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对于输入缓冲和输出缓冲ATM组播交换系统,目前主要有两种信元调度算法:窗口调度算法和输出缓冲算法。这两种算法分别用于输入缓冲和输出缓冲系统中,其缺点是对处理器速度和存储器访问速度要求较高。笔者给出的算法对交换网络的处理速度和存储器访问速度要求不高。可以大大改善了交换机的延迟-吞吐率性能。 相似文献
输入缓冲ATM交换结构是实现复杂度最低的ATM交换结构(ASF),但由于队头阻塞问题大大限制了其应用。文中给出了基于Hopfield神经网络(HNN)调度信元的输入缓冲ASF方案,该方案消除了队头阻塞造成的输入缓冲ASF性能恶化。计算机仿真表明,该方案非常有效,明显改善了输入缓冲ASF的性能。 相似文献
一种新的基于CNN调度信元的输入缓冲ATM交换结构 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了基于细胞神经网络 (CNN)调度信元的输入缓冲ASF方案 ,该方案消除了队头阻塞造成的输入缓冲ASF性能恶化。计算机仿真表明 ,该方案非常有效 ,其性能接近于输出缓冲ASF。 相似文献
本文对无线ATM中的信元传输问题进行了研究。文中提出了一种新的信元格式,对信元的检错和纠错方式及信元定界过程中的校核次数与保护次数等参数进行了修改以适应新的环境。 相似文献
ATM信元中继业务是基于高速率ATM技术的一种新的计算机通信业务 ,它在发展未来的高速率计算机通信业务和多媒体通信业务中起关键作用。本文概括地介绍了这一公用ATM信元中继业务特性及其未来前景 ,同时还介绍了信元中继协议、系统构建技术及其软硬件技术等。 相似文献
一种基信元界面的并行ATM信元定界模型分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文介绍了一种缺乏字节边界条件下的并行ATM信元定界算法,并讨论了并行电路的实现中的最优参数确定。文中采用Markov模型分析了信赖度在正确字节边界和错误字节边界两种情形下的不同分布,并按照字节同步时间最小化的目标确定最优的电路参数并给出电路性能。 相似文献
同步是ATM信元传输的关键问题之一,也是一个比较复杂的问题。在对几种信元(cell)同步方案进行定性分析的基础上,提出了充分利用空cell进行同步的思想和实现方案。 相似文献
本文针对基于可配置处理器的异构多核结构,提出一种新的线程级动态调度模型。此类异构多核系统中每个核分别针对某一应用做指令集扩展,调度器通过线程、处理器核以及指令集间的映射关系,动态调度线程至适合的处理器核,从而在没有大幅增加芯片面积的前提下,达到与每个核都具有全扩展指令集相近似的加速比,此外该模型还可以有效减少编程模型的复杂度。 相似文献
In this paper, an empirical methodology to retrieve bare soil moisture by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is developed. The model is based on Advanced Integral Equation Model (AIEM). Since AIEM cannot express cross-polarized backscattering coefficients accurately, we propose an empirical model to retrieve soil moisture for bare farmland only with co-polarized SAR data. The soil moisture can be obtained by solving an equation of HH and VV polarized data without any field measurements. Both simulated and real SAR data are used to validate the accuracy of the model. This method is especially effective in a large area where the surface roughness is difficult to be completely measured. 相似文献
In this letter, we focus on the problem with the objective to maximize the system performance, while guaranteeing specified QoS constraints for multiple user classes in wireless data networks. First, we propose two opportunistic scheduling algorithms that exploit time-varying channel conditions for the special two-constraint case, and then propose an opportunistic scheduling algorithm for the general case. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed scheduling algorithms guarantee the different constraints, and achieve high-system performance that is close to the true optimal value using a known general-purpose optimization package, lingo. 相似文献
FuYusheng ChertXiaoning PiYiming HouYinming 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2005,22(3):288-293
In this letter, a simple and efficient method of image speckle reduction for polarimetric SAR is put forward. It is based on the fast fixed-polnt ICA (Independent Component Analysis) algorithm of orthogonal and symmetric matrix. Simulation experiment is carried out to separate speckle noise from the polarimetric SAR images, and it indicates that this algorithm has high convergency speed and stability, the image speckle noise is reduced effectively and the speckle index is low. and the image quality is improved obviously. 相似文献
Shengqi Zhu Guisheng Liao Haihong Tao Yi Qu Zhengguang ZhouAuthor vitae 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2011,65(11):906-914
In this paper, we describe an approach for Doppler ambiguity resolution. This approach adopts the fact that unwrapped Doppler centroid is a linear function of range frequency for a given antenna squint angle. On this basis, an alternative azimuth compression method is addressed and performed in range frequency domain to accumulate target energy in the azimuth direction. The resulting trajectories behave as some straight lines with the average slope proportional to absolute Doppler centroid. This slope can be well estimated by image-contrast methods. Theoretical analysis and real measured SAR data show that the proposed approach works well in high- and relatively low-contrast scenes. 相似文献