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The effect of charge modification of photoimmunoconjugates (PICs) on their biodistribution in a xenograft model of ovarian cancer was investigated. Chlorin(e6)c(e6) was attached site specifically to the F(ab')2 fragment of the murine monoclonal antibody OC125, directed against human ovarian cancer cells, via poly-1-lysine linkers carrying cationic or anionic charges. Preservation of immunoreactivity was checked by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). PICs were radiolabelled with 125I and compared with non-specific rabbit IgG PICs after intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection into nude mice. Samples were taken from normal organs and tumour at 3 h and 24 h. Tumour to normal 125I ratios showed that the cationic OC125F(ab')2 PIC had the highest tumour selectivity. Ratios for c(e6) were uniformly higher than for 125I, indicating that c(e6) became separated from 125I. OC125F(ab')2 gave highest tissue values of 125I, followed by cationic OC125F(ab')2 PIC; other species were much lower. The amounts of c(e6) delivered per gram of tumour were much higher for cationic OC125F(ab')2 PIC than for other species. The results indicate that cationic charge stimulates the endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of the OC125F(ab')2-pl-c(e6) that has bound to the i.p. tumour. Positively charged PICs may have applications in the i.p. photoimmunotherapy of minimal residual ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

The amphibian pronephros is fated to die during early development. Pronephric cells undergo apoptosis and their function is replaced by the mesonephros, which becomes the functional kidney of the adult frog. Tadpoles of the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens, were inoculated with a Lucké tumour herpesvirus (LTV) preparation. Most of the animals developed typical Lucké renal carcinomas at metamorphosis. Fewer developed carcinomas of the pronephric cell type. A pronephric carcinoma, rescued from apoptosis by the herpesvirus, was harvested from a post-metamorphic frog. The tumour was judged to be pronephric by its anatomical location (in the anterior part of the body) and because both mesonephric kidneys were intact and tumour-free upon removal of the tumour mass. A tumour fragment was fixed for histological examination, which confirmed that the tissue was a renal carcinoma. A further fragment was subjected to short-term culture in order to produce metaphase cells for cytogenetical analysis. Based upon silverstained nucleolar organizing region numbers, 14 of 15 metaphase cells were estimated to have the diploid number (2N = 26) of chromosomes and a karyotype was constructed which did not appear to differ from that of normal cells. A single cell was estimated to be tetraploid (4N = 52). This is the first report of chromosomes of a pronephric Lucké carcinoma. LTV replicates only in tumour tissue maintained in the cold. Because the frog in this study had been maintained in the laboratory at 22 degrees C for about 10 months, no viruses would have been detectable with electron microscopy. However, the presence of Lucké herpesvirus DNA was detected in tumour homogenates by polymerase chain reaction amplification of a 1.2 kbp Hind III restriction fragment of the LTV DNA. The presence of LTV DNA provided assurance that the rescued pronephric tumour was indeed a Lucké carcinoma.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the levels of serum immunosuppressive acidic protein (IAP) in Chinese female controls and patients with ovarian tumors; and to examine the usefulness of serum IAP as an additional diagnostic test for ovarian cancer. Serum IAP was determined by a single radial immunodiffusion method. Blood samples were collected prior to surgery from patients with ovarian tumors and from female controls. A histologic diagnosis was made, and staging was performed on the basis of the FIGO staging system for ovarian cancer. The studied subjects included 33 healthy controls, 33 patients with benign ovarian tumors and 32 patients with ovarian cancer (stage I-III, and recurrent). The data were analyzed by Student's t test, Fisher's exact test and the one-way ANOVA test. The mean (+/- SD) level of serum IAP in controls was 330 +/- 61 micrograms/ml. The calculated normal upper limit (mean plus 2 SD) was 452 micrograms/ml. The mean value (867 +/- 392 micrograms/ml) in ovarian cancer was significantly higher than the controls (p < 0.001) or the benign ovarian tumors (333 +/- 95 micrograms/ml) (p < 0.001). Five (15.6%) of 32 patients with ovarian cancer had false-negative results. Three (9.1%) of 33 patients with benign ovarian tumors showed false-positive IAP levels. The pathologic diagnosis of these three patients revealed that two had endometrioma and one had mucinous cystadenoma with hemorrhagic necrosis. Three of four patients with epithelial ovarian cancer of borderline malignancy had IAP levels only slightly higher than the cut-off point of 452 micrograms/ml.