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为研究灌浆波纹管连接和带榫头的灌浆波纹管连接两种预制拼装桥墩的抗震性能并对其在地震作用下的易损性进行评估,根据预制拼装桥墩墩底接缝的特点,通过拟静力试验研究,以墩顶漂移率为损伤指标,对其不同的损伤破坏状态进行描述,并确定了对应不同破坏等级的损伤量化指标限值Dcr、Dcy、Dcm和Dcu。采用有限元软件对现浇及预制拼装桥墩进行不同地震作用下的时程分析并建立概率地震需求模型,对其易损性进行评估,并通过改变轴压比、纵筋配筋率,来进一步研究这些参数对预制拼装桥墩易损性的影响。结果表明:虽然预制拼装桥墩与现浇桥墩大部分的破坏形式都为弯曲破坏,但是损伤状态因为接缝而存在差异;采用波纹管连接的预制拼装桥墩与现浇桥墩的地震易损性差别不大,抗震性能基本一致;有榫头构造的预制拼装桥墩在各级地震作用下发生四种损伤破坏的概率最低,这种构造形式的抗震性能优于平面接缝的预制拼装桥墩;轴压比、纵筋配筋率这两种参数对桥墩的易损性影响较大,随着轴压比的增大或配筋率的减小,桥墩的损伤概率增大。  相似文献   

为研究全钢管混凝土住宅框架结构的性能,通过OpenSees平台建立了16层全钢管混凝土框架的有限元模型,基于增量动力分析的方法对结构进行不同强度地震作用下的动力时程分析,定义了不同破坏状态下的结构性能水准,根据概率需求分析模型得到地震易损性曲线,并结合易损性指数定量的评价结构震后破坏程度.结果 表明:随着PGA的增大,...  相似文献   

两层钢管混凝土组合框架结构抗震性能试验研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
拟动力试验方法最早是由日本学者于1975年提出的,它综合了拟静力试验、振动台试验和时程反应数值分析的特点,来实际模拟结构损伤、刚度变化产生的非线性行为,近年来已得到广泛应用。本文通过对一榀由钢管混凝土柱和组合楼盖经由半刚性连接构成的组合框架1/3比例模型的拟静力、拟动力试验和弹塑性地震反应分析,研究此类结构在地震作用下的动力响应、恢复力特性和耗能性能;其中输入的地震波先采用ElCentro波,后采用Kobe波,模拟结构经历不同的地震作用。实测显示:累积损伤导致结构底层刚度的较大弱化,结构基频下降;钢管混凝土柱屈服,角区混凝土开裂,结构呈现较好的变形延性。本文还根据实测结果建立了一个预测组合框架结构在地震作用下弹塑性性能的分析模型,理论计算和试验结果基本吻合;实验和计算表明钢-混凝土组合框架结构具有良好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

多年冻土区铁路桥梁工程中广泛采用高承台桩基础形式,多年冻土层的存在会对铁路桥梁高承台桩基础抗震性能产生显著影响。为系统研究多年冻土区铁路桥梁高承台桩基础地震破坏机理及抗震性能,确保其合理的抗震设计,首先开展冻土-桩基础相互作用拟静力室内模型试验,并建立多年冻土区铁路桥梁桩基础有限元模型,分析多年冻土层对高承台桩基础地震破坏机理及抗震性能的影响规律;其次在验证有限元建模方法正确性的基础上,对拟静力试验中的原型桥梁桩基础进行IDA时程分析,并对96条地震波作用下桩基础地震反应的平均值进行线性回归分析,进而得到不同条件下桥梁高承台桩基础在不同破坏状态所对应的地震易损性曲线。结果表明,多年冻土层的存在能有效提高桩-土体系的水平承载力及变形能力,增强其整体刚度和耗能能力,同时也会改变桩基础的地震破坏模式,使桩基础的塑性区域扩大,破坏程度显著增加;随着地面峰值加速度PGA的增加,不同损伤状态下桥梁桩基础的破坏概率逐渐增加;随着多年冻土的退化,桩身最大曲率明显减小,高承台桩基础的破坏概率大幅度下降,而墩顶最大位移明显增大,降低了桩基础的地震稳定性;随着桩身自由段长度的增加,桩身最大曲率和墩顶最大位移均呈增大趋势,桥梁高承台桩基础的地震易损性逐渐增大。因此,对多年冻土区铁路桥梁高承台桩基础进行抗震设计时,应充分考虑多年冻土层和桩身自由段长度对其抗震性能产生的不利影响。  相似文献   

