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Experimental study on velocity characteristics of recirculation zone in humid air non-premixed flame
To examine the effect of the flow field within the recirculation zone on flame structure, the characteristic velocity fields
of methane/humid air flame in non-premixed combustion behind a disc bluff-body burner were experimentally studied by particle
image velocimeter (PIV).The results show that two stagnation points exist on the centerline in the recirculation zone flame.
However, the distance of the two stagnation points in humid air combustion shortens, and the minimal dimensionless velocity
increases compared with the conventional nonhumid air combustion. In addition, the positional curves of the minimal velocities
can be partitioned into three phases representing three different flame patterns. The analysis of axial minimal velocities
on the centerline and their positions under different co-flow air velocity conditions reveals that fuel-to-air velocity ratio
is the crucial parameter that governs humid air combustion flame characteristics.
Translated from Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2007, 41(3): 357–360, 365 [译自: 上海交通大学学报] 相似文献
The main objective of the present experimental study is to analyze the turbulent structure in humid air non-premixed flame, and determine the effect of humidity on the flow field and the flame stability limit in turbulent non-premixed flame. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used to capture the instantaneous appearance of vortex structures and obtain the quantitative velocity field. The distributions of Reynolds shear stress, mean and root-mean squared fluctuating (rms) velocities are examined to get insight into the effect of fuel-to-air velocity ratio on velocity flow field. The results show that with steam addition, the air-driven vortex in the bluff-body wake is thinner; the biggest peaks of rms velocity and Reynolds shear stress are lower; the distance between the peaks of rms velocity on the sides of centerline reduces. Besides these, the flame stability is affected. Both central fuel penetration limit and partially quenching limit reduce with steam addition. 相似文献
For three decades, hydrogen has been identified as a versatile potential fuel concurrent to the conventional fuel such as gasoline. In order to fully implement it and to develop the combustion based power devices that may supply much higher energy density, it is very essential to understand the mechanism of Hydrogen/Air combustion. In this work, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) numerical simulations have been performed to study the combustion of non-premixed turbulent hydrogen-air mixture with different equivalence ratios and different mass flow rates and its effect on different species formation, peak temperature and NOx formation. The performance of the combustor is evaluated by using FLUENT software under adiabatic wall condition. Generalized finite rate chemistry model was used to analyze the hydrogen-air combustion system. The combustion is modeled using multi-step reaction mechanism with 14 species, until complete conversion of fuel to H2O. Through such a systematic analysis, a proper controlled operation condition for the combustor is suggested which may be used as a guideline for combustor design. Results reported in this work illustrate that the CFD simulation can be one of the most powerful, beneficial and economical tool for combustor design and for optimization and performance analysis. They are more sensitive to the model of the transport properties while the reasonable results can be achieved even with the use of global reaction mechanism and a simple turbulence model as k- ε, which are not excessively time and memory consuming. From an environmental point view, this study shows that the radical production (OH and NO) is very small although maximum temperature reached exceeded 2000 (K). The mass fraction of NO is much lower if we increase the air inlet velocity, which makes the cold reaction mixture do not promote the NO formation by dissociation. 相似文献
Jeong Park Dong‐Jin Hwang Jin‐Oh Chung Sang‐In Keel Sung‐Hoon Shim Seong‐Beom Lee 《国际能源研究杂志》2004,28(10):861-885
A numerical study with momentum‐balanced boundary conditions has been conducted to grasp the chemical effects of added CO2 to fuel‐ and oxidizer‐sides on flame structure and NO emission behaviour in H2–O2 diffusion flames with varying flame location. A reaction mechanism is proposed to show better agreements with experimental results in CO2‐added hydrogen flames. Oxidizer‐side dilution results in significantly higher flame temperatures and NO emission. Flame location is dramatically changed due to high diffusivity of hydrogen according to variation of the composition of fuel‐ and oxidizer‐sides. This affects flame structure and NO emission considerably especially the chemical effects of added CO2. The present work also displays separately thermal contribution and prompt NO emission due to the chemical effects caused by thermal dissociation of added CO2 in NO emission behaviour. It is found that flame temperature and the flame location affect the contribution of thermal and prompt NO due to chemical effects considerably in NO emission behaviour. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
An investigation of the stability limits of biogas jet non-premixed (diffusion) flames in a co-flowing air stream was conducted. The stability limits were determined experimentally for two different methane–carbon dioxide mixtures that represent the typical biogas composition. Moreover, the effect of jet nozzle diameter was also investigated. It was found that with the presence of a significant amount of CO2 in the fuel, the stability limits were very low and the flames can only be stabilized over a very small range of co-flowing air velocities. As expected, an increase in carbon dioxide concentration resulted in the narrowing of the region for stable flames. However, it was shown that the flame stability of such mixtures can be enhanced very significantly over a much wider range of co-flowing air velocities by introducing a small amount of hydrogen into the fuel. Results obtained in the current experimental setup indicate that an increase in the stability limits by approximately four-fold when 10% (by vol.) of hydrogen is added under the same operating conditions. The effect of the addition of hydrogen on the enhancement of biogas stability is most significant with a 10% initial addition. The degree of enhancement diminishes with further increases in hydrogen addition from 10% to 30%. 相似文献
Experiments were performed to investigate the differences between the propane/air turbulent diffusion reactive flows past
bluff-body and the propane/humid air turbulent diffusion reactive flows in the same conditions. The velocity distributions
of the non-humid reactive flow fields and the humid reactive flow fields were measured by particle image velocimetry (PIV)
techniques. The temperature fields were measured by high temperature thermocouples, and NOx distributions were obtained by using gas detection instruments. The results show that although humid air reactive flow fields
are similar to non-humid flow fields in general, there are some differences in the humid air combustion flow field comparing
with the non-humid combustion flow field: the center of the reversed-flow region goes forward; the dimension of the reversed-flow
region is smaller; the peak temperature and NOx formation are reduced. It is suggested that humid air combustion is helpful to shorten the axial length of combustors, and
reduce the formation of pollutants.
