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In this paper, a method for Lagrange multiplier selection is proposed in the context of rate-distortion optimisation for wavelet-based scalable video coding targeting quality scalability. Despite the prevalence of the conventional method for Lagrange multiplier selection in hybrid video coding, the underlying formulation is not applicable to wavelet-based scalable video coding. To address the inherent challenges, a thorough analysis of the rate-distortion models for transform video coding is provided with regard to low and middle-to-high bit-rates, respectively. Based on the analysis, the models are consolidated according to experimental observations and the consolidated rate-distortion models serve as the basis for the derivation of the Lagrange multiplier. Considering the influence of the open-loop prediction structure on the rate-distortion performance, the Lagrange multiplier is initially derived for a single-targeted bit-rate. Moreover, the method for Lagrange multiplier selection in scalable video coding aiming at multiple-targeted bit-rates is proposed in a general sense of bit-rate range, varying from low to high bit-rates, building on the initially derived Lagrange multiplier for a single-targeted bit-rate. The proposed Lagrange multiplier is content adaptive and well suited for wavelet-based scalable video coding where quantisation steps are unavailable. Detailed performance evaluation of the proposed method for wavelet-based scalable video coding is provided with regard to a given targeted bit-rate and multiple-targeted bit-rates, respectively. The experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed Lagrange multiplier for rate-distortion optimisation considering quality scalability in wavelet-based scalable video coding. 相似文献
Saran Tarnoi Wuttipong Kumwilaisak Yusheng Ji C.-C. Jay Kuo 《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2013,24(5):602-614
This paper presents a robust scalable video multi-cast scheme with source diversity and inter-source network decoding in lossy networks. The source diversity technique gives path diversity, providing a better quality of layered video transmission under hostile environments. For each source, an optimization formulation is set up to find the best transmission route of each transmitting video layer. The objectives of the formulation are to maximize the total information values of video layers reflecting the end-to-end video quality and transmission reliability. The source providing the best overall achievable data rate, which is the data rate destination can expect to receive from the transmission, is selected to be the primary source, while the rest will be secondary sources. When the Quality-of-Service (QoS) guarantees of some transmitting video layers cannot be fulfilled by the primary source, the secondary source with the best QoS parameters is selected to transmit the layers to destinations. The number of secondary sources used for transmissions is increased until the QoS guarantees of all transmitting video layers are satisfied or all network resources are utilized. Network coding is deployed to multi-cast video layers from the same source for efficient resource usage. Network coded data from different sources can be used to decode the transmitting video data. In other words, at each destination, it needs only a sufficient number of video packets from different sources to recover all transmitting video data. Simulations with different network topologies show the improvement in both objective and subjective qualities of layered video multi-cast under lossy environments. 相似文献
Although most of the proposals for implementing motion-compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) schemes are based on the wavelet transform, in this paper, we propose an MCTF framework based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT). Using DCT decimation and interpolation, several temporal decomposition structures named motion-compensated DCT temporal filters (MCDCT-TF) are introduced. These structures are able to employ filters of any length with particular emphasis on 5/3 DCT and 7/4 DCT. The proposed MCDCT-TF and the two-dimensional (2D) DCT decimation technique are incorporated into H.264/AVC to provide spatio-temporal scalability. Compared with the current MCTF-based lifting schemes such as Haar, and 5/3 wavelet filters, simulation results show that the proposed MCDCT-TF utilizing longer tap DCT filters achieves a significant improvement in coding gain. The impact of odd/even group of frames, the decimation/interpolation ratios, and motion-compensated connectivity on the MCDCT-TF performance are also analyzed. Moreover, simulation results show that the performance of the presented scalable video coding is close to the single layer H.264/AVC and is slightly inferior to the temporal scalability supported in JSVM, the state-of-the-art scalable video coding standard, that gets its gain from Hierarchical B-pictures. However, our spatio-temporal coding scheme outperforms the spatio-temporal supported in JSVM even if it uses hierarchical B-pictures to improve its gain. 相似文献
一个基于速率控制的Internet视频流服务方案 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
由于视频流服务对于网络服务质量有着较高的要求,而现有的Internet所提供的是尽力而为的服务,无法保证数据的实时传输。该文设计了一个用于Internet上视频流的端到端传输方案.整个方案设计的目的是在网络本身缺乏服务质量保证的条件下尽可能达到最好的视频传输质量。根据可用带宽估计和网络信息反馈,系统对发送速率进行调整,并提供两种视频流服务:存储视频和实时视频。仿真结果表明方案的性能良好,能满足Internet视频流的需求。 相似文献
提出了一种适用于视频监控的时空可伸缩编码方法。首先提出一种适用于可伸缩视频编码特点的监控算法,利用该算法将运动区域从背景中提取出来,并用模式和方向快速判别算法去掉对编码增益很小的冗余模式,基本层利用该算法进行编码,增强层利用基本层的信息预测可能的模式集合,然后进行零块预先判决,最后对最高时间级的高速运动块通过视觉门限来降低其空间冗余度。实验证明,该方法能够较大地提高编码速度和一定程度上提高压缩率,并且视觉质量损失很小。 相似文献
Scalable video coding incorporated with computation-aware ability achieves quality as well as being computation scalable. This paper presents a computation-aware algorithm for scalable video coding with spatial/quality scalability aiming for the best trade-off between rate distortion performance and computational consumption. We first observe and analyze and then establish a model for the motion vector difference relationship between the scalable base and enhancement layers. By using the modeling results, a linear algorithm for computation distribution is thus proposed to allocate the computation for each macroblock in the enhancement layer. In addition, the rate distortion costs of the base layer are also taken into account for the computation allocation process in order to further improve the coding performance. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed computation-aware algorithm not only accomplishes better rate distortion performance than other works under the same computational constraints, but also achieves less computation necessities. 相似文献