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Chimeric T84.66 (cT84.66) is a high-affinity (1.16x10(11) M(-1)) IgG1 monoclonal antibody against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The purpose of this pilot trial was to evaluate the tumor-targeting properties, biodistribution, pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity of 111In-labeled cT84.66 as a function of administered antibody protein dose. METHODS: Patients with CEA-producing colorectal cancers with localized disease or limited metastatic disease who were scheduled to undergo definitive surgical resection were each administered a single intravenous dose of 5 mg of isothiocyanatobenzyl diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-cT84.66, labeled with 5 mCi of 111In. Before receiving the radiolabeled antibody, patients received unlabeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-cT84.66. The amount of unlabeled antibody was 0, 20 or 100 mg, with five patients at each level. Serial blood samples, 24-hr urine collections and nuclear images were collected until 7 days postinfusion. Human antichimeric antibody response was assessed up to 6 mo postinfusion. RESULTS: Imaging of at least one known tumor site was performed in all 15 patients. Fifty-two lesions were analyzed, with an imaging sensitivity rate of 50.0% and a positive predictive value of 76.9%. The antibody detected tumors that were not detected by conventional means in three patients, resulting in a modification of surgical management. Interpatient variations in serum clearance rates were observed and were secondary to differences in clearance and metabolic rates of antibody and antibody:antigen complexes by the liver. Antibody uptake in primary tumors, metastatic sites and regional metastatic lymph nodes ranged from 0.4% to 134% injected dose/kg, resulting in estimated 90Y-cT84.66 radiation doses ranging from 0.3 to 193 cGy/mCi. Thirteen patients were evaluated 1-6 mo after infusion for human antichimeric antibody, and none developed a response. No major differences in tumor imaging, tumor uptake, pharmacokinetics or organ biodistribution were observed with increasing protein doses, although a trend toward increasing blood uptake and decreasing liver uptake was observed with increasing protein dose. CONCLUSION: Chimeric T84.66 demonstrated tumor targeting comparable to other radiolabeled intact anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies. Its immunogenicity after single administration was lower than murine monoclonal antibodies. These properties make 111In-cT84.66, or a lower molecular weight derivative, attractive for further evaluation as an imaging agent. Yttrium-90 dosimetry estimates predict potentially cytotoxic radiation doses to select tumor sites, which makes 90Y-cT84.66 also appropriate for further evaluation in Phase I radioimmunotherapy trials. Although clinically important changes in biodistribution, pharmacokinetics and tumor targeting with increasing protein doses of 111In-cT84.66 were not demonstrated, the results do suggest that antibody clearance from the blood is driven by hepatic uptake and metabolism, with more rapid blood clearance seen in patients with liver metastases. These patients with rapid clearance and potentially unfavorable biodistribution for imaging and therapy may, therefore, be a more appropriate subset in which to evaluate the role of administering higher protein doses. This underscores the need to further identify, characterize and understand those factors that influence the biodistribution and clearance of radiolabeled anti-CEA antibodies, to allow for better selection of patients for therapy and rational planning of radioimmunotherapy.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of repeated administration of OC125 F(ab')2 fragments on cancer antigen (CA) 125 determination in 210 serum samples from 30 patients. We found falsely high CA 125 concentrations in 142 (68%) samples, using a homologous CA 125 enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with OC125 antibodies. The Truquant OV2 method, which involves two other murine antibodies, and the IMx CA 125 method, which uses sheep antibodies as capture antibodies, resulted in only slightly increased (false-positive) values in some samples with exceptionally high CA 125 EIA values. We measured falsely low CA 125 values in 37 (18%) samples with the Truquant OV2 method. Interferences could be eliminated by removal of serum IgG. Our results suggest that interferences are to some extent caused by anti-idiotypic IgG induced by OC125 administration. Assays involving nonmurine anti-CA 125 antibodies as capture antibodies seem to be most suited for CA 125 determination after OC125 treatment, but in every case an apparent increase of CA 125 after OC125 infusion should be validated.  相似文献   

