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At Penn State, the credit for broadening the Civil Engineering Department’s longstanding academic focus on analysis and design to include the construction phase must go to Dr. Harmer A. Weeden and his longtime associate Dr. Thomas D. Larson. Jack H. Willenbrock joined the Department as an Instructor in June 1968 and grew the construction program so that today about a fourth to a third of the civil undergraduates obtain employment in the construction industry. The program has awarded about 250 postbaccalaureate degrees.  相似文献   

The history of construction engineering and management education closely follows the emergence of the construction industry as an economic force in the United States. The initial introduction of programs in the post-World War II era was followed by specialization and the introduction of graduate construction specialties in the early 1960s. However, the lack of qualified individuals was recognized as a factor in successfully developing the construction engineering management (CEM) focus as an academic discipline. Today, that concern continues as CEM programs in the United States find themselves under attack by academic colleagues for issues such as lack of qualified faculty candidates and lack of funding opportunities. This paper addresses the status of the construction academic community by examining the common history of the CEM faculty through a genealogical approach, the historical research record through an examination of the publication record, and the questions that face a community that has appeared to slip from its intellectual peak.  相似文献   

This paper provides insight into how and why construction has developed as a research based discipline over the past 50 years. The writer presents anecdotal information about certain critical events which played a role in shaping the thrust of construction research in the United States. The acceptance of construction engineering and management as a university level program and discipline is strongly tied to research and the publication of scholarly work.  相似文献   

The construction industry is a major player in the nation’s economy. The complex nature of the construction industry, coupled with the challenges of global competitiveness and changing regulatory requirements, has created the need for providing higher levels of education, experience, and training for construction professionals. An essential and integral component of the required education and training must be the research training of undergraduate civil and construction students, encouraging them to pursue advanced education and research careers in this area. With this in mind, the writer developed a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) summer program at Western Michigan University that focuses on construction engineering and management issues and problems. This construction-oriented undergraduate research training program is the first REU site in the United States to be funded by the National Science Foundation. This paper will describe the structure of the REU program, the types of activities undertaken by the REU participants, and the results of the program evaluation and assessment.  相似文献   

Construction simulation is the science of developing and experimenting with computer-based representations of construction systems to understand their underlying behavior. This branch of operations research applications in construction management has experienced significant academic growth over the past two decades. In this paper, the author summarizes his views on this topic as per his Peurifoy address, given in October 2008. The paper provides an overview of advancements in construction simulation theory as reported in literature. It then summarizes the key factors that contribute to successful deployment of simulation in the construction industry, and the key attributes of problems that make them more amenable for simulation modeling as opposed to other tools. The paper then provides an overview of long-term simulation initiatives leading to the next generation of computer modeling systems for construction, where simulation plays an integral role in a futuristic vision of automated project planning and control.  相似文献   

Construction companies have always relied on their knowledge assets to provide services to clients. In recent years the terminology “knowledge management” has been introduced. Knowledge management (KM) seeks to formalize the manner in which companies exploit their knowledge assets by harnessing organizational knowledge, promoting greater collaboration between groups with similar interests, capturing and using lessons learned on previous projects, etc. This paper investigates how major United States engineering design and construction firms are implementing knowledge management initiatives in order to identify best practice. It adopts a case study methodology to investigate companies’ strategy and implementation, people aspects, and metrics for performance. The study finds that there is a clear distinction between the knowledge management activities undertaken by large engineering design firms and those of construction firms. There is also a much greater emphasis on knowledge sharing, which is just one component of knowledge management. Moreover, some companies have specific KM initiatives while others have activities that are part of their normal business processes.  相似文献   

In the 1930's, a small number of educators and contractors began to advocate that colleges and universities develop programs in construction engineering. Through the Great Depression and World War II, they debated what the nature of construction engineering education ought to be. Following World War II, the climate among educators and contractors was receptive to the ideas which the pioneers in construction engineering education had been advocating for 15 yr. Colleges and universities began to offer construction engineering options in their civil engineering curricula.  相似文献   

Cranes have come to symbolize building construction itself. They perform indispensable services in moving materials and components vertically and horizontally. Used since antiquity, their history is interrelated with the development of new power sources that replaced man and mule, first steam and later internal combustion, diesel, and electric engines. Mobile cranes can be rapidly deployed to lift heavy loads. New models with telescoping booms and all-terrain travel capability, compact urban machines, and even hybrids with tower cranes are beginning to replace the familiar lattice boom truck cranes. Mobile cranes have dominated the North American market, but a cultural change appears to be taking place toward tower cranes for building projects. Tower cranes, common in Europe for decades, are globally gaining in popularity with surging real estate developments. Ideal for dense urban environments and coming with a small footprint, they are available in a growing diversity of sizes and configurations. Sophisticated electronic controls and operator assistance devices are enhancing their safe and productive operation. While cranes occupy a central role on midrise and high-rise building projects, they operate in conjunction with other types of supporting equipment that are an essential part of the overall equipment array on today’s industrialized construction sites.  相似文献   

