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Superconducting bulk MgB2 samples have been synthesized by employing sintering technique without using any additional process steps, generally undertaken in view of the substantial loss of magnesium, during heat treatment. Starting with Mg rich powders having different atomic ratios of Mg : B, as against the nominally required Mg : B = 1:2 ratio, we have obtained superconducting MgB2 samples of different characteristics. The effect of excess Mg in the starting mixture and processing temperature on the phase-formation, transition temperature (T C) and critical current density (J C) have been investigated by electrical transport and a.c. susceptibility measurements. The X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analyses of MgB2 bulk samples have been carried out to understand the role of excess Mg and the effect of processing temperature. It is established that MgB2 samples with high critical current density can be synthesized from a Mg rich powder having Mg : B in 2:2 ratio, at temperatures around 790°C. Critical current density has been found to vary systematically with processing temperature.  相似文献   

A systematic micro-Raman study of the atomic substitution effects has been carried out on single crystals of MgB2, including C-doping for B and Li- or Mn-doping for Mg. The spectra of C (electron)-doped compounds exhibit remarkable differentiations with respect to pure MgB2, and new bands of E2g and A1g/B1g symmetry play the dominant role in the substituted spectra. We have observed a two-mode behavior apparently driven by the electron–phonon coupling strength and associated with an electronic topological transition of the σ bands. On the other hand, Li (hole) and Mn (magnetic impurity) doping do not seem to affect the well-defined broad band at 600 cm−1. Combining Raman investigations and T c -interdependence shows that this band is not related with the transition temperature, questioning its relationship to superconductivity in diborides.   相似文献   

We present a modified method of preparation of the new superconductor MgB2. The polycrystalline samples were characterized using X-ray and magnetic measurements. The surface barriers control the isothermal magnetization loops in powder samples. In bulk as prepared samples we always observed symmetric magnetization loops indicative of the presence of a bulk pinning mechanism. Magnetic relaxation measurements in the bulk sample reveal a crossover of surface barrier to bulk pinning.  相似文献   

We report a11B NMR line shape and spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/(T 1 T)) study of pure and lightly carbon-doped MgB2−x C x forx=0, 0.02, and 0.04, in the vortex state and in magnetic field of 23.5 kOe. We show that while pure MgB2 exhibits the magnetic field distribution from superposition of the normal and the Abrikosov state, slight replacement of boron with carbon unveils the magnetic field distribution of the pure Abrikosov state. This indicates a considerable increase ofH c 2/c with carbon doping with respect to pure MgB2. The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/(T 1 T) demonstrates clearly the presence of a coherence peak right belowT c in pure MgB2, followed by a typical BCS decrease on cooling. However, at temperatures lower than ≈10 K strong deviation from the BCS behavior is observed, probably from residual contribution of the vortex dynamics. In the carbon-doped systems both the coherence peak and the BCS temperature dependence of 1/(T 1 T) weaken, an effect attributed to the gradual shrinking of the σ hole cylinders of the Fermi surface with electron doping.  相似文献   

ZrH2-doped MgB2 wires, with the component of Mg:ZrH2:B= (1-x):x:2(x = 0, 5, 8, and 10%), were fabricated through thein situ powder-in-tube method by using low-carbon steel tube as the sheath material Samples were sintered at 750^C for 1h in a flow of high-purity argon.The lattice parameters a and c of MgB2exhibit a little decrease with the doping of ZrH2.Jc(B)property of MgB2wires are improved gradually with the increase of x, reaches the best whenx = 8%, but decreases significantlywhen x = 10%. The decrease of MgB2grain size, the excellent grain connection, and the substitution of Zr4+for Mg2+which is caused by the doping of ZrH2, are responsiblefor the enhancement of Jc(B)property forthe doped MgB2wires. PACS: 74.70.Ad; 74.62.Dh; 74.62.Bf; 74.25.Sv  相似文献   

Following a brief overview, results of our investigations on phonon modes in MgB2, and superconducting transition in carbon doped MgB2 are presented. The superconducting transition temperature in MgB2 xCx as obtained from susceptibility and resistivity measurements is observed to decrease systematically from 39-4 K forx = 0 to 26 K forx = 0.5. It is shown the changes in lattice volume, as obtained from x-ray diffraction measurements, can account only partially for the observed decrease inT c . The observed variation ofT c with carbon content is seen to correlate with the Debye temperatures, obtained from an analysis of the resistivity data. Investigation of the phonon modes in MgB2, through infrared absorption measurements indicate three modes at 410,475 and 560 cm-1. The former two are associated with the infrared active modes, and the third component is associated with the Raman mode, that gets activated due to disorder. A study of the temperature dependence of these modes indicates no changes across the superconducting transition. The mode at 560 cm-1 shows a significant hardening and a corresponding decrease in linewidth, with the lowering of temperature, that can been accounted in terms of anharmonicity.  相似文献   

