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Scholars studying sense of place have introduced several separate yet related terms which are often used interchangeably including phrases like place attachment, place meaning, place identity, and place dependence. Given the lack of a coherent understanding for sense of place in the literature, it is challenging to study and operationalize the concept in a consistent way. In this study, we use publication data and citation data to clarify how sense of place has been defined and applied. Our findings show that sense of place has evolved over time, although it is in the last decade that scholarship has grown considerably. We also find that the dimensions used to define and measure the concept have changed with time and discipline. These results imply that scholars need to study sense of place in careful consideration of the dimensions that they want to investigate and the disciplinary context each study is embedded in.  相似文献   

居民行为与住区庭院的场所设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从人与环境关系的角度,分析了居住庭院场所中的居住行为活动,提出了符合居民行为要求的居住庭院场所的设计建议,以引导人们树立健康正确的环境观、生态观,创造人性化的居住庭院场所。  相似文献   

Familiar social concepts such ascommunity, home and family are increasinglyredefined in terms of process in contrast to`place', which is often viewed as a ratherinert spatial designation. Definitions ofcommunity do not always coincide with locationbut a lack of distinctive features or socialfocus in many residential housing areas promptsthe question of whether the separation between`place' and `interest' could lead to a more orless sustainable condition for humansettlement.Based on data collected from an ethnographicstudy in Northeast Scotland, this analysis aimsto explore the continuities between `place' and`interest' in constructing a more satisfyingenvironment for housing development.Communities with an awareness of place exhibithabitual patterns of movement around familiarand significant objects in the construction ofboth individual and social identity and memory.Increased identification produces a morepositive `sense of place' as an inherent aspectof what is termed `social sustainability'. This paper argues that a more sustainable sitefor residential development emerges at thecoincidence of movement and socialsignificance.Qualitative improvements to the builtenvironment need to take account of existinglocal distinctiveness and the patterns ofmovement that communicate their significanceand sense of identity. It is argued that agreater awareness of these key social factorsin urban planning would facilitate greaterpotential `social sustainability' inresidential environments. Some of the differentoptions for the design and layout ofresidential areas are considered in relation tothe research findings.  相似文献   

赵龙 《南方建筑》2018,(4):88-93
目前,针对乡愁的相关研究以文学领域和文化地理学居多,建筑学领域内对城乡改造过程中乡愁、原乡风景的研究还是有限的,与“乡愁”、“原乡风景”相关的设计与规划实践在理念上也大致浮于表面,没能够透彻地将原乡风景背后的场所依赖、地方精神、文化认知注入地方土地,项目实践者尝试以同理心去感受“乡愁”、“原乡风景”在当地人情感与生活中的价值,但仍旧与本土的契合性不高。研究试图从建筑学的视阙,针对原乡风景背后的场所依赖、地方精神和文化认知三个方面进行分析,把原乡风景置于乡愁的情感语境中,通过研究文献解读对“乡愁”研究现状以及“原乡风景”的各个方面进行分析和阐述,为研究者提供一个新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper investigates differences and analogies among European Union (EU) countries concerning the links between agricultural activities and the impact on the environment. It analyses land use practices and agricultural production with two specific sets of indicators provided by the Eurostat database. Factor analysis is used to identify the key aspects of (un)sustainable agriculture and their relative importance. Hierarchical cluster analysis is then applied to classify the 28 EU countries into ‘homogeneous’ groups. The paper concludes that the countries from the centre and the north of the EU have similar agricultural practices and production methods with a high impact on the environment. Mediterranean EU countries and those in the north-west of the EU, instead, use traditional agricultural methods such as meadows and grazing livestock. This study could be useful for policymakers wanting to define tools aimed at guiding producers towards more sustainable production methods.  相似文献   

This research investigated the place attachment of a heritage place, namely, the Roman amphitheater, by using a valid model, the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning (2005) model. This model presents three factors to reach place attachment: place identification, place dependence, and social bonding. Although the validity of the used model was proved, statistical tests were used to verify the validity of the collected data because the model was used on a heritage site. In accordance with the mentioned model, the sample was interviewed using the model questionnaire to evaluate people's attachment to the heritage place during rush hours. Along with other statistical tests, the exploratory factor analysis of the sample elaborated that the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning model is not completely valid for this study, because the results added a new effective factor, namely, spiritual value. The place attachment estimation was then examined using the new model. The nature of the place was found to affect the model used to evaluate its place attachment.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether European, Mediterranean and natural landscapes might trigger identification responses among residents of Mediterranean Europe. The participants (N = 546) were students from three Italian and three Spanish regions who rated their level of place identification by looking at eight pictures of prototypical landscapes, each depicting a unique combination of attributes in a 2×2×2 research design (European/non-European, Mediterranean/non-Mediterranean and natural/built). The results confirmed both European and natural landscapes as stronger carriers of identification than non-European and built landscapes, respectively, whereas no differences emerged between Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean landscapes. The statistical analysis of two-way interactions showed the amplification effect of the combined European–natural landscape, whilst a less clear picture emerged from the other two interactions. These findings suggest that landscape images may be used to foster a more inclusive identity at the supranational level and thus increase the sense of belonging among European citizens.  相似文献   

