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This paper presents an information-technology-based collaboration framework that facilitates disaster response operations. The collaboration framework incorporates a web collaboration service, radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, a building blackbox system (BBS), a geo-database, and a geographic information system (GIS). Through the integration of these technologies, the framework provides a collaboration medium for first responders, including civil engineers, to cohesively respond to disasters. Access to critical building information, such as construction documents, through the BBS supports assessments of building integrity during disaster response. Building assessment information is stored on RFID tags, which are accessible to first responders through digital devices via a wireless ad hoc network. With on-site assessment information shown on a digital map, decision makers locate, collect, and distribute critical resources through the GIS to first responders. In addition, the decision makers at distributed locations evaluate the incident through discussion sessions, hosted by the web collaboration environment, for integrated decision making. Test-bed simulations for the framework have been carried out with encouraging results at the training ground of the Illinois Fire Service Institute.  相似文献   

Development of a Web-GIS Based Geotechnical Information System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The construction industry benefits greatly if all the existing three-dimensional (3D) geotechnical subsurface information of a city/country can be accessed at any time using the Internet. The geographic information system (GIS) is well suited for such problems; however, GIS was originally developed for two-dimensional planes. Recently, some 3D capabilities for GIS have been developed, but these capabilities in their present form alone are not suitable for storing and presenting three-dimensional geotechnical data. One way to overcome the limitation of data storage is integration of GIS with a relational database management system (RDBMS). A Web-based geotechnical information system that can perform online spatial queries, generation of professional borelogs, and various geotechnical analyses was developed. The system has been developed as a national geotechnical information system (GeoInfoSys) for Singapore. The system provides easy-to-use functions to: (1) locate and purchase boreholes of interest; (2) view borelogs and cross sections that are generated online; (3) provide downloadable data in a standard format for downstream analysis; and (4) perform geotechnical queries using a geotechnical search engine (GSE). The geotechnical information was stored in a digital format rather than as static images; this provides many opportunities to explore the data, and these opportunities are discussed herein.  相似文献   

This paper describes a software framework for the development of a ubiquitous computing environment for distributed engineering information services. Two fundamental issues are addressed: universal accessibility of devices to information services, and collaboration among the parties accessing the information services. The first calls for the development of device-independent information services that have the flexibility to support a wide range of client devices. We introduce a mediation-based framework that enables information clients to calibrate the source information services to the clients’ characteristics. The second requires effective integration of information services, which we address in two ways: (1) we sketch an ontology standard and describe how such a standard can be effectively applied for exchanging project scheduling and resource information; and (2) we illustrate an infrastructure that is particularly suitable for the integration of engineering services. A prototype for the ubiquitous computing environment has been developed that incorporates a variety of project management software as well as different devices ranging from PDAs to Web browsers, desktop computers, and servers.  相似文献   

Past project data sources provide key information for construction cost estimators. Previous research studies show that relying only on one’s own experience during estimation results in estimators’ bias. Having and referring to historical databases, containing objective information on what happened in past projects, are essential for reducing estimators’ biases. The first step toward development of useful project history databases is to understand what information estimators require from past projects. The research described in this paper targets estimators’ information needs identified through interviews, brainstorming sessions, task analyses, and card games conducted with estimators with different experience levels and specialized in heavy/civil and commercial construction projects, and exploration of historical and standard databases available in companies to determine what is being currently represented. Findings show that estimators need contextual information, depicting the conditions under which specific production rates were achieved, so that they can identify which production rate would be more realistic to use during the production rate estimation of an activity in a new bid. Comparison of the contextual information needs identified in this research with information items available in historical data sources (such as company cost reports, RSMeans, previous studies) highlighted some gaps and important opportunities for improvements in those sources. The identified contextual information items are significant for practitioners in developing ways to augment their existing project history databases to make them more beneficial for estimators.  相似文献   

