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In this article, we propose some methods for deriving symbolic interpretation of data in the form of rule based learning systems by using Support Vector Machines (SVM). First, Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) learning techniques are explored, as is usual in the literature, since the local nature of this paradigm makes it a suitable platform for performing rule extraction. By using support vectors from a learned SVM it is possible in our approach to use any standard Radial Basis Function (RBF) learning technique for the rule extraction, whilst avoiding the overlapping between classes problem. We will show that merging node centers and support vectors explanation rules can be obtained in the form of ellipsoids and hyper-rectangles. Next, in a dual form, following the framework developed for RBFNN, we construct an algorithm for SVM. Taking SVM as the main paradigm, geometry in the input space is defined from a combination of support vectors and prototype vectors obtained from any clustering algorithm. Finally, randomness associated with clustering algorithms or RBF learning is avoided by using only a learned SVM to define the geometry of the studied region. The results obtained from a certain number of experiments on benchmarks in different domains are also given, leading to a conclusion on the viability of our proposal.  相似文献   

On the Customization of Components: A Rule-Based Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Realizing the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements for a software system continues to be an important and challenging issue in software engineering. A software system may need to be updated or reconfigured to provide modified QoS capabilities. These changes can occur at development time or at runtime. In component-based software engineering, software systems are built by composing components. When the QoS requirements change, there is a need to reconfigure the components. Unfortunately, many components are not designed to be reconfigurable, especially in terms of QoS capabilities. It is often labor-intensive and error-prone work to reconfigure the components, as developers need to manually check and modify the source code. Furthermore, the work requires experienced senior developers, which makes it costly. The limitations motivate the development of a new rule-based semiautomated component parameterization technique that performs code analysis to identify and adapt parameters and changes components into reconfigurable ones. Compared with a number of alternative QoS adaptation approaches, the proposed rule-based technique has advantages in terms of flexibility, extensibility, and efficiency. The adapted components support the reconfiguration of potential QoS trade-offs among time, space, quality, and so forth. The proposed rule-based technique has been successfully applied to two substantial libraries of components. The F-measure or balanced F-score results for the validation are excellent, that is, 94 percent. Index Terms-Performance measures, rule-based processing, representations.  相似文献   

Reusing and Interconnecting Software Components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goguen  J.A. 《Computer》1986,19(2):16-28

异质可复用软构件属性模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了一个五元组软构件属性模型,讨论了与之相关的方法和语言,并用BNF刻画了所提出的模型,还介绍了软构件操作原语。  相似文献   

一种可定制的自主构件运行支撑框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙熙  庄磊  刘文  焦文品  梅宏 《软件学报》2008,19(6):1340-1349
描述了一种动态、可定制的构件自主化的实现手段及运行平台,试图通过对实现自主构件的方法和手段的探索,为开发具有自主性的基于Internet的软件系统提供一定的实践基础和经验.在实现自主构件时,采取了改装已有普通构件的方式,将软件Agent技术和构件技术结合起来,通过为构件定制行为规则和规划来控制和调度构件的行为,使得构件能够根据环境的状态调整自己的行为.同时,通过集成可以解释和执行声明式规则的规则引擎,使得可以在不修改构件源代码和重新部署构件的情况下,动态定制和实现构件的自主性行为能力.  相似文献   

SOCRATES is a rule-based expert system that optimizes combinational logic for a specific target technology. The system performs substitutions of equivalent gate configurations, thereby reducing the overall area of the implementation and improving the speed of the design. A control mechanism uses various backup strategies to choose the rules applied to the circuit. Users can easily extend the library of transformation rules through a rule generation module that automatically encodes rules and inserts them into the knowledge base. Timing constraints placed on the circuit can be modified to allow the designer to explore a large design space in a matter of minutes. Implementations generated by the system are comparable in area and speed to circuits designed by experts.  相似文献   