The relationship of the heat shock protein HSP27 in ovarian cancer to several biological and clinical parameters was investigated in a series of primary tumors and cell lines. Analysis of 72 primary tumors (54 malignant, 5 borderline, and 13 benign neoplasms) indicated that malignant tumors expressed higher HSP27 concentrations than benign tumors (median values, 0.56 versus 0.25 ng/microgram cytosolic protein; P = 0.032). Tumors from patients with advanced stage (stages II, III, or IV) disease contained significantly higher HSP27 concentrations than tumors from stage I patients (P = 0.018), and an HSP27 content >2.0 ng/microgram cytosolic protein was associated with reduced survival (P = 0.03). Tumors that had demonstrated progressive growth after chemotherapy had a significantly higher HSP27 content than tumors that were static or responsive (P = 0.022). These data indicate that HSP27 is associated with more aggressive malignant ovarian disease and with inherent resistance to chemotherapy. Concentrations of HSP27 were also correlated with indicators of estrogen sensitivity. Therefore, the HSP27 concentration correlated with the estrogen receptor (all tumors, P = 0.0014; malignant tumors only, P = 0.047) but not with the progesterone receptor concentration. Analysis of ovarian cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo indicated that the HSP27 content was higher in cell lines that were estrogen receptor rich and whose growth was modulated by estrogen as compared with those that were not. Additionally, two estrogen receptor-rich ovarian carcinoma lines demonstrated a small but significant decrease in HSP27 levels in response to 17beta-estradiol in culture. These results suggest that HSP27 may help identify tumors responsive to estrogens.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes of 8 patients with ovarian cancer were targeted to the tumor cells using F(ab')2 fragments of a bispecific monoclonal antibody (bsAb), specific for CD3 (a component of the T lymphocyte receptor for antigen) and for the folate receptor MOv18 (overexpressed by ovarian carcinoma cells) as part of a phase I/II study. Phase I (days 0 to 3) consisted of increasing intraperitoneal (i.p.) numbers (10(6)-10(9)) of bsAb-targeted T lymphocytes plus low-dose interleukin-2 (IL-2). Phase II (days 6 to 13, and 27 to 33) consisted of daily i.p. infusions of 10(9) targeted T lymphocytes, 2 mg soluble bsAb, and low-dose IL-2. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) were detected in all patients: in the serum from day 13 onwards and in the peritoneal fluid from day 20 onwards. A significant proportion of the HAMA appeared to be directed against the idiotypes of the bsAb specific for CD3 and MOv18, as suggested by (1) the clearly higher ELISA titers against OC/TR bsAb as compared to those against a monoclonal antibody (MAb) with unrelated specificity, and (2) failure to abrogate the capacity of peritoneal fluid containing HAMA to block the binding of OC/TR bsAb to MOv18+ or CD3+ cells by absorption of human anti-mouse IgG-framework antibodies in peritoneal fluid to immobilized mouse IgG. The OC/TR-targeted cytolysis of the MOv18+ ovarian carcinoma cell line Igrov-I by autologous T lymphocytes was inhibited by peritoneal fluid samples containing relatively high HAMA titers. Such inhibitory activity was never detected at the start of phase II, but coincided with the last series of i.p. infusions of targeted T lymphocytes in 2 patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The adoptive transfer of interleukin-2 (IL-2)-cultured tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) can cause tumor regression in patients with metastatic melanoma. METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with metastatic melanoma receiving high dose IL-2 and TIL were studied for the ability of autologous 111In-labeled TIL to localize to metastatic tumor deposits by gamma camera imaging and biopsy. Single bolus cyclophosphamide was administered 24-36 hours before TIL infusion in 27 treatment courses. RESULTS: Tumor localization by 111In-labeled TIL was seen by gamma camera imaging in 26 (68.4%) treatment courses. In a univariate analysis of factors influencing TIL traffic, cyclophosphamide administration was significantly associated with the ability to localize tumor by radionuclide imaging (P2 = 0.026). Twenty-one of 26 (80.8%) treatment courses given with cyclophosphamide demonstrated tumor localization, compared with only 5 of 12 (41.7%) treatment courses without cyclophosphamide. In addition, patients whose 111In-labeled TIL imaged their tumor received significantly more TIL than did those that did not (P2 = 0.0052). Biopsies revealed a greater accumulation of 111In in cutaneous tumors than in normal skin biopsy specimens (0.0021 and 0.0004% injectate/gram of tissue, respectively; P2 = < 0.001). The median tumor-to-normal-skin ratio of simultaneous biopsies was 5.0. Finally, 10 of 26 (38.5%) patients who had tumor localization by scan had a clinical response, whereas no responses were noted in 12 patients whose tumors were not imaged (P2 = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS. Localization in tumor may be important in the mechanism of TIL antitumor activity because no clinical responses were seen in patients who did not have their tumors imaged with 111In-TIL. Cyclophosphamide administration before TIL and IL-2 therapy and the administration of large numbers of TIL appear to improve the frequency of TIL localization to tumor.  相似文献   

