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桌面云是云计算的一种典型应用,能够有效提高资源利用率和维护效率,使人们应用桌面系统的方式发生了深刻变革。但是随着桌面云的广泛应用,如何集中管理和统一认证用户身份成为了桌面云面临的挑战。文章通过分析传统单点登录和桌面云认证技术,提出了一种基于桌面云的统一身份认证模式.并对该架构的优势进行了分析。  相似文献   

正IT演进推动了应用形态以及对IT架构需求的快速改变。传统应用是以硬件为核心进行部署,而新一代应用比如移动应用则是以云为核心。在这个过程中,用户需要新一代的平台,来高效满足传统应用的需求,同时满足云应用和移动应用的需求。这也是保证IT演进和业务发展过程中,业务持续稳定性和可扩展性的关键。VMware针对桌面虚拟化、移动办公、移动应用的管理,提供了一整套方案和技术选择。VMware Workspace Suite包括Horizon桌面虚拟化、Workspace Portal、AirWatch移动设备管理。  相似文献   

为了提升传统云桌面的运行效率和安全性能,并且使其具备支持多种操作系统运行、降低宽带占有、为用户定制个性化云桌面服务等优势,文章旨在以超融合架构为技术基础,借助硬件解耦架构、Ceph分布式架构及其他程序设计实现统一控制管理,得出一种新型云桌面系统.经过我们测试结果表明,新型云桌面平台在提供软件研发类测试时读取反应时间在快...  相似文献   

桌面云作为运营商IT架构云化的切入点,已在小规模试点工程中取得了成功,但此种创新类项目大规模推广会对现有技术架构及管控体系产生较大冲击,因此在实际应用中,亟需解决如何保障用户体验,实现平滑过渡等问题。立足于运营商营业厅类生产任务型场景,分析了传统架构在大规模推广条件下的种种不足,建立了一套适应未来发展的一体化桌面云架构,并以用户体验为核心,对传统架构中资源调度与管理策略进行了优化。  相似文献   

针对云计算、大数据等应用对异构资源管理和聚合的需求,提出了一种融合架构云服务器体系结构及其关键支撑技术。融合架构云服务器利用硬件资源池化技术,实现计算、存储、网络、供电、制冷和管理模块的解耦与融合重构,具有高密度、低功耗、易扩展、易管理,易维护特点,兼具横向扩展和纵向扩展优势,可优化系统部署、运维和能耗成本,显著降低总体拥有成本(TCO)。在金融、电信和互联网行业的实际应用案例表明,融合架构云服务器功耗降低超过15%,总体拥有成本降低近15%,为云计算、大数据等应用提供了更具性能功耗比优势的IT基础设施设计方案。  相似文献   

陈磊  冯小青 《软件》2012,(2):139-141
为解决典型网管系统面临的IT资源较高投资维护成本和负载不均衡等问题,在介绍了云计算的概念、技术及优势的基础上,引入云计算,提出了下一代云网管系统架构,并分析了云网管的优势。本文提出的云网管系统架构方案为云计算技术在网管系统中的实际应用提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

基于传统架构的桌血管理已经成为企业IT部门工作的沉重负担,而桌面虚拟化技术是一种基于服务器的计算模型,能够更加灵活地适应企业的业务扩张。我们给出了基于虚拟化技术的企业桌面系统的设计与具体实现,实践表明虚拟桌面系统实现企业管理更科学便捷、安全性更高、建设与维护成本更低。  相似文献   

尹勤 《微型电脑应用》2012,28(12):25-28
基于桌面虚拟化技术在企业内部IT桌面工作环境应用的研究,从虚拟化技术的发展、分类和特点出发,分析了硬件虚拟化、桌面虚拟化和应用虚拟化等技术的优缺点。还分析了目前企业内部桌面系统管理和维护所存在的问题及挑战、桌面虚拟化技术对于传统企业IT桌面应用系统的改进以及企业内部IT管理和成本控制等方面带来的优势。  相似文献   

