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本文基于机器人无碰轨迹规划原理,给出了一种液压系统CAD自动布线算法。  相似文献   

本文基于机器人无碰轨迹规划原理,给出了一种液压系统CAD自动布线算法。  相似文献   

细丝CO2自动焊机的单片机智能控制系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王雅生  张庆  蔡洪能 《电焊机》2000,30(10):7-10
针对目前细丝CO2焊自动焊机焊接电流和电弧电压-之间存在非线性调节关系,利用人工调节很难使两者达到最佳匹配的难点,研究了一种以16位80C196KC数字单片机为核心器件,通过自主开发的软件自动实现电弧电压与焊接电流最传真匹配的智能控制系统。系统设计了旨在补偿电弧电压寻优过程中焊接电流念头的模糊控制器,同时采髟优选法自动对电弧电压进行夺电流值下的以实现最高短路过渡频率为目标的自寻优。  相似文献   

为实现成捆圆钢端面标牌焊接的自动化,设计一套以双目视觉测量引导的基于工业机器人的标牌自动焊接系统。整个系统主要由工业机器人、双目视觉识别系统、焊钉送料系统、标牌制备系统、末端操作器、控制系统等构成。双目识别系统采用双目相机扫描成捆圆钢端面,得到焊接位置坐标;焊钉供料系统实现焊钉的分料传送,标牌制备系统通过激光打标机将圆钢生产信息制作在标牌上,并将标牌输送到指定位置;末端操作器由工业机器人带动实现焊钉与标牌的抓取、定位焊接以及掰断焊钉尾部等操作;焊接控制系统中工控机与机器人、PLC、双目视觉测量系统等进行通信,完成标牌焊接的自动化流程。  相似文献   

焊条电弧稳定性是影响其工艺性的主要因素,为避免焊条电弧焊因焊工技能差异对电弧稳定性评价造成影响,导致难以对焊条本身工艺稳定性做出真实、客观评价,基于焊条自动焊机器人,通过电弧分析仪对E308L-16焊条焊接电参数进行测试,同时结合高速摄像等同步检测平台,提取与熔滴过渡形态相关的特征信息,进行E308L-16焊条电弧稳定...  相似文献   

针对机器人生产线数字化仿真设计、验证环境,讨论了工业机器人及生产线仿真研究现状及存在问题,提出机器人虚拟样机设计思想,构成机器人生产线连续制造过程仿真的重要组成部分。同时分析生产线仿真中针对离散制造事件的处理方法,应用面向对象技术进行生产线离散制造过程建模,成为进行生产线仿真的有效研究手段。  相似文献   

研制了一种高能工业X射线照相自动换片机器人系统,系统采用合理的机械结构设计和工业机器人技术,实现胶片暗盒的自动抓取与存放以解决人工换片耗时费力、辐射防护困难等问题,缩短了检测时间,降低了射线辐射风险,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

姚宇  张秋菊  陈宵燕  吕青  焦露 《焊接学报》2023,(5):122-128+136
针对机器人在空间曲面焊接过程中需要保持焊接速度和焊炬位姿恒定的工艺要求,提出了一种适用于复杂空间曲面焊接机器人的运动规划方法,该方法采用NURBS曲线对三维点云描述的空间轨迹进行光顺逼近,建立机器人配合变位机组成的多自由度焊接系统运动学模型并进行逆运动学求解.开发了一套完整的复杂空间曲面焊接机器人自动编程系统.以翻领成型器为例进行了复杂空间曲面焊接机器人的自动编程及焊接试验.结果表明,文中提出的复杂空间曲面焊接机器人运动规划方法和自动编程系统能够顺利完成焊接任务,且运动平稳,具有良好的焊接轨迹精度.  相似文献   

锻压生产量的提高,必须提高设备的利用系数和缩短新产品投产准备时间,这就提出了研制和在三业中广泛应用柔性自动化锻压成套装置的问题。在一般情况下,自动化成套装置包括以下的各部分:压力机,自动装坯料和取出制件的系统,将模具快速固定在机床工作区的模具自动化调换系统,换模架及控制系统。组成锻压自动化系统,就可利用提高设备生产率的额外潜力提高生产效率。因为手工操作,重新调整所要耗费全年设备总工时的10~20%  相似文献   

