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Experiments have been carried out with sheet molding compounds in which the amount of shear developed during molding was varied by changing the charge size. The effects of pressure and temperature were also investigated. The moldings were characterized by their mesostructures and the influence of the mesostructures on the Izod toughness and flexural strength was examined. It was found that high degrees of shear resulted in fiber orientation and the spreading of the fiber bundles. However, this did not improve properties, and it was concluded that for optimum properties, small amounts of shear were desirable. 相似文献
An experimental investigation was conducted into establishing relationships between the processing variables and the mechanical properties of compression-molded parts of sheet molding compounds (SMC). Emphasis was placed on investigating the effects on the tensile properties, impact strength, and dynamic mechanical properties of composite specimens, of low-profile additives, and of treating glass fibers (for reinforcement) with sizing chemicals. The processing variables investigated were cure time, mold temperature, and mold pressure. It was found that: (1) An optimum cure time and mold temperature exist for achieving molded SMC composites of the greatest tensile and impact strengths; (2) Of the four different types of low-profile thermoplastic additives employed, the poly(vinyl acetate) modified with acrylic acid gives rise to molded SMC composites having the greatest tensile and impact strengths; (3) An optimum cure time and mold temperature exist for achieving the highest glass-transition (Tg) of the low-profile additive; (4) The values of cure time and mold temperature that have yielded the greatest tensile and impact strengths also yield molded specimens having the highest Tg of the low-profile additive. 相似文献
Bonding and bolting strengths of a sheet molding compound (SMC-R30) are investigated. Epoxy adhesives are found to give good bonding strength. Surface pretreatment does not affect bond strength. Artificial weathering has practically no effect upon bond strength. Bolting strength depends on the width of the specimen for a certain bolt size. Bolting gives stronger joints than bonding. 相似文献
Fiber-reinforced plastics exhibit two types of mechanical failure: gross fracture and microcracking. Gross fracture involves both matrix and fiber failures. Principal resistance to crack propagation derives from partial decoupling of fibers and then stressing, remove finite volumes of them to fracture. Classical concepts of fracture mechanics can be applied to such composites, though modifications of methodology to treat anisotropy and other special effects are required. Microcracking occurs principally in the matrix phase and usually accompanies cyclic fatigue, drop impact, bending, or rapid cooling from molding temperatures. It lowers composite stiffness, environmental resistance and may reduce strength. Matrix resins require high fracture toughness to minimize or eliminate microcracking. This paper discusses cracking in bulk molding compounds and sheet molding compounds, complex materials containing high percentages of glass fibers and calcium carbonate filler. Microcracking can be greatly reduced by tire addition of small amounts of a rubber to the polyester matrix. Various tests such as impact, bending, acoustic emission and crack propagation demonstrate the improved toughness properties which result. No sacrifice of original strength characteristics occurs, and markedly improved resistance to damage has been noted with rubber modified epoxy and polyester matrix resins. 相似文献
The flow of fiber-reinforced composite materials in a plate-rib type mold geometry during compression molding was investigated using a series of sheet molding compounds (SMC). Material anisotropy in relation to the amount and the length of reinforcing fibers was analyzed. The influence of the interfacial friction between SMC charge and the mold surface on the flow and sink mark formation was also examined. The results were explained qualitatively by computer simulation. 相似文献
Experiments utilizing charges constructed of black and white sheet molding compound (SMC) reveal the basic kinematic mechanisms controlling the flow of the fiber-filled compound in compression molding. The experimental results show that SMC deforms in uniform extension within individual charge layers, with slip occurring at the mold surface and, for slower closing speeds, also between the layers of SMC. When the mold closes rapidly, the charge extends uniformly through its thickness, with all slip concentrated at the mold surface. 相似文献
One of the fastest‐growing applications of SMC compression molding is the manufacture of truck body panels. Because of their large size, the molding forces required are substantial and have a major influence on the molding cycle. Also, as SMC moves towards parts requiring higher strength, the fiber length and percentage by weight of fibers must increase. This will also contribute to larger molding forces. In this paper, a procedure is presented to evaluate the SMC rheological parameters needed to predict molding forces. In addition, the effect of SMC composition on the molding forces is investigated. In particular, we evaluate the effect of reinforcement type (glass versus carbon) and level, filler level and thickener level. It was found that the factors most affecting molding forces are the reinforcement length and level; and the filler level. In addition, it was discovered that for SMC thickened with magnesium oxide, the level of thickener does not affect the molding force. 相似文献
An improved internal reflection infrared spectroscopy (ATR) technique (1) has been found to be effective for measuring the relative concentrations of polyester and polystyrene (resin) and calcium carbonate filler on sheet molding compound (SMC) surfaces. The technique has been used to determine the effect of molding conditions on the surface compositions of three commercial SMC materials. The surface compositions of two of the materials, of the same formulation but obtained from different sources, were the same and were unaffected by molding conditions. The surface of the third material (or a different formulation) was found to have substantially less resin than the first two materials. The surface composition of the third material varied with molding conditions, the greatest uniformity being obtained with high molding temperatures and pressures. This study has shown that the ATR technique is suitable for determining the relative surface compositions of SMC formulations. This method will be used to correlate the SMC surface composition to SMC properties, such as surface appearance, paintability, and adhesive bond durability. 相似文献