Translated from Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2006, 40(8): 1 287–1 292 [译自: 上海交通大学学报] 相似文献
The leaks of pressurized hydrogen can be ignited if an ignition source is within a certain distance from the source of the leaks, and jet fires or explosions may take place. In this paper, a high speed camera was used to investigate the ignition kernel development, ignition probability and flame propagation along the axis of hydrogen jets, which leaked from a 3-mm-internal-diameter nozzle and were ignited by an electric spark. Experimental results indicate that for successful ignition events, the ignition delay time increases with an increase of the distance between the nozzle and the electrode. Ignitable zone of the hydrogen jets is underestimated if using the predicted hydrogen concentration along the jets centerline. The average rate of downstream flame decreases but that of the upstream flame increases with the electrode going far from the nozzle. 相似文献
A premixed flame propagating through a combination of vortices in a tube/channel is studied using direct numerical simulations of the complete set of combustion equations including thermal conduction, diffusion, viscosity, and chemical kinetics. Two cases are considered, a single-mode vortex array and a multimode combination of vortices obeying the Kolmogorov spectrum. It is shown that the velocity of flame propagation depends strongly on the vortex intensity and size. The dependence on the vortex intensity is almost linear in agreement with the general belief. The dependence on the vortex size may be imitated by a power law ∝D2/3. This result is different from theoretical predictions, which creates a challenge for the theory. In the case of the Kolmogorov spectrum of vortices, the velocity of flame propagation is noticeably smaller than for a single-mode vortex array. The flame velocity depends weakly on the thermal expansion of burning matter within the domain of realistically large expansion factors. Comparison to the experimental data indicates that small-scale turbulence is not the only effect that influences the flame velocity in the experimental flows. Large-scale processes, such as the Darrieus-Landau instability and flame-wall interaction, contribute considerably to the velocity of flame propagation. Still, on small scales, the Darrieus-Landau instability becomes important only for a sufficiently low vortex intensity. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2023,48(12):4875-4890
The effects of different initial temperatures (T = 300–500 K) and different hydrogen volume fractions (5%–20%) on the combustion characteristics of premixed syngas/air flames in rectangular tubes were investigated experimentally. A high-speed camera and pressure sensor were used to obtain flame propagation images and overpressure dynamics. The CHEMKIN-PRO model and GRI Mech 3.0 mechanism were used for simulation. The results show that the flame propagation speed increases with the initial temperature before the flame touches the wall, while the opposite is true after the flame touches the wall. The increase in initial temperature leads to the increase in overpressure rise rate in the early flame propagation process, but the peak overpressure is reduced. The laminar burning velocity (LBV) and adiabatic flame temperature (AFT) increase with increasing initial temperature. The increase in initial temperature makes the peaks of H, O, and OH radicals increase. 相似文献
Minggao Yu Xufeng Yang Kai Zheng Ligang Zheng Xiaoping Wen 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(29):13676-13686
The propagation behaviour of a deflagration premixed syngas/air flame over a wide range of equivalence ratios is investigated experimentally in a closed rectangular duct using a high-speed camera and pressure transducer. The syngas hydrogen volume fraction, φ, ranges from 0.1 to 0.9. The flame propagation parameters such as flame structure, propagation time, velocity and overpressure are obtained from the experiment. The effects of the equivalence ratio and hydrogen fraction on flame propagation behaviour are examined. The results indicate that the hydrogen fraction in a syngas mixture greatly influences the flame propagation behaviour. When φ, the hydrogen fraction, is ≥0.5, the prominently distorted tulip flame can be formed in all equivalence ratios, and the minimum propagation time can be obtained at an equivalence ratio of 2.0. When φ < 0.5, the tulip flame distortion only occurs in a hydrogen fraction of φ = 0.3 with an equivalence ratio of 1.5 and above. The minimum flame propagation time can be acquired at an equivalence ratio of 1.5. The distortion occurs when the maximum flame propagation velocity is larger than 31.27 m s?1. The observable oscillation and stepped rise in the overpressure trajectory indicate that the pressure wave plays an important role in the syngas/air deflagration. The initial tulip distortion time and the plane flame formation time share the same tendency in all equivalence ratios, and the time interval between them is nearly constant, 4.03 ms. This parameter is important for exploring the quantitative theory or models of distorted tulip flames. 相似文献