详细介绍了“三K行星齿轮减速器”的结构特点和装配任务,并在基于双臂SCARATES机器人的基础上,设计了该产品的自动化装配单元,论述了细小件产品在进行快速高精度装配时所需要解决的关键技术,获得了极具理论和实验价值的结论。  相似文献   

键合时间对粗铝丝超声引线键合强度的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究了不同超声功率条件下,键合时间对粗铝丝引线键合强度的影响规律.试验中记录了每种键合试验的键合时间,采集了每一个键合点的剪切测试力作为键合点抗剪强度的表征,记录了每个键合点的状态.结果表明:(1)在小超声功率条件下,键合强度对键合时间敏感;在大超声功率条件下,敏感性下降;(2)短键合时间条件下主要键合失败形式为剥离和无粘接,表明键合界面的原子扩散不够;(3)大超声功率长键合时间条件下的键合失败形式多为根切,表明键合界面的原子扩散虽然足够,但长时间的超声振动也会使粗铝丝产生疲劳断裂,形成过键合.  相似文献   

机器人自动化弧焊生产线是运用机器人、焊接设备和辅助设备自动完成产品焊接过程的生产系统,简称"机器人焊接自动线"。该系统由弧焊机器人、数字化焊机、气动夹紧工装、伺服变位机、搬运机器人、自动化物流设备、自动打标设备、自动化检测设备、PLC控制系统、二维码识别设备、RFID智能识别设备、计算机MES管理系统、数据库软件系统、工装自动切换系统组成,全面实现了汽车零部件的自动化、智能化、柔性化生产。生产线减少了人工干预,提升了自动化水平,同时为稳定产品质量,实现客户定制化生产提供了坚实的保障。阐述机器人焊接自动线的自动化、智能化、柔性化关键技术及如何选择和使用机器人焊接自动线。  相似文献   

晶硅衬底参数对太阳电池输出特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用晶硅电池模拟软件PC1D研究晶硅衬底的厚度、少子寿命及掺杂浓度对电池输出特性的影响规律。结果表明:晶硅衬底的厚度对电池输出特性的影响与其少子的扩散长度有关,衬底厚度的减小有利于其开路电压的提高,存在一最佳厚度值使其转换效率、短路电流及填充因子最高;当少子的扩散长度远大于衬底厚度时,电池的输出特性几乎与衬底厚度无关;当衬底少子扩散长度与衬底厚度的比值为2.5~3.0时,电池的转换效率最高;晶硅衬底的掺杂浓度在5×1015~1×1017cm 3之间,即电阻率在0.2~3.0.cm范围内时,晶硅电池能获得良好的输出特性。  相似文献   

Multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) films are prepared on a conductive substrate by electrophoretic deposition. The thickness of MWCNT films is found to increase with the carbon nanotube concentration and the deposition duration. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray measurements detect magnesium particles incorporated on the MWCNT films. The performance of dye-sensitized solar cell using the electrophoretically MWCNT films as a counter electrode shows a relationship dependent on the film thickness and the amount of magnesium loading. The increase in the magnesium loading on carbon films diminishes the solar cell efficiency. This is because magnesium particles cover the carbon nanotube surface reducing the nanotube catalytic sites and blocking electron transfer to tri-iodide (I3) ions.  相似文献   

Hetero-junction solar cells with an mc-Si:H window layer were achieved. The open voltage is increased while short current is decreased with increasing the mc-Si:H layer's thickness of emitter layer. The highest of V oc of 597 mV has obtained. When fixed the thickness of 30 nm, changing the N type from amorphous silicon layer to micro-crystalline layer, the efficiency of the hetero-junction solar cells is increased. Although the hydrogen etching before deposition enables the c-Si substrates to become rough by AFM images, it enhances the formation of epitaxial-like micro-crystalline silicon and better parameters of solar cell can be obtained by implying this process. The best result of efficiency is 13.86% with the V oc of 549.8 mV, J sc of 32.19 mA·cm-2 and the cell's area of 1cm2.  相似文献   

