。由于其制备工艺复杂、关键尺寸较小、对设计规则的要求最为严格,因此SRAM的质量是影响芯片良率的关键因素。针对一款微控制单元(MCU)芯片的SRAM失效问题,进行逻辑地址分析确认失效位点,通过离子聚焦束(FIB)切片及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析造成失效的异常物理结构,结合平台同类产品的设计布局对比及生产过程中光刻工艺制程的特点,确认失效的具体原因。对可能造成失效的工艺步骤或参数设计实验验证方案,根据验证结果制定相应的改善措施,通过良率测试及SEM照片确认改善结果,优化工艺窗口。当SRAM中多晶硅线布局方向与测试单元中一致时,工艺窗口最大,良率稳定;因此在芯片设计规则中明确SRAM结构布局方向,对于保证产品的良率具有重要意义。 相似文献
In this work, a 9T subthreshold SRAM cell is proposed with the reduced leakage power and improved stability against the PVT variations. The proposed cell employs the read decoupling to improve the read stability, and the partial feedback cutting approach to control the leakage power with improved read/write ability. The incorporated stacking effect further improves the leakage power. The simulated leakage power for the proposed cell is 0.61×, 0.49×, 0.80× and 0.55×, while the read static noise margin (RSNM) is 2.5×, 1×, 1.05× and 0.96×, write static noise margin (WSNM) 0 is 1.5×, 1.8×, 1.68× and 1.9× and WSNM 1 is 0.95×, 1.2×, 1.05×, and 1.2× at 0.4 V when compared with the conventional 6T and state of arts (single ended 6T, PPN based 10T and data aware write assist (DAWA) 12T SRAM architectures) respectively. The minimum supply voltage at which this cell can successfully operate is 220 mV. A 4 Kb memory array has also been simulated using proposed cell and it consumes 0.63×, 0.67× and 0.63× less energy than 6T during read, write 1 and write 0 operations respectively for supply voltage of 0.3 V. 相似文献
This paper presents a hybrid non-volatile (NV) SRAM cell with a new scheme for soft error tolerance. The proposed cell consists of a 6 T SRAM core, a resistive RAM made of a transistor and a Programmable Metallization Cell. An additional transistor and a transmission gate are utilized for selecting a memory cell in the NVSRAM array. Concurrent error detection (CED) and correction capabilities are provided by connecting the NVSRAM array with a dual-rail checker; CED is accomplished using a dual-rail checker, while correction is accomplished by utilizing the restore operation, such that data from the non-volatile memory element is copied back to the SRAM core. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is very efficient in terms of numerous figures of merit. 相似文献
Zhiting Lin Zhongzhen Tong Jin Zhang Fangming Wang Tian Xu Yue Zhao Xiulong Wu Chunyu Peng Wenjuan Lu Qiang Zhao Junning Chen 《半导体学报》2022,43(3):031401-031401-25
Artificial intelligence (AI) processes data-centric applications with minimal effort. However, it poses new challenges to system design in terms of computational speed and energy efficiency. The traditional von Neumann architecture cannot meet the requirements of heavily data-centric applications due to the separation of computation and storage. The emergence of computing in-memory (CIM) is significant in circumventing the von Neumann bottleneck. A commercialized memory architecture, static random-access memory (SRAM), is fast and robust, consumes less power, and is compatible with state-of-the-art technology. This study investigates the research progress of SRAM-based CIM technology in three levels: circuit, function, and application. It also outlines the problems, challenges, and prospects of SRAM-based CIM macros. 相似文献
Plasmon-resonant gold nanorods (GNRs) are demonstrated as strong absorption contrast agents for optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT imaging of tissue phantoms doped with GNRs of different resonant wavelengths and concentrations is studied. To utilize the high absorption property of GNRs, a differential absorp-tion OCT imaging is introduced to retrieve the absorption information of GNRs from conventional backscattered signals. It is shown that the contrast of the OCT image can be enhanced significantly when the plasmon resonant wavelength of the GNRs matches the central wavelength of the OCT source. 相似文献
为保护电子设备中使用的静态随机存储器(SRAM)型现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)内部电路设计不被窃取,设计了用于SRAM FPGA的防克隆电路.该电路利用FPGA制造过程中的随机误差,提取每块芯片独一无二的ID.在此ID的控制下,被保护电路只能在指定的FPGA中正常运行,而在未指定的FPGA中运行时,无法产生正确的输出,从而达到防克隆目的.防克隆电路由使用仲裁器的物理不可克隆函数(PUF)、多数表决器、运算门阵列等三部分构成,其中仲裁器PUF电路用于提取ID,多数表决器起到提高输出稳定性的作用.最后在FPGA开发平台上证明了该电路的可行性. 相似文献