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Because salient objects usually have fewer data in a scene, the problem of class imbalance is often encountered in salient object detection (SOD). In order to address this issue and achieve the consistent salient objects, we propose an adversarial focal loss network with improving generative adversarial networks for RGB-D SOD (called AFLNet), in which color and depth branches constitute the generator to achieve the saliency map, and adversarial branch with high-order potentials, instead of pixel-wise loss function, refines the output of the generator to obtain contextual information of objects. We infer the adversarial focal loss function to solve the problem of foreground–background class imbalance. To sufficiently fuse the high-level features of color and depth cues, an inception model is adopted in deep layers. We conduct a large number of experiments using our proposed model and its variants, and compare them with state-of-the-art methods. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results exhibit that our proposed approach can improve the accuracy of salient object detection and achieve the consistent objects.  相似文献   

Saliency detection has been researched for conventional images with standard aspect ratios, however, it is a challenging problem for panoramic images with wide fields of view. In this paper, we propose a saliency detection algorithm for panoramic landscape images of outdoor scenes. We observe that a typical panoramic image includes several homogeneous background regions yielding horizontally elongated distributions, as well as multiple foreground objects with arbitrary locations. We first estimate the background of panoramic images by selecting homogeneous superpixels using geodesic similarity and analyzing their spatial distributions. Then we iteratively refine an initial saliency map derived from background estimation by computing the feature contrast only within local surrounding area whose range and shape are changed adaptively. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm detects multiple salient objects faithfully while suppressing the background successfully, and it yields a significantly better performance of panorama saliency detection compared with the recent state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   

Salient object detection is essential for applications, such as image classification, object recognition and image retrieval. In this paper, we design a new approach to detect salient objects from an image by describing what does salient objects and backgrounds look like using statistic of the image. First, we introduce a saliency driven clustering method to reveal distinct visual patterns of images by generating image clusters. The Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is applied to represent the statistic of each cluster, which is used to compute the color spatial distribution. Second, three kinds of regional saliency measures, i.e, regional color contrast saliency, regional boundary prior saliency and regional color spatial distribution, are computed and combined. Then, a region selection strategy integrating color contrast prior, boundary prior and visual patterns information of images is presented. The pixels of an image are divided into either potential salient region or background region adaptively based on the combined regional saliency measures. Finally, a Bayesian framework is employed to compute the saliency value for each pixel taking the regional saliency values as priority. Our approach has been extensively evaluated on two popular image databases. Experimental results show that our approach can achieve considerable performance improvement in terms of commonly adopted performance measures in salient object detection.  相似文献   

文中研究了无监督自下而上的显著性目标检测方法。基于显著性目标在自然图像中稀疏分布的这一先验性假设,提出了一种用低秩和稀疏表示进行显著性目标检测的方法。根据图像背景的先验分布,首先选取一个有效的背景字典来低秩表示图像的背景部分,进而更好地分离出显著性前景。由于人类视觉中心偏好可知,图像的边缘部分不易引起关注,故选取这些边缘部分作为背景先验来选取背景字典。与其他基于稀疏和低秩分解的显著性目标检测相比,文中选取的背景字典更简单有效,且能得到更好的显著性图。实验结果显示,该方法比主流的显著性检测方法得到的显著性图更令人满意。  相似文献   

基于区域特征融合的RGBD显著目标检测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
杜杰  吴谨  朱磊 《液晶与显示》2016,31(1):117-123
为了对各类自然场景中的显著目标进行检测,本文提出了一种将图像的深度信息引入区域显著性计算的方法,用于目标检测。首先对图像进行多尺度分割得到若干区域,然后对区域多类特征学习构建回归随机森林,采用监督学习的方法赋予每个区域特征显著值,最后采用最小二乘法对多尺度的显著值融合,得到最终的显著图。实验结果表明,本文算法能较准确地定位RGBD图像库中每幅图的显著目标。  相似文献   

Image saliency detection is the basis of perceptual image processing, which is significant to subsequent image processing methods. Most saliency detection methods can detect only a single object with a high‐contrast background, but they have no effect on the extraction of a salient object from images with complex low‐contrast backgrounds. With the prior knowledge, this paper proposes a method for detecting salient objects by combining the boundary contrast map and the geodesics‐like maps. This method can highlight the foreground uniformly and extract the salient objects efficiently in images with low‐contrast backgrounds. The classical receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, which compares the salient map with the ground truth map, does not reflect the human perception. An ROC curve with distance (distance receiver operating characteristic, DROC) is proposed in this paper, which takes the ROC curve closer to the human subjective perception. Experiments on three benchmark datasets and three low‐contrast image datasets, with four evaluation methods including DROC, show that on comparing the eight state‐of‐the‐art approaches, the proposed approach performs well.  相似文献   