允升 《互联网周刊》2022,(18):26-29
一朵无处不在的“云”在数据安全需求、IT设施便捷管理需求、控制成本下降等因素驱动下,云桌面的发展速度越来越快。部署云桌面,就相当于建立了云上工作平台的入口,所有应用资源集中在云端再发派至虚拟桌面,用户只需一个账号就可以随时随地通过各种设备登录自己的电脑。并且对各类场景来说,云桌面的应用不仅减少了传统PC机采购量,节省了采购成本,更重要的是相较于传统PC,故障恢复时间可从几小时缩短至几分钟,大大提升运维的效率。  相似文献   

企业桌面标准化一直是企业级IT终端管理的核心和难点,而随着远程计算模式的出现,随着云计算、企业私有云概念的升温其正在发生巨大变化.基于云的应用逐步成为IT行业发展的必然趋势。对企业来说,在预算不变的前提下提升IT效率的最好方法是搭建私有云架构。而最先流行的私有云必然是桌面计算虚拟化。  相似文献   

云计算技术的研发与应用离不开互联网,以IPv6为代表的下一代互联网将是未来云计算最优化的选择方案之一。由于IPv6与IPv4的不同以及IPv6自身的优势,提出了一个基于IPv6的云计算平台,最终能够为用户提供计算、存储与网络资源的IT基础设施服务的共享服务平台。该平台具有弹性共享、自助管理、面向下一代互联网络等特点,从而提高了IT资源利用率,减少用户对基础设施的投入成本,降低了用户的技术维护难度。  相似文献   

The use of High Performance Computing (HPC) in commercial and consumer IT applications is becoming popular. HPC users need the ability to gain rapid and scalable access to high-end computing capabilities. Cloud computing promises to deliver such a computing infrastructure using data centers so that HPC users can access applications and data from a Cloud anywhere in the world on demand and pay based on what they use. However, the growing demand drastically increases the energy consumption of data centers, which has become a critical issue. High energy consumption not only translates to high energy cost which will reduce the profit margin of Cloud providers, but also high carbon emissions which are not environmentally sustainable. Hence, there is an urgent need for energy-efficient solutions that can address the high increase in the energy consumption from the perspective of not only the Cloud provider, but also from the environment. To address this issue, we propose near-optimal scheduling policies that exploit heterogeneity across multiple data centers for a Cloud provider. We consider a number of energy efficiency factors (such as energy cost, carbon emission rate, workload, and CPU power efficiency) which change across different data centers depending on their location, architectural design, and management system. Our carbon/energy based scheduling policies are able to achieve on average up to 25% of energy savings in comparison to profit based scheduling policies leading to higher profit and less carbon emissions.  相似文献   

云桌面应用研究概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着信息技术的发展,数量巨大的PC设备使得企业对于员工个人电脑的日常管理成为了一项复杂的工作,升级补丁、安全策略、日常的设备维护等往往需要企业投入大量的人力与物力。而随着工作地点的分散、移动设备开始应用于办公,传统的 PC 设备已不能完全适应企业的办公需求。近年来云计算概念开始兴起,云桌面这一新型办公设备形式也进入了人们的视野。作为虚拟化技术的延伸,云桌面依赖于服务器端计算,安全度高、管理方便,而且适用于移动设备。云桌面在国内外已经有了众多的应用案例,为企业的IT办公设备选择指明了一个新的方向。整理了云桌面的相关应用,并结合云桌面的技术特性,对云桌面的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