Dag Slotfeldt-Ellingsen Elisabeth Magnus Eric Ekern Egil Holtmon Lars Corneliussen 《Polymer Composites》1986,7(6):431-434
Entrapped air can commonly lead to large delaminations in thick walled sheet molding compound (SMC) products. In this work different sources of air entrapment in SMC are investigated. The critical process is shown to be the impregnation of the fibers. If no surface active additives are used, large volumes of air may be entrapped in this process, unless the viscosity of the compound is very low. In this situation of poor wetting, the viscosity of the compound during fiber impregnation will critically determine the interlaminar, tensile strength of the product. However, if surface active additives are used, the air escapes entrapment even at relatively high viscosities. The lowering of the viscosity, which is a side effect of the additives, has practically no importance under these conditions of good wetting. Large numbers of small air bubbles are also entrapped during the mixing of the components, but it is shown that these bubbles have very little effect on the mechanical properties of the finished part. 相似文献
The effect of the absorption of water and isooctane on the rate of fatigue crack propagation of sheet molding compounds (SMC-R30 and SMC-R65) was investigated. A crack extension gage was used to measure the crack length. Results show that the absorption of water decreases the rate of fatigue crack propagation in the initial cycles but increases the rate of propagation in the final cycle. The absorption of isooctane into SMC-R65 tends to decrease the rate of fatigue crack propagation. Microscopic observation shows considerable swelling of the polyester matrix due to the absorption of water and no significant apparent effect due to the absorption of isooctane. 相似文献
C. David Shirrell 《Polymer Composites》1983,4(3):172-179
In this paper, the variability in static strengths of six glass fiber-reinforced sheet molding compounds (SMC) is reported. This variability was shown not to be caused by macroscopic variations in fiber, resin, filler, or void content nor gross fiber anisotropy. Weibull statistics were used to accurately characterize this variability, Random flaw models with the flaws being distributed in the volume, surface, or edge were shown not to predict the observed static strength variability in SMC. 相似文献
One of the fastest growing applications of sheet molding compound (SMC) compression molding is the manufacture of truck body panels. The trucking industry requires parts with high strength and stiffness, but the surface quality is also important. In this study, the effect of reinforcement type and length on physical properties, surface quality, and cycle time are evaluated. In particular, the effect of different lengths of carbon fibers and glass fibers with different sizing are studied. It was found that for the same volume percent, carbon fibers greatly improve the stiffness of the SMC at the sacrifice of strength and surface quality and also require larger fill times for the same molding force, as compared to glass fibers. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 90: 2557–2571, 2003 相似文献
S. V. Hoa 《Polymer Composites》1981,2(4):145-148
The Tensile strength of sheet molding compounds containing circular coutouts is investigated. The results show that sheet molding compounds contain inherent voids making the material unaffected by notches smaller than a certain size, The results show a reasonable fit with a three parameter model. 相似文献
The evolution of cavity pressure during the injection molding cycle has a strong influence on the quality of the molded part. The injection molding cycle can be divided into three stages: filling, packing, and cooling. In a previous paper, the authors reported on the design and implementation of a strategy to control cavity pressure during filling and packing. This paper deals with cavity pressure control during the cooling phase. A coolant temperature control system has been designed for the control of cavity pressure during the cooling phase. Alternative variables have been defined to describe changes in cavity pressure during the cooling phase. The concept of controlled pressure cooling time (CPCT) has been defined and selected as the most appropriate controlled variable. The dynamics of CPCT have been studied in relation to coolant temperature. A control system for CPCT has been designed and implemented. Finally, the paper shows that the control of CPCT is an effective approach for the control of cavity pressure during cooling. 相似文献
Design of molding tools and molding cycles for sheet molding compounds (SMC) is often expensive and time consuming. Computer simulation of the compression molding process is a desirable approach for reducing actual experimental runs. The focus of this work is to develop a computer model that can simulate the most important features of SMC compression molding, including material flow, heat transfer, and curing. A control volume/finite element approach was used to obtain the pressure and velocity fields and to compute the flow progression during compression mold filling. The energy equation and a kinetic model were solved simultaneously for the temperature and conversion profiles differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to experimentally measure the polymer zation kinetics. A rheometrics dynamic analyzer (RDA) was used to measure the rheological changes of the compound. A series of molding experiments was conducted to record the flow front location and material temperature. The results were compared to simulated flow front and temperature profiles. 相似文献
The design of moding tool and molding cycle for sheet molding compounds (SMC) is often expensive and time consuming. Computer simulation of the compression molding proces is a desirable approach to reduce experimental prototypes. The focus of this work is to develop an automatic optimization scheme utilizing an earlier developed SMC plrocess simulation program which is capable of simulating material flow, heat trensfer, and curing. The proposed scheme reduces computing time by using approximate responses, instead of actual simulated responses, to perform the optimization. The automated optimization package minimizes user intervention during optimal design by creating an automatic link between the optimization and simulation routines. A 2-level factorial design combined with regression analysis is adopted to gather and analyze computed information, and to serve as the approximation formula. Two examples are presented to test the applicability of the optimization scheme. 相似文献