This paper studied the flame propagation characteristics of heavy oil oxy-fuel combustion in ignition and stable combustion. The results showed that the ignition process could be divided into three stages: the pro-ignition, mid-ignition and end-ignition. The pro-ignition, the fire core generated and evolved into spherical; the mid-ignition, the spherical fire core gradually turn into tapered structure; the end-ignition, the flame tapered structure disappeared and turn into a relative stable columnar structure. By calculating the flame propagation velocities, we found that in the same combustion atmosphere, the flame propagation velocity in 29% O2 was higher than that in 21% O2; in the same O2 concentration, the flame propagation velocity in O2/N2 atmosphere was higher than that in O2/CO2. During the stable combustion, we observed the local flame structure extinguished, distorted and grew. 相似文献
The analysis of local entropy generation and exergy loss was performed in a turbulent non-premixed H2-enriched CH4–air bluff-body flame. Detailed chemical kinetic, transport properties, and turbulence-chemistry interaction were taken into account in using laminar flamelet model for the simulation of combustion process via an in-house, finite volume code. The analysis was based on local entropy generation calculation. Results showed that thermal conduction made the most contribution to entropy generation followed by chemical reaction and mass diffusion, while the contribution of viscous dissipation was negligible. Entropy generation resulting from thermal conduction occurs in a large volume of the domain, while entropy generation resulting from chemical reaction and mass diffusion occurs only near the bluff surface. The effect of H2 addition to fuel and air preheating on the entropy generation rate was investigated. It was observed that entropy generation and exergy loss were decreased by H2 addition, mainly due to a decrease in the chemical reaction component of entropy generation, while entropy generation resulting from thermal conduction slightly increased and entropy generation resulting from mass diffusion remained almost constant. Entropy generation resulting from heat conduction by preheating combustion air decreased, while entropy generation resulting from chemical reaction and mass diffusion remained almost constant. The decrease of thermal conduction contribution in entropy generation is so significant that, by preheating air up to 750 K in the case of pure CH4, chemical reaction becomes the main source of irreversibility. These investigations show that H2 addition and preheating the combustion air both lead to the improvement of the second law efficiency, although the second law efficiency is more sensitive to flame structure and air temperature. 相似文献
Shohei Yamamoto Ryo Sakatsume Keiji Takeno 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(10):5199-5205
Relationships between flame lift-off heights and reservoir pressure were experimentally investigated in order to clarify blow-off process of hydrogen non-premixed jet flames with a highly under-expanded jet structure. In this study, straight nozzles with diameters of 0.34, 0.53, 0.75 and 1.12 mm were used with maximum reservoir pressure for spouting hydrogen of 13.2 MPa. Experimental results are shown that lift-off heights in stable under-expanded jet flames do not vary significantly and are independent of the reservoir pressure in the range of studied pressure. However, the lifted heights are affected by the nozzle diameters and become smaller as the nozzle diameters increase. From experimental results, the condition for the blow-off process of under-expanded subsonic jet flames was proposed. It was concluded that the under-expanded jet flame could be blown off when the maximum waistline position, where radial distance from the jet axis to an elliptic stoichiometric contour reaches its maximum comes closer to the nozzle exit than the edge of the jet flame base. 相似文献
Min Jung Lee Sang Moon Cho Byung Il Choi Nam Il Kim 《Applied Thermal Engineering》2010,30(14-15):2227-2235
Small energy sources have been interested with the recent development of small-scale mechanical systems. With the purpose of developing a basic model of micro-combustors of heat recirculation, small combustors of a counter-current channel type were fabricated, and the premixed flame stabilization characteristics were investigated experimentally. Each combustor consists of a combustion space and a pair of counter-current channels for heat recirculation. The channel gap was less than the ordinary quenching distance of a stoichiometric methane-air premixed flame. Depending on the flame locations and structures, flame stabilization was classified into four modes: an ordinary mode, a channel mode, a radiation mode, and a well-stirred reaction mode. Base-scale combustors of stainless steel were initially examined. Additional half-scale combustors of stainless steel and quartz were fabricated and their flame stabilization conditions were compared. Consequently, a change of the material of the combustor significantly affected the flame stabilization compared to the effects of a scale-down design. A half-scale quartz combustor had a wide range of flame stabilization conditions. Surface temperatures and the composition of the emission gas were measured. At a higher flow rate, the combustor temperature increases and the light emission from the middle wall is enhanced to extend the flame stabilization conditions. The combustion efficiency and the composition of emitted gas were feasible. These results provide useful information for the design of small-scale combustors. 相似文献
