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从服装产品的快速设计需求入手,探讨了敏捷的产品开发的策略和模式,提出了快速设计包含服装产品标准化、产品基型系列规划和部位设计模块化等3方面工作.结合案例企业的产品开发,对女裤产品快速设计的各环节进行了分析,针对其目标市场确定了产品标准和基型,按设计关键部位设定了系列模块.  相似文献   

[本刊讯]在1999年6月16-19日于深圳召开的"全国纺织产品开发工作会议暨国际纺织品博览会传达会"上,中国纺织信息中心副主任、国家纺织工业局纺织产品开发中心主任孙瑞哲对今年下半年的产品开发工作提出如下设想。一、建立和完善全国纺织产品开发协作网,加强对企业产品开发的协调和服务在中国纺织信息中心、国家纺织工业局纺织产品开发中心原有的纺织新产品信息网的基础上,增加服务内容,扩大服务范围,逐步建立起在国内纺织界具有广泛代表性、权威性的产品开发综合协作体系。该协作体系应该为企业的产品开发提供实质性的服务。l.抓好面…  相似文献   

李波  黄莉 《纺织导报》2011,(4):24-33
创新是时代发展的主题,是产业进步的灵魂,更是企业可持续发展的主旋律。普及创新理念、提升创新能力,是中国纺织产业保持活力,持续健康、稳定、快速发展的重要源泉。为推进我国纺织服装行业的产品开发工作,树立行业产品开发先进企业典型,探索并建立产品研发与推广创新模式,提高科技贡献率和品牌贡献率,促进产品结构调整,推动产业升级,中国纺织工业协会在全行业中组织开展了中国纺织工业协会产品开发贡献奖的评选工作。  相似文献   

不断开发新产品、改革老产品是保持产品竞争力、增强企业发展后劲、提高经济效益和社会效益的超前工作.多年来,我厂遵循"生产一代、贮备一代、研制一代、构思一代"的原则,通过逐步完善产品开发工作制度、应用现代化管理方法和检测手段持续开发新产品和改革老产品,取得了显著成效.  相似文献   

国外一些著名的大企业生产的先进产品,与国内同类产品相比,无论是在质量,还是在品种、款式、技术含量上都略胜一筹。除了其它因素之外,国外著名大企业注重产品开发是一大重要原因。本文试以阐述与上海轻工行业、企业相关的国外著名大公司产品开发成功经验的基础上,找出上海轻工行业,企业在此方面的差距,并就如何加强产品开发工作提出一些建议。一、国外著名大公司在产品开发上的成功经验1.产品开发的投入较多,产品开发的力度很大国外一些著名企业在新产品开发上是很舍得花本钱的,他们所用于新产品开发的资金往往在企业当年产品销…  相似文献   

许才国  刘晓刚 《纺织学报》2009,30(10):143-148
针对当前服装大规模定制企业在产品开发环节存在的不足之处,构建了面向服装大规模定制产品开发的智能设计系统,通过对系统中大规模定制服装款式配置设计和快速变型设计的工作原理,以及功能模拟界面的分析,说明该系统在服装大规模定制企业产品开发环节的应用中具有便于顾客参与定制产品设计、快速生成定制产品效果图、准确定义产品、快速反应客户订单等方面的优点,能够充分体现服装大规模定制客户化设计与制造的竞争优势。  相似文献   

我国服装企业产品开发环节信息化管理效能仍存在很大的提升空间,企业应用面向服装产品开发流程的产品数据管理系统(PDM)管控产品开发过程,可以实现产品信息高效共享与应用,优化产品开发流程,管控成本结构,提高产品开发效率和量产效率,全面提升服装企业业务管理水平。  相似文献   

(三)产品开发的相关要求 企业的新产品开发是一个系统工程。许多企业把产品开发看成是单纯的开发部门的事,表现出一种技术近视的思维方法,以致产品开发屡屡不能获得成功。要知道我们提供给顾客的是最终商品,而在产品投产前的开发设计与最终商品之间还有许多事情要做,需要企业的各个职能部门间的相互配合。以保证提供给顾客的商品能准确无误地表达优秀的完整的设计思想。那么企业在产品开发设计阶段就应考虑到产品开发给各职能部门带来的相关要求,这些要求应具体体现在相应的设计文件或管理规范中。 1.产品要求 无容置疑,设计师首要考虑的是产品要求。—个完整的产品设计应确定的技术内  相似文献   

与“全国纺织产品开发工作会议”同期举办的“中国流行面料展示订货会”展示了 2000/2001秋冬中国流行而料入围产品及优秀产品,这些产品诠释了当今中国流行面料的走势,基本反映了国内纺织产品开发的最高水平,引起国内纺织服装企业以及外贸机构的高度关注和极大兴趣。图1“中国流行面料展示订货会”展示的2000/2001秋冬中国流行面料入围产品和优秀产品 当然,此次活动也暴露出国内纺织产品在开发中存在的问题,如抄袭和仿造。因此加强对国产优质面料的分析、研究,保护优秀企业的面料知识产权,鼓励企业的产品开发积极…  相似文献   

科技信息产业的发展促使时尚产品的开发模式被不断革新,同时客户导向对时尚产品开发的重要影响日益凸显。传统模式中企业将客户参与作为改进产品的辅助环节,而新模式中客户掌握了产品的开发、生产及定价的参与权,客户将引导产品开发的方向和内容,客户与产品之间的互动性得到提升。为了确保时尚产品开发的快速性和新鲜感,也为了应对客户需求的多样化,企业应革新传统产品开发模式,由客户需求来引导和驱动产品开发的升级和创新。本文从产品开发新模式的发展情况作为研究基础,系统地分析了以客户导向为驱动力的时尚产品开发的方法、过程、优势及重要意义。这种新模式不但能够合理提升产品研发链条效率,也将推进整个时尚产业体系的快速发展。  相似文献   