We perform large-scale numerical simulations on the non-equilibrium superconducting dynamics after a neutron capture at the superconducting transition edge in MgB2 by solving the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation coupled with the Maxwell and the heat diffusion equations. The simulations are carried out under the current-biased condition in order to explain experimental results made in the JAEA reactor JRR-3, and the time scale of the obtained voltage signal is found to be almost consistent with the experiments. Moreover, the time evolution of the voltage signal is connected with that of the spatial profile of the superconducting order parameter.   相似文献   

We have performed powder X-ray diffraction of MgB2 superconductor between 10 and 300 K. Temperature dependence of integrated intensities of both (002) and (110) X-ray reflections shows a peak at around TC, superconducting transition temperature. The integrated intensity of the X-ray reflection is related to the phonon frequency through a Debye--Waller factor. Lattice parameters a and c show negative thermal expansions at low temperatures. The negative thermal expansion might be due to an electronic origin and not directly related to the superconducting transition.  相似文献   

Superconducting MgB2 polycrystalline samples have been fabricated under two different conditions in order to determine the effect of MgB4 phase. A series of samples was placed in an -alumina container closed with a cup and fired under high purity argon gas. The other series of samples was placed in an -alumina boot without any lid and fired under similar conditions. For the first series of samples, we have found pure MgB2 phase formation and a narrow transition width at 0.4 K. For the second series of samples, significant amount of MgB4 phase were formed and the T zero was decreased to 27 K. For both the group of samples magnetization hysteresis loops obtained at various temperature range and applied field up to 2 T. The best J cmag for the first series of samples was 1.9 × 105 A/cm2 at 10 K and 0 T, and for the second series of samples was 0.7 × 104 A/cm2 at 10 K and 0 T.  相似文献   

We have studied the evolution of microstructure when a disordered ternary alloy is quenched into a ternary miscibility gap. We have used computer simulations based on multicomponent Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equations for c A and cB, the compositions (in mole fraction) of A and B, respectively. In this work, we present our results on the effect of relative interfacial energies on the temporal evolution of morphologies during spinodal phase separation of an alloy with average composition, cA = 1/4, cB = 1/4 and cc = 1/2. Interfacial energies between the ‘A’ rich, ‘B’ rich and ‘C’ rich phases are varied by changing the gradient energy coefficients. The phases associated with a higher interfacial energy are found to be more rounded than those with lower energy. Further, the kinetic paths (i.e. the history of A-rich, B-rich and C-rich regions in the microstructure) are also affected significantly by the relative interfacial energies of the three phases.  相似文献   

We have studied temperature evolution of the local as well as the average crystal structure of MgB2 and Mg0.5Al0.5B2 using real-space atomic pair distribution function (PDF) measured by high resolution neutron powder diffraction in a wide temperature range of T=10–600 K. The mean square relative displacements (MSRD) of atomic B–B, B–Mg (B–Al) pairs are compared with mean-square displacements (MSD) to calculate atomic correlations. In spite of the enhanced atomic disorder in Mg0.5Al0.5B2, where the boron–boron, and boron–magnesium pair motions are found to be small, we find that the same atomic correlations in MgB2 assume even slightly lower values and remain nearly constant in a wide temperature range of 0–600 K. This anomalous behavior and its physical interpretation provoke new questions on our understanding to the local lattice dynamics in this material.  相似文献   

In single crystal La2CuO4+Σ,Σ ≈ 0.015, c-axis interstitial oxygen ordering (staging) in the oxygen-rich phase of the phase-separated sample was observed through satellite peaks in the neutron scattering which first appear at 250 K. If the sample is cooled through the temperature region around 210 K over a period of several hours, these satellite peaks show splitting in the a*-direction. This first-order phase transition involves a periodic one-dimensional modulation of the in-plane order. Microscopic modeling leads to a picture where the excess oxygen, and therefore also the doped holes, order in stripes along the a-direction in addition to staging along the c-direction. This ordering in stripes can be regarded as a continuation of the phase separation but now on a local scale, leading to a local increase in oxygen and hole density. This increase can account for the increase of the superconductingT c of 2.5 K observed in our sample and also for many previously reported annealing experiments.  相似文献   