《Applied Thermal Engineering》2014,62(2):513-519
Humid air turbine (HAT) cycle is an advanced power generation system, and its efficiency and output power are improved by humidifying the compressed air. This humidification process is completed in the saturator. Therefore, the humidifying performance of saturator has great influence on the performance of HAT cycle. In this work, a new type packing saturator was designed and a series of experiments were carried out to study its humidifying performance. In order to improve the uniformity of the saturator inlet, a twin-tangential annular flow gas distributor was designed. Then it was authorized by China invention patents (ZL201010200778.9). Now, the mal-distribution factor of inlet air is mainly between 0.15 and 0.35 in all experimental conditions. Some key parameters of air and water at the inlet and outlet of saturator were measured at different experimental conditions. These results show the outlet humid air temperature is an important parameter for determining the humidifying amount of the saturator. The humidifying performance of the saturator is mainly affected by the inlet water temperature and the liquid/gas (L/G) ratio. At the same operating pressure, the humidity ratio of outlet humid air increases with inlet water temperature and L/G ratio. At higher inlet water temperature, the L/G ratio has a greater effect on the humidity ratio of outlet humid air. The outlet water temperature is mainly affected by the inlet gas temperature. With the increasing of inlet air temperature, the outlet water temperature increases, and it is close to the wet-bulb temperature of inlet air. 相似文献
Experimental and numerical study on premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Huahua Xiao Qingsong WangXuechao He Jinhua SunLiyin Yao 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2010
Hydrogen is a promising energy in the future, and it is desirable to characterize the combustion behavior of its blends with air. The premixed hydrogen/air flame microstructure and propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct were recorded using high-speed video and Schlieren device. Numerical simulation was also performed on Fluent CFD code to compare with the experimental result. A tulip flame is formed during the flame propagating, and then the tulip flame formation mechanism was proposed based on the analysis. The induced reverse flow and vortex motion were observed both in experiment and simulation. The interactions among the flame, reverse flow and vortices in the burned gas change the flame shape and ultimately it develops into a tulip flame. During the formation of the tulip flame, the tulip cusp slows down and stops moving after its slightly forward moving, and then, it starts to move backward and keeps on a longer time, after that, it moves forward again. The structure of the tulip flame is becoming less stable with its length decreasing in flame propagation direction. The flame thickness increases gradually which is due to turbulence combustion. 相似文献
Hongliang Jiang Liangfei Xu Chuan Fang Xingwang Zhao Zunyan Hu Jianqiu Li Minggao Ouyang 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2017,42(29):18551-18559
Durability and start-up ability in sub-zero environment are two technical bottlenecks of vehicular polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell systems. With exhaust gas recirculation on the anode and cathode side, the cell voltage at low current density can be reduced, and the membrane can be humidified without external humidifier. They may be helpful to prolong the working lifetime and to promote the start-up ability. This paper presents an experimental study on a PEM fuel cell system with anodic and cathodic recirculation. The system is built up based on a 10 kW fuel cell stack, which consists of 50 cells and has an active area of 261 cm2. A cathodic recirculation pump and a hydrogen recirculation pump are utilized on the cathode and anode side, respectively. Key parameters, e.g., stack current, stack voltage, cell voltage, air flow, relative humidity on the cathode side, oxygen concentration at the inlet and outlet of the cathode side, are measured. Results show that: 1) with a cathodic recirculation the system gets good self-humidification effect, which is similar to that with an external humidifier; 2) with a cathodic recirculation and a reduction of fresh air flux, the cell voltage can be obviously reduced; 3) with an anodic recirculation the cell voltage can also be reduced due to a reduction in the hydrogen partial pressure, the relative humidity on the cathode side is a little smaller than the case with only cathode recirculation. It indicates that, for our stack the cathodic recirculation is effective to clamp cell voltage at low current density, and a self-humidification system is possible with cathodic recirculation. Further study will focus on the dynamic model and control of the dual recirculation fuel cell system. 相似文献