为了评价某钢筋混凝土圆形空心高墩铁路桥梁的抗震能力,本文以各墩柱控制截面的截面曲率为损伤指标,采用增量动力分析方法,分析了圆形空心高墩在纵桥向和横桥向地震动作用下的地震响应,得到了桥梁构件和桥梁整体结构控制截面在不同损伤状态下的超越概率,建立了圆形空心高墩铁路桥梁的地震易损性曲线.分析结果表明:纵桥向地震动作用下,各墩...  相似文献   

多层厂房结构易损性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对厂房结构的一种多层厂房结构,进行相关资料收集,作为建立结构物分析模型之主要依据,并采用非线性动力分析和非线性静力分析来进行相关研究,分析出建立高科技厂房结构易损性曲线的参数,有助于日后评估类似建筑物在地震作用下,所造成的不同损伤程度与其概率,亦可依此做为未来评估厂房需要加固时的经济效益。  相似文献   

为研究隔震连续梁桥的地震易损性,提供该类桥梁的抗震设计依据,本文以一座(55+4×90+55)m的连续梁桥为研究对象,采用摩擦摆隔震支座进行隔震改造.选取典型桥墩,利用OpenSees软件分别建立了隔震桥墩和非隔震桥墩的有限元动力分析模型.根据场地类型合理选取了20条人工合成地震波,并采用增量动力分析方法(IDA)得到...  相似文献   

卢飞  沈杰 《四川建材》2012,38(4):44-45,47
由于钢筋混凝土框架结构已经在民用建筑和工业建筑中得到了广泛的应用,因此本文以三维框架结构体系为研究对象,以美国地震工程研究中心(PEER)提出的概率性能评定框架为基础,对钢筋混凝土框架结构的地震易损性进行了研究.研究中所采用的有限元软件为美国中部地震研究中心(MAE Center)开发的ZEUS-NL软件.  相似文献   

尽管近年来大型换流站阀厅结构越建越多,但是对阀厅结构的易损性研究仍十分缺乏。考虑到大型换流站阀厅结构在电力系统中的重要性,对这类结构易损性开展深入地研究是十分必要的。在数值模型正确性得到验证基础上,对阀厅结构开展在不同类型地震动作用下的增量动力分析(IDA),基于增量动力分析结果建立阀厅结构处于不同破坏状态的地震易损性曲线。研究结果表明当地震动峰值加速度小于0.5g时,阀厅结构刚度降幅比较缓慢,而随着峰值加速度增大,其刚度降幅逐渐增快。由地震易损性曲线可知,在罕遇地震作用下阀厅结构处于不同破坏状态的超越概率均小于5%,该阀厅结构抗震设计满足要求并具有较大安全储备。  相似文献   

以一座具有较大墩高差异的中小跨径梁桥为例,利用OpenSees有限元软件,考虑地震动的不确定性,建立了该桥的非线性分析模型,合理选取了100条地震动与该模型组合得到所需桥梁样本,计算分析得到该桥的地震响应。选取合理损伤评价指标分别定义桥墩和支座的不同破坏状态,建立了桥墩和支座在纵桥向和横桥向的地震易损性曲线并进行对比分析。结果表明:地震作用下,桥墩和支座均容易发生损伤,支座发生损伤的概率更大,尤其是滑动支座;设置滑动支座的桥墩在地震作用下的损伤概率较低,不易发生严重的损伤;需要对支座和桥墩采取一定的加固和保护措施。  相似文献   

In this study, the seismic reliability of a mid-rise reinforced concrete (R/C) building retrofitted using eccentric steel braces is investigated through fragility analysis. As a case study, a six storey mid-rise R/C building was selected. The design of selected sample building was made with reference to 1975 version of the Turkish Seismic Code. The effectiveness of using different types of eccentric steel braces in retrofitting the building was examined. The effect of distributing the steel bracing over the height of the R/C frame on the seismic performance of the retrofitted building was studied. For the strengthening of the original structure, D, K, and V type eccentric bracing systems were utilized and each of these bracing systems was applied with four different spatial distributions in the structure. For fragility analysis, the study employed a set of 200 generated earthquake acceleration records compatible with the elastic code design spectrum. Nonlinear time history analysis was used to analyze the structures subjected to this set of earthquake accelerations generated in terms of peak ground accelerations (PGA), whilst monitoring four performance limit states. The fragility curves were developed in terms of PGA for these limit states; namely: slight, moderate, major, and collapse with lognormal distribution assumption. The improvement of seismic reliability achieved through the use of D, K, and V type eccentric braces was evaluated by comparing the median values of the fragility curves of the existing building before and after retrofits. As a result of this study, the improvement in seismic performance of this type of mid-rise R/C building resulting from retrofits by different types of eccentric steel braces was obtained by formulation of the fragility reduction.  相似文献   