To relieve the negative effect brought by the intricate wireless network environment and unstable user behavior in layered mobile peer-to peer(P2P) streaming service,an evolved layered P2P (E-LP2P) dat... 相似文献
《Signal Processing: Image Communication》2014,29(9):971-986
In many multimedia applications, coded video is transmitted over error prone heterogeneous networks. Because of the predictive mechanism used in video coding, transmission error would propagate temporally and spatially and would result in significant quality losses. In order to address this problem, different error resilience methods have been proposed. One of the techniques, which is commonly used in video streaming, is unequal error protection (UEP) of scalable video coding (SVC). In this technique, different independent layers of an SVC stream are protected differently and based on their importance by using forward error correction (FEC) codes. Accurately analyzing the importance or utility of each video part is a critical component and would lead to a better protection and higher quality of the received video. Calculation of the utility is usually based on multiple decoding of sub-bitstreams and is highly computationally complex. In this work, we propose an accurate low complexity utility estimation technique that can be used in different applications. This technique estimates the utility of each network abstraction layer (NAL) by considering the error propagation to future frames. We utilize this method in an UEP framework with the scalable extension of H.264/AVC codec and it achieves almost the same performance as highly complex estimation techniques (an average loss of 0.05 dB). Furthermore, we propose a low delay version of this technique that can be used in delay constrained application. The estimation accuracy and performance of our proposed technique are studied extensively. 相似文献
3D video distribution over P2P networks has been thought as a promising way for 3D video entering home. The convergence of scalable 3D video coding and P2P streaming can provide diverse 3D experiences for heterogeneous clients with high distribution efficiencies. However, the conventional chunk segmentation and scheduling algorithms originally aiming at the non-scalable 2D video streaming are not very efficient for scalable 3D video streaming over P2P networks due to the particular data characteristics of scalable 3D video. Based on this motivation, this paper first presents a playback length changeable 3D video chunk segmentation (PLC3DCS) algorithm to provide different error resilience strengths to video and depth as well as layers with different importance levels in the 3D video transmission. Then, a hybrid-priority based chunk scheduling (HPS) algorithm is proposed to be tied in with the proposed chunk segmentation algorithm to further promote the overall 3D video P2P streaming performance. The simulation results show that the proposed PLC3DCS algorithm with the corresponding HPS can increase the success delivery rates of chunks with more important levels, and further improve the user’s quality of 3D experience. 相似文献
We consider the joint source–channel coding problem of stereo video transmitted over AWGN and flat Rayleigh fading channels. Multiview coding (MVC) is used to encode the source, as well as a type of spatial scalable MVC. Our goal is to minimize the total number of bits, which is the sum of the number of source bits and the number of forward error correction bits, under the constraints that the quality of the left and right views must each be greater than predetermined PSNR thresholds at the receiver. We first consider symmetric coding, for which the quality thresholds are equal. Following binocular suppression theory, we also consider asymmetric coding, for which the quality thresholds are unequal. The optimization problem is solved using both equal error protection (EEP) and a proposed unequal error protection (UEP) scheme. An estimate of the expected end-to-end distortion of the two views is formulated for a packetized MVC bitstream over a noisy channel. The UEP algorithm uses these estimates for packet rate allocation. Results for various scenarios, including non-scalable/scalable MVC, symmetric/asymmetric coding, and UEP/EEP, are provided for both AWGN and flat Rayleigh fading channels. The UEP bit savings compared to EEP are given, and the performances of different scenarios are compared for a set of stereo video sequences. 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(5):1209-1221
3D video streaming over the mobile Internet generally incurs the inferior 3D visual experience due to the time-varying characteristics of wireless channel. The conventional video streaming optimization methods generally neglect the harmony among different networking protocol layers. This paper proposes a cross-layer optimized texture plus depth based scalable 3D video streaming method to improve the expected 3D visual experience of the user by systematically considering the application layer texture-video/depth/FEC bit-rate allocation, MAC layer multi-channel allocation, and physical layer modulation and channel coding scheme (MCS) selection. In the cross-layer optimization, a networking-related 3D visual experience model which fuses the overlapped retinal view visual quality and depth sensation with mimicking human vision system is established to predict the 3D visual experience under the specific parameter configurations of different protocol layers. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed cross-layer optimized 3D video streaming method has been validated by subjective and objective experimental results. 相似文献
可扩展编码和形状编码技术是MPEG-4视频编码部分的两个关键技术。文章在分析视频图像二值形状信息特点的基础上.提出了一种新的MPEG—4二值形状空域可扩展编码算法。试验结果表明这种算法编解码简单,速度快.码率较小。 相似文献