Intermetallic compound superconductor MgB2 was synthesized from spherical magnesium powder and lower purity amorphous boron powder by microwave direct heating. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicates that the phases of the synthesis sample are MgB2 (major phase) and a small amount of MgO. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation shows that the MgB2 grain size is homogeneous and the particle size is about several hundreds of nanometers. The onset superconducting transition temperature of the MgB2 sample measured by the temperature dependence of magnetization measurement is about 37.6 K. The critical current density Jc calculated according to the Bean model are about 2.0 × 105 A/cm2 at 20 K in self-field and 1.0 × 105 A/cm2 at 20 K in 1 T applied field.  相似文献   

Bulk tube conductors of Bi 1.84 Pb 0.4 Sr 2 Ca 2.2 Cu 3 O 10+x with addition of silver varying from 0 to 25 wt% (not reported earlier) were systematically studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electrical transport and a.c. susceptibility techniques. The tube conductors formed by cold isostatic pressing (CIP) of the powders obtained from spray drying method have been made successfully. It was found that Ag addition has not only affected the formation of the desired Bi-2223 phase and the microstructure of these large bulk tube samples thereby influencing on the critical current ( I c ),it also reduces the contact resistance to minimize the cryogen losses. These variations have been found to be Ag content dependent. An optimized value of 10 wt% Ag has been found to produce the best quality tubes showing reproducible I c value > 120 Amp at 77 K which is in general a requirement to energies of the cryogen free conventional/HTSC superconducting magnets below 20 K.  相似文献   

MgB2 superconducting wires were produced by the Mg diffusion method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy, dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS), and XRD diffraction were used to study the physical structure and content of the wires. Magnetic properties (T c m, H c1, H c2, J c by the Bean model) were obtained with a SQUID magnetometer, and transport properties (T c r , H c2, resistivity and residual resistivity ratio) were measured using a standard four-lead configuration. The V-I characteristics of the wires close to the critical temperature showed a staircase response, which was attributed to the presence of weak links, creating phase slip centers. The origin of those weak links is discussed in relation to their formation and structure.  相似文献   

Solid adsorbents have shown great promise for control of particulate and non-particulate matter and as gas sensing devices in recent times. In the present study, adsorption of environmental toxic pollutant such as lead ions on solid adsorbents viz. α-Fe2O3 and fly ash, are reported. Considerable adsorption was observed on fly ash when compared to α-Fe2O3 surface. These studies are characterized by employing solid state and solution studies.  相似文献   

The normal-state and superconducting properties of polycrystalline MgB2 samples including various amounts of Ag powder were investigated by measurements of electrical resistivity. The temperature-dependent electrical resistivity roughly obeys the power law (0 + aT n with n > 1) in the normal state and becomes linear as we increase the Silver content. The critical superconducting temperatures remain almost unchanged. Silver, not reacting with MgB2, reacts with excess magnesium to form intermetallic layers of AgMg that cluster at crystallite boundaries.  相似文献   

The recently discovered superconductor MgB2 with T c at 39 K has great potential in superconducting electronics. In this paper, we review the deposition techniques used for MgB2 thin films in the light of a thermodynamic study of the Mg-B system with the calculation of phase diagrams (CALPHAD) modeling technique. This thermodynamic study identifies a growth window in the pressure–temperature phase diagram, in which the magnesium pressure is very high for likely in situ growth temperatures. A Hybrid Physical–Chemical Vapor Deposition (HPCVD) technique that successfully achieves such a high Mg pressure is shown to produce in situ epitaxial MgB2 thin films with bulk superconducting properties.  相似文献   

A new crystal structure forbis (ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene [(BEDT-TTF) 2 SbF6] was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal structure was refined in theP - 1 space group at room temperature. Crystal data for new structure are as follows: triclinic, a = 8.670 (2) Å,b = 8 664 (2) Å,c = 16.842 (5) Å,α = 89°.29 (2),β = 90°.71 (3),γ = 92°.67 (1),V = 1263.64 Å 3,Z = 2,D x = 2.136 g cm -3, (Mo-Kα),λ = 0.7107 Å,R = 0.057 for a total of 5517 independent reflections. The donors form a trimerized column, and the band structure calculated by the tightbinding approximation shows band insulator properties. The temperature dependent of the d.c. resistivity shows a semiconducting behaviour with room temperature resistivity along the c-axis; ρ 290 K = 5.6 ohm cm.  相似文献   

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