This study concerns an innovative project in the Dutch river Waal: the construction of longitudinal dams. By splitting the river into a main and secondary channel, these dams significantly impact the river landscape and the way it is used by different stakeholders. We report the results of a baseline study of the expectations local water-based recreationists (fishermen and boaters) had of the longitudinal dams before they were constructed. In addition, we explore their levels of place attachment, and use the visions of nature approach to elicit their lay philosophy of nature. We found that fishermen were more strongly attached to the area than boaters. Though expectations of the dams were generally negative, this differed significantly between fishermen and boaters, and between different dimensions of landscape change. We demonstrate the relevance of place attachment and visions of nature for understanding how recreationists perceive landscape change.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(1):95-121
Anthropic risk in places of strong tourist attraction poses a threat to cultural heritage and the surrounding area. Many elements cause anthropic risk: they are not easily identifiable due to the dynamic and often uncontrollable nature of phenomena linked to the presence of humans. In order to mitigate such risk, areas close to these sites can be identified so as to extend the visitor’s range of action and offer alternative activities integrated with the main site. Cultural sites and appropriate activities can be identified using a method of analysis that is able to trace the identity of places, their characteristics and potential, to provide sustainable and integrated enhancement. The aim of this paper is to use PlaceMaker, an urban analysis method to enable identification of elements not shown on traditional maps which form place identity, to plot them on a complex map, thereby making them ‘readable’. In order to highlight the method’s potential, the experiment carried out in the Trevi‐Pantheon area in Rome is illustrated.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the role of culture and history has often become a driving factor in the process of urban regeneration. The focus on culture and history as factors in regional transformation has been particularly extensive in response not only to competitiveness among cities but also to sustainability requirements in the cultural sector. In the same perspective of this approach, culture in its broadest sense assumes a decisive role in constructing a system of interventions where employment and social and sustainable development become the product of the integration of places, people, economies and traditions. Creative cities are currently working on how to improve the interaction between regeneration building, economic development and social renewal in order to achieve more comprehensive development of the city. Existing creative cities may be seen to revolve around the design, promotion and activation of urban areas established due to their particular local characteristics. Such areas become creative clusters as a result of economic and structural innovations, related to the realization of innovator projects achieved with the help of local development strategies based on the economies of excellence, culture and territorial quality. Starting from such premises, this article aims to show the main factors which condition creativity in cities – such as new policies, participation, history, place identity, cultural resources and sustainability – and an emblematic case study of creative regeneration. This concerns the HafenCity district in Hamburg, where the history has assumed an important role in re-constructing the maritime identity and for many choices of urban nature.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the influence of state-led urban redevelopment on the place attachment of deprived and old homeowners living in danwei communities that are facing demolition in Shenyang, China. It investigates lived experiences through in-depth interviews with homeowners in the context of the pre-demolition phase, i.e. an inevitable prospect of having to move out. The article reveals how these homeowners cleverly mobilize local resources, such as strong social bonds, low living costs, flexibility on space use and good neighbourhood location to cope with their life constraints, which is translated into their strong neighbourhood attachment. However, various forms of neighbourhood decline have decreased their quality of life. Meanwhile, they soon have to move due to the impending demolition of their neighbourhood. State-led urban redevelopment, therefore, confronts those deprived residents with a dilemma concerning their strong neighbourhood dependence and their desire for better living conditions. The impending neighbourhood demolition uncovers accumulated social issues in danwei communities in the context of market reforms and institutional changes in current China, such as the emergence of deprived social groups and their struggles for better housing.  相似文献   

Vast quantities of energy are consumed in heating and cooling to provide what are now regarded as acceptable standards of thermal comfort. In the UK as in a number of other countries, there is a real danger that responses in anticipation of global warming and climate change – including growing reliance on air-conditioning – will increase energy demand and CO2 emissions even further. This is an appropriate moment to reflect on the history and future of comfort, both as an idea and as a material reality. Based on interviews and discussions with UK policy makers and building practitioners involved in specifying and constructing what will become the indoor environments of the future, four possible scenarios are identified each with different implications for energy and resource consumption. By actively promoting debate about the indoor environment and associated ways of life, it may yet be possible to avoid becoming locked into social and technical trajectories that are ultimately unsustainable. The aim of this paper is to inspire and initiate just such a discussion through demonstrating that comfort is a highly negotiable socio-cultural construct.  相似文献   

Vast quantities of energy are consumed in heating and cooling to provide what are now regarded as acceptable standards of thermal comfort. In the UK as in a number of other countries, there is a real danger that responses in anticipation of global warming and climate change - including growing reliance on air-conditioning - will increase energy demand and CO2 emissions even further. This is an appropriate moment to reflect on the history and future of comfort, both as an idea and as a material reality. Based on interviews and discussions with UK policy makers and building practitioners involved in specifying and constructing what will become the indoor environments of the future, four possible scenarios are identified each with different implications for energy and resource consumption. By actively promoting debate about the indoor environment and associated ways of life, it may yet be possible to avoid becoming locked into social and technical trajectories that are ultimately unsustainable. The aim of this paper is to inspire and initiate just such a discussion through demonstrating that comfort is a highly negotiable socio-cultural construct.  相似文献   

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