Many salient object detection approaches share the common drawback that they cannot uniformly highlight heterogeneous regions of salient objects, and thus, parts of the salient objects are not discriminated from background regions in a saliency map. In this paper, we focus on this drawback and accordingly propose a novel algorithm that more uniformly highlights the entire salient object as compared to many approaches. Our method consists of two stages: boosting the object-level distinctiveness and saliency refinement. In the first stage, a coarse object-level saliency map is generated based on boosting the distinctiveness of the object proposals in the test images, using a set of object-level features and the Modest AdaBoost algorithm. In the second stage, several saliency refinement steps are executed to obtain a final saliency map in which the boundaries of salient objects are preserved. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate the superior performance of our approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel salient object detection framework based on Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller is proposed. The major goal of this research is to take advantage of optimal control theory for improving the performance of detecting salient objects in images. In this regard, for the sake of detection of salient and non-salient regions, two LQR-based control systems are employed. In the proposed framework, for the initialization of the control systems, background and foreground estimations have been done with two different strategies. Doing so, we would ultimately have more effective distinction between those regions. After the initialization step, the control systems refine both estimations in parallel until reaching a steady state for each of them. Within the mentioned process, by using optimal control concept, specifically LQR controller (for the first time in the field), control signals which are in charge of determining saliency values, would be constantly optimized. At the end, the raw saliency map will be generated by combination of background and foreground optimized initial maps. Finally, the integrated saliency map will be refined by using angular embedding method. The experimental evaluations on three benchmark datasets shows that the proposed framework performs well and introduces comparable results with some deep learning based methods.  相似文献   

视觉显著性检测是机器视觉领域的关键技术之一.提出一种基于流形排名与迟滞阈值的检测方法,首先将图像划分成超像素集合,以之作为结点形成闭环图;再按照基于图的流形排名方法计算各个结点的显著值,形成图像的显著图;然后利用显著图直方图统计出高、低两个阈值,将显著图划分为三个部分,使用伽马校正技术分别进行处理,最终整合校正结果得到输出显著图.实验结果表明,相对于现有算法,本文算法得到的显著图能够更好地区分背景区域和显著目标,同时也更具稳健性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a salient region detection algorithm from the point of view of unique and compact representation of individual image. In first step, the original image is segmented into super-pixels. In second step, the sparse representation measure and uniqueness of the features are computed. Then both are ranked on the basis of the background and foreground seeds respectively. Thirdly, a location prior map is used to enhance the foci of attention. We apply the Bayes procedure to integrate computed results to produce smooth and precise saliency map. We compare our proposed algorithm against the state-of-the-art saliency detection methods using four of the largest widely available standard data-bases, experimental results specify that the proposed algorithm outperforms. We also show that how the saliency map of the proposed method is used to discover outline of object, furthermore using this outline our method produce the saliency cut of the desired object.  相似文献   

李婷  吴迪  郭凤姣  屈宗顺  万琴 《光电子.激光》2020,31(11):1231-1238
在真实场景中,物体的尺寸往往是多样的,基于大 图像的目标检测很难检测所有的物体。为了检测较小尺寸目标,本文利用显著图和稳定区域 融合,建立小目标检测算法模型。首先利用基于颜色名空间的显著性检测算法生成显著图, 同时采用基于最大稳定极值区域(MSER)算法提取局部稳定区域,MSER算法是目前针对图像 变形最为稳定的特征检测算法;其次采用像素乘性融合稳定区域和显著图以降低虚警概率; 最后调用一些图像处理过程,包括形态学重建操作、灰度变换、形态空穴填充操作,能够有 效抑制背景,同时均匀的突出显著性目标,以推断和优化最终结果。为了验证该算法的有效 性和实用性,以PR曲线为评价指标,比较了几种主流算法的性能,包括AZ-NET、FPN、PGAN 。通过对Sky数据集和Ground数据集的测试,表明该算法能够很好地适应目标尺寸的变化, 在检准率和检全率方面优于现有的小目标检测算法,具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

针对传统的图流行排序显著性目标检测算法存在先验信息单一,显著目标检测不完整的问题,提出一种新的基于背景先验与中心先验的显著性目标检测算法。首先将图像边界节点作为背景种子进行流行排序获得粗略的前景区域,将其再次流行排序得到初步显著图;然后利用Harris角点检测、聚类实现中心先验显著性检测,捕获中心显著信息;最后在初步显著图上融合图像中心显著性,得到最终显著图。本文对综合指标、精确率-召回率曲线、F-measure值以及平均绝对误差(mean absolute error,MAE)值进行实验评估,在公开数据集MSRA-10K和ECSSD上进行的实验结果表明:对比10种主流算法,本文算法在不同的评估指标上都具有较好的表现,且能准确地突出显著目标,提升背景抑制效果。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatically detect salient regions in an image. Firstly, some corner superpixels serve as the background labels and the saliency of other superpixels are determined by ranking their similarities to the background labels based on ranking algorithm. Subsequently, we further employ an objectness measure to pick out and propagate foreground labels. Furthermore, an integration algorithm is devised to fuse both background-based saliency map and foreground-based saliency map, meanwhile an original energy function is acted as refinement before integration. Finally, results from multiscale saliency maps are integrated to further improve the detection performance. Our experimental results on five benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our method produces more accurate saliency maps with better precision-recall curve, higher F-measure and lower mean absolute error than other 13 state-of-the-arts approaches on ASD, SED, ECSSD, iCoSeg and PASCAL-S datasets.  相似文献   