The finding that severe measles occurs in immunized as well as nonimmunized human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals suggests that both immunologic memory and the initial response to measles may be impaired by HIV infection. That the initial response is affected was supported by the finding that post-measles immunization titers of HIV-infected babies were significantly lower (p = 0.01) than those of normal babies. Poor immunologic memory was evidenced in HIV-infected children by lower titers than in normal children (p < 0.001) and by a continuing decline in measles antibody that was not arrested by reimmunization. Impaired memory appeared to be associated with defective avidity maturation. HIV-infected babies and infants or children had a significantly lower avidity index (AI) than age-matched normal children (p < 0.01). HIV-infected adults, who were infected with HIV following infection with measles, did not have AI values significantly different from normal adults (p = 0.18) but had significantly greater values than did HIV-infected babies and children (p < 0.01). Thus, in contrast to infants and children who were infected with HIV before measles immunization, the adult immune response to measles was less affected.  相似文献   

OVAREX MAb B43.13 is a new radiopharmaceutical based on a monoclonal antibody (MAb-B43.13) known to recognize CA 125, a tumour antigen associated with epithelial ovarian cancer. This MAb is capable of facile radiolabelling with 99Tcm and has been shown previously to localize in the tumours of ovarian cancer patients. The present study was initiated to measure the pharmacokinetics of this MAb in the serum of 10 patients with primary or metastatic ovarian cancer. A two-compartment model was found to be best at representing the biodistribution of the 99Tcm-labelled MAb, yielding a 2.6 h distribution phase half-life and a 31.3 h elimination phase half-life. The serum and renal clearances for 99Tcm-MAb-B43.13 were 121 and 53 ml h-1 respectively. These parameters were compared with a similar model developed from the serum values of the MAb itself (determined using an ELISA detection method). Based on the serum pharmacokinetics of 99Tcm-MAb-B43.13 and whole-body planar gamma camera images, an estimate of the radiation dose from 99Tcm was calculated using standard MIRD schema. The organs demonstrating significant 99Tcm uptake included the liver, kidneys, heart and spleen. The whole-body dose was similar to other 99Tcm-labelled MAbs.  相似文献   

Imaging with radiolabeled somatostatin/vasoactive intestinal peptide analogs has recently been established for the localization diagnosis of a variety of human tumors including neuroendocrine tumors, intestinal adenocarcinomas and lymphomas. This study reports on the biodistribution, safety and radiation absorbed dose of 111In-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N',N",N'-tetraacetic acid (DOTA)-lanreotide, a novel peptide tracer, which identifies hSST receptor (R) subtypes 2 through 5 with high affinity, and hSSTR1 with low affinity. METHODS: The tumor localizing capacity of 111In-DOTA-lanreotide was initially investigated in 10 patients (3 lymphomas, 5 carcinoids and 2 intestinal adenocarcinomas). Indium-111 -DOTA-lanreotide was then administered to 14 cancer patients evaluated for possible radiotherapy with 90Y-DOTA-lanreotide (8 neuroendocrine tumors, 4 intestinal adenocarcinomas, 1 Hodgkin lymphoma and 1 prostate cancer). After intravenous administration of 111In-DOTA-lanreotide (approximately = 150 MBq; 10 nmol/patient), sequential images over one-known tumor site were recorded during the initial 30 min after peptide application. Thereafter, whole-body images were acquired in anterior and posterior views up to 72 hr postinjection. Dosimetry calculations were performed on the basis of scintigraphic data, urine, feces and blood activities. A comparison with 111In-DTPA-D-Phe1-octreotide (111In-OCT) scintigraphy was performed in 8 of the patients. RESULTS: After an initial rapid blood clearance [results of biexponential fits: T(eff1) 0.4 min (fraction a1 80%) and T(eff2) 13 min (fraction a2 14%)], the radioactivity was excreted into the urine and amounted to 42% +/- 3% of the injected dose (%ID) within 24 hr and 62% +/- 6%ID within 72 hr after injection of 111In-DOTA-lanreotide. In all patients, tumor sites