Traditional scheduling and progress control techniques such as bar charts and the critical path method (CPM) fail to provide information pertaining to the spatial aspects of a construction project. A system called PMS-GIS (Progress Monitoring System with Geographical Information Systems) was developed to represent construction progress not only in terms of a CPM schedule but also in terms of a graphical representation of the construction that is synchronized with the work schedule. In PMS-GIS, the architectural design is executed using a computer-aided drafting (CAD) program (AutoCAD), the work schedule is generated using a project management software (P3), the design and schedule information (including percent complete information) are plugged into a GIS package (ArcViewGIS), and for every update, the system produces a CPM-generated bar chart alongside a 3D rendering of the project marked for progress. The GIS-based system developed in this study helps to effectively communicate the schedule∕progress information to the parties involved in the project, because they will be able to see in detail the spatial aspects of the project alongside the schedule.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a logic based regulation compliance assistance system that builds upon an extensible markup language (XML) framework. First, a document repository containing federal regulations and supplemental documents, and an XML framework for representing regulations and associated metadata are briefly discussed. The prototype effort for the regulation assistance system focuses on federal environmental regulations and related documents. The compliance assistance system is illustrated in the domain of used oil management. The overall objective is to develop a formal infrastructure for regulatory information management and compliance assistance.  相似文献   

The daily report in construction projects is an important document managed on a daily basis for collection of as-built information regarding project progress, however, its processing is time consuming, based on manual inputting, and this makes it difficult to manage tasks at the construction operation level. For more efficient daily reporting and construction operation control, this research proposes a generate-select-check based daily reporting process, where (1) tasks are generated at the microlevel through an interactive mode with the user; (2) tasks to be performed are selected on the corresponding date; and (3) they are checked using a mobile device. To develop the process, an information framework and an information system were built with a focus on high-rise apartment housing projects. The research results were verified and validated through a pilot test at a high-rise apartment building construction project.  相似文献   

Construction engineering for major infrastructure projects covers a wide range of activities to evaluate and select the techniques for assembling materials and components. Construction engineering inherently presents a very challenging opportunity for creative design, particularly on infrastructure projects. This construction engineering activity can be described as one of creating and developing workable, cost-effective, low-risk technical solutions for an array of infrastructure construction problems that must be solved from the plans and specifications stage through facility completion. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate a 10-step construction engineering process and define important knowledge requirements to foster creative design solutions using four case studies, including (1) positioning and holding a concrete bridge caisson in a 7-knot tidal current for a 4-month period; (2)?skidding a 55,000-t immersed tube tunnel element 200?m on dry land from casting site to launch site; (3)?building a major dam without the use of river diversion or on-site dewatering systems; and (4)?building underwater bridge piers without the use of conventional bottom-founded cofferdams. The creative design process was able to successfully devise a plan for solving highly technical construction challenges using a process-based approach. The key requirements of knowledge, skill, and experience necessary to perform these activities are presented to assist construction engineers in preparing for these creative opportunities.  相似文献   

A group decision support system (GDSS) is an interactive computer-based information system that combines the capabilities of communication technologies, database technologies, computer technologies, and decision technologies to support the identification, analysis, formulation, evaluation, and solution of semistructured or unstructured problems by a group in a user-friendly computing environment. As there is a strong demand for improvements to the practice of value management (VM), research has been conducted to design a GDSS prototype system, named the interactive value management system (IVMS), to explore its potential application in VM workshops and to investigate the effect of the application. The paper begins with an introduction to the problems of implementing VM in the Hong Kong construction industry and then proceeds to an illustration of the features of the proposed system, which has been developed in the research. Two validation studies designed to test the support of the proposed system are described and the results discussed. Findings from this research indicate that IVMS is supportive in overcoming the problems and difficulties in VM workshops.  相似文献   

生产数据信息管理系统的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武轶  耿涤 《冶金动力》2000,(3):61-63,65
描述了采用仿Win95的图形化编程技术及Excel工具,实现对批量生产数据的收集,分析和管理。在编程中突出功能通用性和用户适用性,采用说明文件,矢量显示和通用数据库要筘式等行之有效的手段,使得整个应用系统有较好的设计质量。  相似文献   