为研究大跨异形钢连廊连体结构的地震易损性,以某实际工程为研究背景,首先分别定义连体结构中的框架剪力墙结构、橡胶支座端和预埋锚固端的极限状态与损伤指标,并采用有限元软件SAP2000建立分析模型。其次,根据结构所在的场地条件,选取了24条地震动记录,并对结构进行三向地震激励下的增量动力分析。在此基础上,以最大层间位移角、橡胶支座的剪切应变和预埋锚固端的损伤因子作为结构地震需求参数,以地面峰值加速度作为地震动强度参数,根据增量动力分析的结果,得到大跨异形钢连廊连体结构的地震易损性曲线。最后,采用振动台试验对易损性分析结果进行验证。结果表明:在8度罕遇地震时,主楼、附楼I、橡胶支座端及角钢预埋锚固端发生毁坏的超越概率分别为0.8%、0.3%、0及47.7%,整体结构发生毁坏的超越概率上界为48.4%,下界为47.7%。这说明用局部结构的地震易损性来评价整体结构的地震易损性是偏于不安全的。易损性分析结果也显示连体结构易发生损坏的部位依次是预埋锚固端、主楼、附楼I和橡胶支座端,这与振动台试验结果相同。建议在设计中加强连体结构的锚固端,保证其可靠连接。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the seismic vulnerability of a recently designed jacket-type offshore platform through development of fragility curves and presents the formulation of time-dependent seismic fragility curves to capture the effects of ageing and deterioration on the seismic vulnerability of the representative platform. Among the various ageing processes, the corrosion deterioration of the structure is taken into account by applying a time-dependent model of corrosion deterioration of the tubular elements in the splash zone. Incremental dynamic analysis is performed on the initial uncorroded and corroded platforms considering soil–pile–structure interaction. A full probabilistic analysis is then performed to develop time-dependent seismic fragility curves for the immediate occupancy and collapse prevention limit states. Finally, a time variant cubic model is proposed to develop fragility curves at any point in time during platform’s service life, without need to perform a complete time-consuming fragility analyses. Results show substantial increase in probability of failure of the platform throughout its lifetime due to corrosion deterioration. The results also indicate that the time-dependent fragility curves can be used in offshore platforms to assess the seismic vulnerability of the structure and demonstrate the influence of various factors affecting the seismic vulnerability of the platform during its lifetime.  相似文献   

竖向地震作用对高耸烟囱结构动力响应有不可忽略的影响。选用240m高的某钢筋混凝土烟囱作为研究对象,考虑结构损伤,通过有限元软件ABAQUS,采用复合壳单元建立相应的非线性有限元分析模型。为考虑地震动的不确定性,根据谱相容性原则,选择20条合理地震动记录,进行增量动力分析。输入的地震动分别为一维、二维、三维。分别以材料应变和地面峰值加速度作为结构地震需求参数和地震动强度参数,结合增量动力分析获得的结构地震响应,采用能力需求比模型的曲线拟合法计算易损性曲线。通过钢筋和混凝土的材料应变定义四个损伤状态限值,最终得到在不同维数地震动输入时高耸钢筋混凝土烟囱结构的地震易损性曲线和倒塌概率曲线。研究结果表明,考虑多维地震作用比只考虑一维地震作用时高耸烟囱的结构易损性和倒塌概率增大。  相似文献   

作为地震动三要素之一,地震动持时对结构地震易损性的影响有待深入研究。为此,选择分别具有长、短持时特性的两组地震动记录作为输入,以按我国现行规范设计的3个不同高度钢筋混凝土框架结构作为研究对象,采用OpenSees软件,对比分析了不同持时特性地震动作用下钢筋混凝土框架结构的地震易损性,并进一步从失效概率、易损性指数和性能裕度比等3个方面讨论了持时对结构抗震性能的影响。分析结果表明:地震动持时特性对结构地震易损性的影响不容忽视;随着地震动强度和结构损伤水平的增加,地震动持时对地震易损性的影响越发显著;相较于短持时地震动,长持时地震动会使易损性中位值下降超过10%;地震动持时越长,其对结构抗震性能的不利影响也越明显;长持时地震动使结构失效概率增加50%以上,同时提高易损性指数,降低性能裕度比。  相似文献   