As the size and complexity of Cloud systems increase, the manual management of these solutions becomes a challenging issue as more personnel, resources and expertise are needed. Service Level Agreement (SLA)-aware autonomic cloud solutions enable managing large scale infrastructure management meanwhile supporting multiple dynamic requirement from users. This paper contributes to these topics by the introduction of Cloudcompaas, a SLA-aware PaaS Cloud platform that manages the complete resource lifecycle. This platform features an extension of the SLA specification WS-Agreement, tailored to the specific needs of Cloud Computing. In particular, Cloudcompaas enables Cloud providers with a generic SLA model to deal with higher-level metrics, closer to end-user perception, and with flexible composition of the requirements of multiple actors in the computational scene. Moreover, Cloudcompaas provides a framework for general Cloud computing applications that could be dynamically adapted to correct the QoS violations by using the elasticity features of Cloud infrastructures. The effectiveness of this solution is demonstrated in this paper through a simulation that considers several realistic workload profiles, where Cloudcompaas achieves minimum cost and maximum efficiency, under highly heterogeneous utilization patterns.  相似文献   

夏之斌  毛京丽  齐开诚 《软件》2013,(9):130-132
云计算技术是IT产业界的一场技术革命,已经成为IT行业未来发展的方向,这种变化使得IT基础架构的运营专业化程度不断集中和提高。在云计算的使用中,云计算使用者缺乏对于网络的配置能力,这部分目前并没有开放给用户所使用。虽然云计算的虚拟网络服务已经受到了更多云计算提供商的关注,但是目前对这方面的支持还处于不完善的阶段。本文提出了一种基于云计算的虚拟网络管理系统,本系统能够以动态的方式为用户提供基于云计算的网络服务,可以根据用户需求实现虚拟网络配置,并加以优化,以便最大限度地提高虚拟网络的性能。  相似文献   

陈伟  曹军威  钱瀚 《集成技术》2012,1(4):25-29
采用云计算技术实现托管式的虚拟桌面一般被称为桌面云。近年来桌面云被认为是云计算最为成熟的应用之一,本文着重研究桌面云安全访问与共享机制。我们使用基于PKI的证书认证建立了虚拟组织,在其上重点研究了虚拟机的创建,远程桌面访问,共享等应用。证书认证等机制可以使得访问更加安全可靠。而通过虚拟组织的信任关系,多个用户可以共享同一个虚拟机。为了确保远程通道的安全,我们采用了OpenVPN来构建虚拟专用网络,对虚拟机的使用者进行认证并对通信进行加密保护。  相似文献   

云计算市场处在高速增长、规模总量小的发展初期,市场管理面临3个问题:市场初期不规范、分类目录尚未发布,亟需有效的应对策略;如果仅按照业务分类目录许可监管,成本高、效率低;传统IT服务认证不能覆盖云计算的新安全风险和新管理流程。本文对于云计算认证的研究包括基础设施层(数据中心)的认证和非基础设施层(公共云服务)的认证。  相似文献   

Cloud infrastructure is expected to be able to support Internet scale critical applications (e.g. hospital systems and smart grid systems). Critical infrastructure services and organizations alike will not outsource their critical applications to a public Cloud without strong assurances that their requirements will be enforced. Central to this concern is that the user should be provided with evidence of the trustworthiness of the elements of the Cloud without getting involved into infrastructure details. In addition, users should be able to control their outsourced data at public Clouds. Establishing Cloud’s trust model is important but the Cloud’s infrastructure complexity and dynamism makes it difficult to address. This paper focuses on an important angle in this direction. We start by identifying the related challenges for establishing trust in the Cloud, and then propose a foundation framework which can help in addressing the identified challenges. Our focus is on IaaS Cloud type and on organizations as Cloud users.  相似文献   

Software as a Service (SaaS) provides access to applications to end users over the Internet without upfront investment in infrastructure and software. To serve their customers, SaaS providers utilise resources of internal data centres or rent resources from a public Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider. In-house hosting can increase administration and maintenance costs whereas renting from an IaaS provider can impact the service quality due to its variable performance. To overcome these limitations, we propose innovative admission control and scheduling algorithms for SaaS providers to effectively utilise public Cloud resources to maximize profit by minimizing cost and improving customer satisfaction level. Furthermore, we conduct an extensive evaluation study to analyse which solution suits best in which scenario to maximize SaaS provider?s profit. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithms provide substantial improvement (up to 40% cost saving) over reference ones across all ranges of variation in QoS parameters.  相似文献   

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