This paper presents an internet-based three-dimensional (3D) scan information management system (3DSIMS) that can be used as an interface to input, display, and inspect design as-built construction information. This system is mainly developed using 3D scan data. The function of the 3DSIMS is to integrate the scan data collected before, during, and after a scan scheme that is designed to capture as-built 3D records. The information included in this system consists of a scan scheme, scanned point clouds, construction records, and postscan processed clouds for the display, search, and comparison of scans made each week during the construction of a campus building. This study represents a long-term effort that has rarely been done before. A web page is used to deliver and share scan information. The feasibility of this approach is explained by the examples of dimension-related checks through as-built data.  相似文献   

Data quality is extremely important where information dramatically influences the decisions being made. In the context of civil infrastructure systems, planning and management activities are critically dependent on data to support the efficient allocation of resources, detailed cost-benefit analysis, and informed decision-making. A Web-based tool, called Web-Vacuum, which employs data-mining (DM) techniques and partially implements a two-level data-quality assessment procedure, was developed to support the general purpose of data-quality assessment. The algorithms, workflow, and interfaces used in Web-Vacuum are presented. A data-quality assessment case study using a bridge management system data set is used to demonstrate that the application of Web-Vacuum can be used to assist in determining the quality of a data set.  相似文献   

The increasing interest in computer‐aided design (CAD) has prompted research that is aimed at identifying the opportunities for construction managers and building contractors. It has been found that the use of CAD systems in the U.K. is mainly confined to the production of detailed drawings. Indeed, most of the systems used are 2‐D drafting tools and incapable of supporting the integration of even modest amounts of nongraphical (construction) data. On the other hand, many 3‐D modeling systems have the potential to integrate construction data, although they appear to be almost ignored. The use of 3‐D modeling systems is considered to be the most suitable vehicle for successfully integrating these data. However, this is likely to necessitate the introduction of separate databases, preferably of the relational type. The use of 3‐D modeling systems in assessing the construction implications of outline designs also presents interesting possibilities and is discussed.  相似文献   

Aerial light detection and ranging (LiDAR) offers the potential to autogenerate detailed, three-dimensional (3D) models of the built environment in urban settings. Autogeneration is needed as manual generation is not economically feasible for large areas, and such models are needed for a wide range of applications from improved noise and pollution prediction to disaster mitigation modeling and visualization. Current laser scanning hardware and the dense geometry of urban environments are two major constraints in LiDAR scanning. This paper outlines the difficulties related to effective surface data capture, with emphasis on vertical surfaces, in an urban environment for the purpose of 3D modeling. A flight planning strategy to overcome these difficulties is presented, along with a case study of a data set collected with this strategy. The main conclusions of this study are that an appropriate amount of strip overlap, together with a flight path diagonal to the underlying street grid produces a vastly enhanced level of detail on vertical surfaces, beyond what has been previously available.  相似文献   

Academic research in applied disciplines such as construction engineering and management (CEM) has the dual mission of simultaneously contributing to the solution of practical problems and creating theoretical and conceptual knowledge. To do so, appropriate research approaches are needed. However, extant literature in the field has paid little attention to this issue and research methods used have been almost entirely either quantitative surveys or case studies. In this paper, action research (AR) is proposed as an answer to this knowledge gap. AR aims at building and testing theory within the context of solving an immediate practical problem in a real setting. The paper describes the underlying philosophy and application procedure of AR and highlights its strengths and weaknesses. Then, the applicability of the method to CEM is illustrated through a case study of improving access to information to support planning and decision making in a construction owner organization through designing and implementing a data warehouse. The findings indicate that AR is a reliable, structured, and rigorous research approach that is very useful for conducting applied research in construction and enabling academia to influence and improve construction industry practices. It can also effectively help to improve collaboration between academic researchers and industry practitioners in research and development projects.  相似文献   