The factors that are considered in analyzing technical solutions and the tools used to obtain technical solutions have changed for construction engineers over the past 30 years. This paper discusses these changes and their impacts. It then outlines a process that several heavy civil contracting firms use to generate work plans for their field operations, using the details of the process at Granite Construction as an example. The paper concludes by identifying the key factors in the success of a work plan and providing some thoughts on what construction engineering education should emphasize.  相似文献   

The use of professional construction management has increased rapidly since the introduction of this form of organization in the early 1960's. Despite this widespread use questions concerning the scope, definition, and differences in implementation of this project delivery system remain. An ASCE technical committee has investigated these questions and disseminated information concerning professional construction management through technical sessions at ASCE meetings, published papers, and a specialty conference. This paper summarizes the results of these activities and provides references of the literature available regarding the development and use of professional construction management.  相似文献   

This paper suggests the methodology to follow when conducting discrete-event simulation (DES) studies in construction engineering and management research. Emphasis is made on the steps that, due to the uniqueness of the construction environment, are particularly important yet are not discussed extensively in the general DES literature. Guidelines are provided to determine what aspects of a DES study demand a rigorous application of the theory depending on the purpose of the study. The paper concludes with the importance of properly understanding the probabilistic concepts upon which DES relies and on coupling this understanding with engineering judgment as a key for successful use of DES in construction research.  相似文献   

Engineering has been defined as the vocation of guiding nature to produce something needed or desired. A historical review of the evolution of engineering and engineering education leads to the conclusion that sustainability in design and construction requires the engineer to approach nature with imagination and humility. As part of its Engineer of 2020 initiative, the National Academy of Engineering in 2001 questioned how engineering education should evolve to prepare the profession for the future. From that work and efforts by ASCE, it is clear that an educational system that fails to provide engineers with a broad base of learning results in graduates ill-prepared to enter professional practice. The National Academy Engineer of 2020 work and ASCE Policy Statement 465, “Academic Prerequisites for Licensure and Professional Practice,” echo a call to adopt a new educational model. The new model seeks to strengthen the cognitive ability of engineers and leads them to practices that work in cooperation and harmony with nature for the benefit of society.  相似文献   

The philosophy behind quality, environmental, and safety (QES) management systems is a concept that has been accepted by various contractors. Furthermore, a process has been developed insuring that the output produced conforms to customer satisfaction without violating any environmental, health, and safety rules and regulations. An effective QES program not only assures a quality product but also reduces costs, and enhances productivity. It is a top down process, i.e., top management together with line management and other employees develop the program and motivate all personnel to accept the process. Important functions to take under consideration are (1) explain and clarify the quality, environmental, and safety performance expected; (2) involve employees in decision-making and problem solving; (3) describe the consequences of poor quality and unsafe/unhealthy work conditions; (4) establish QES goals and provide feedback on performance; (5) provide a self-monitoring system; and (6) recognize and reinforce good performance and develop a reward system. This paper presents a discussion of the development of a portion of a QES management system which has been employed by a medium to large size construction company. In particular, Items 1–4, listed above, are described in detail.  相似文献   

Academic research in applied disciplines such as construction engineering and management (CEM) has the dual mission of simultaneously contributing to the solution of practical problems and creating theoretical and conceptual knowledge. To do so, appropriate research approaches are needed. However, extant literature in the field has paid little attention to this issue and research methods used have been almost entirely either quantitative surveys or case studies. In this paper, action research (AR) is proposed as an answer to this knowledge gap. AR aims at building and testing theory within the context of solving an immediate practical problem in a real setting. The paper describes the underlying philosophy and application procedure of AR and highlights its strengths and weaknesses. Then, the applicability of the method to CEM is illustrated through a case study of improving access to information to support planning and decision making in a construction owner organization through designing and implementing a data warehouse. The findings indicate that AR is a reliable, structured, and rigorous research approach that is very useful for conducting applied research in construction and enabling academia to influence and improve construction industry practices. It can also effectively help to improve collaboration between academic researchers and industry practitioners in research and development projects.  相似文献   