Over time, software systems suffer gradual quality decay and therefore costs can rise if organizations fail to take proactive countermeasures. Quality control is the first step to avoiding this cost trap. Continuous quality assessments help users identify quality problems early, when their removal is still inexpensive; they also aid decision making by providing an integrated view of a software system's current status. As a side effect, continuous and timely feedback helps developers and maintenance personnel improve their skills and thereby decreases the likelihood of future quality defects. To make regular quality control feasible, it must be highly automated, and assessment results must be presented in an aggregated manner to avoid overwhelming users with data. This article offers an overview of tools that aim to address these issues. The authors also discuss their own flexible, open-source toolkit, which supports the creation of dashboards for quality control.  相似文献   

Software and Systems Modeling - The Design and Engineering Methodology for Organisations (DEMO) is a core method within the discipline of enterprise engineering. It enables the creation of...  相似文献   

1 引言精化演算是一种数学表示法和若干规则的集合,用于从程序规约推导出命令式程序。精化是从抽象程序向具体程序转换的过程,其中包含程序的正确性证明。精化的程序开发方法比对已有程序进行验证以保证程序正确性的方法更有效。通过精化演算中的转换规则可以演算出精化的程序。利用精化演算从规约导出程序的过程由大量步骤构成,非常适合利用机器工具进行辅助。本文对精化工具进行了需求分析和功能分析,研究了一个新的精化工具PRT(Program Refinement Tool)并与现有的一些工具进行了比较。  相似文献   





On August 27, 2000, the IT audit profession lost Don Wood, one its pioneers. Wood was involved with many of the key events of IT (EDP) auditing in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1992, this author conducted a survey of the IT audit pioneers and experts. (The EDP Auditor Journal, Volume III, 1993, con-tains “Pioneers of EDP Auditing in North America,” an article on the methodology that was employed in this survey and its results.) In the survey, Wood was placed ninth in the ranking of the most influential “pioneers” of EDP auditing, and the book on it that he wrote with Bill Mair and Keagle Davis was tied for second in the ranking of influential literature. (According to both Keagle Davis and Don Wood, Bill Mair was the innovator of parallel simulation.) These results show the respect that the profession's early leaders had for Wood's contributions to IT auditing.  相似文献   




A Writing Support Tool with Multiple Views   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes both SuperText,a computer program designed to support productiveexpository writing processes among students at adistance teaching university, and its theoreticaljustification. Being able to write well is animportant communication skill, and the writingprocess can help to build and clarify the writersknowledge. Computers can support this by providing amedium to externalise and record the writersunderstanding. Representations appropriate to thisexternalisation are uninstantiated idea labels,instantiated text units, and a variety ofrelationships between these items. SuperText usesthese representations to support a range of writingstyles. It provides several independent Views thatrepresent the structure of the evolving documentthrough expanding hierarchies, each with a varietyof Presentations. Allied to these Views is a textwork space providing access to a database ofcontinuous text nodes. Taken together, these providean ability to represent global and intermediatestructures of the document well beyond that ofconventional editors. These aspects were all ratedhighly by students participating in a series offield trials of SuperText.  相似文献   

CISA [Certified Information Systems Auditor] Examination Textbooks, Second Edition, by S. Rao Vallabhaneni. Volume 1: Theory; 1996, 995 pp. Volume 2: Practice; 1996, 335 pp.; includes glossaries. SRV Professional Publications (Post Office Box 681354, Schaumberg IL 60168-1354). Price: $50.00 per volume; $95 for the set. Inquire about shipping costs and applicable taxes. Include payment with order in US funds.  相似文献   

设计模式复用支持系统的设计实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨睿  姚淑珍 《计算机工程》2004,30(1):80-81,87
设计上的复用是软件复用的较高层次。设计模式是设计成果的总结,设计模式复用是完成设计成果复用的有效途径。而改变在设计模式应用过程中过份依靠人工的现状,有着重大的意义。文章从描述、储存、管理等方面阐述了设计模式复用支持系统的实现,并给出了一个现阶段较为可行的实现方案。  相似文献   

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