were visualized during the initial minutes after injection of 111In-DOTA-lanreotide. The mean radiation absorbed dose amounted to 1.2 (range 0.21-5.8) mGy/MBq for primary tumors and/or metastases. The effective half-lives of 111In-DOTA-lanreotide in the tumors were T(eff1) 4.9 +/- 2.2 and T(eff2) 37.6 +/- 6.6 hr, and the mean residence time tau was 1.8 hr. The highest radiation absorbed doses were calculated for the spleen (0.39 +/- 0.13 mGy/MBq), kidneys (0.34 +/- 0.08 mGy/MBq), urinary bladder (0.21 +/- 0.03 mGy/MBq) and liver (0.16 +/- 0.04 mGy/MBq). The effective dose was 0.11 +/- 0.01 (range 0.09-0.12) mSv/MBq. During the observation period of 72 hr, no side effects were noted after 111In-DOTA-lanreotide application. The 111In-DOTA-lanreotide radiation absorbed tumor dose was significantly higher (ratio 2.25 +/- 0.60, p < 0.01) when directly compared with 111In-OCT. CONCLUSION: Indium-111 -DOTA-lanreotide shows a high tumor uptake for a variety of different human tumor types, has a favorable dosimetry over 111In-OCT and is clinically safe.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Raf-1 kinase, a 72-kDa cytoplasmic serine-threonine kinase, plays a central role as a second messenger in signal transduction. After ligand binding to a variety of transmembrane tyrosine kinase growth factor receptors including epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, the 72-kDa kinase is activated through phosphorylation to a 74-kDa phosphoprotein. The Raf-1 kinase is constitutively activated in many transformed cells either directly, by mutations within its amino-terminus regulatory region, or indirectly, due to overstimulation by autocrine growth factors or activated proximal oncogenes. The role of Raf-1 kinase in breast cancer has not been studied. METHODS: To investigate the role of Raf-1 kinase expression and its activation in breast cancer, we studied three human breast cancer cell lines expressing varying amounts of EGF receptor to determine the level of Raf-1 protein and the proportion expressed in the higher molecular weight form. Effects of serum starvation and stimulation with EGF on the Raf-1 protein were studied in T47D, BT474, and MDA-MB231 cells by precipitation of cell lysates with an anti-Raf-1 antibody followed by immunoblotting. [3H]Thymidine incorporation by these cells after EGF stimulation was also determined as a measure of DNA synthesis. RESULTS: In all three breast cancer cell lines studied, the Raf-1 protein was identified in a 70- and a 74-kDa form. The level of Raf-1 was similar in all three cell lines and appeared unrelated to EGF receptor expression on the cell surface. The majority of the protein was found in the 74-kDa form even after serum starvation. A minor shift from the lower to higher molecular weight form of Raf-1 was apparent in cells treated with EGF, and increased [3H] thymidine incorporation could be demonstrated in two of the cell lines after EGF stimulation. CONCLUSION: Baseline expression of the 74-kDa or activated form of the Raf-1 kinase appeared to be elevated in the breast cancer cells studied, indicating constitutive activation. Further investigation into the role of Raf-1 protein in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is indicated.  相似文献   

An assay for the neutralization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is described in which the reduction in infectious titer of HIV-1 after preincubation at 37 degrees C with antibody-positive serum is the measure of neutralization. The assay format and its controls allow several experimental manipulations that, taken together, indicate an effect of antibody on HIV-1 infectivity that occurs before or independently of HIV-1 attachment. The direct inactivation of HIV-1 infectivity by antibody is irreversible and temperature dependent, requires a bivalent antibody directed against accessible envelope determinants, and does not require a heat-labile or (Ca2+)- or (Mg2+)-dependent cofactor. The mechanism of inactivation cannot be explained by agglutination of virus, nor is it associated with disruption or dissociation of envelope protein from virions. Rather, the antibody is likely to perturb some metastable property of the envelope that is required for entry. Laboratory-adapted HIV-1 isolates were more sensitive to the inactivating effects of sera than were primary patient isolates. The latter were particularly resistant to inactivation by contemporary autologous sera, a feature not explained by blocking antibodies. Additional studies showed a weak relationship between disease course and serum inactivation of the reference LAI laboratory strain of HIV-1. Heteroduplex analysis and autologous inactivation assays of sequential specimens from individual patients indicate that over time, the viral quasispecies that emerge and dominate are resistant to the inactivating effects of earlier sera.  相似文献   

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