郭锡铎 《肉类工业》2011,(10):45-47
新产品开发的成功率,除了技术水平高低,还在于新产品开发管理体系。过去失败的原因,往往重技术,轻管理。本文阐述了新产品开发的三大作业领域及其关系,新产品开发计划,以及产品创新方法,为新产品开发工作指明了方向、路线和方法。  相似文献   

Involving consumers in the process of modification and creation of new food products has been recently identified as a vital factor for new product development. However, little attention has been devoted to consumer-generated product solutions, and instead, researchers continue to view new product development process as a firm-centred activity. This study uses projective and creative research techniques to involve consumers in the process of modification and creation of new aquaculture product ideas. We provide guidelines for the use of these techniques in the new product development process, as well as managerial and practical implications for the future development of new aquaculture products.  相似文献   

食品新产品开发过程经历创新、评估、开发、进行等阶段,其中创新思维对于新产品的开发具有重要意义.它决定了食品新产品日后能否在市场中成功,并且也是食品企业能否发展壮大的重要影响因素之一。只有形成创新的思维才能形成创新的产品概念。  相似文献   

食品的质构特性与新产品开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了在新产品开发中食品质构的构建,以厦开发过程中食品质构的感官评判和仪器分析,并讨论了感官评判结果与仪器分析数据的相关性。食品的质构特性是食品新产品开发中不可忽视的属性,值得研究开发者引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

Successful new product development requires input from the market throughout the product development process, from identification of opportunities via screening of ideas, development of concepts, development of physical prototypes and to launch. Drawing on work done in the EU FP6 projects PROSAFEBEEF and Q-PORKCHAINS and a Danish project, all dealing with new product development in the meat sector, it is shown how the use of consumer insight techniques can a) support the identification of market opportunities, b) make sure that technologies applied are acceptable to consumers, c) aid the selection and optimisation of new product concepts and related communication, and d) be used to test product prototypes before final launch.  相似文献   


With today's global competitive marketplace, new textile product development requires a design, marketing, materials and technology interface. An opportunity existed to examine the new textile product development processes being used by global textile companies with a variety of textile product end-uses: apparel, home textiles, transportation, industrial, nonwovens, carpets, and medical textiles. The Crawford and DiBenedetto model (2003) was used as the conceptual framework for the study and data was collected using secondary and primary data sources. A total of 24 global companies, based in the United States, comprised the sample for this study. Each company's new textile product development processes, practices, and new products were examined, with identification of key new product development concepts being utilized. Results indicated that companies were utilizing new product development (NPD) processes as a competitive tool, but are using a combination of NPD strategies to develop and launch products in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

A common question of dairy product developments is the possible success of the new product. Several publications reported successful results using just‐about‐right (JAR) scales; although there is some debate about their advantages/disadvantages. This study highlights the limitations and opportunities of JAR scales and penalty analysis of fruit flavored kefirs. The first question is whether penalty analysis results help to improve the product and thus its overall liking (OAL)? The second question is what happens to those who rated the products “ideal” (JAR) before product development when evaluating the new products? Fruit flavored live‐flora stirred‐type kefir samples were formulated and evaluated by 92 consumers before and after the JAR‐based product development. The OAL of two products significantly increased after product development. A new visualization tool is introduced, which shows what happens to those who rated the attribute as JAR but the attribute has been modified. A general product development scheme is also introduced for JAR‐based kefir product development.  相似文献   

彭鹏  严慧 《纺织报告》2020,(1):110-111,114
在我国,家纺业是民生产业,在保持经济增长、建设生态文明等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。但是,家纺行业的产品创新力还较为薄弱。随着消费升级加速进行,谁能给消费者提供功能更好、体验更加舒适的产品,谁就能抓住未来的家纺市场,因此新产品开发刻不容缓。从目前国内各大品牌企业主推的新产品来看,新产品的开发多以功能性添加为主,这些新产品的真实效果以及可靠性都有待进一步验证。通过对家纺市场产品开发的主要方向分析以及对国内外纤维材料产品开发资料的调研,针对产品开发提出了相关的看法和建议。  相似文献   

文章分析了大压机的发展与金刚石市场容量的关系,近年来中低档金刚石产量增加过多而高强料仍需进口的产品不平衡问题,以及金刚石制品在激烈的市场竞争中走上快速发展的轨道等的形势变化。面对国外对中国金刚石进行反倾销调查和原材料涨价等严峻形势,本行业要在国际市场竞争中取胜,必须做到人员素质上台阶,产品质量上档次,工艺技术要创新,不断地研究新问题,形成新思路,谋求新发展。  相似文献   


The textile and apparel industries are under constant pressure to develop and introduce new products; product development is a cornerstone in the survival strategy of any company in these industries. Yet, the development cycles are lengthy and usually require several feedback loops, often showing a mismatch of product properties, cost, and requirements.

Other assembly-oriented industries have successfully used managerial tools to integrate the product development process with marketing, product costing, and procurement functions. This paper discusses the use of product development tools (e.g. quality–function–deployment matrix) and target costing as an integrated approach for the textile and apparel industries. With the help of a case study it is shown how this integrated approach can reduce product development cycle time by focusing technical research, and how to incorporate desirable features in the new product design to gain customer satisfaction.

The integrated approach facilitates the development of new products that are competitively priced and earn projected profits in a target market niche.  相似文献   

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