Resource plannirtg and management is one of the most important ingredients for competitiveness and profitability in today's construction industry. In order to control costs, equipment and labor should be utilized in the most efficient way possible. This can be achieved by minimizing the total cost of leased resources under the constraint of maximum and most efficient use of owned equipment and contracted labor force. This paper presents a mixed‐integer linear programming model for the management of resources throughout the project life. Based on the Critical Path Method time analysis, the model derives the schedule for equipment rentals and transient resources, as well as the utilization scheme for owned equipment and other available resources. The model can be used as an estimating tool for multi‐project resource planning and sharing, and as a means to implement the most efficient utilization of resources throughout the duration of the whole project.  相似文献   

Construction continues to be a significant part of the global economy and shapes the built environment and quality of life for people around the world. In the United States, construction is a multibillion dollar annual enterprise, employing nearly 10 million people. However, it appears that the fragmented nature of the industry continues to hamper productivity and hoped-for gains in efficiency. Issues involve an array of regulatory and legal constructs that: (1) redistribute risk; (2) present only low barriers to entry (making company startup somewhat easy); and (3) fail to provide the quality and quantity of labor necessary. These factors continue to produce overall inefficiencies throughout the construction industry, and ill prepare the industry for the formidable challenges of globalization, sustainability, population growth, and wise use of resources. The purpose of this paper is to review the past and present of construction engineering within the context of civil engineering, and to prescribe practical change to revitalize construction engineering education to meet future demands.  相似文献   

The contribution of site management to the achievement of construction performance objectives is examined. Drawing upon existing empirical data and linking them with research findings in the social sciences, the writers argue that there is often insufficient attention paid towards the range of complex and interdependent variables that can influence construction site activity. As a consequence, the predictive capacity of such research is limited, and the recommendations often derived, particularly concerning appropriate managerial actions, often fail to account for significant variability in circumstances. The applicability of the concept of “leadership” to the construction site situation, and its relationship with key component variables are singled out for attention.  相似文献   

The resident engineering scope has broadened on recent power plant projects. Providing the technical and administrative support necessary for plant construction is a key requirement for successful projects. The elements of this responsibility and the activities required are described. Critical activities by the resident engineering organization in each of the project phases are described. Three approaches to the structuring of this organization (field, area, and discipline) are presented and described. The importance and benefits of recognizing each of these tasks and providing adequate staffing are emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper describes a partnership between the University of Missouri–Rolla and the Université Abou-Bekr Belka?d de Tlemcen in Algeria in order to support the development of programs of instruction and faculty training in Algeria in the areas of engineering and construction management in order to create a self-sustaining educational infrastructure in Algeria. Specifically, the partnership aims to provide educational and technical assistance to Algeria in order for them to develop: (1) new graduate programs in engineering and construction management and (2) modern teaching methodologies including Internet and distance learning. Objectives of the partnership were to provide engineering and construction management skills and expertise in order to achieve international standards in the management area. The desired impact is summarized in terms of the ability to identify operations problems and implement solutions for improved strategic competitiveness, make sound decisions, plan, and control the key resources of an organization—money and people, critically analyze, evaluate, improve, or adapt existing technical and managerial systems, design and develop new technical and managerial systems, and coordinate different projects with a better harmony and cost effectiveness. The long-term expected outcomes of the partnership are Algerian faculty with strong backgrounds in engineering and construction management, a self-sustained learning environment for Algerian institutions, including engineering management and construction management graduate programs, continuing education, and short courses, and Internet-based multimedia teaching material for collaboration between the Algerian institutions and local industry.  相似文献   

This research examines the strategic performance of sixty-one large international engineering and construction (E&C) firms from the regions of North America, Europe, and East Asia. The primary objective is to identify critical factors of corporate strategy that potentially affect the prospects of a large E&C firm. The research methodology relies on financial analysis and strategic management theories to draw meaningful conclusions. Statistical tests are selectively conducted to assess various aspects, including profitability, capital structure and asset liquidity. This paper documents the research findings for the first aspect—profitability. The first part of the findings suggests that there is no significant correlation between firm size and profitability. Large firms, which are endowed with greater resources and prowess, are not guaranteed to be more profitable. However, firm size has some influence on generic strategies, as large firms tend to adopt either a broadly targeted or a nonrelated diversification strategy. Regional trends of revenue growth of firms are subsequently presented. Despite strong forces of globalization experienced in many other industries, the growth trends suggest that the construction business remains largely localized in nature. Consequently, domestic and regional economic outlook, rather than global trends, should be given more weights in strategic planning.  相似文献   

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