Laser scanning for rapid spatial data acquisition is an established technology in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector with a wide range of applications. An understanding of the wide variation of technical requirements and considerations associated with these applications is critical to decision making about laser-scanning implementation on projects. Furthermore, significant industry transformations in the use of building information modeling present extraordinary opportunities for AEC professionals to employ the use of laser scanning in the context of holistic, collaborative workflows grounded in three-dimensional model-based design. This report analyzes the construction engineering requirements of laser scanning technology for applications across all phases of the project life cycle and proposes a multidisciplinary framework to integrate applications of laser scanning technology with the fundamentals of three-dimensional model-based design.  相似文献   

This study combines two luminous areas, geographical information systems (GIS) and E-commerce system, and applies the combined technology in the business of construction material trading. In the era of electronic business, trades can be accomplished without limitations on time and space. The statement is true in principle only, but in reality, any kind of business activity must involve transportation of goods from one place to another, and therefore, constrain in space is always in existence. GIS is capable to integrate, to manage, and to analyze information regarding to space (spatial information). This study investigates the roles of internet-based GIS in E-commence systems. It is identified that there is a great potential to use GIS in E-commerce system to provide better services in location-based queries, business area analysis, and transportation analysis. Accordingly, an E-commerce system for the business of construction material is developed. The implemented system is called construction materials exchange, this is currently operating for the over 2,000 buyers, 29,000 suppliers, and 1,000 agents, and the system mainly servers for the great China region. This paper presents the system from its conceptual business model, logical system design, to the system implementation.  相似文献   

When an extreme event hits an urban area, the efficiency and effectiveness of the first response have a profound effect on disaster relief efforts. The redefinition of the civil engineers’ role and responsibilities as first response team members, along with an enhanced collaboration between disaster relief organizations, will greatly improve first response efforts and the securing of affected infrastructures. To improve collaboration efforts, the currently used radio systems-based interaction medium needs to be modified due to the impossibility of storing, retrieving, and transferring digital information, and limited support to implement information dissemination policies. This paper presents a reliable, transparent, and portable mobile ad hoc space for collaboration (MASC) based on a short range wireless communication platform to address these limitations in order to provide more consistent and efficient collaboration among first responders. The system was designed around a robust data redundancy core, and tested through software simulations and by conducting a search and rescue exercise involving civil engineers and firefighters. The simulation results highlight that the number of machines, the replication level, the size of the replication unit, and the wireless communication range are key design elements of the system in providing high availability. The search and rescue exercise allowed this research to confirm the high availability simulation results and to demonstrate that MASC is able to adequately manage and disseminate information in disaster scenarios. These encouraging results allow this research effort to conclude that MASC is able to address these new challenges.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Web-based system for supporting the selection of the most suitable routes for buried urban utilities. The aim of the proposed system is to support (not make) decisions through a collaborative semiautomated environment, in which stakeholders can share information and/or study the impacts of different routing alternatives with respect to decision constraints. First, the knowledge relating to route selection for urban utilities is represented through an ontology. The ontology defines the types and attributes of infrastructure products and the surrounding areas. It also defines the impacts of routing options on surrounding areas through a set of decision criteria adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of any route in terms of its potential impacts. A set of constraints are also defined to help represent/study the decision criteria. Second, a GIS-based system has been created to help visualize route data, interact with users, and support the needed discussions among stakeholders. The portal also achieves data interoperability through wrapping existing geospatial data with ontology structures. Finally, a set of reasoners have been created to help quantify/augment some of the constraints. The system is capable of (1)?extracting the attributes of each routing option, (2)?testing the interaction/conflicts between route attributes and the constraints of the surrounding area, (3)?studying the impacts of a route as stipulated in the ontology, (4)?referring users to existing best practices to help enhance routes or address conflicts and, when needed, (5)?develop objective measures for comparing different routes. On the microlevel (street level), route options are evaluated through a “constraint-satisfaction” approach. On the macrolevel (city level), route options are evaluated through a fuzzy inference scoring system. The proposed system focuses on facility life cycle, sustainability, and community impacts. Construction costing, scheduling, labor, and equipment along with other management issues can either be added to the system or, better, analyzed through integrating the system with four-dimensional (4D) modeling tools.  相似文献   

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