Steel space framed hall buildings are dedicated as shelters for people suffering from earthquakes. In general construction, steel space frames are built on reinforced concrete (R/C) frames or wall structures above the bottom side. For this reason, the bottom side has higher rigidity comparing with the upper side. In Turkey, where there is a very high earthquake risk, earthquake‐resistant steel space framed structures is an important issue. In this current research, hall buildings in Turkey, involving two different rigidity parts as R/C and steel, are taken into consideration regarding earthquake effect. In this study, three different hall structures were modeled with different elastic moduli for the analysis part. Nonlinear time history analyses were applied with 25 different earthquake data for performance estimation. After the time history analyses, probabilistic seismic assessment was carried out for the model buildings through fragility analyses. For each model, analysis results were evaluated and compared. As a result, the hall buildings were found to be vulnerable to damage during expected future earthquakes. Moreover, elastic moduli have significant effect on the structural response. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于性能的方钢管混凝土框架结构地震易损性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
钢-混凝土组合结构由于兼有钢结构和混凝土结构的优点,近年来得到了迅速发展和广泛应用,目前已成为我国高层建筑领域内应用较多的一种结构形式。虽然在地震区越来越多地采用这种新型的结构,但迄今为止还没有发现对钢-混凝土组合结构的地震易损性进行过研究的文献。因此给出一种基于性能的结构整体地震易损性分析方法,该方法既考虑了结构本身的不确定性,又考虑了地震动输入的不确定性。并定义了结构整体和楼层的四个极限破坏状态,从而提出了基于结构极限破坏状态确定结构抗震性能水平限值的方法。最后采用该方法对两个不同类型的方钢管混凝土框架结构进行基于性能的地震易损性分析,得到结构的易损性曲线,对结构的易损性能进行评估和分析,并比较了两个结构的易损性能。  相似文献   

The structural configurations of hillside buildings are significantly different than those observed on flat terrain. To study the effect of often observed structural configurations of hillside buildings, collapse fragility of regular “flat land (FL)” and irregular “split‐foundation (SF)” and “step‐back (SB)” buildings is studied using incremental dynamic analysis. The effects of building height, seismic zone, and near‐ and far‐field sites on collapse fragility are investigated. It is observed that SF and SB hillside buildings exhibit significant torsional effects at the storey just above the uppermost foundation level. In case of FL buildings, collapse occurs due to the flexural failure of beams and columns. On the other hand, in SF and SB buildings, the collapse occurs due to the combined effects of shear failure of short columns and flexural failure of beams and columns in the storey just above the uppermost foundation level. In general, SF buildings are observed to be the most vulnerable, whereas FL buildings are the least vulnerable. It is observed that high‐rise SF and SB buildings show unacceptably high probability of collapse at maximum considered earthquake, in Seismic Zone V and for the near‐field site in Seismic Zone IV.  相似文献   

为研究传统风格建筑的钢框架结构的破坏形态和抗震性能,以位于抗震设防烈度8度区的一传统风格建筑钢框架结构为原型,按1∶2缩尺比例制作了试验模型,对其进行了低周反复加载试验。试验中观察了钢框架结构的受力过程及破坏形态,得到了结构的荷载-位移滞回曲线、骨架曲线、应变特征、延性、耗能性能、刚度与承载力退化等。试验结果表明: 传统风格建筑钢框架结构的斗、栱构件在水平荷载作用下可作为第一道抗震防线,梁端塑性铰发展充分,满足“强柱弱梁、强节点弱构件”的抗震要求;滞回曲线出现捏拢现象,呈Z形变化,表现出剪切滑移特征,与常规钢框架结构有明显的差异;在加载前期刚度退化较为显著;结构破坏时,极限位移角达到1/20,承载力退化系数接近0.9,表现出良好的抗倒塌能力和稳定的承载力。  相似文献   

In China, a considerable proportion of reinforced concrete (RC) industrial chimneys in operation was designed and constructed in accordance with less rigorous outdated seismic criteria during the end of 19th and early 20th century. However, few research works have been reported till date on a realistic overall assessment of the seismic performance of these existing aging RC chimney structures. Therefore, in this study, fragilities of existing RC chimney were studied. For this purpose, an existing 240 m tall RC chimney was selected and structurally modeled with a lumped mass beam (stick) model by means of the OpenSees analysis program. In order to capture the uncertainties in ground motion realizations, a series of 21 ground motions are selected from the Next Generation Attenuation database as the input motions. To develop the analytical fragility curves, nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis of the studied RC chimney was then carried out using the selected input motions, which were normalized to different excitation levels. The section curvature ductility ratio was considered as the damage index. Based on material strain and sectional analysis, four limit states (LSs) were defined for five damage state. The seismic responses of the all sections were utilized to evaluate the likelihood of exceeding the LSs. Then the peak ground acceleration (PGA)‐based seismic fragility curves of the structure were constructed assuming a lognormal distribution. Finally, under the light of these fragility curves, the damage risks in existing RC chimney were discussed. The analytical results indicated that for design level earthquake of PGA = 0.1 g (g is the gravitational acceleration) and the maximum considered earthquake of PGA = 0.22 g, the probabilities of exceeding the light damage state were around 1.5% and 44%, respectively, while the exceedance probabilities corresponding to moderate, extensive and complete damage states were approximately zero in both cases. On the other hand, fragility analysis revealed that the RC chimney structure had considerable ductility capacity and was capable to withstand a strong earthquake with some structural damages. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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