程藜  吴谨  朱磊 《液晶与显示》2016,31(7):726-732
提出了一种基于结构标签学习的显著性目标检测算法,将结构化学习方法应用到显著性目标检测中。首先从含有标记的图像中随机采集固定大小的矩形区域,并记录其结构标签;然后使用含结构标签的区域特征构建决策树集合;最后采用监督学习的方法对图像进行优化预测,得到最终的显著图。实验结果表明,本文方法能较准确地检测出图像库中图像的显著性区域,在数据库MSRA5000和BSD300的AUC值分别为0.891 8、0.705 2,说明本文方法具有较好的显著性检测效果。  相似文献   

Saliency detection has become a valuable tool for many image processing tasks, like image retargeting, object recognition, and adaptive compression. With the rapid development of the saliency detection methods, people have approved the hypothesis that “the appearance contrast between the salient object and the background is high”, and build their saliency methods on some priors that explain this hypothesis. However, these methods are not satisfactory enough. We propose a two-stage salient region detection method. The input image is first segmented into superpixels. In the first stage, two measures which measure the isolation and distribution of each superpixel are proposed, we consider that both of these two measures are important for finding the salient regions, thus the image-feature-based saliency map is obtained by combining the two measures. Then, in the second stage, we incorporate into the image-feature-based saliency map a location prior map to emphasize the foci of attention. In this algorithm, six priors that explain what is the salient region are exploited. The proposed method is compared with the state-of-the-art saliency detection methods using one of the largest publicly available standard databases, the experimental result indicates that the proposed method has better performance. We also demonstrate how the saliency map of the proposed method can be used to create high quality of initial segmentation masks for subsequent image processing, like Grabcut based salient object segmentation.  相似文献   

The cutting-edge RGB saliency models are prone to fail for some complex scenes, while RGB-D saliency models are often affected by inaccurate depth maps. Fortunately, light field images can provide a sufficient spatial layout depiction of 3D scenes. Therefore, this paper focuses on salient object detection of light field images, where a Similarity Retrieval-based Inference Network (SRI-Net) is proposed. Due to various focus points, not all focal slices extracted from light field images are beneficial for salient object detection, thus, the key point of our model lies in that we attempt to select the most valuable focal slice, which can contribute more complementary information for the RGB image. Specifically, firstly, we design a focal slice retrieval module (FSRM) to choose an appropriate focal slice by measuring the foreground similarity between the focal slice and RGB image. Secondly, in order to combine the original RGB image and the selected focal slice, we design a U-shaped saliency inference module (SIM), where the two-stream encoder is used to extract multi-level features, and the decoder is employed to aggregate multi-level deep features. Extensive experiments are conducted on two widely used light field datasets, and the results firmly demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed SRI-Net.  相似文献   

Saliency detection has gained popularity in many applications, and many different approaches have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on singular value decomposition (SVD) for saliency detection. Our algorithm considers both the human-perception mechanism and the relationship between the singular values of an image decomposed by SVD and its salient regions. The key concept of our proposed algorithms is based on the fact that salient regions are the important parts of an image. The singular values of an image are divided into three groups: large, intermediate, and small singular values. We propose the hypotheses that the large singular values mainly contain information about the non-salient background and slight information about the salient regions, while the intermediate singular values contain most or even all of the saliency information. The small singular values contain little or even none of the saliency information. These hypotheses are validated by experiments. By regularization based on the average information, regularization using the leading largest singular values or regularization based on machine learning, the salient regions will become more conspicuous. In our proposed approach, learning-based methods are proposed to improve the accuracy of detecting salient regions in images. Gaussian filters are also employed to enhance the saliency information. Experimental results prove that our methods based on SVD achieve superior performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods for human-eye fixations, as well as salient-object detection, in terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) score, the linear correlation coefficient (CC) score, the normalized scan-path saliency (NSS) score, the F-measure score, and visual quality.  相似文献   

刘润邦  朱志宇 《激光与红外》2017,47(9):1169-1173
为解决复杂背景下红外弱小目标检测精度低的问题,本文提出一种基于视觉对比机制的红外弱小目标检测方法,算法主要模拟了人眼对目标对比度敏感这一机制。首先利用8向梯度方程提取红外图像的梯度显著图并二值化处理;根据小目标的尺寸大小特征对梯度显著图进行优化处理,剔除孤立的噪声点和尺寸较大的背景梯度显著区域;利用视觉对比机制对优化后的显著图进行局部对比度计算,通过阈值处理剔除虚警目标,完成红外弱小目标检测。仿真实验表明,该算法在低信噪比情况下对红外弱小目标的检测率较高,且虚警率低,单帧检测时间较小。  相似文献   

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