Purification of solar cell silicon materials through filtration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon is the material most commonly used in the manufacturing of photovoltaic (PV) cells. In the current study, laboratory experiments of purification of solar cell silicon materials through filtration are carried out. Inclusion removal from silicon was investigated. The purpose is to achieve clean silicon materials for solar cells. Silicon samples and filter samples were analyzed using microscopeobservation, EPMA, and X-ray detection. Silicon nitride (Si3N4) and silicon carbide (SiC) particles are the main non-metallic inclusions present in top-cut silicon scrap. Almost all inclusions larger than 10 μm can be removed from silicon by the porous foam filter. In mass fraction, more than 90% inclusions areremoved. Si3N4 particles are mainly removed on the top surface of the filter, and SiC particles are mainly removed by entering the pores and attaching tothe filter material. SiC inclusions are not only simply attached on the surfaceof the filter material, but are found also inside the filter material. There are SiC bridges near the filter materials. These bridges may fill the spaces between filter material, and this will further retard inclusions passing through the filter. Three-dimensional turbulent fluid flow and inclusion motion in the filter was calculated. Both experimental observation and fluid flow simulation indicate that most of the inclusions are entrapped at the upper part of the filter.  相似文献   

High-temperature oxidation-resistant alloys are currently considered as a candidate material for construction of interconnects in intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Among these alloys, however, different groups of alloys demonstrate different advantages and disadvantages, and few, if any, can completely satisfy the stringent requirements for the application. To integrate the advantages and avoid the disadvantages of different groups of alloys, cladding has been proposed as one approach in fabricating metallic layered interconnect structures. To examine the feasibility of this approach, the austenitic Ni-base alloy Haynes 230 and the ferritic stainless steel AL 453 were selected as examples and manufactured into a clad metal. Its suitability as an interconnect construction material was investigated. This paper provides a brief overview of the cladding approach and discusses the viability of this technology to fabricate the metallic layered-structure interconnects. This paper was presented at the ASM Materials Solutions Conference & Show held October 18–21, 2004 in Columbus, OH.  相似文献   

A spherical Si solar cell with a reflector cup was successfully fabricated by a dropping method at decompression state. In the dropping method, melted Si droplets were instilled at decompression state (0.5× 105Pa) to reduce crystal growth rate, dominating crystal quality such as dislocation density in crystal grains. Spherical Si solar cells were fabricated using the spherical Si crystals with a diameter of 1 mm and then mounted on a reflector cup. The current-voltage measurement of the solar cell shows an energy conversion efficiency of 11.1% (short-circuit current density ( Jsc ):24.7 mA·cm-2,open-circuit voltage: 601 mV, fill factor:74.6%). Minority carrier diffusion length determined by surface photovoltage method was 98 μm. This value can be enhanced by the improvement of crystal quality of spherical Si crystals. These results demonstrate that spherical Si crystals fabricated by the dropping method has a great potential for substrate material of high-efficiency and low-cost solar cells.  相似文献   

A line shaped electron beam recrystallised polycrystalline silicon film on the low cost substrate was investigated for the use of the solar cell absorber. The applied EB energy density strongly influences the surface morphology of the film system. Lower EB energy density results in droplet morphology and the rougher SiO2 capping layer due to the low fluidity. With the energy increasing, thecapping layer becomes smooth and continuous and less and small pinholes form in the silicon film. Tungstendisilicide (WSi2) is formed at the interface tungsten/silicon but also at the grain boundaries of the silicon. Because of the fast melting and cooling of the silicon film, the eutectic of silicon and tungstendisilicide mainly forms at the grain boundary of the primary silicon dendrites. The SEM-EDX analysis shows that there are no chlorine and hydrogen in the area surrounding a pinhole after recrystallization because of outgassing during the solidification.  相似文献   

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