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China's total foreign trade volume reached US$ 1,422.12 billion in 2005. 2.8 times that of 2001,the first year of the Tenth Five-Year Plan period,and increasing 23.2% or US$267.57 billion over the previous year,according to statistics from the customs. Of this,the export was US$762.0 billion,an increase of 28.4%,and the import was US$660.12 billion,up 17.6%,posing a trade surplus of US$101.88 billion,a record high for the country.China s total foreign trade volum e reached U S$1,422.12b…  相似文献   

The Chinese Government has recently published seven measures to ensure steady growth of foreign trade in 2009.  相似文献   

2010年我国医疗器械对外贸易达到226.56亿美元,同比增长23.47%。医疗器械中的诊疗设备,2010年进口65,23亿美元,占医疗器械行业总进口额的81.98%;出口47.52亿美元,占医疗器械行业总出口额的32.33%。全年贸易逆差17.73亿美元,通过对这些数据的分析,我国诊疗设备对外贸易逆差有继续扩大的趋势。  相似文献   

杨怡 《通用机械》2003,(10):11-12
跨国公司的制造重心转移,给中国的制造厂家带来了大量的外协加工业务,因而对中国的制造厂商来说,不仅仅是挑战,同时也是极好的机遇。  相似文献   

A ccording to custom s statistics,China s foreigntrade in January-A pril this year,at U S$514.72billion,rose24%over that of the sam e period of2005.O fthat,export,at U S$274.24billion,rose25.8%;im-port,at U S$240.48billion,surged22.1%.A ccum ulatedtrade surplus was U S$33.76billion,U S$12.84billionover last year.In A pril alone,China s im port and export totalledU S$143.44billion,a year-on-year rise of19.8%.O fthat,export,at U S$76.95billion,rost23.9%;im port,at U S$66.49billi…  相似文献   

<正>After outstripping Germany to become the world biggest exporter in 2009, China's total import and export value managed a year on year 44.8% growth in  相似文献   

According to customs statistics, in the first half of this year, China's total foreign trade, at US$522.97 billion, grew 39.1%. Of that, export went up by 35.7% to reach US$258.08 billion and import, at US$264.9 billion, expanded 42.6%. resulting in an accumulated trade deficit of US$6.82 billion. China's foreign trade continued its  相似文献   

陈秋菊  赵军 《一重技术》2002,(1):121-122
论述“三资”企业档案工作存在的问题,加强“三资”企业档案工作的有利因素和加强“三资”企业档案工作的措施。  相似文献   

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