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海伦糖业集团公司的切丝机、渗出器是引进丹麦设备,特别是自动控制系统部分,是全部从丹麦引进的。1渗出控制器主要控制功能(1)切丝机的逻辑控制;(2)菜丝皮带输送机的逻辑控制;(3)提计泵的逻辑控制;(4)渗出螺旋减速器的逻辑控制;(5)废粕轮的逻辑控制;(6)新鲜水泵的逻辑控制;(7)油泵的逻辑控制。2操作过程中渗出控制器控制参数(1)渗出器中的液位;(2)水量的供给(包括新鲜水和压粕水的供给);(3)菜丝量;(4)渗出器中的温度控制;(5)渗出器的双螺旋速度控制;(6)换刀控制;(7)停机/重新开机的控制;(8… 相似文献
渗出器内的渗出汁是微生物优良的培养基,在渗出过程中非常容易感染微生物。特别是加工腐烂变质甜菜,或洗不干净的甜菜,渗出器内有死角,渗出温度低,时间长更容易大量繁殖细菌。结果是糖分损失增加,甚至威胁生产。本文将简要介绍有关渗出过程微生物的基本知识。并将试验结果进行对比,最后列举渗出过程细菌感染的危害和防控措施。1渗出过程中常见的微生物种类按照弗雪(Fischer)的意见,微生物生长温度大致可分为三个范围,嗜热(30~80℃)、嗜温(10~40℃)、嗜冷(0~25℃)。据介绍渗出器内的细菌主要有四个类群:即芽抱杆菌属,… 相似文献
目前,我国甜菜制糖行业的中、小型糖厂普遍使用的切丝机有国产φ1300、φ1600平盘切丝机和φ1200离心切丝机。大型糖厂除使用进口的φ2200平盘切丝机外,多数使用国产的φ2000平盘切丝机。这些国产切丝机设计落后,性能差,切出菜丝的质量差,经常导致Dds渗出器“涨肚”。这不仅影响甜菜加工能力和糖分的提取及成品糖的质量,而且还影响甜菜颗粒粕的产量和质量,给甜菜制糖生产带来较大的经济损失。进口切丝机虽然性能优越,但价格昂贵,约为国产设备的3~5倍,我国多数糖厂难以承受;同时,进口切丝机的能力偏大,不适合中、小型糖厂的使… 相似文献
我国甜菜糖厂用于甜菜渗出主要设备是国产仿DDS连续渗出器,该渗出器已在制糖行业应用几十年了,特别适合我国的甜菜制糖行业,具有连续作业、调节方便、便于自动化控制等特点。但由于使用不当或检修安装等原因也会经常出现各种设备事故,从而严重影响制糖生产。 相似文献
1概述1965年我国从波兰引进两台双螺旋渗出器(丹麦专利),分别安装在哈尔滨糖厂及范家屯糖厂,经过在哈尔滨糖厂样机测绘,很快在全国取代原间歇式渗出器。到目前为止,除阿城糖厂使用RT—5之外,全国80余家甜菜糖厂均改成双螺旋渗出器。经过测绘样机及改进,设计有3000t川、1000t/d、70败/d等不同型号,精体斜度由原来8”13W成7”30W7oil嗡。这些形式的改变均忽视了双螺旋螺距的尺寸对工艺条件的影响,因此出现生产能力达不到设计要求,废粕含糖高,提汁率大等问题。现对原进口设计的螺距进行研究和探讨,这对解决国产双螺旋渗出器存… 相似文献
目前我国中型甜菜糖厂大部分采用日加工甜菜500吨Dds型连续渗出器。由于该设备自身有一定的潜力,按正常操作就可以超过设计的能力。但是平均加工量超过850吨以后。各项工艺指标就难以控制,特别是我省北部高糖地区其难度就更大了。我厂连续五年菜丝含糖都在17%以上,在不更换渗出器的情况下,如何提高加工量 相似文献
渗出器是制糖生产中一个非常重要的设备,其运行情况好坏,直接影啊加工量、渗出汁锤度、废粕含糖等多项指标。这些指标对降低工艺损失,降低能源消耗以及降低砂糖成本都至关重要,所以选择一个合适的渗出器是非常关键的。1原渗出器的使用情况我厂以前的渗出器是由一台大渗出器 相似文献
Abdelfattah Bensouissi Céline Rousse Barbara Roge Jacques Douglade Mohamed Mathlouthi 《Food chemistry》2009
The objective of this work is to unveil the nature of scale and of particles responsible for turbidity in white beet sugar. Different techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were applied for identification of the structure of scale and turbid particles. Results clearly showed that sugar turbidity is mainly constituted of fine crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD). These turbid particles were found comparable to the scale observed in the last effects of evaporation station. The role of anti-scale agents was studied. It was found that the chelating of calcium by anti-scales prevents the formation of calcium oxalate in evaporators. However, this chelating is temporary and the problem posed by the precipitation of oxalate particles is delayed to the crystallisation step where it was identified as responsible for stored syrup precipitate and granulated sugar turbidity. 相似文献
微生物对制糖生产的过程中存在较大的影响,在甜菜储存和渗出过程中,微生物繁殖迅速,会造成糖汁纯度降低,糖分损失。如对生产过程中微生物的控制不当,也会对成品糖的质量产生影响。国家对食品质量安全、食糖的质量安全要求越来越严格。2005年国家实施的GB13104-2005《食糖卫生标准》对于食糖卫生微生物指标要求比原标准严格了很多,见表1。 相似文献
A simple quantitative TLC method for the determination of the residues of herbicide inhibiting photosynthesis was compared with capillary GLC for the analysis of atrazine, chloridazone, lenacil, phenmedipham and desmedipham in sugar beet and sugar. No significant differences in the determination limit and precision of the two methods were found. Monitoring of herbicide residue levels in commercial sugar revealed low levels of atrazine (0.003 mg.kg-1 on average) in all the samples. This contamination level does not present a health hazard consumers. 相似文献
《Food Hydrocolloids》1986,1(1):71-88
Acetylated pectin has been isolated from whole sugar beet tissue and from sugar beet pulp. A variety of extraction sequences and fractionation procedures were employed; all the extracts were of the pectin polysaccharide type containing 44–60% uronate, 12–22% neutral sugars, 4–6% methoxyl and 2–9% acetyl groups. The neutral sugars rhamnose, arabinose and galactose were present in all the extracts, and were covalently linked to the acidic polymer. Many of the extracts were surface active, and possessed foaming and emulsifying properties. Typically, foam volumes of 20–50% with t½ of 120–180 min were obtained. The extracts were used to emulsify a model oil-in-water system containing 10% (v/v) groundnut oil. Oil droplet sizes of ~1 μm were obtained, considerably less than those obtained with commercial pectins, and the emulsions were stable for at least 36 h at 4°C. No correlations could be found between the foaming/emulsifying properties of the acetylated pectin fractions and their chemical structure. 相似文献